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Getting started
. . ' > between cad1 pair ol
\\ n1e the c<>rrs-ct mcqu.ihl). < or ·
d,-.:im,11 numbers.
Rememb er that:
The fiN <inc has been done for you.
a 4.2>J.9 b 6.4~8 I C 12. s r J 11.9 < means 'less
d 3.,LJJ.2 e 0 "'i~0.4 f p 7
--· L
-, 32.8 than'
2 Herc arc four decimal number cc1rd,. > means 'greater
\\rite: the numbers in incrc;1smg ,aluc. from smallest to largest
3 \\"rite TI rue) l>r F (false) for each of the folio\\ mg.
a 4.3.7 ,,.5.12 b 8.91 <9.9 1 c 11.03> 11.95
d 1.45 135 e 072>0.79 f 10.85<10 .99
4 Work out the following. sho,, ing your working.
a -1.56+ !l.~5 b 9.7 1 4.48
c 16.78 14.93 d 7.87-3.9 Set out these
s calculations with
Match each y<!llow question card ,,uh its correct blue the numbers
mc;,.ver card.
aligned under
SXS.4'.! SxJ.3 4 X 6.9 [21.01 25.5 ][ each other. So,
. •••... .....
••• J 26.4
.,.~: 1•1 -t . 12x2.4 6X4.25 ]
for part a, write

·-··· 6 [Jz.6.=J [ 28.8

J ,, tlie calculation as:
II ••·• Work our.
/::.:::~: 4.65
.. ........ a 6.1
' b 4.9-7
••• + 8.35
JI C 18.66 6 d .
I• ,,.,!;, -•••.,. . . -........
........__ __ ,~= ......... .........
• • ct

. ..... I
... 2.iJ' -
··········· ···
I I • :::
I ! •.•.• . :•.•.• •.• •:::: ••••!'
II "' ............. . '. ............... :
:: ....~~~=-····1
.········. . _. ········•;.......
:• ..... ::·
········ ... .u::...••··1····
:. .. :11........ ....... ••==····:
:;.. •::.. ==··:::
■ u• ■ uw~

•••••••• •••••••• •••••••• •••
~-• :; ■ WM :

• • • : : ...... _..
- ■ ■■ • • •

·-·,t:, "'✓•... ·••··············· •
•• ·1·•z~•
I~ le
6 :l''i1 :fl:j, ~----- . ~ ....
• ········
: II •••.. ········ ········ ········
. . ..,.. ...... ··
. •••• •••
••I~ 11:l/ :
• ~---.... ::
== :: •••••• •.■■-~-

~• ••.•
.:·:: u 14 .. ... • •••••••

■• ■• • ■• ■ r1 ■
•• ••• •• :.
. . . . . ~~-1
fl o.l U 1-l ·1.,; ti W
4 Drcimals

l11cdc,1111.1I ~)"tcm 1, ,1 n11mlw1 !\\!.ll'l1I h.1,l·d 1111 Ill Y1111 can w1i1c all
the numhcr.; tNng 111~1 th,''"" d1r1h. o. I . ., , I, 5. <,. 7. 8 .,ml 'J.
The- \\Orl,I\ c.1rhc-,1 dn·1111.ll ,, ,tl'lll 11,ed line, to reprc,enl numbers, so
thllr d1g11" I ll' 9 llll,h•d ,m11lar to this:
5 <, 7 8 CJ

I II Ill 1111 11111 T 7T 77T lTIT

Before the:-) mbol for ,cro (0) \\as 111,cnted. rcople used a blank space
10 reprc,cnt .:ro.

\I. (,)untne, tn the \\Orld use a decimal system for their currency,
,, h~ ·cb, each uml of currency is based on a multiple of I0.
Fo. c,... 1 p c

LS.\. I dollar= 100 cents ($1 = 100c) Gambia. I dalasi = I 00 bu tuts

L K. I pound= 100 pence (£1 = I00p) China. I yuan= I00 fen
Lw pe. I curo= 100 cents (Cl= 100c) Thailand, I baht= 100 satang
\\'hen vou travel to different countries, you need to use difTcrent
curren~ies. It is easier to understan d new cum.:ncies if they are based,
hke that of _our o,, n count!") "s. on the decimal system.

77 )
4 D c,mals

> 4.1 Ordering decimals

In this section you will ...
• compare and order decimals.
decimal nu...
1i.l order ,kcnnal numbers. )OU write them from the smallest to the largest fourth
Different whole-number parts order
hN. compare the 11hok...number part of the numbers. tenths
c hider thes~ three decimal numbers: 8 9. 14.639. 6.45 whole-number
• If )OU highlight just the whole-number parts,
) OU gct.
8.9. 14.639. 6.45
You can sa: that 14 is the biggest of the whole
, numbers and 6 1s the smallest.
So. morder of ~i,c. the numbers are: 6.45. 8.9. 14.639

Same whole-number parts

\\'hen you have to put m order numbers with the same whole-num
part, you must first compare the tenths, then the hundredths, and so
Consider these three decimal numbers: 2.82. 2.6, 2.816
TI1ey all have the same whole number of 2. 'l.82. 2 6. 2 816
If you highlight just the tenths. you get: 2.82. 2.6, 2.816
You can sec that 2.6 is the smallest. but the other
two numbers both ha,e 8 tenths. so highlight lhe Wri~e the 2.6 at
hundredths. 2.6. 2.82, 2.816 the start because
you know it 1s ;he
\ou can see that 2.816 is smaller than 2.82.
smallest numbe'·
So, in order of size. the number~ arc: 2.6, 2.816, 2.82

Worked example 4.1

I or each ~cl,\\ rite the decimal numbers in order of sizc.
a 6 8, 4.23, 7.lll I. 0.77 b 4.06, 4.6. 4.08

78 )
4.1 Ordering decimals

Continue d
An swer

a 0. 77. 4.23. 6.8. ~.811 All these numbers ba\'e a different whole-number part. so you
don't need to compare the decimal p: rt Simply wnte the numbers
in order of their whole-number parts, which are 0, 4, 6 and 7.

b 4 08, 4.6, 4.66 All these numbers have the same whoh:-number part. that is. 4.
Stan by comparing the tenths. 4.08 comes first as 1t has the
smallest number of tenths (0 tenths). 4.6 and 4.66 have the same
number of tenths (6 tenths). so compare the hundredths. 4 6 is the
same as 4 60. so it has 0 hundredths. 4.6 comes before -t66. which
has 6 hundredths.

Exerci se 4. 1
1 For each pair, write do,, n which is the smallest decimal number
a 13.5. 9.99 b 4 32. 3.67 c
d 127.06. 246.9 e 0.67. 0.72 f 3.4.321
g 18.54, 18.45 h 0.05. 0.043 0.09. 0.1
2 The table show:; six of the fastest times run b) women m the
IOOm race.

Name Country Year nme (seconds)

Kerron Stewart Jamaica 2009 10.75
Marion Jones USA 1998 10.65
Merlene Ottey Jamaica 1996 10.74
Carmelit a Jeter USA 2009 10.64
Shelly-Ann Fraser Jamaica 2009 10.73
Florence Griffith-J oyner USA 1988 10.49

a Wnte the limes in order of size.

b \Vhich woman has lhe four th fastest time? 8.27 is greater than
"1 3 r>.larcu~ 1s comparing the numbers 8.27 and 8.4. 8.4 because 27 is

Is l\ larcus correct? Expla111 your answer.
t- - - - - - - - - ->
4 Decim als

4 uw, till' 11ll'q1 1,1h11 0 am1 ~ lt> ·, how I lwl

one numb er

· 1 - 11
,~ ~ma 11~•• 1h.111 111 1:- 1a I gc1 1 1.1 • •1110t hcr 11Ulll }er.
The symbol ,.
4.07 (,) smaller then 4.15, so 4.0 7 < 4 ·15 · means 'is Sll1allc
than '. -
2.167 u bi99er than 2 163, so 2 167 > 2. 163.
The symbol ::,.
\\'nte the corre ct sign. < or>. between ea ch pa ir o f numb mean s 'is bigg •
a 6.03 L 6,24 than '. E,
b 9.35 0 9.41
c 0.49 ~ 0.51 d 18.05 □ 18.02
e 9.2 (7 90 1 f 2. 19 0 2.205
g 0.072 [ j 0.06 h 29 .882 0
29 .88
s Lm uses the symb ol = to show tha t o ne numb er is equa l L
o a n o the r.
She uses the S) mbol;t to show that one num ber is lliU equa l •
to a no ther.
The symbol.,,
8 q ha4 the same vaLu.e a6 8 .qo, so 8 .q = 8 .qo, mea ns 'is D.Q!
equa l to'.
0 183 doe..s not the same value a6 0.18, so 0. 183:;t: 0.18.

\\'rite the corre ct sign, = or "I:. betw een each pa ir of num bers.
a 4.2r-"J 4.20 b 3.75 0 3.57
C 0.340 □ 0.304 d 9.58 0 9.580
e 128.00 CJ 12s f 0.003 4 L 0.034
~ 6 L lrika uses a difTcrent meth od to o rder decim als. Her meth
o d is
shown here.

Write the deci.ma1 4. 23, 4. 6 an.d 4 .17q in order
of sae.
Soig twn
4 17q ha6 the mm.t deci.ma1 puu:.e.6, so gwe all the other
ru.unben three dwm .a.l plac.e..s oy cuUi.n.g zero.1 at the end:
4 230, 4 600, 4 77q
N<JW comp are 230, 600 and 77q, 77q 1.6 the sma U~, then
230, OM 600 Id the bujg ~t
ln ord.~, of s.ue, thR numb .en· 4 77q, 4 23, 4 6

80 )
- 4 .1 Ordering decimals

Fnr each Sl't. use Ulrika"s method to write the decimal numbers in
order l1r siic.
a 2. 7. 2.15. 2.009 b 3.45. 3.342. 3.2
C 17.05. 17.f. 17.125. 17.42 d 0.71. 0.52. 0.77, 0.59
e 5.112. 5.2. 5.219. 5. 199 f 9.08. 9.7. 9.90 I, 9.03, 9.99
g Critique Ulrika's method by explaining the advantages and
disadvantages of her method. Can you improve Ulrika's method?

ltmllii'fflDJ:ir4;~1m - ~= ~fffl§mr<s

I s your fav cl ana exP-lai to
you Rrefe

7 Write Lhese amounts in order of size.

Use the Lip box to help you.
38.1 cL. 300 m L , 0.385 L
725mm, 7.3cm. 0.705m
r Remember:
10mm= 1 cm
c 5. 12kg. 530g. 0.00581. 519000mg 100cm= 1 m
d 461.5cm. 0.0046 km. 0.45 m, 4450mm 1000 m=1 km
~ 8 Brad puts these decimaJ number cards in order of size. 10ml=1cl
There is a mark covering part of the number on tbe middle card. 100 cl = 1 l
1000 ml= 1 l
3.01 - r 3.os3 I
1000 mg= 1 g
a \Vri!e down lh1·cc possible numbers that couJd be on the 1000 g= 1 kg
middle card.
j 1000 kg=1 t
b How many clilferent numbers with three decimal places do
you think could be on the middle card?
c Show how you can convince o thers that your answer to pan b is correct.

Summary checklist
f can compare and order decimal numbers.

81 >
• --..n. .,, >
) 4.2 Adding and subtracting decirn 01.
In this section you will ...
• d and subtract decimals . decimal pan
\\ hc,n \'llll ,ht.I .mJ ,.uh1r.1.:1 J,".:1mal number, mcnt Ill~, 1he1-c are rnental me11-,,,
daflcn.-nt mcth,-.J, .,nu c.m use. - w ritten metfioa
• \\'h,n \'Ou .ire :\Jd111g. }OU 1:.10 , 1he numbers into their
"h,,k-numo.:r p,,rt ,ind 1hc1r decimal part. You can 1hen separately
.. JJ the" lwJ.:- number parts ,111d add the decimal parts. 11nd finally
,JJ thc "h1,le-m1mhcr .insw.:r to the decimal answer.
• \\ hen ~ou arc ,11htrac11ng. you can scpnmtc 1he number you
n:- ,uhtr,1c1111l! mto its ,,h,>le-number pHI and its decimal part.
,ubtr.,et the \\hole-number pan first und then sub1rac1 the decimal
p.tri "'cond
• If ,,ne ,,f 1he numbers you nrc adding or subtrncting is close to a
"lmlc 11umber, , -ou can round it 10 the nearest whole number, do
1h,· .1dcJi1ion or',ub1r:11:1ion. then adjust your am;wcr ut the end.

Worked example 4.2

\\ orl.: the,.._. t>UI mentally
a 2.1+7.1' b 6.9+ 12.4 C 13.3-5.8

a 2 , + 7.!i=2 + 7 +o.., +o.s Separate Lhc numbers into whole-number parts and
d.:cimal part:..
=9+ 1 Separately, add the whole-number parts and add 1h~
decimal parts.
= JO.I Add the whole-number answer Ill th~ dec,mal an:-11cr.
b <,9+12,4:7+1:!.4 0.1 Round 6.9 up lo 7
= IIJ,4-11. J ·\dd 710 12.4

I \l,l Subtrnct o_ I

C 11 J-,S.8:: 11.l Cl+0.2 RouncJ S.8 up to 6.

7.1+11.2 Subtra~t 6 fmm I~ J.

7~ ·\tld 0.2

2 >
4.2 Adding and subtracting decimals

When you use a 11riltr11 mclhod to add and subtract decimal numbers.
always write 1he calculation in columns, wnh the decimal points
vertically in line. Then add and subtract as normal, but remember to
"rite the decimal point in your answer.

Worked example 4.3

Work out:
a 27.52+4.8 b 43.6- 5.45

a 27 . 52 First write 4.8 as 4.80. Start with the hundredths column: 2 +0=2
+ 4 . 80 Next add the tenths: 5 + 8 = 13. Write down the 3 and carry the I.
32 . 32 Now add the units: 7 + 4 + I = 12. Write down the 2 and carry
I I the I.
Finally, add the tens: 2 + I = 3
b s6 IQ First, write 43.6 as 43.60.
4 5 Start with the hundredths column. You can't take S from O(0- 5).
so borrow from the 6-tcnths, then work out IO 5:;;;:5
3 8 5
Now subtract the tenths: 5 4= I
Now subtract the units. You can't take 5 from 3 (3 5), so borrow
from the 4 tens. then work out 13- 5:;;;: 8.
Finally, subtract the tens: 3-0==3

Exercise 4.2
1 Use a mental method to work out the answers to the following.
a 3.5+4.2 b 12.7+4.5
c 4.9 1.5 d 14.6 6.6 Separate the
numbers into
Think like a mathematician their whole-
number parts
2 What is the easiest way to subtract a decimal from the and their
number 1? decimal parts.
For example, 1 -0.3, 1-0.25, 1- 0.405 or 1-0.68397

83 )
l\ - - - - - - - -
4 Oc.,omals

3 \tat.:-h c. ,d · g11.....:n uc · <l · I ·t ,

4 :;llllll ca r w it 11 s· co ·c
rr c l pi nk an s\ \C
· r ca rd .
l 0 .36 I O 1S t - 0.44 Lo.116 1 0.64 1 1 0. 56 j
l 0 .18-' r 0.227 0 568
4 Za rn mentall) \\O rk :; ou t 14-.4 6.5 hk e lhts

Whole-number pa rt: 14
-6 = 8
Decimal part: 0. 4- 0. 5
Combine th e an sw er s:
= -0 . 1
8 - 0.1 • 7.9
use Zara·s m et ho d to m
entc1ll) work ou t th e fo
Th e first one ha s l:k..-en lio\\ in g.
st ar te d fo r you.
a 74 2.6
b 8. 3- 2. 9
c 1~ 5 9.b 7 -2 -5
d I 5.1 5 7 0. 4 - 0 6• -0 .2
5 - 0.2=0

s Zara works ou t 7 .5 -1- 4.

m en ta lly like th is . Sh
e sa ys :
ls Zara co ·r ec t?
If I ro un d 4 8 up to 5,
Discuss in pa ir s or I ca n ch an ge 7 .5 + 4 8
small gr ou ps . to
7.5 + S, which eq ua ls 12
Th en I m us t ad d th e ex .5.
tra 0. 2,
which gives m e 12.7.
- 4 .2 Adding and subtracting decimals

6 J\knt:llly work out the following.

Use the method or rounding one or the numbers to av. hole number.
Two of them have been started for you.

a 4.3 + 7.9 L>-...,,...... 8.9+9.6

C 22.8+3.3 d 5.4 1.9
e 14.9 - 4.4 f 21.1 - 6.7

7 Use a wrillen method to work out the following.

a 25 81 b 8 76 C 3 8 9 I
+ 8 4 - 4 . 9 7 8

8 Bo records his mass at the start and end of every month.

llere are his records fo r JLLOC and July.

MOM(~) Ma.66 (~)

Start of J~ 95.45 En.a of June 91.92

Start of J uh) 97.92 En.a of J uh) 88.35

a During which month. June or July, dkt Bo's mass decrease

lhe most?
b At the start of August Bo's mass was 88.35 kg. During
August his mass decreased by 1.82 kg. What was Bo's mass at
the end of August?
9 Use a written method to work o ut the following.
a 4.76 - -12.52 b 32.6 - -0.742
Subtracting a
negative is the
same as adding.

85 )

~ 10
D ecimals

~ , l,•1,•111111l lil n d ~ lo
\ 1 ll'l u, ,md \ 1111111•·l••l1l
> \VO i k n 11I 10 4.83.
First of all, I change 10 units to
9 units+ 9 tenths+ 10 hundredths.
Then I can do the subtraction.
1 yo 9 0 o
4 8 3
5 1 7

I work it out like this:

6.0-0.8 == 5.2
5.20-0.03 = 5. 17
a Critique both methods by explaining lhe advantages a nd
disadvantages of each of their methods.
b Can you improve o n their n1etbods?
c \\'hich method do you prefer to use to wo rk Otll subtractio ns
like these? Expla in why you prefer this m ethod.
11 \\'ork o ut:
a 10 6.42 b 20 - 12.83
30- 4.55 C
d 40 - 16.782
12 A t the cinema. Priya spends $4.75 o n a ticket, $ 1.75 o n sweets and
$0.85 o n a drink .
a I f ow much docs she spenc.l in lo ta l?
b l'riya pays with a$ IO note. I low much chan ge will she receive?
13 Jed works a s a plumber. J le has fo ur len gths
o f pipe that mcas uH· I 8 m . 1.5 m , 2.4 5 111
and 0.85 111 .

a What is the t11lal lc11g th ol' th1.: lo ur pipes'?

b Jell nci:d !i 10 m ol pipe i11 to tal to
hni:.h a Joh. I l ow 111 u c h 111t11l' pipi..: mus t
he buy'!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4.2 Adding and ~ubtr... cting de,imals

14 Tiu:- 1s h~'"' lam works out 4.6 8.21.

8 2 1

- 4 6 0 I know the answer is ' -
3 6 1 going to be negative
because 4.6 < 8.21. So I'll \
8.21- 4.6 = 3.61 work out 8.21-4.6 instead,
then simply write the answer
So 4.6 - 8.21 = -3.61
with a negative sign.

Use Zara's method to work out the follow ing.

a 5.43 - 9.57 b 8.12- 15.4
c -13.8+7.92 d 6.582-(4.5+5.061) For part c:

15 Use a written method to work out the following. - 13.8+ 7.92

a -5 .43-9.57 b -8.12-15.4 = 7.92-13.8
C -5.43 - -9.57 d -8.12- - 15.4

Summary checklist

I can add numbers with different numbers of decimal places.

I can subtract numbers with different numbers of decimal places.

- ..

en• 7
4 Decim als
> 4.3 Multiplying decimals
In this sectio n you will ...
- ~
• multip ly decim als by whole numb ers.
fill in~
t ,,Lk"' these steps when you multip l) a decim al by a whole numb er:
• Fin,t. work out the mul11plication witho ut the decim al point.
• Final! ). put the decim al point in the answer. There must be the
~ame numb er of digits after the decim al point in the answe r as
there were in the questi on.

a \Vork these out menta lly.

0.Q02 X4 ii 30x0. 06
b Cse a" rillen metho d to work out 476 x 3. 7.

Answ er

a },<4= 8 Do the mulup hcatio n witho ut the decim al pomt.

0.002 X4 = 0.008 Put the decim al point back in the answe r There arc three digits
after the decim al pomt in the questi on, so there must be thn.'\:
digits after the decim al point in the answe r.
ii 30X6 = 180 Do the multip licatio n witho ut the decim al point.
30x0. 06= 1.80 Put the decim al point back m the answe r. There arc two digits
after the decim al point in the questi on. so there must be two
digits after the decim al point 111 the answe r.
30xo 06= 1.8 You can write l .80 as 1.8 becau se the zero is not neede d.
b 4 76 Do the mult1plicat1on ,, ithout the decim al point.
/ 37 Use your favour ite metho d for mulllp licauo n.
333 2 Work out 476 x 7.
+14 280
\Vork out 476 x 30.
I 7 6 I 2
Add togeth er the answe rs to the multip licatio ns.
47(> X 3.7 = I 7(l 1.2 Put the decim al pomt back mto the answe r There 1s one digit ..
after the dcc1mal point m the questi on. so there must be on~ Jig• 1
aftc1 the <lc1.:11nal po1111 111 the ans\\C r
4.3 Multiplying decimals l
Exercise 4.3
1 l Sl' a l\ll'lllal met\\l)d lo work Olli the following.
a nI xs b o.s x 5 c o.9 x 2
2 L :.-ca mental method lo work out the following. All the answers
are shown in the cloud.
12 0.12
a 6X0.02 b 4x0J c )X0.004 d 12oxo.1
1.2 0.012
3 Copy tlus diagram and fill in the missing numbers.
All the calculations give the answer in the centre oval.
All the missing numbers are given in the rectangle.

8X0.3 30
Ox o.4 40x O 0.6

2x O 2.4 6

O xo.1 0.06
4x O

4 Kai works Olli that 521 x 53 = 27 613.

Use this information to write down the answer lo the following.
a 521 xS.3 b S21x0.53
6 a Work out 162 x 34.
b Use your answer 10 part a to write down the answers to the
162X3.4 ii 162x0J4 iii 162x0.034
iv \6.2X34 V l.62X 34 Vi Q. 162X 34

Think like a mathematician

5 look again at Question 4 .
a What is the answer to 52.1 x 53?
What do you notice about this answer and the answer to part a of Question 4?
b Why is the answer to 521 x 0.53 the same as the answer to 5.21 x 53?

89 )
4 Dt'cimals

Activity 4.1
On a p1\•ca of paper, w11te a question of your own that 1s similar to Questions.
On a di'lerent piece of paper, write down the answers to your question.
""''P auest,ons with a partner and work out the answers to their question.
Sv, 1p your papers back and mark each other's work. Discuss any mistakes.

7 RaJ uses these methods 10 work out and check his answer.

Que.stion Warll. aut 0.45 x 372.

scrnmon First, work aut 45 x 372.
I X 300 70 2 13500
40 12000 2800 80 3150

I 5 1500 350 10 + qo
: Tatal 13500 3150 qo 16740

So 0.45x372 = 167.40
= 167.4 Rawtd 0.45 t.o 0.5.
Rawtd 372 to 400.
0.5x 400 = 200, which i6 cl.c:te to 167_4_

a ~rite do~n the advantages and disadvantages of Raj's method

b an you improve his method? ·
- --=---- ---

Whic.h method do you ref

prefer this method. p
. . - ~-
er to use to multiply decimals? Explain w

3.2out these multiplication
x 51 b s. Show how Lo check your answers.
- 8. } X384 C 0.78X4}
For the check fol
part c, worl< out
0.8 X 40.

90 )
4.3 Multiplying decimals
--------------- ---
-1 9 This is pn rt of Anna ·s homework.

QUR..iti,cn Work crut 47.35 x 18.

Sotuuon Fint, work aut 4735 x 18.

4 7 3 5

0 1

8 8

5 2 3 0

So 47.35 x 18 = 85.23

a Without checking the method and working out the answer,

bow can you tell that Anna is incorrect? Traver 11 , •
b Work out the correct answer, showing all your working. 1

10 Jn I gram of green gold l here is 0.23 g of copper.

I low many grams of copper are there in 36 g of green gold?
11 Darren exchanges some British pounds(£) to US dollars($}.
For every £1 he receives $1.29.
Darren says, ·u r exchange £275, Tshould receive about $350.'
Is Darren correct'? Explain yoUI answer.
12 Samir manages a hotel.
The table shows the cost of items that he buys Item Cost (each)
for the hotel bathrooms. bottle of shampoo $0.26
Samir buys: bottle of shower gel $0.23
• 350 bottles of shampoo bottle of hand lotion $0.32
• 425 bollles of shower gel bar of soap $0.18
• 275 bottles of hand lotion
• 600 bars of soap.
What is the total cost of these items?

Summary checklist
I can multiply decimals by whole numbers.

91 )
4 Decimals

> 4.4 Dividing decimals

In this soetion you will ...
• d,v,de decimals by whole numbers.
in VPr ,Q c.ale,1,~
1,,,Jlt,\\ 1ht·,c ,1cp~ \\hen \OU di, idc n decimal by a whole number:
sho, • di ih-:,,
• l ,e ,hor1 di,i,io 1 (or the method that you prefer).
• "-t'ep 1hc lkcimal f')Otnt 111 the question. and remember to write the
dt'Cimal point m the answer above the decimal point in the question.

Worked example 4.5

\\"ork out

a 4 ~58-2 b 41.481 ..:.. 18


a 2 First, work out 4.:.. 2 = 2. Write 2 above the 4.

1~,-4 -.-2 58
2 . NO\\ write the decimal point 111 the answer.
2/4.25 8

2 I 2 Then continue the di\ision· 2- 2 = 1. Write I abo,e

2 /4 . 2 5 8 1 the 2.

5+2=2 rl~ (Note: 'r' means 'remainde r'.) Write 2

above the:, and carry the I onto the 8
2 . I 29 18-;- 2 = 9 exactly. Wrlle 9 above the '8.
2 / 4 . 2 5 18

92 )
II II 01v1d,n,1 rforim11ls

I 11 1. \11111,; 11111 •I I IN 2 r'i

11' 4 4 s I \\till'.:? nhoH' the I c .111y the 5 11111,11he .S

N,11, \HIil tht lln1111o1I r111111111 lhc .u,~wcr

Is 4

l (l fhcn con1111uc Ihe division q - III= 3 exactly.

'4 :.; \Vrite 1 ;ibo,e the '4.
8-18=0 rS. Write the 0 above the 8 und carry the IS
onto the I.
.:!.304, 81- 18 =4 r 9 Wntc 4 abo,e 1 1 and carry the 9 onto
I:-- 4 I . '4 S I ·•o a new zero.
90.,.18=5 exactly.

Exerc·se 4.4
1 Cop} and complete these divisions.
a 2 I b I . 8 C 0.8
1 4
316 . 4 1 5 9 . 43 38 5 I I
8 6 . 65 12 s
d I e I f 0.
4 Is 12 3 2 7 11 . 6 44 9 lo . 8 4 6
2 \\'ork out:
a 8.654-2 b 8.922.:.. 6 C 32.925-:- 5 d 58.912-:-8

3 Maggie pa) s S9 28 for 8 m of ribbon.

\\ har i~ the cosl of the ribbon. per metre?

4 In .i s11pcrnrn1kcl live duckcns cost ~l l!.25. Whal is lhe

co t ol CHIC chu.:kcn·1
5 Six lncnds h,1vc a meal III a 1cs1a111an1 f'hc tutul hill i~
$145 so
l ltcy hh111c rite hill c1111,dly bttwccn lhl'lll I loll' much do
they cud1 p,ay''

93 )

Decima ls

C o p) and complcl c these di\tsion s.

a 2 b 3 . C
3 .
12 f21 '8 5 2 1sf46 . s 1 s 1
25 ~
~ 7 L:1ra \\ o rks out 11 2.4 -;- 16. She \\l;tcs:

Th(,6 id my 16 tirne.6 table.

I can t.L6e the table t.o work out the dwi.swn like tru6:
7 . 2 5

So, 112.4 .;..16 = 7.25.

a Explain lbc mistake that Lara has made.

b \Vritc do\\n the correct a nswe r.
~ 8 Kyle works out 25 1.55 -=- '.!6. I le writes·

Tru.6 i6 my 26 time6 table.

1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9
26 52 78 104 130 156 182 208 234
I can w.e the table t.o work out the d.wi.6.wn Like tlu.6.
q . 6 7 r13
26 12_ 5_ 1-.' 75 iq5

So, 251.55.,.. 26 = q,67 13.

a Instead of stoppin g the di,ision and \\riling ·remain der 13·_

what should Kyle haYc done?
b Work out the correct answer.

94 )
4.4 Dividing decimal s

Think like a mathematician

Wl,u, c:ould you do to check that the answer to a division is correct?
For example how can you check that 56.322 · 9 - 6.258 1s:
a approximately correct? b exactly correcl?
Discuss in pairs or small groups.

10 a Copy ,111<l complc1e the table be\o\\, which shows the 14

times 1.1ble.
Your rounded

2~ :2
4 5 6 7 8 9 answer to part b x
14 should equal
b Use 1hc table 10 help you 10 work oul 126.392--- 14. 126
c Show hO\\ 10 check that your answer to part b is correct.
Use c~timation and an imcr-.c cnlculntion.
~ 11 Work with a partner 10 answer this question.
a Mair works ou1 that 235 x 47 = 11 045.
Use this information to work oul:
i 11045~47 11 1104.5---47 iii 110.45-47 iv 11.045-,-47
b Explain the method you used 10 work out the answers 10
parts a i. ii. iii and il'.
c Lse this method to work oul 1he answers 10 1he following.
i 1104.5 - 235 ii 110.45 - 235 iii I 1.045 ... 235
d Check your answers with those of other learners in your class
to see sf you agree.
If you disagree on any of the anS\\Crs, discuss" here c\11}
mistakes ha\'c been made.
4 Decimals )
- -- - ---------
Qur,t1<1n Work out 8 46 + 7
GI ve yaw· Cl/'l.<1,W€r to 2 d. p.
I must give rny
1 2 0 8 .. answer to 2 d.p., so

1 la.'4 66()~ need to work out th

division to only 3 d e
and then l can rou~~-
8.46 + 7 = 1.208 .. . = 1.21 (2 d.p.J
my answer.

Use Zara·s method to work out the following.

Ro und each of your answers to the required degree of accuracy.
a ... 62.,...5(1d.p.) b 9.428+7(2d.p.) c 8.6 + 13 (3 d.p.)
13 Cop} and complete these divisions.
a 3 . □ 8 2 b □- 5 0 7

., I □ .
□ □ •9 619. □□ 2
You need to work
out the d ivision 10
only one d ecimal
C -DD 9 p lace more than
the degree of
□I s . 4 9 D 3
accuracy you

••· • C -- - ~ - -~~~::-.~ .....,-~ ~-•••-'

Whidi questions did_yoLJ:fir1d th~.easiest? Which questions did you

find the hardest?''-

Are you confident in answering thiase types of questions?

What can you do to increase your confidence?

Summary checklist I I
I can divide decimals by whole numbers.

96 )
4.5 Making decimal calculations easier

> 4.5 Making decimal

calculations easier
In this section you will ... Key words
• simplify calculations containing decimals. equivalent fraction
place value
When you are calculating using decimals. you can often make a
calculation easier using a variety of methods, such as:
• using the place value of the decimal
• using the correct order of operalions.

Worked example 4.6

Work out:
a 0.06 X 3500 b 8.2 x 9 C 12.56 +40


a 0.06 =~ = 6 + I 00 1n this method, you write the place value of the

100 decimal as an equhalent rraction and then as a division.

0.06 X 3500 = 6-'- 100 X 3500 Rewrite the decimal as a division.

= 6 X 3500 + 100 You can do the x and-=- in any order.
= 6X35 Do 3500 + I00 first. then 6 x 35.
= 6X 30+6X 5 Use partitioning to make the multiplication easier.
= 180+30
=2 10
b 8.2x9=8.2X()0- l) Swap the 9 for ( 10 - I)
= 8.2X 10- 8.2X 1 Separately, work out 8.2 x 10 and 8.2 x 1
= 82 8.2 Now subtract 8.2 from 82.
= 82 - 8 0.2 First subtract lhe 8
and then subtract the 0.2.
= 74 0.2
,, hich gives an answer of 73.8.
= 73.8

97 )
4 Docimals


I' '(\ _ l~.5(\ • Ill Dividing by 40 isn' t easy. Start by dividing the l
C 0
40 - -Ill 10 bottom of the fraction by 10. Pan- 4
_ l.25t, Now you only have to divide the d ecimal by 4 _
4 Use your favou rite me thod for d ivision. You shou
= 0.3 14 get a fina l a nswer of 0.3 14. Id

Exercise 4.5
1 Complete the workings to ma ke the following calcu lations easier.
Use the p lace value method.
a 0.7 x 180 b 0.04 x 7600 Remember to

= 1-70 X 180 4
= 1-00 X 7600
use partitioning
to make the
= 7 + 10 X 180
= 7 X 180 + 10
= 4 + 100 X 7600
= 4 X 7600 + 100
II whole number
easier. For
=7x 0 = 4x 0 I1 example, 7 •
=7x 0 +7x0 = 4 x0 +4x 0 18=7 x 10 +7•8.

= □+□ =□+□
a 0.6X 4l 0
Wo rk o ut the a nswers to the fo llowing. Use the sa me method as in Question I.
b 0.9x 320 c 0.02X3200 d 0.08 x 5300
Think like a mathematician
Look at the answers to questions 1 and 2.
Compare the questions to the final multiplication you had to do.
For example:
1a 0.7x180=7x18 2a 0.6x410 = 6x41
1b 0.04x7600 = 4x76 2c 0.02 X 3200=2 X 32
Can you see a pattern? Can you write a general rule that you could foll ow?
Explain how your rule works. Will it always work for any numbers?

98 )
4. 5 Making docimal calculations easier
4 ~Id. has S345~ to invest. I le decides to buy some gold,
silver and precious stones.
The table shows the amount he will spend on each item. . . - ,~
- -#

Item Amount ~~
gold {
0.6 >< $3450- $ .,
silver 0.3 x $3450- $ .

precious stones 0. 1 x $3450 = $ \ ":!!21 6~

a Copy and complete the table.
b Show how you can check that yo1.1r answers are correcL.
5 Complete the workings to make these calculations easier.
a 4.6 x 9 b 7.3 x 9
= 4.6x(I0- 1) =7.3x(IO - I)
= 4.6 X IO - 4.6 X l = 7.3 X 10 - 7.3 X I
= □-□ = □-□
=□ =□
6 Work 01.1t the answers lo the following. Use the same method as in Question 5.
a 6.8x9 b 4.7x9 c 12.6 x9

Thi nk like a mathematician

-1 7 Discuss this question in p airs or small groups.

This is part of Pedro's classwork.

QUMtwn Work aut 7.6 x 8.

Sow.ti.on Use: 7.6 = 7 + 0.6
7x 8 = 56
0.6x8 = 4.8
56 + 4.8 = 60.8

a Do you understand the method that Pedro has used?

b Do you think this is an easy or difficult method to use? Explain your answer.
Pedro has used this method to multiply a two-digit decimal (7 .6) by a one-digit
whole number (8).
c Do you think ,t would be easy to use this method to answer questions such as
5.67 x 7 or 5.6 x 45? Explain your answer.

99 >
4 Decimals )

- - - - -- - -
8 Use Pc.:dro·s method 10 work out the following.
a -1.2xc1 b 7.8x5 c 6.3x8
9 A square has a side lcngt ll of 8.6 m.
t he formula to work out the perimeter of a square is:
Look back
P=-IL where: Pis the perimeter .
Unit at
2.2 for a
L is the side length -----► reminder on h
Use the formula to work oul the perimeter of the square. to use formula~

10 Complete the workings to make these divisions easier. Then work

out the answer.
a 14.55 + 30 = .!..430-55 b 67.35 + 50 = 6750·35
14.55 + 10
30 + 10 - 67.35+ 0
- 50+0
=o 1.455

C 45.85 + 700 = 45 ·85

893.6 + 200 = 893· 6
45.85 + 100
700 + 100
-- _ 893.6 ·O
- 200+0
= .=45;,,::8~5

~ 11
Write an explanation to convince that the answer to 45· 6 is the
same as the answer to 4 · 56 .
12 Twenty members of a footbal l club go oul for dinner at a
restaurant. T he total cost of the meal is $564.25. The total cost is
shared equally between them.
a How much does each member pay? Round your answer to the nearest
i cent ii dollar
b Which or your answers in pa.rt a i or ii is the most suitable amount for each
member lo pay? Explain your answer.

Summary checklist W
I can use different methods to make decimal calculations easier.


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