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Theatre in education evaluation

1. In your opinion, how did the theatre in education performances go? Was the performance
a success? What went right and what went wrong?

Personally, I think all of the theatre in education performances were very successful.
Everyone told the story of the young boy Dan with emotion and all of the choreographed
movements were amazing. I think the hoodie changes could’ve been better and quicker at
times but I absolutely loved the idea of the blue hoodie representing Dan. Some of the scene
changes were also a bit slow but I liked the differences in set in the scenes and what they
represented. Overall, myself and my peers were extremely happy with the outcome of the
performances and the feedback we received from everyone who watched it.

2. In your opinion, how was your PROCESS in preparing for the performances? Were you a
reliable part of the team? Did you learn your lines early enough? Did you attend every

From the beginning right up until the end preparing for the performances for me was easy
enough even though we only had a month to prepare for this tour. I really told the story when
I played the role of “Alice” and used different emotions throughout my performance. I
definitely feel like I was a reliable part of the team as I filled in for people who were off in
order to keep the show running, I showed up on time to every rehearsal and learned all of
my lines 3 weeks before the performance.

3. What lessons did you learn about being involved in a touring production company?

In this unit, I was part of the social media and marketing team. We all worked together to
create a poster and upload content to our social media page. However, I did feel at times we
were working separately and not bringing ideas together when it came to posting. Lessons
I’ve learned is to always work together as part of a team in order to achieve a goal and
communication is so important. I also learned whilst performing to be adaptable to space as
when performing in the different schools I didn’t know how big of a space we were going to
be performing in each day.

4. In your opinion, how was your own individual performance on the days of the tours? What
did you do well and what did you do not-so-well?

I think I did very well in all of the performances. My energy levels were high and I reacted to
everything that was surrounding me on stage. I used the correct emotions when telling this
story and gave the audience the right indications of the kind of person my character is. My
goal was to portray my character as best as I could as this play is verbatim theatre which
shows that my character and everyone else’s characters are real people. I also followed my
tutors directions very well and incorporated them into my performance. However, I think
there were times where I zoned out on stage and got a bit distracted at times. In future, I’m
really going to listen to what is happening around me on stage and not let anything get in my
way whilst performing.
5. If you were to do this unit again, how might you do it differently?

If I was to do this unit again, I would probably go for a different kind of character. My
character is very similar to me and in future I would want to explore a character that’s
different to me so I can challenge myself and play a role I’ve never played before. However,
I’ve absolutely loved this unit and loved being able to do serious acting as most of the
productions I’ve been involved in aren’t as emotionally effective as this production is.

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