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. . been provided in
(iv) There is no overall clzoice. However, an internal choice /taS
• • section
• B , one question
• • section c one in each CB Q in sectio11
question in •
, . '
of the chotce t
and in all three questions in section E. You have to affentpt only one

such questions.

(v) Use of calculators is not allowed.

You may use the following values of physical constants W

h -e ever necessary -
(vi) er.
7 TmA-1
C = 3 x 108 m/s, rn._. = 9.lx 10-:\1 kg, e = J .6 x 10-19 C, µ
= 4n x 10-, '

h = 6.63 x10-34 Js, e 0 = 8.854 x 10-12 C2 N-1 n 1-2


1. Calculate th.e potential at a point 'P' due to a charge of 4x10-7 C located 9 cm

away: [11

(a) 8 x 10-S V

(b) 8 x 104 V

-(c) 4 x 104 V

(d) 4 x 10-4 V

2. A long straight wire in the horizontal plane carries a current of 50 A in north to south

direction. The magnitude of the magnetic field at a point 2.5 m east of the wire. flJ
(a) 3 x 102 Tesla

(b) 5 x 10-3 Tesla

V4 x 10-0 Tesla

(d) zero

042 P.T.O.
across a variab le e~tern al
A cell of emf (E) and intern al rPsistancc {r) is conne cted
resistance R. The graph of terminal potential difference v as a
functi on of R ic; : ( 1

E,.___ __


s, has a
An electron with angular momentum 'L' moving aroun d the nucleu [1]
magnetic moment given by :

\,/""..:! :. (b)
I- 3m
1M 2m

eL {d)
(c) m
of 5 n. What fractio n
A ~alvanometer of resistance 50 n is shunte d by a resistance
5. [1]
of main curren t passes throug h the shunt ?

(a) 11
1 (d)
(c) 11
be: [1]
6. The power factor of a series LCR circuit at resonance will

(a) 1

(c) ½ (d) r~
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 3
7. The ratio of contribution made by the electric and magnetic field components to
the intensity of an EM wave is :

(a) C: 1 (b) C2: 1

(cV1 :1 (d) Jc,:1

. laced vertically in the east-west
8. A square loop of side 10 cm and resistance 0.5 n is P

plane. A uniform magnetic field 0.1 T is set up across the place in the north-•ea5t

direction. The magnetic field is decrea~ed to zero in 0.7 Sec at a steady rate. The

magnitude of induced e.m.f. will be: [lJ

(a) 1 mV


(c) 4.36 mV

(d) 5.73 mV

9. The graph showing the correct variation of linear momentum (p) of a charged

particle with its de Broglie wavelength Ais : (1]

p p

p p

(c) (d)

- - - - - - - - - - - Page·4 - - - - - - - - - - -
042 P.T.O.
. . surface. After
r ti (:- ~) . incident an a refledlllg
in a uirec on 1 + J 15
Aray of light trave ,. ") gle of incidence is : [l]
10. the d'1rectton
. (·1- J• • The an
reflection it travels a1ong
1 ~- 450

(a) 300 75°

(d) [1]
(c) 6ff
Bohr used:
To explain his theory,
. ear n,oJ'llentt.1m
(a) Conservation of hn

Conservation of energy
·zation of angular momentum
(c) Quan t1
(d) Quantization of charge
13.6 .
• , . •s E = - - ev then its
. The energy of an electron 1n n1' orbit of hydrogen atom 1 n n2
kinetic energy in first excited state is:


(b) +3.4 eV

(c) +13.6 eV

(d) +6.8 eV

For Q. 13 to Q. 16. two statements are given - one labelled Asserlion (A) and the other

labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answers to these questions from the codes (a), (b), ,.

(c) and (d) as given below :

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

(b) Both A and Rare true and R in not the correct explanation of A.

(c) A is true and R is false.

(d) A is false and R is also false.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 5
042 P.T.O.
13. Assertion (A): An emf is induced in a closed loop where magnetic flux varies.
The induced electric field Eis not a conservative field.
b . i- - th· non zero.
Reason (R) : The line integral yE. df around closed pa 15
h risrn is between angle of
14. Assertion (A): The angle of deviation produced by t e P
incidence and angle of emergence.

Reason (R) : The angle of minimum deviation can be used to determine the

refractive index of the prism.

15. Assertion (A): Macroscopic objects have " de Broglie wavelength which is very

small. [11

J Reason (R) : de Broglie wavelength is inversely proportional to the mass of

material particle.

16. Assertion (A): The large angle of scattering of a-particle is·only due to nuclei. [lJ

b Reason : Nucleus is very heavy as compared to electrons.


Suppose that the electric field part of an electromagnetic wave in vacuum is

E= 3.lNC-1 cos[(1.8radm-1 )y + (5.4x1olrads-1 )t] i [2]

(fif Find the.frequency of the wave. •. • •

o/) Write an expression for the magnetic field part of the wave.

042 P.T.O.
that the current in the left
18. rwo straight infinitely long wires are f·1xed m
space so
t in the right
wire is 2 A and directed out of the plane of the paper and the curren
. (5) is / are there
• •
wire 1s 3 A and directed into the plane of the paper. In which region
. ro due to these curren t
d point on the x-axis at which the magnetic field is equal to ze
car • wires ? Justify your answer.


Region Ill
--~-eg_i_01_,1_~@ r---R -·c_g_io_n_II_ _ _ _-z8 >-'-
---- -

!2A j3A

19. State one property of nuclear forces. Prove that the density of nucleus
independent of mass number (A).


If both the number of protons and the number of neutron are conserv
ed in a nucleus

reacti•on 1·k
1 e.
6 -f i2
6 C 20
Ne+ 42He

In what way the mass is converted in energy. Explain.

2¥Th e focal length of an equiconcave lens is ¾times of radius of curvature of its surfaces.
ons it will
Find the refractive index of the material of the Ien,s. Under what conditi

behave as a converging lens. .

[2] pj

ji) Name the phenomenon on which the working of an optical fibre is based
(ii} What are the neccesary conditions for this phenomenon to occur.

h it
labelled d~agram of an optical fibre to show propagation of light throug

using this phenomenon.

--- --- --- --- --P age 7


A capacitor of unknown capacitance, a resistor of 100 n and an induc .
tor of self
· d
m uctance L =24 H are connected m
series to an ac source of 200 V and 50 Hz:
· • f the circuit when the current is in
Calculate the value of capacitance and impedance 0
phase with the voltage. Calculate the power dissipated in th 3
e circuit. ()
23. Using Kirchhoff's laws, derive condition of balanced wheat
stone bridge and explain
the effect on balanced condition when battery and galvanomete 3
r are exchanged, [ 1
24. The given figure shows a long straight wire

of circula~ ~ross-section (radiu s a) is

carrying a s/ady current 'i'. The current 'i' is

--- --~.. p
unifor mly distrib uted across the cross .....

- ------
section. Calculate the magnetic field. I
-1- -
(a) At point P (r > a)
lI •
(b) At point Q (r < a) ''l

Two identical circular coils each of radius

10 cm are arranged concentrically with their

plane p~rpendicular to one another as

shown in figure. If current in each coil is

10 A, what is the net magnetic field at the

common centre '0' ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 8
25. (a) Explain de Broglie hypothesis. [3]
If deutrons and a-particles are accelerated thro
ugh same potcntial
' '
£ind the

ratio of the associated de Broglies

wav e1e ngth of the two.
26. (a) Whatwil .
l be the ratio of radii of two nuclei of mass mber A and A2 7• [3]
nu i
(b) .
What is the ratio of radii of the orbits corr . to first excited state
and ground state in a hydr ogen atom ?
27. Define wavefront. Using Huygen's principle
verify the laws of reflection. [3]
28. (a) An infinitely long positively charged
straight wire has a linear charge density
)... cm-1 . An electron is revolving around the wire as
its centre with a constant speed
in the ci~cular path in a plane perpendi
cula~ to the wire. Deduce the expression
for its kinetic energy.
' [3]
(b) Plot a graph of kinetic energy as a func
tion of charge density"-.

29. Read the para grap h and answer the follo
wing questions :

Page 9

fleeted. To elimi,1ate
When light rays fall on glass, about 4%of the light gets re
. . all h ve an anti-reflective
this reflection, the glass display cases m museums usu Y a

• Wh Ii ht falls on the coated glass,
This works on the principle of interference. en g
. rfaces of the coating and these tw0
the light gets reflected from the top and bottom su ,
• th thickness and refractive index
reflected light rays can interfere. To reduce refl ect1on, e
• • • f ence
of the coating are adjusted such that the light rays undergo destructive mter er •
. d medium
Reflected light undergoes a 180° phase shift when 1t falls on a enser
frorn a rarer medium and no phase shift when it falls on a rarer medium from a denser

medium. (Note: The thickness of coating is much less than the 'glass.)
To answer the questions below, consider a monochromatic light of wavelength A
incident on the coating of thickness tat a small angle of incidence and 11i <I½<~-
Also Consider PQ = t.
! '.
(i) Which of the following occurs, if there is no coating on the glass?

• I
_(a) The object behind the case looks distorted.
~yThe colours of the object l:,ehind the glass case appear dull.
(c) A reflection of the objects in front of the glass case is seen on the case.

(d) Multiple reflections of the object behind the glass case are seen on the case
(ii) What is the path difference between rays 1 and 2 ? (Consider PQ ? t.)

(a) t
(b) 2 t

(c) "'

- - - - - - - - - - - - P a g e 10 - - - - - - - - - - - -
042 P.T.O.
·) p . • .
(iii or what mm1mum thickness of the coating, do the two rays 1 and 2 undergo
• ht ray changes
destructive interference? (Remember the wavelength of the 1tg

as it moves from one media to another.)

(a) I\ "J.../2
(b) 1\ A./ 4

~),.,- A./ (2 1'2)

(d) 1../(4~)

For what minimum thickness of the coating, do the two rays 1 and 2 u n<lergo

constructive interference? (Remember the wavelength of the light ray changes

as it moves from one media to another.)

(a) 1'2 A.
(b) I\ 'A./2

(c) )./ (I\}

(d) A./ (2 I\)
(iv) If the material of the coating is changed such that > what will be the
additional path difference compared to the path difference iden~e d in
question (b)?

(a) t

(b) 7t

(c) 1,./2

There will be NO additional path difference.

- - - - - - - - - - - - P a g e 11 - - - - - - - - - - - -
042 P.T.O.
30. Read the paragraph and answer the following questions.
. uJiar features observed
The phenomenon of photoelectric effect involves some pee
. . f hotoelectrons ejected
experimentally. The most important 1s that the of number O P
. . . . r a iven metal with particul~
per second depends on intensity of mc1dent hght fo g
frequency of radiation.
(i) The rest mass of a photon is :
(a) 1.76 x 10"'15 kg

(b) zero
(9,,- 9.1 x 10-31 kg

(d) 1 amu

(ii) The frequency of a photon is v. what is its wavelength ?

(~ hc/E (b) hv/c

(c) hv/c2 (d) hv
The correct graph deflecting m and v of~ photon :


(c) (d)

(iv) The maximum KE. of photoelectrons depend on :

(Yfrequency (b) intensity
(c) source of light (d) none of these


- - - - - - - - - - - - P a g e 12 - - - - - - - - - - - -
042 P.T.O.

* ?G&iw:•s

, ," I /,
, '
~/, .; % '

. . .·.

The slope of stoppin g potential (Vo1\ versus frequency (v) of incide nt


graph is:

(a) e/h
.5J) h/e (d) c/h

. SECTION ... E form a bigger

coalesce to
siz~ having same amount of chatge [5]
31. (a) If N drops of o small drop ?
drop. What will the values of the following with respec~ t

(i) Total charge on the bi_gger drop

(ii) Potential on the bigger drop

(iii) Capacitance.

(b) Draw equipotential surfaces for:

(i) a single point charge

(ii) a constant electric field in Z direction


(a) Derive the formula for electrostatic potential due to electric dipole in

(b) Derive the fqrmula for electric field intensity due to electric dipole in

equatorial position.
g of
32. Describe briefly, with tl}e help of a l_abelled diagram princip le and workin
(a) Write any two sources of energy loss in a transformer.
A step up transformer converts a low voltage into high voltage . Does
it not

violate the conservation of energy ? Explain.


042 ' P.T.O.
.' • J.f

. ....'•

State the work'ing Of ac generator With the help of a labelled diagram.
s, each of area A, is rotated with a
(a) The coil of an ac gener3tor having N turn
ession for the alternating ernf
constant angular velocity ro. Deduce the expr
generated in the coil.
ration in this device?
(b) What is the source of energy gene

(a) Explain the formation of depletion

layer and potential barrier in a p-n
converted in to the 0utput waveforlll by
(b) In the figure the input waveform is
a device X. {· w "e <.ti f, e11
( •I


using a suitable circuit diagram.

Name the device and explain its working
ish between a conductor, a
(a) Define energy bands in solids. Distingu
the basis of energy band
semiconductor and an insulator on
[2½+2½] r
characteri~tic curve of a p-n function
(b) Draw circuit diagrams to study I-V
istic curve also.
diode under reverse bias. 'Plot the character
rse biasing in p-n junction.
How is forward biasing different from reve

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