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Subject: Advertising and Public Relation

Sample Questions:
Section I: Subjective Questions

1. List down various benefits of advertising

2. What are the disadvantages of press media?

3. What aspects are considered before selecting any budgeting method for advertising?

4. Explain the process of advertising campaign development

5. What are the challenges faced by public relations in today’s world?

6. One of the criticisms against advertising is that it deceives. Explain how

7. What is meant by crisis in public relations?


Section II: Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Single Response

1. An advertising claim that is not outright false but the product possesses the quality
in exaggerated claim
1] Corrective
2] Puffery
3] Misrepresentation
4] Manipulative

2. ACI stands for

1] Advertising curriculum of India
2] Accumulated Cannibalized Income
3] Administrative Council of India
4] Advertising Council of India

3. The set of beliefs that customers hold about a particular brand

1] Brand equity
2] Brand image
3] Benefits
4] Customer perceived image
Subject: Advertising and Public Relation

4. Psychologists study
1] individual behaviour
2] group behaviour
3] cultural behaviour
4] organizational behaviour

5. Firms must take how many branding decisions.

1] Three
2] Six
3] Five
4] Four

6. Public Opinion is considered to be

1] The barometer of Public Relations
2] Brand equity
3] Reflect a positive image
4] To increase business

7. Three main categories of advertising objectives - to inform, persuade or remind the

1] Plan
2] Target market.
3] Substitute for butter
4] Grow

8. PIB stands for

1] Public Information Bureau
2] Press Information Bureau
3] Public Intelligence Bureau
4] Public Information Board

9. Elements of the brand that cannot be spoken

1] Trade character
2] Brand mark
3] Brand equity
4] Trade mark

10. ISA stands for

1] Indian Society of Advertisers
2] Indian Society of Auctions
3] Indian Society of Audience
4] Indian Social Administration

Multiple Choice Multiple Response

11. Role of advertising for the society

1] Financial support to media
2] Elimination of intermediation
3] Decrease in unemployment
4] General awareness about social issues
12. Henkel's international strategy was designed to accomplish three goals
1] Provide a central direction for new products
Subject: Advertising and Public Relation

2] achieve efficiency in advertising production and impact

3] Allowing the use of brand's benefit
4] eliminate duplication of effort among its national companies

13. Transit media includes

1] Bus
2] Auto
3] Bus shelters
4] Road dividers

14. Brand licensing brings extra

1] Revenue
2] Free publicity
3] Trade mark
4] Consumer

15. Limitations of outdoor media

1] Damage by vandals
2] Inability to use much copy
3] Short life
4] Poorly printed

16. The term SWOT analysis stands for: strength, weakness,

1] Opportunity
2] Threats
3] Trends
4] Objective

17. There are different categories of research

1] Selling
2] Marketing
3] Advertising
4] Media

18. Advertising regulations are typically concerned with three main areas
1] Marketing channels
2] Deceptive or unfair advertising content
3] Delivery of advertisement to consumers
4] Protection of children

Fill in the Blanks

19. ______ lacks realism of sound, movement and colour of TV or audio of radio ads.
1] Short life
2] Passive medium
3] Static medium
4] Captive medium

20. Business ethics can be both normative and a: __________discipline.

1] Representative
2] Positive
Subject: Advertising and Public Relation

3] Descriptive
4] Negative

21. PR, Advertising, Direct mail, Promotions, Event Marketing etc. fall under
marketing: _________.
1] messages
2] media
3] channel
4] Communication

22. The _________ ministry has banned surrogate liquor advertising in India.
1] Home
2] Health
3] I & B
4] External affairs

23. Artificial product demos are example of : _________.

1] Misrepresentation advertising
2] Puffery advertising
3] Corrective advertising
4] Manipulative advertising

24. A Brand :_________can be defined as a centrally held, enduring belief which

guides action and judgments
across specific situations.
1] Symbol
2] Culture
3] Memory
4] Value

25. :BLANK identifies the market segment, target audience and desired positioning, in
order to achieve the marketing objective.
1] Marketing strategy
2] Situation analysis
3] SWOT analysis
4] Action plan

26. The first task of any advertising is to make the :BLANK feel that the product or
service exists and what it is all about.
1] Market
2] Company
3] Management
4] Audience

27. : BLANK acts as a mirror that shows the country's way of life.
1] Advertising
2] Competition
3] Ethics
Subject: Advertising and Public Relation

4] Regulations

28. :BLANK means invading a person's solitude or seclusion, usually through illegal
entry, unlawful search or electronic eavesdropping.
1] Intrusion
2] Plaintiff
3] Anguish
4] Ethics

State True or False

29. Media research is conducted to establish the suitability of a particular medium.

1] True
2] False

30. Research can tell how many people read advertisements and how many remember
1] True
2] False

31. Marketers engage in PR to develop a favourable image of their organisation or

product in the eyes of the media.
1] True
2] False

32. Milkmaid was originally promoted as an ingredient for making sweet dishes.
1] True
2] False

33. The advertising also increases the employment levels, directly and indirectly.
1] True
2] False

34. Advertising informs a customer about the various choices available in the market.
1] True
2] False

35. The advertisement campaigns are high for a new product launch.
1] True
2] False

36. Advertising persuades the dealers to stock more of the advertised goods.
1] True
2] False

37. The term podcast is derived from IPOD

1] True
2] False

38. PR is a planned effort to influence opinion through good character and responsible
performance based upon one way communication.
Subject: Advertising and Public Relation

1] True
2] False

Match the Following

39. 1] Publicity Era 1] Dissemination and attention getting

2] Information Era 2] Honest and accurate dissemination of
3] Advocacy Era information
4] Relationship Era 3] Modify attitude and influence behaviour
4] Mutual understanding and conflict resolution
5] Communication era
6] PR era

40. 1] Seasonal pulse 1] Air conditioners

2] Period pulse 2] Consumer durables or non durables
3] Erratic pulse 3] Irregular ads
4] Promotional pulse 4] Short term ad commitments
5] Promotional
6] Steady

41. 1] Accessible 1] Effectively reached and served

2] Substantial 2] Large or profitable enough to serve
3] Actionable 3] Effective programs can be designed to serve
4] Differentiable 4] Conceptually distinguished
5] Target marketing
6] Psychographic

42. 1] Hero Honda's - "Desh ki 1] Corporate Advertising

Dharkan" 2] Service Advertising
2] HDFC Bank 3] Public Service Advertising
3] School Chale Hum 4] Product Advertising
4] FMCG 5] Political Advertising
6] Comparative Advertising

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