07-Assessment of Existing Culvert Capacity

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Culvert design guide

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7 Assessment of existing culvert


The aim when assessing existing culverts is to determine the maximum flow rate which
the culvert can pass without the headwater elevation exceeding a specified maximum
permissible level.

Design Note: The process of assessing the capacity of an existing culvert is

iterative. Initially a flow is estimated and the headwater elevation
calculated. If the resulting headwater elevation is higher or
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significantly lower than the maximum permissible level the flow is

changed and the calculation repeated.


Before an assessment can be undertaken the following information is required:

• culvert size, shape, dimensions and materials

• culvert length
• invert levels of inlet and outlet
• barrel slope
• cross-section of upstream and downstream channels
• bank levels of upstream and downstream channels
• type of inlet and outlet
• condition of the barrel
• number and radii of bends in barrel
• details of trash or security screens
• maximum permissible upstream water level.


Establish maximum permissible headwater elevation (HWLmax). A maximum tailwater

elevation may also be needed, particularly for the free flow case.

CIRIA Report 168 111

Free flow
HWLmax for free

HWLmax for Surcharged

surcharged flow

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Figure 7.1 Definition of HWLmax for existing culverts

The engineer will need to determine whether the assessment will be conducted:

1. Assuming that surcharged flow will occur. This is the most likely case for existing

2. Assuming that free flow is maintained at all times.

3. By undertaking both free flow and surcharged analysis to establish a normal

capacity and a capacity under surcharged conditions.

Surcharged flow analysis is given in Section 7.7 and free flow analysis in Section 7.8.
Before undertaking the analysis a sketch of the culvert is produced (Section 7.4) and a
first estimate of the maximum flow is made (Section 7.5).

If the assessment is to be conducted with free flow in the culvert a decision on an

acceptable freeboard in the culvert must be made. Typically, as for the design of new
culverts this would be 0.3 - 0.5 m but this may not be possible at some sites.


Produce a sketch drawing of the culvert including:

longitudinal section

The longitudinal section should show the inlet and outlet invert levels and the
maximum permissible headwater elevation.

CIRIA Report 168


An initial estimate of the maximum culvert capacity (Q max ) is required and the
following methods may be used.

1. The Manning equation

AR 3
Q max =

A is the cross-sectional area of flow
R is the culvert hydraulic radius (A/P)
P is the culvert wetted perimeter
s is the slope of the culvert barrel
n is the Manning’s n value for the culvert, estimated from Table D2 (Appendix Al)

2. Velocity area calculation

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Qmax = AV where A is the cross-sectional area of flow and V is the velocity in the
culvert. The designer should estimate V depending on the size and slope of the culvert.
A suggested starting value is 1.5 m/s.

3. Downstream channel capacity

Q max is the capacity of the downstream channel calculated using Manning’s equation.

For methods 1 and 2, for surcharged flow A will be the culvert cross-sectional area.
For free flow, A will be the culvert cross-sectional area minus the area taken up in
order to provide the required freeboard.


A tailwater depth (TW) is required for the flow estimated above in order to carry out
the analysis. This is calculated from the equation

TW = TWL - ILo

The tailwater elevation (TWL) may either be calculated using the normal depth method
given in analysis module 1 (Section 8.1) or the backwater method given in analysis
module 2 (Section 8.2).

As the process is iterative, calculations may be required for several flows. If the culvert
operates under outlet control the performance will depend on the tailwater elevation.
To provide a range of levels for different flows a tailwater rating should be constructed,
as shown in Figure 7.2.

CIRIA Report 168 113


Flow rate (m3/s)

Figure 7.2 Rating curve

Once the rating curve is constructed, the tailwater elevation for each trial flow may be
read from the curve.

For the normal depth method the flow is calculated for a range of water levels and the
results plotted on the rating curve. For the backwater method a relationship between
flow and water level is required for the downstream control. A series of water surface
profiles is calculated for a range of flows. The calculated water levels at the culvert
outlet and corresponding flows are plotted to form a rating curve.

It is recommended that the normal depth method is used initially to obtain a first
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estimate of the capacity of the culvert. The calculation may then be repeated using the
backwater method if downstream control is likely to affect the culvert performance.


7.7.1 Inlet control

Using the flow calculated in Section 7.5 above (defined as Qmax) calculate the
headwater elevation under inlet control, HWLi using analysis module 3, Section 8.3. If
a trash screen is fitted calculate the head loss due to the trash screen, hs, using analysis
module 4, Section 8.4, and add this to HWLi

If the water level determined exceeds HWLmax, reduce Qmax and repeat the calculation
until HWLi is less than or equal to HWLmax.

7.7.2 Outlet control

With the headwater elevation under inlet control determined, the next step is to
calculate the headwater elevation under outlet control (HWL0).


S0 IL0

Figure 7.3 Definitions for surcharged flow under outlet control

By calculating the total head loss, HT, across the culvert and a value, y0, representing
the depth of water downstream, the headwater depth can be determined.

114 CIRIA Report 168

Box 7.1 Assessment of existing culvert. lnitial flow estimate and tailwater
elevation example calculation

(Sheet 1 of 2)

The capacity of an existing culvert is required. The longitudinal section is as follows:

HWL max 30° bend, R/B =2




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The culvert is a 1.5 m wide brick lined box with a concrete slab roof. There is a trash
screen at the inlet with 12 nr 0.02 m dia bars in a 1.9 m wide rectangular channel.

Initial flow estimate (Section 7.5)

1. Manning equation

A = 1.5 x 1.2 = 1.8 m2

P = 2(1.5 + 1.2) = 5.4 m R = 1.8/5.4 = 0.33 m

s = 0.32/60 = 0.0053

n estimated to be 0.025 from Table D2 (Appendix Al)

= 2.5 m3 /s
1.8x(0.33) x (0.0053)
Qmax =

2. Velocity area calculation

Qmax = 1.5A = 1.5 x 1.8 = 2.7 m3/s

3. Downstream channel capacity

Qmax = 1.4 m3/s using analysis module 1

Choose Qmax = 2.5 m3/s

CIRIA Report 168 115

Box 7.1 Assessment of existing culvert. Initial flow estimate and tailwater
elevation example calculation (continued)

(Sheet 2 of 2)
Tailwater elevation (Section 7.6)

Construct a rating curve for the downstream channel using Manning’s equation




Height above bed (m) A(m 2 ) P(m) R(m) Q(m 3 /s)

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1.0 2.0 3.73 0.54 1.39

1.3 2.75 3.73 0.74 2.35

1.4 3.0 3.73 0.80 2.73

1.5 3.25 3.73 0.87 3.11

A rating curve may be plotted as follows




1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Flow (m3/s)

From the curve the height above the bed is 1.34 m for the trial flow.

116 CIRIA Report 168

1. Calculation of yo

If TW > D then yo = TW

If TW < D then the hydraulic grade line approximation is required. Determine critical
depth, yc , for the culvert using Design charts Dl to D4 in Appendix Al. Alternatively
Q 2max T
yc is the depth where the equation = 1.
T is the width of the water surface at the culvert outlet
A is the area of flow at critical depth

yc + D

yo then equals the larger of TW or
The next stage in the design process is to determine the individual head losses which
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contribute to the total head loss, HT, across the culvert.

2. Outlet head loss

The outlet head loss is caused by the sudden expansion of the flow when it leaves the
culvert. The head loss is a function of both the mean velocity in the culvert barrel and
that in the downstream channel.

Calculate the outlet head loss using analysis module 5, Section 8.5.


Outlet head loss, ho

3. Head loss due to bends

If the culvert barrel has bends in it then each of the bends will have a head loss
associated with it.

Calculate the head loss due to each bend in the culvert barrel using analysis module 6,
Section 8.6.

Outcome :

Head loss due to bends hb

4. Head loss due to friction

Even in moderately long culverts the head loss due to friction will often be the largest
of all the head losses in the culvert.

CIRIA Report 168 117

Use analysis module 8, Section 8.8, to calculate the frictional head loss along the
culvert barrel.

Outcome :

Frictional head loss, h f

5. Inlet head loss

The head loss at the culvert inlet is caused by the contraction of the flow into the
culvert barrel from the upstream channel.

Use analysis module 7, Section 8.7 to calculate the inlet head loss, h i .

Outcome :
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Inlet head loss, hi

6. Head loss due to trash screen

If a trash screen is fitted to the culvert entrance then there will be an associated head
loss. The head loss is caused by the water having to be forced though the narrow gaps
between the bars of the trash screen.

It should be remembered that during flooding debris may collect very rapidly at the
trash screen before the screen can be effectively cleared and the head loss can increase

Use analysis module 4, Section 8.4, to calculate the head loss due to a trash screen, hs.

Outcome :

Head loss due to trash screen, hs

7. Calculate headwater elevation

The headwater elevation under outlet control can now be calculated using:

HWLo = ILo + yo + HT (see Figure 7.3)


If HWLo > HWLi use outlet control for the assessment.

If HWLi > HWLo use inlet control for the assessment.

118 CIRIA Report 168

If calculated HWL > HWLmax reduce the trial flow and repeat the analysis.

If the calculated HWL is significantly less than HWLmax increase the trial flow and
repeat the analysis.

The value of Qmax which results in HWLmax just being equalled is the maximum
capacity of the culvert.

Box 7.2 Assessment of existing culvert. Surcharged flow example


(Sheet 1 of 2)


Use the culvert in the initial flow estimate and tailwater elevation example
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• Length = 60 m
• 1.5 m wide x 1.2 m high barrel
• ILo = 41.43 mAD
• ILi = 41.75 mAD
• HWLmax = 43.25 mAD
• Initial estimate of Qmax = 2.5 m 3/s

Inlet control

HWLi = 42.87 mAD using analysis module 3

Outlet control

1. Initial depth

The invert level is at the bed level, therefore TW = 1.34 m

D = 1.2m TW > D yo = 1.34 m

2. Outlet head loss

ho = 0.06 m using analysis module 5

3. Head loss due to bends

hb = 0.02 m using analysis module 6

4. Head loss due to friction

hf = 0.02 m using analysis module 8

CIRIA Report 168 119

Box 7.2 Assessment of existing culvert. Surcharged flow example calculation

(Sheet 2 of 2)

5. Inlet head loss

hi = 0.05 m from analysis module 7

6. Head loss due to trash screen

hs = 0.03 m using analysis module 4

7. Calculate headwater elevation

HT = 0.06 + 0.02 + 0.02 + 0.05 +0.03 = 0.18 m

HWLo = 41.43 + 1.34 + 0.18 = 42.95 mAD

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HWLo (42.95 mAD) > HWLi (42.87 mAD) use outlet control for design

HWL (42.95 mAD) < HWLmax (43.25 mAD)

Increase flow and repeat calculations


7.8.1 Inlet control

Using the flow calculated in Section 7.5 above (Q max) calculate the headwater elevation
under inlet control, HWLi , using the analysis module 3, Section 8.3. If a trash screen is
fitted calculate the head loss due to the trash screen, hs, using analysis module 4,
Section 8.4 and add this to HWLi.

If the water level determined exceeds HWLmax reduce the flow and repeat the
calculation until HWLi is less than or equal to HWLmax. Outlet control analysis should
now be undertaken.

7.8.2 Outlet control

1. Determine initial depth yo

Calculate critical depth, yc, for the culvert at Qmax (see inlet control analysis module 3,
Section 8.3).

Set the initial depth, yo, to be equal to the larger of the tailwater depth, TW or yc.

120 CIRIA Report 168

2. Outlet head loss

The outlet head loss is caused by the sudden expansion of the flow when it leaves the
culvert. The head loss is a function of both the mean velocity in the culvert barrel and
that in the downstream channel.

Calculate the outlet head loss using the analysis module 5, Section 8.5.

Calculate the depth of flow just inside the culvert outlet by adding the outlet head loss,
h0, to the initial depth, y0, to give a start depth for the water surface profile ys:

ys = y0 + ho
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3. Head loss due to bends

If the culvert barrel has bends in it then each of the bends will have a head loss
associated with it.

Calculate the head loss due to each bend in the culvert barrel using analysis module 6,
Section 8.6.

4. Select number of steps for analysis

The accuracy of the calculated water surface profile is linked to the number of points
where the water depth is calculated between the culvert outlet and the inlet (see Figure
7.4). In this figure the profile will be calculated at three points other than the start

The water depth calculated

at three stations
Figure 7.4 Points for water surface profile calculation

CIRIA Report 168 121

Select the number of points (stations) where the depth of the water surface will be
calculated (use at least four stations including the start depth).

5. Calculate water surface profile

Use analysis module 2, Section 8.2, to calculate the depth of the water surface just
inside the culvert barrel.

Outcome :

Depth of water just inside the culvert inlet, yi

6. Inlet head loss

Add the inlet head loss to yi to determine the depth of flow just outside the culvert inlet.
The head loss at the culvert inlet is caused by the contraction of the flow into the
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culvert barrel from the upstream channel. Use analysis module 7, Section 8.7, to
calculate the inlet head loss, hi .

Outcome :

Inlet head loss, hi

7. Head loss due to trash screen

If a trash screen is fitted to the culvert entrance then there will be an associated head
loss. The head loss is caused by the water having to be forced though the gaps between
the bars of the trash screen.

It should be remembered that during flooding debris may collect very rapidly at the
trash screen before the screen can be effectively cleared and the trash screen head loss
can increase rapidly.

Use analysis module 4, Section 8.4, to calculate the head loss due to a trash screen, hs.

Outcome :

Head loss due to trash screen, hs

8. Calculation of headwater elevation

The headwater elevation for outlet control can then be calculated as:

HWL o =ILo + yi + hi + hs

122 CIRIA Report 168

If HWLo > HWLi use outlet control for the design.

If HWLi > HWLo use inlet control for the design.

If HWL > HWLmax reduce the trial flow and repeat the analysis.

If the design HWL is significantly less than HWLmax increase the trial flow and repeat
the analysis.

The value of Qmax which results in HWLmax just being equalled is the maximum
capacity of the culvert.
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CIRIA Report 168 123

Box 7.3 Assessment of existing culvert. Free flow example calculation
(Sheet 1 of 2)


Use the culvert in the initial flow estimate and tailwater elevation example calculation
except that HWLmax = 42.70 mAD, 0.25 m below the inlet soffit level.

• Length = 60 m
• 1.5 m wide x 1.2 m high barrel
• ILo = 41.43 mAD
• ILi = 41.75 mAD
• HWLmax = 42.70 mAD

Initial flow estimate (Section 7.5)

1. Manning equation
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Depth of flow assumed to be HWL max - ILi = 42.70 - 41.75 = 0.95 m

A = 1.43m2; Q max = 2.34 m3/s

2. Velocity area calculation

Q max = 1.5A = 1.5 x 1.43 = 2.14 m3/s

3. Downstream channel capacity

Qmax = 1.4 m3/s using analysis module 1

Choose Q max = 2.0 m3/s

Inlet control

HWLi = 42.67 mAD using analysis module 3

Outlet control

1. Initial depth

TW (from rating) = 1.19 m

y c = 0.6 m yo = T W = 1 . 1 9 m

This is practically at soffit level. Reduce flow and repeat.

For a flow of 1.5 m3/s, TW = 1.04m from the rating. Use Q max =1.5 m3/s and yo=TW
=1.04 m

124 CIRIA Report 168

Box 7.3 Assessment of existing culvert. Free flow example calculation

(Sheet 2 of 2)

2. Outlet head loss

ho = 0.02 m using analysis module 5

ys= 1.04 + 0.02 =1.06 m

3. Head loss due to bends

hb = 0.01 m using analysis module 6

4. Select number of steps for analysis

Select four steps including the inlet and the outlet at distances of 0, 20, 40 and 60 m
from the outlet.
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5. Calculate water surface profile

yi = 0.86 m from analysis module 2 (see analysis

module 2 example calculation)

6. Inlet head loss

hi = 0.03 m from analysis module 7

6. Head loss due to trash screen

h s = 0.02 m using analysis module 4

7. Calculate headwater elevation

HWLo = 41.75 + 0.86 + 0.03 + 0.02 = 42.66 mAD

Re-calculate HWLi for flow of 1.5 m3/s; = 42.54 mAD

HWL o (42.66 mAD) > HWLi (42.54 mAD) use outlet control for design

HWL (42.66 mAD) < HWL max (42.70 mAD) flow estimate OK

CIRIA Report 168 125

Core Programme Members
January 1997

Alfred McAlpine Construction Ltd Miller Civil Engineering Ltd

AMEC Plc Montgomery Watson Ltd
Aspinwall & Co Limited Mott MacDonald Group Ltd
Babtie Group Ltd National Power PLC
Bachy Limited North West Water Limited
Balfour Beatty Ltd Northumbrian Water Limited
Binnie Black & Veatch Ove Arup Partnership
Building Design Partnership Owen Williams Geotechnical Ltd
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Cementitious Slag Makers Association Posford Duvivier

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Davis Langdon & Everest Scottish Hydro-Electric plc
Department of the Environment Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners Limited
Dudley Engineering Consultancy Sir William Halcrow & Partners Ltd
Edmund Nuttall Limited South Bank University
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Keller Foundations W essex Water plc
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Laing Technology Group Limited WS Atkins Consultants Limited
London Underground Limited Yorkshire Water Services Limited
Mark Dyer Associates

Cover photograph
Courtesy of: Wimpey / Amey (Joint Venture), Bedford Southern Bypass
Report 168

A Culvert is a covered channel or pipeline used to

convey a watercourse under an obstruction. Culverts
provide one of the most common forms of drainage
structure and have been widely used throughout the
world. Numerous culverts are designed and constructed
each year and, along with many existing structures
they account for a significant proportion of the cost of
providing drainage.
Determining the hydraulic characteristics of a culvert is
complex. For this reason, most of the literature on
culverts is for specialist hydraulic engineers, despite the
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fact that most culverts in the UK are designed by non-

specialists. The lack of an accepted standard design
procedure has resulted in cases of over-design, which
raises costs, or under-design, which can cause flooding,
and poor detailing.

This report contains clear and concise guidelines for

the hydraulic design of culverts, intended for use by
engineers who do not have specialist knowledge of
hydraulics. It provides an overall design process for new
culverts, and information that can be used to analyse
and assess existing culverts. The hydraulic design
procedure contains worked calculations and the report
includes a section on examples of good design practice.

© CIRIA 1997
ISBN: 0 86017 467 0

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