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ASSESSMENT METHOD 1 –Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)


1. There are 23 MCQ questions.

2. There are four answers given for each question. You must mark the most appropriate answer
relevant to the question.
3. To achieve satisfactory, all questions must be answered correctly
4. This assessment is a closed book.
5. This assessment must be complete in the classroom.
6. Do not use mobile phones or any electronic devices during the assessment period.
7. Do not cheat. Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit.
There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. As a result, re-assessment fee may apply
8. Mark the answer clearly using blue or black pen only
9. On completion, submit the assessment to your assessor.
10. Ask your assessor, if you do not understand a question. Your assessor cannot tell you the answer
he/she may be able to re-word the question for you.
11. You have 30 mins to complete this assessment

1. What sources would you access to find out information about your work responsibilities?
(a) Your supervisor, organisational chart, job description and roster.
(b) Your closest colleague, your employment agreement and environmentally
sustainable work practices.
(c) Your supervisor, WHS policy and course materials.
(d) The HR representative and your job description.

2. What equipment do you need to communicate information via email?

(a) Facsimile machine.
(b) Computer and internet.
(c) Keyboard and network system.
(d) Telephone.

3. Peta needs to inform employees that the organisation’s server will be unavailable for two
hours. What communication method and/or equipment should she use?
(a) Telephone.
(b) Facsimile machine.
(c) Written.
(d) Email.

4. Which of the following methods is an example of non-verbal communication?

(a) Talking to customers on the telephone.
(b) Smiling at a customer.
(c) Leaving a voicemail message for a customer.

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(d) Asking an internal customer for advice.

5. When communicating verbally with customers, what type of questions encourage the
customer to be open about their needs, thoughts and feelings?
(a) Reflective questions.
(b) Encouraging questions.
(c) Open questions.
(d) Closed questions.

6. Which of the following employees uses effective speaking skills in their verbal
communication with the customer?
(a) I understand you are concerned about the program’s suitability. What exactly do you
need the program to do for you?
(b) The system BIOS is not unlike your existing system.
(c) Come over here, love, and I’ll show you the new beaut system.
(d) It’s obvious you don’t understand what I’m saying. Rather than me trying to explain it
to you, is there someone else I can talk to?

7. What can you do to show customers that you’re actively listening to their needs?
(a) Take notes throughout the conversation so the customer knows you’re paying
(b) Ask lots of open questions.
(c) Give the customer your full attention. Be attentive to their tone of voice and body
(d) Repeat everything the customer says so they know you are listening.

8. Kaitlin has a new idea to improve the company’s existing security system. What internal
sources can help her refine her idea?
(a) Her colleagues, manager, Human Resources and procedures manual.
(b) The internet and company procedures manual.
(c) Customers, suppliers, Finance department and manager.
(d) Procedures manual, supervisor, Finance department and suppliers.

9. Gerard needs to find out what new technologies are available to refine his new idea.
Which external resource can help him find the answers he needs?
(a) Customers.
(b) Colleagues.
(c) Suppliers.
(d) Human Resource department.

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10. A customer asks you to follow up on their enquiry. How should you respond?
(a) Promptly – follow through by taking action in accordance with organisational
(b) Promptly – do whatever it takes to please the customer, even if it means doing
something outside your usual responsibilities.
(c) Calmly – follow through by asking your supervisor what to do.
(d) Assertively – inform others what they need to do to make sure the job is done for
you and your customer.

11. How should you present written information and ideas to ensure the intended meaning of
the correspondence is understood by the recipient?
(a) With clear and concise language and format.
(b) With diagrams or illustrations.
(c) With a verbal explanation of what the written information means.
(d) With detailed explanations and descriptions – never abbreviate or summarise.

12. Which of the following is the best example of clear and concise language?
(a) I will pick you up and leave at 8 am.
(b) Will you attend the WHS meeting at 9 am on Thursday 16th October?
(c) Please send your expense reimbursements by Friday.
(d) Please advise your ISP.

13. How can you ensure you draft and present correspondence within designated timelines?
(a) Refer to the organisation’s style guide and delegate where possible to share the
(b) Confirm deadlines and allow time for planning, preparation and unexpected delays.
(c) Wait until you have enough time to complete the task from start to finish in one go –
stopping and starting wastes time.
(d) Use a word processor and a spell check.

14. Why is accuracy important when completing written information?

(a) Legislation exists to ensure that all documents completed in the workplace are
(b) Customers and suppliers won’t be able to read the information you have recorded if
it is inaccurate.
(c) It’s a way to test employees and reward those who perform better than others.
(d) Incorrect details, spelling mistakes and poor grammar is unprofessional and has a
negative impact on your colleagues and customers.

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15. You are drafting written material for a client and want to find out your organisation’s
standard of style and format. Where will you find this information?
(a) In the Australian standards for written material.
(b) In specific workplace policies.
(c) In your job description or induction manual.
(d) In your organisation’s style guide or manual.

16. What is a typical format for a brief?

(a) Title, background information, current position, recommendation, and then sign-off.
(b) Problem, detailed information, opinion, and then recommendation.
(c) Contact information, current position, recommendation, and then sign-off.
(d) Title, recommendation, background information, current position, and then sign-off.

17. How can you format workplace forms and documents to ensure they are clear, concise
and easy to read?
(a) Design standard templates and use dot points and subheadings to break up large
chunks of text.
(b) Colour-code different types of forms.
(c) Use tables, diagrams and arrows to highlight important sections.
(d) Employ a desktop publisher to improve the layout of the most frequently accessed

18. How can you embrace diversity and respect differences in the workplace?
(a) Embracing diversity will come naturally as more employees with culturally diverse
backgrounds are employed in the workplace.
(b) Learn a language other than English.
(c) Offer to help individuals who cannot speak English and encourage individuals to
only apply for positions that suit their unique differences.
(d) Value all individuals and treat them with respect, courtesy and sensitivity.

19. Max has just arrived in Australia and doesn’t speak English very well. How can you
respond appropriately to his questions regarding procedures using correct communication
(a) Speak to him as you would any other colleague to avoid discriminating against him.
(b) Speak extremely slowly and loudly to make sure he understands you while you
physically show him the procedures.
(c) Speak clearly using simple words, short sentences and no slang or technical jargon.
Physically show him the procedures.
(d) Speak clearly using simple words, short sentences and plenty of funny jokes.

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20. A colleague asks you to help them interpret a legal document. How would you respond to
develop and maintain a positive relationship with your colleague?
(a) Explain that everything they need to know is in the document.
(b) Describe or demonstrate the steps involved to complete the document in a friendly
and helpful manner.
(c) Speak slowly so your colleague has time to process the information.
(d) Save time by completing the document for them.

21. How can you use communication to develop and maintain mutual trust and confidence?
(a) Follow up all verbal communication with a written email or memo.
(b) Keep customers informed about problems you encounter in your work day.
(c) Be reliable and honest. Use positive language and be confident and certain about
the information you provide.
(d) Use jokes when communicating with people in the workplace.

22. A colleague is new to your industry and doesn’t understand some of the acronyms used
throughout the workplace. What should you do to overcome the language barrier?
(a) Explain that it’s not necessary to understand the jargon, as long as they understand
how to complete their job role.
(b) Tell them it’s an industry expectation that everyone understands the jargon prior to
accepting employment.
(c) Provide your colleague with a list of standard acronyms used throughout the
workplace with a simple definition of each.
(d) Tell your colleague to refer to the internet or policy manual for a list of abbreviations
and industry jargon.

23. Which statement complies with legislative requirements, enterprise guidelines and social
(a) ‘There is no point employing an Asian for the job. We need someone who can read
and write perfect English.’
(b) ‘Anakin is no good for the position. He wears a hearing aid and won’t be able to
answer the phone.’
(c) ‘Tommy’s application looks perfect on paper. It’s a shame he is so old. He just won’t
fit in at our workplace.’
(d) ‘Angela is planning a trip overseas in the next few years but she is the most suitable
person for the job. Let’s offer it to her.’

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