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The Leaftide
Moises Montero (order #27642809)
Writing and Design: Fernando Dolande
Proofreading and Editing: Fernando Dolande
Maps by Fernando Dolande
Art & Assets:
Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick
Hershey / Fat Goblin Games.


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This work contains material that is copyright
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All other original material in this work is
copyright 2020 by Fernando A. Dolande A.
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Moises Montero (order #27642809)

Table of Contents
Introduction 1 6. Kitchen 10
Background 1 8. The Grand Bath 10
7. Storage Room 10
Denizens 2
Diavira Leaftide 2 Location Key: Upper Floor 11
Elisica Leaftide 2 9. The Leaftide Common Rooms 12
Tevias Leaftide 3 10. Staff Bedroom 12
Gramor Steelhorn 3 11. Leaftide Bedroom 13
Korkas Highcoin 4 12. Master Bedroom 13

Location Key: Ground Floor 6 Adventure Seeds 14

1. Reception & Storefront 7 Rest & Relaxation 14
2 . The Lounges 7 Wrought Racketeering 15
3. The Hallways & Baths 8 Appendix A. Magical Items 16
4. The Furnaces 9 Emberstone 16
5. Inner Garden 9 Wand of Secrets 16

Moises Montero (order #27642809)

Introduction Where in the World…?

he Leaftide Bathhouse is many things to While this supplement goes into details
many people; a place to socialise, to eat, to about the Leaftides’ business, it does not
place the bathhouse in any speci�ic village,
rest and escape the daily grind. But above town, or city.
all it is a place where you can find a hot bath and a In truth, you could place it anywhere in your
relaxing soak which will leave you feeling better setting as a fun diversion for your players.
than when you came in. After all, their characters probably need a
good rinse after dealing with the last batch
of undead, or raiding that kobold cave.

Background However, do take the following into

consideration when placing the bathhouse
The Leaftides are an old family of stout halflings in your world:
once native to the valley of Ashford. They made 1. Public bathhouses were primarily used
due by living as farmers, owning several parcels by the common folk who can’t afford, or
don’t care for, having a private bathing space
of land dedicated to the cultivation of olives. at home. As such, placing the bathhouse in
an averagely sized town, or a city district
They worked as hard as they partied, until inhabited by working class individuals,
several harsh seasons and bad harvests washed makes the most sense.
away their fortunes.
2. Access to clean water and soap is bound
They did their best to recover what they could, to better the health of whichever settlement
you place the bathhouse on. You could show
to no avail. Unable to provide for themselves, this by having the locals smell like fresh
the Leaftides took off. Leaving their ancestral peppermint, or having them talk about
homes behind in hopes of making it big “going for a soak after work”.
Diavira Leaftide, saw this as an opportunity to
remake herself, and began to travel the world. Diavira chuckles at that, and exclaims;
During her journeys she saw many great deeds, “Perhaps, but anyone who has ever traded in steel
and, to hear her tell it, she became an adventurer and coin knows that some stenches you can’t wash
for a season or two! But while the road had away. Unless you pay for my tubs. Those will leave
provided her with many trills, adventures, and you smelling like a king!”
love to boot, she wished to have a place to call
her own. A place to call home. And soon
enough, she found the place to do that and more.
She bought an old inn in desperate need of
repairs off the hands of an elderly couple, and
went to work. In a season, with no small help
from some of the locals, she had made the
dilapidated place into a proper home.
But more than that, she made it into a business.
A bathhouse to fit for even a noble.
Most didn’t understand why she had chosen such
a particular type of business. After all, don’t most
people wash their faces and go ahead with their

Moises Montero (order #27642809)
Your party could meet some, if not all, of the following characters when they visit the
Leaftide Bathhouse.

Diavira Leaftide Elisica Leaftide

Stout Halfling Spy, She/Her Pronouns Stout Halfling Commoner, She/Her Pronouns
Diavira, or Vira to her friends and family, has Elisica, or Mama Sil as her family calls her, is old.
always had an entrepreneurial spark. Which has Even by halflings standards. Her long hair has
served her well after becoming the owner of the turned completely grey, and her skin has more
Leaftide Bathhouse. wrinkles than trees have leaves. Nonetheless, she
is always up and about, and displays more energy
She has a strong hands-on approach to business, than most youngsters a quarter of her age.
and is always seeking for a customer to take care
of. An account to balance. A distributor to meet. When her daughter opened the bathhouse, she
was not only the first customer, but her first
She is the most content when she is spending employee as well.
time with her friends and family. She was
glowing when her mother and her old Ever since then she has been taking care of the
adventuring party joined her staff. bathhouse kitchens. In fact, she was the one who
suggested making soap for the customers to buy
And now that even her son has begun working during their visits.
with her, she finds herself the happiest she has
been in years. Unlike her daughter, Elisica is quiet and
reserved. She suffered from anxiety ever since
When working, she is most often taking care of she was young, and has a tendency to overthink
the front desk- welcoming new arrivals, and things. Thus, she keeps to herself, and confides
ensuring everything runs smoothly. only rarely on others, preferring to listen than to
Facts about Diavira
• She is currently dating a former business Facts about Elisica
rival, Shurra Fogspirit. The two have gone on • She walks with a cane carved from sycamore
several dates, and Diavira is considering wood, made by her late husband Viannan.
proposing soon. She talks to it sometimes, as if she was talking
• Her favourite colour is blue, especially the to him.
darker hues. • Elisica owns a large collection of explicit
• She despises ale, especially cheap ale. She literature. And she has a writing circle where
drank too much of it during her youth, and she discusses the merits, growth, and
the mere scent of it sickens her. development of these novels.

• Had a bad run-in with Bodak years ago. Her • Elisica moonlights as a writer using the pen
right arm didn’t heal quite right after that, name Steelheart. Her novels are very popular
and whenever she uses her hand, it shakes among city folk of the working class.

Moises Montero (order #27642809)
Tevias Leaftide Gramor Steelhorn
Stout Halfling Commoner, He/Him Pronouns Hill Dwarf Bard, They/Them Pronouns
Tevias showed since a young age that he had On the night when The Marvelous Hounds put
inherited his mother's curious spark. Whenever on a show on the village of Tumbledowns. The
his mother would cook, he was always close by minstrels regaled everyone with their sweet
the pot, marvelling at the "magic" she was songs, and tragic stories. Tales of heroism, and
performing. This love would evolve into a sorrow. Of Betrayal and love. Until it was all
passion. Nowadays, cooking has become one of over.
his hobbies, helping him bond with his
grandmother as well. While others left the show, and didn't think
much of it afterwards, Gramor stayed behind. A
When he and his mother opened the Leaftide youth still, they begged the troupe to teach
Bathhouse, he took on the enterprise with them their ways.
gusto. He joined his grandmother in the
kitchen, and did what he could to help out. One of them, an elderly woman named Faris,
Only recently has his desire to learn the secrets smiled kindly at them, and began to explain her
of the arcane overshadow his love for his job. ways. Years later, Gramor still carries the lute
she gave him before she passed.
He didn't think much of magic at first. Not even
thinking himself capable of studying enough to The years that followed saw Gramor find
become a wizard. But now he thinks his dreams adventure and thrills as well as love and
are within his reach. As he hopes to someday friendship. Now, with their best years behind
become the first wizard chef. Mixing the art of them, they have grown content in sharing the
cooking, and magic, to create something tales of their youth. Hoping that one day, a
completely new. young lad will come by, and ask them to teach
them the ways of song and stories.
Facts about Tevias Facts about Gramor
• After much study, Tevias has learned the
Mage Hand, and Thaumaturgy cantrips. He • Gramor, Diavira and Korkas used to
uses Thaumaturgy to chill the customers' adventure together. Nowadays they work as
drinks, or heat up their food. Mage hand he the bathhouse's entertainer, and help with
reserves for whenever something is out of customers if needed.
reach for his stature. • During their courtship with Korkas, they
• Whenever not working, Tevias spends his were the one who proposed.
free time trying out new recipes. Most of his • Their songs have become local favourites.
experiments are edible. The two most requested ones are The Ballad
• Tevias is afraid of spiders, and runs away at of King Dain, and Blissful Winter Winds.
the sight of them as fast as his legs can carry • They’ve been jolly as of late after learning
him. their sister had their first baby. They’re
making plans to visit her and her family as
soon as possible.

Moises Montero (order #27642809)
Korkas Highcoin
Lightfoot Halfling Veteran, He/Him Pronouns
Korkas had grown tired of tilling the fields. He But even now, he has kept the easy smile, and
saw warriors right off to battle, brandishing stubborn determination, he had in his youth.
shining blades and armours.
He wanted nothing more than to be as they Facts about Korkas
were. But his family reminded him time and • Korkas met Diavara and Gramor by random
again, that no respectable halfling would take to chance. If you could call running away from
such labour. a group of angry goblins "random chance".
Nonetheless, he persevered. He trained in secret Nowadays, he takes care of the customers of
with blades of wood and lids for shields. He the bathhouse, and helps clean when needed.
fashioned helmets from pots. And he braved • Even after they married, Korkas still remains
his first bandit days before his twentieth shy when it comes to his feelings. Much to
birthday. Gramor's teasing.
Years have come and gone since, and he still • Korkas is extremely superstitious. He carries
laughs at how foolhardy he was. Lucky, as he several trinkets on his person at all times.
says it, that he didn't end up dead. While he claims these keep away curses and
He has become a seasoned veteran, with years spells, no wizard has ever confirmed if they
of experience under his belt. And more scars work.
than he cares to remember.

Moises Montero (order #27642809)

Welcome to the Leaftide Bathhouse. We hope your stay is pleasant and your aches fading.

Private Bath ~ For 1 silver piece per hour, enjoy a warm bath at one of our private
chambers. Each of these rooms is outfitted with a metal tub, an oven for heating water, and
sample bar of our complementary All-Heal soap.
Grand Bath Access ~ For 2 silver pieces per hour, rest your weary bones on the grand bath.
These soothing herbal waters will surely take away all of your aches and stress.
Note: Access to the Grand Bath only after bathing properly beforehand.

All-Heal Peppermint Soap Bar ~ 5 Copper Pieces
Soothing Chamomile Soap Bar ~ 1 Silver Pieces
Sunshine Black Tea Soap Bar ~ 2 Silver Pieces

Wines Foods
Rivaldi’s Old Red ~ An approachable red Bread Buns ~ 8 freshly baked buns of bread
wine with a crisp and fruity taste. served with honey and butter.
4 sp for the cup. 2 gp for the bottle. 3 cp per serving.
Ferrok - A tart white wine with a complex Meat Tray ~ Locally sources cuts of cured
flavor and citrus tones. meats and sausages.
5 sp for the cup. 2 gp and 5 sp for the bottle. 2 sp per serving.
Owlbear 37th - A deep red wine with nutty Leaftide Soup ~ Our ancestral vegetable soup
notes and an oddly minty aftertaste. recipe. Cooked with love and care.
8 sp for the cup. 4 gp for the bottle. 5 cp per serving.

Moises Montero (order #27642809)
Location Key: Ground Floor
This section describes the different locations of the Leaftide Bathhouse. Areas with a similar function or
layout will be described in a single entry. Any distinctions between these rooms will be noted within that
Additionally, if any of the characters before described on the Denizens section is likely to be present
within a room, their names will be Bolded for emphasis and ease of reference.

Moises Montero (order #27642809)
If the characters have come to buy soaps,
Diavira would take care of them here.
If they have come to take a bath, private or
on the grand bath, they will be asked to pay
beforehand. After providing payment,
Diavira will hand the characters a labelled
key. She would call a staff member, such as
Korkas, Tevias or Gramor, to escort the
character to their bath.
After they are done cleaning up, the
characters are free to spend as much time as
they want on the lounges, or the inner

1. Reception & Storefront

A fresh aroma strikes at you as you enter the
reception of this pristine establishment. The
floor underneath your feet lies hidden beneath
a luxurious indigo carpet. The walls lie hidden
behind shelves filled with bars of soap, towels
and bottles of wine. Between the shelves at the
end of the room two dozen bells hang from the 2 . The Lounges
wall. Each with a small wooden plaque next to
it. Paintings depicting pastoral landscapes cover
And behind the desk facing the entrance, sits a the walls of this room. A verdant carpet of the
jovial halfling with her hair tied up on a bun. same soft material as the one in the reception,
She greets you as you enter, and invites you in. covers the floor. Scattered about the room are
several tables with plush looking chairs. Two
bookshelves lie next to the entrance. Each
The front doors of the bathhouse are containing an assortment of board games, and
unlocked each day from midday until the late card decks in mint condition.
hours of the night. At any other time, these
remain locked for the safety of the Leaftides
and their staff. Customers use the lounges to rest after
taking their baths. The Leaftides encourage
Diavira Leaftide spends most of her time their visitors to stay for as long as they need
here. She welcomes customers with a smile, to after bathing. Even more so if the
and asks for their business. The bells behind customer orders drinks or food during their
her desk connect to cords on each of the stay.
bathhouse's rooms.
The board games and card decks on the
If someone required a member of the staff, bookshelves are free for the customers to
Diavira would know by the bells ringing. use during their stay.

Moises Montero (order #27642809)
It was Tevias' idea to add them to the The ones on the western hallway go from 1
lounges, and much to his joy, everyone to 4. The ones on the eastern hallway go
appears to enjoy them. The lounge's from 5 to 8.
fireplaces are only lit after sundown, or all
day long during the colder seasons of the When a character first enters one of the
year. baths, read:

Tevias, Korkas and Gramor spend much

of their working hours at the lounges. They Peppermint scented steam permeates this
will either be cleaning up tables, or taking room. A large metal tub lies filled with clear
orders from customers. In the off-chance water, while an oven burns up at the corner. A
that the day is slow, they could end up bag of coals and a bucket of water resting next
playing a round of cards themselves. to it. A string and knob hang from the ceiling
next to the door. Nailed to the wall next to it is
a plaque reading "Pull for Attention" in the
common tongue.

All private baths are identical. Containing a

metal tub, an oven, a bucket and a bag of
coals. If a customer pulls the string and knob
next to the door, a bell will ring in the
reception. Soon after, the staff will knock on
the door and ask if the customer requires
The staff cleans the baths right after a
customer leaves. Since nobody likes cleaning
all that much, who ends up on cleaning duty
for the day is often decided by a game of
3. The Hallways & Baths cards. So far Korkas has ended up on
The hallways connect the lounges with the cleaning duty the most. Much to his dismay.
private bathrooms, as well as the Grand
Bath. Both hallways connect to the inner
garden and the furnace rooms. The eastern
hallway also has access to the storage room.
While the western hallway connects to the
The private baths, kitchen, furnaces and
storage room doors are always locked. Either
for the privacy of the guests, or because the
rooms are not meant for customers.
The private baths have numbered plaques
next to the doors. Each matched with a key
that Diavira keeps on her person.

Moises Montero (order #27642809)
4. The Furnaces
5. Inner Garden
Hot air rushed out as soon as you opened this
room's door. A wooden stairway leads you Neatly trimmed and soft grass adorn this
down under the level of the bathhouse. Resting garden. Vines and flowers grow all around,
at the bottom of the stairs is a large stone and two proud trees provide refreshing shade.
furnace. The crackling of wood echoing from A fountain with a weird looking statue lies
within it as would the wails of an angry beast. surrounded by stone benches in the middle of
the garden. The ornament seems to be a large
Locked at all times, the furnaces are the bird, wings extended, with the head of stag. Its
secret to the Leaftide's success. open mouth releasing clear water onto the pool
Both rooms contain identical stone furnaces, beneath.
each outfitted with an Emberstone (see
appendix A). These do more than heat up The statue atop the fountain depicts a
the water. A series of pipes connect them to monstrous beast known as a peryton. A DC
an underground lake beneath the bathhouse. 10 Intelligence (Nature) check reveals that
perytons are predatory monsters dwelling in
The furnaces suck the water from the lake, mountains and forests. Known for their
heat it up, and transport it to the fountain cunning and savagery, perytons have a
heads on the grand bath. One of the latches voracious appetite, only satiated by the still-
of the furnace opens up to reveal a small beating hearts of their prey.
chamber connected to the piping system.
Customers who have finished their baths,
Any materials thrown in infuse the waters as but prefer to spend some time in the open,
they pass onto the fountain heads on the come to the garden. The grass here is soft
Grand Bath. The Leaftides add herbs to the enough that walking barefoot is not only
waters regularly to enhance the water's possible but enjoyable. If a customer requests
soothing properties. food or drink on the gardens, they will be
served, so long as they clean up after
themselves afterwards.

Moises Montero (order #27642809)
6. Kitchen
The scent of fresh bread, warm butter, and
herbs fill your nose as you enter the bathhouse
kitchen. Every wall has shelves filled with
hags, pouches and jugs. More still lie scattered
about the floor, and the table facing the ovens.
8. The Grand Bath
Quite small, and to be
honest kind of A large pool of cloudy water lies in the middle
claustrophobic. This of this room, fed by two fountain heads
kitchen is the domain mounted on the northern wall.
of Elisica Leaftide.
At the room's edges lie stone benches set next to
Who spends most of
small stone basins filled with heated rocks.
her time preparing new
Steam rises from them, filing the room with
recipes for her family
humid and warm air.
to try, or cooking up
the customers orders.
Whenever business is The Grand Bath is the pride and joy of the
slow, Elisica uses up her time by taking naps, Leaftide Bathhouse. Kept at a temperature of
or writing up a new recipe or novel. 42°C (107°F) thanks to the bathhouse
furnaces, the bath's waters help alleviate
muscle aches, and relieve stress.
7. Storage Room
Despite its name you are not supposed to
This storage room is clean yourself in the grand bath.
plain, and sparsely
decorated. A stairway Rather, customers gain access to it only after
leads up to the second bathing elsewhere, and then soak in the pool
floor of the bathhouse, as a way to relax. If a customer preferred a
to the Leaftide living steam bath over soaking on the pool, they
areas. During working could rest by the benches at the edges of the
hours, the door to this room.
room remains closed Due to its construction, the grand bath is
and locked. also used for socialising. As any customer
Only the Leaftides, who has finished a cleaning up can visit the
Korkas, and Gramor, have keys to open this grand bath as well.
door, keeping them on themselves at all

Moises Montero (order #27642809)
Location Key: Upper Floor

Moises Montero (order #27642809)
The largest common area is the living room
and kitchen. These contain the oven, dining
table, a fireplace and Elisica's rocking chair.
The bookshelf next to the rocking chair
contains books, scrolls and pamphlets. The
family stores their collection of alchemy,
cooking, and romance books here.
Two doors leave this room. The one next to
the stairway is a pantry, where the Leaftide
keep their supplies. The door next to the
bookshelf leads to a small hallway. The doors
on each side lead, and at the end of the
hallway, lead to bedrooms. The second door
on the right leads to the lavatory.

10. Staff Bedroom

This small bedroom contains two beds and a

couple nightstands. One of the beds appears
pristine and untouched.
9. The Leaftide
Common Rooms When Korkas and
Gramor moved in,
Pastoral paintings and halfling portraits cover they settled in this
this room from wall to wall. One corner holds room. Since the
a stove and shelves filled with foodstuffs. On Leaftides had not
the other end, a small fireplace holds a few expected they would
pieces of wood. Food, plates and bottles of hire a couple, the
spirits cover the table at the center of the room. room contains single
Laying in a nearby rocking chair, a chubby cat beds.
lays asleep, snoring faintly. Underneath the
unused bed lies a
These rooms compose the common areas small locked wooden chest. Gramor and
used by the Leaftides, Korkas, and Gramor. Korkas' savings are stored within: 292 gold
They will not be here during working coins, 111 silver coins, and 90 copper coins,
hours, unless they have gotten sick or hurt. as well as two small daggers coated in silver
(worth 102 gp each), and two gold rings
The only member of the family that is (worth 15 gp each). Both of them have keys
almost always here is Barragan, the family's that open the chest.
pet. He's a chubby tabby cat known for his
love of roasted chicken and naps.

Moises Montero (order #27642809)
11. Leaftide Bedroom
The fragrant scent of fresh bread and lavender
permeates this room. Inside lie two small beds,
and a couple nightstands. A shelf above one of
the beds holds seven thick books, and small
coloured pouches.

This room belongs to

Elisica Leaftide, and
her grandson Tevias
Leaftide. The books
12. Master Bedroom
above one of the beds
belong to Tevias. And The aroma of burned wood and mint fill the
cover topics related to air of this room. A large bed sits in the middle
the eldritch, and the of it, with wooden steps on each side. A desk
study of magic. The lies next to the bed, covered in books, papers
pouches contain and letters.
mundane material
components, used for
simple spells. This room belongs to Diavira Leaftide,
doubling as her office as well. Diavira bought
All together, Tevias' collection is worth 200 her bed second hand, and it ended up being
gp. too tall for her. And she ended up adding the
steps for ease of access.
Hidden behind the books is a small case
containing Tevias’ savings, 79 gp and 260 The books on her desk are all used to
sp. He hopes to save up enough to get a account for the bathhouse expenses,
proper tutor in magical theory, so he can purchases, and suppliers.
become a full fledged wizard.
The letters she keeps are from, or addressed
On Elisica's nightstand is a small to, her business partners. Except for one
compartment containing several velvet sealed on a teal envelope, signed by her
pouches. These contain her lifelong savings, sweetheart, Shurra Fogspirit.
her current drafts, and contracts with her
editors. The pouches contain a total of The dresser on the side of the room contains
1,000 gp, and assorted gems worth 500 gp. Diavira’s clothes, as well as her old
Elisica knows about her grandson's dream adventuring equipment: A breastplate
of becoming a wizard, and has been saving emblazoned with a peryton sigil, a leather
up. She hopes to sponsor his education, suit, two ornate shortswords with pommels
once he decides to leave the nest for good. shaped like stag skulls, a light crossbow,
and a Wand of Secrets (see Appendix A.).

Moises Montero (order #27642809)
Adventure Seeds
This section details 2 possible adventure seeds for you to use in your games.
Each adventure seed includes a hook (to get your party into the bathhouse), and scenes. Scenes are
loosely defined moments which you can use during your session to spice up the game, and add more life
to the location.

Rest & Relaxation

Hook • Gramor begins to play their lute. Their song,
The Ballad of King Dain tells the tale of a
After dealing with their last adventure, the valiant dwarven king and his many
characters have returned to civilization. adventures. Soon enough, several dwarves in
Tired and exhausted, they soon come across the audience begin to cheer and clap along
a local. Not a moment too soon, they suggest with the music.
the party should visit the Leaftide Bathhouse.
If only to get rid of the stench of high • As the party is leaving the bathhouse, they
adventure. see Gramor Steelhorn throwing out a rowdy,
and heavily intoxicated, customer. The
Their arrival at the bathhouse sees them customer vows revenge against the Leaftides
greeted by Diavira Leaftide on the reception. and runs off.
If their deeds preceded them, the party is
invited to enjoy the bathhouse free of charge
for their first visit.

• As they arrive at the Bathhouse, the party
meets an old friend at the front desk. Choose
an NPC from the character’s past adventures
or backstories. They have come to the
bathhouse by chance, and have paid for a
private bath and access to the grand bath.
• After cleaning up, and visiting the lounge,
Korkas Highcoin invites them to join him in
a game of cards.
• Soon after finishing up their bath, Diavira
informs the characters that one of them is
her 1000th customer. She hands them a
bottle of Rivaldi's Old Red as their prize.
• A customer complains that their drink has
warmed up. Tevias runs up to them, and
uses his Thaumaturgy cantrip to chill their
drink instantly.

Moises Montero (order #27642809)
Wrought Racketeering Who is Lord Gorn?

Hook Lord Gorn is a local crime boss and

leader of the Wrought Fist Gang. He has
the statistics of a Bandit Captain.
During the character's travels, they pass by
the Leaftide Bathhouse. Then, they witness Until a few weeks ago, he had left the
several shady hooded figures walk in. Leaftide Bathhouse alone. That was
until he took notice of how wealthy the
Moments later, Korkas Highcoin is thrown halflings were getting. He decided to pay
out of the bathhouse into the streets. The them a visit, and offer his services to
shady figures come back out, and begin to keep the Leaftides' business "safe and
beat the halfling up. protected". His prices were exorbitant,
and would lead the family to bankruptcy
If the characters intervene, the shady figures in little time.
run off. If the characters do not intervene, Diavira didn't waste any time kicking
the thugs beat Korkas down to 2 hp, leave him out of her premises. But she didn't
him unconscious, and then run away. One of expect how much trouble Gorn and his
Wrought Fists would become. Petty and
them yelling "Lord Gorn will have his due!" vengeful, Gorn commanded his minions
as they escape. As soon as the figures leave to harass the Leaftides and their
Gramor, Tevias, and Diavira come running customers. For weeks, the gang
to check on Korkas. Diavira begs for help, disturbed Diavira's business, and the
local authorities did little to help. She
her eyes fixating on the player characters. learned too late that Gorn has the law
on his side.

• Rurve Deadcut (as a Scout), a honest
• The characters are invited to the bathhouse
member of law enforcement in the area
after Korkas is taken to his rooms on the
arrives at the bathhouse. They want Gorn
second floor. Diavira wastes no time in
and his toadies incarcerated, and offer to
explaining her situation to the party. How
help the characters capture him. If they
the Wrought Fist Gang has been harassing
manage to get a confession of Gorn’s crimes,
her, and her customers. And how the
that will be enough for them to get him in
authorities seem to be in Gorn's pocket. She
jail. They have to make him admit to
offers the characters her Wand of Secrets as
everything without him knowing he’s been
well as 200 gold as payment if they help her
deal with Gorn. If the characters seem
unlikely to take the job, Gramor offers them • Lord Gorn himself arrives at the bathhouse,
two silvered daggers as well, to sweeten the accompanied by 4 thugs, and 6 bandits. He
deal. wants to take a bath, and talk business once
• At night, a group of 3 Bandits and
2 Thugs throw manure at the bathhouse.
They warn any character intervening that
they should bug off before they get on the
Fist’s blacklist too. If any of the bandits are
killed, the rest run off into the night.

Moises Montero (order #27642809)
Appendix A. Magical Items
Emberstone Wand of Secrets
Wondrous Item, Common Wand, Uncommon
An emberstone is a dodecahedron of 1 ft. in The wand has 3 charges. While holding it.
diameter, carved out of volcanic stone, each you can use an action to expend 1 of its
of its faces adorned with a dwarven rune. charges, and if a secret door or trap is within
When within 5 ft. of the stone, you can 30 feet of you, the wand pulses and points at
speak its command word to activate it, or the one nearest to you. The wand regains
deactivate it. When active, an emberstone 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
heats up 1,300°C in a matter of seconds, and
remains at that temperature until

Moises Montero (order #27642809)

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