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Professional and personal goals set (please ensure that you include Safeguarding Training and Prevent )

Specific - What Measurable - Achievable – Realistic – Time-related – Feedback from What I have learnt and
do you want to How will you How are you What date will Employer/Tutor - What how this has impacted on
(what support,
do know if you have going to achieve your achieve impact has achieving this my practice
achieved your this? your goal/target personal goal had on the
needed )
goal/target by learner’s practice
(steps to take )

1 Time Management I will be able to I will plan my day Support from the December 2023
complete tasks in the ensuring that I have class teacher and
allotted time. enough time to being mindful of my
complete the tasks workload.
required of me.

2 Improve my Undertake more Undertake training and Numeracy training May 2024
numeracy knowledge training to improve my then put my learning course supported by
specifically in a year numeracy knowledge into practise. headteacher.
2 class to better support the
3 Gain access to the I will be able to log into Ask the Supported by the September 2023
learning programmes the systems. headteacher/teacher teacher/headteache
used in lesson time for a login. r
for 121 SEN child

4 Ensure that I have I will be able to forward Ask to be included on Support from the September 2023.
access to the plan for the SEN child the weekly planning teacher.
teachers planning on that I work with. emails.
a weekly basis to aid
with my planning for
SEN child
5 Learn Makaton I will be better able to I am going to take part Makaton training May 2023.
support SEN children in a private course course.
within our school, funded by myself,
specifically those who supported by school.
are known verbal.

6 Gain more I will have a better I am going to volunteer Support from September 2023.
experience within a understanding of what one afternoon a week headteacher.
year 2 working in year 2 is like to gain experience in
and how things are year 2.
taught as I have very
little experience of
working within a year 2

Please complete an additional 6 personal targets for courses

over 12 months

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