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SSS Reading Intervention Lesson lan Student: A.K Date: 11-14-23 Goal: A.K will be able to identify the voy OVO, Concer anG wes “e” and i ang tei in vowels, mae K especially stugoles with short vo mixes up “e” and “i”, and “o and letters to read what's in With ADHD, and I believe that tis plan will at hand, Pennsylvania State Core Standard (5): ~ CC.1.1.2.D Know and apply grade-level Phonics and word analysis skills in decoding regularly spelled one-syllable Steps of Explicit Instruction: ~ Twill explain to A.K that we will be practicing identifying and Teading words that have the short “e” sound and the short “i” s ¥ sound. Teacher will ask A.K, what does the short “e” sound say? “I” sound? Write one CVC word with an e in it and have A.K read the word in order to confirm that A.K can differentiate between the two letter sounds. Do the same for i, A.K will be presented with a sheet of 15 words. ‘These words will be in different fonts, (As shown below in the “Materials Used” section) Teacher yi : en YOU Find a wong yt i°P'8t0 rst inal ofthe words that have an € ee Word Les et MSA Sin, wat you thigh the cand hen = OOM together fie Teacher wil then ask A.K to find a word that ha i 9) After el APS*he finds on,t en ask, “What should we do next” (highig 7 < ne Will say “Now You need to read me the word.” : ibe roms ONS me he is ready i independently follow this procedure, 1 will release "Y to hima. Repeat the Drocess for the CVC words with “i” in them. Assessment ~The e it “SSessment Will be the completion ofthe sheet with 15 CVC words with te short Vowels “er 7 identify els “e ~ This will show whether or not he is consistently identifying and ds with ‘and “e”in them accurately. and the assessment: 1. Highlighted the comect ‘Vowel that the teacher told the student to identity 2. Read the word Accurately after highlighting the vowel. Reflection: *Work sample must follow the intervention lesson plan* **Cooperating teacher must sign and date each intervention plan prior to instruction** Honnoln the Anis +6 ME On Q a T Way oR. TA lok Opeo' Ke etch Kade’

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