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Semester Project


Khaoula Rajraji – Niaama Hajar – Douaa El Hayani

Mohammed Batahi – Khalil Fatmi – Nizar Bouhnine – Ayoub Chaynane – Marwane Bourabaa

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

Table des matières
I. Introduction:...............................................................................................................................3
1.1 Get to know us more :................................................................................................3
1.2 Our inspiration:..........................................................................................................4
1.3 Our Values :................................................................................................................4
1.4 Our Rules :..................................................................................................................4
II. How will we stand out in the Moroccan market?....................................................................5
2.1 What make our project attractive to small businesses and suppliers?...........5
2.2 What make our project attractive to consumers?...................................................6
III. Design:.........................................................................................................................................6
3.1 The Design of our PlatformApp:..............................................................................6
3.2 Our name and logo explanation:...............................................................................7
IV. The study of our project:...........................................................................................8
4.1 Market research:........................................................................................................8
4.2 Swot Plan/Pest Plan:..................................................................................................9
4.3 Grantt Chart:............................................................................................................10
V. Marketing:.................................................................................................................................11
5.1 Marketing Mix:........................................................................................................11
5.2 Marketing plan/Promotional plan:.........................................................................11
5.3 Marketing Costs:......................................................................................................12
VI. Financial Side:...........................................................................................................................13
6.1 Our expenses:............................................................................................................13
6.2 Commission Fees:.....................................................................................................15
VII. Risks we may face:....................................................................................................................17
VIII. Factors that could affect the success of our service:..............................................................18

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

I. Introduction:
1.1 Get to know us more :

This project named ^NEXUS^1 aims to foster entrepreneurship and seconomic growth in
Morocco by providing a platform for small enterprises and suppliers to offer their products
and services. This will increase job and revenue generation prospects, as well as contribute to
Moroccan economic growth.

Morocco is a country with significant economic growth potential. However, there are
numerous obstacles that must be overcome in order to attain this. One of the most difficult
issues is the scarcity of opportunities for small businesses to offer their goods and services.

Our project seeks to address this issue by developing a website and application that will allow
small businesses and suppliers to sell their products and services online which will make it
easier for customers to easily and efficiently find the products most suited to their needs
without having to move while having all the national options on their phone.

Small businesses are the backbone of any economy, yet many struggle to reach a larger
audience and grow their business due to limited resources, lack of access to new markets and
a restricted audience. In today's global market, having a presence online and connecting with
potential clients and suppliers all around the world is becoming increasingly crucial for small
businesses. A website and application for globalizing small enterprises with consumers and
suppliers can be game changers in addressing this dilemma.

Originally, with the adding use of the internet and mobile bias, e-commerce has come an
important channel for businesses to reach guests and expand their request. This means that
consumers are more likely to search for products and services online, making our project
more charming.

NEXUS : a connection or series of connections linking two or more things.- Dictonnary

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

1.2 Our inspiration:

The inspiration for this project could have come from a variety of sources, including the
expanding prominence of e-commerce. Businesses must have an online presence to reach
their target audience as more people rely on the internet and mobile devices to make
purchases. Furthermore, small businesses frequently encounter barriers to entering new
markets, and a website and application that connects small businesses with consumers and
suppliers can help them expand their market reach.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has underlined the need of firms having an internet
presence. With physical business lockdowns and restrictions, having an online platform has
become critical for firms to continue operating and reaching clients during times of crisis.

1.3 Our Values :

-Accessibility: Small businesses and suplliers of all sizes, including those with low finances
or technical expertise, will be able to use the website.
-Fairness: Our website support honest and moral business practices, such as honest pricing,
and ethical product sourcing.
-Innovation: We encourage our customers and our partners to be innovative by creating and
implementing new ideas.
-Community: We focus on developing a platform that encourages collaboration, networking,
and knowledge-sharing, the website foster a feeling of community among small businesses,
suppliers and costumers.
1.4 Our Rules :
-Detailed product information: Specifications, cost, and availability and the information
about the suppliers should be available on the internet, including their name, address, contact
-Order tracking: Costumers should be able to track their orders on the internet.
-Secure payment processing: Secure payment processing is available on the website to
safeguard our client financial information.
-Ratings and reviews: Costumers should be able to evaluate and review suppliers and small
business on the website in order to make wise purchasing decisions.
-Simple refunds and returns: We also present a customer service open 24/24 to facilitate
returns and refunds within 7 days.

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

II. How will we stand out in the Moroccan market?
1.5 What make our project attractive to small businesses and

Ease of use: the web site and application can be designed to be user-friendly and easy to
navigate, making it easier for small businesses and suppliers in Morocco to join and use
the platform.
Localized support: The design can give localized support to small businesses and
suppliers in Morocco, including client service in original languages and acclimatized
marketing support that takes into account original preferences and customs.
Brand building: small businesses and suppliers in Morocco can use the App to make
their brand and increase their visibility in the national business. This can help them to
attract new customers and expand their operations.
Competitive advantage: By joining our Community, small businesses and suppliers in
Morocco can gain a competitive advantage over their challengers who aren't yet part of
the platform. This can help them increase their request share and grow their businesses.
Cost-effective marketing, traditional marketing approaches can be precious for small
businesses and suppliers. This design can give them result that can help them increase
their deals and brand mindfulness.
Networking openings: Nexus can give small businesses and suppliers in Morocco with
networking openings with other small businesses and suppliers from around the country,
allowing them to share their knowledge, know-how, and best practices.
Technology and structure support: This design can give small businesses and suppliers
in Morocco with the necessary technology a chance to get in the online business. So that
they can increase their chances of success.
Our collaborators: Nexus will be in collaboration with several suppliers who, if they
wish, will offer promotions and price reductions for our small business partners so that
they can benefit from products and raw materials at reduced prices. Moreover, nexus will
also be partner with delivery companies that will allow suppliers and small businesses
to have discounts on delivery costs nationwide which will help suppliers and small
businesses to save money.

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

1.6 What make our project attractive to consumers?

Small businesses frequently offer unique and nice products that aren't fluently available
in local requests. By furnishing access to a wide range of small businesses from around
the country, the web point and operation can appeal to consumers who are looking for
one- of-a-kind products.
Small businesses frequently offer their products and services at further affordable prices
than larger businesses, which can make them seductive to price-sensitive consumers.
Supporting small businesses and original husbandry is an important value for numerous
consumers, making a global platform for small businesses is a charming way to make a
positive impact on their communities.
The web point and operation can make trust and translucency between small businesses
and consumers by furnishing a platform for leaving reviews and conditions for products
and services. This can make it easier for consumers to express their opinions , which can
lead to increased client satisfaction and fidelity.
Our application also saves time for our customers so they can find any type of need
without much effort but in just a few clicks
Transport costs are cheaper s to which will help our customers to save money.

III. Design:
1.7 The Design of our PlatformApp:

Our platform is designed as a marketplace, with businesses listing their products and
services for users to browse, purchase, and review. The platform could also include elements
that allow firms to connect with suppliers in order to access raw materials, equipment, or
other resources. The platform is simple to use has the following features:

The platform will have a simple and intuitive interface that will allow businesses to
simply list their products and services and customers to easily find what they are looking
Search functionality, the site will provide robust search capabilities, allowing consumers
to look for products and services based on keywords, location, price range, and other
relevant parameters.

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

Consumers will be able to post evaluations and ratings for the products and services
they purchase through the site. This will help businesses gain trust and credibility, as well
as assist consumers in making educated judgments.
Payment gateway: The platform will have a secure payment gateway that will allow
customers to make online purchases. Credit/debit cards, net banking, and digital wallets
will all be accepted by the payment gateway they can also pay on delivery.
Analytics and reporting: The service will include analytics and reporting functionalities,
allowing businesses to track sales, consumer behavior, and other important metrics.
Businesses will be able to make more informed judgments and optimize their operations
as a result of this.
Supplier connection: The system will include features that enable firms to connect with
suppliers in order to access raw materials, equipment, or other resources. This will assist
firms in streamlining their operations and lowering their expenditures.

1.1 Our name and logo explanation:

The term Nexus can represent the connection between

small enterprises, consumers, and suppliers on a national
platform in the context of this project. We have picked Nexus
as the project's name since it embodies the platform's primary
goal, which is to connect diverse players in the business
ecosystem. The name also indicates collaboration and unity,
which is consistent with the project's purpose of bringing
together small businesses and suppliers in order to reach a
larger audience and increase their markets. Also, the word Nexus
Nexus may be perceived as futuristic and innovative,
reflecting the platform's
technological nature. For our logo we chose beige because it is a discreet color that brings
elegance and classicism to the brand. In the background we can clearly see the map of
Morocco since our project has the primary objective of helping the moroccan economy and
bringing together all moroccan consumers, companies and suppliers.

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

I. The study of our project:

1.8 Market research:

The target audience: The target audience for our project is small businesses and
suppliers in Morocco who are looking to expand their reach and increase their revenue by
selling their products and services online. This audience may include entrepreneurs,
startups, artisans, and small-scale manufacturers who have limited resources and face
challenges in reaching new customers and markets. The target audience may also include
individuals who are interested in buying products and services from small businesses in
Morocco and are looking for a convenient and reliable online platform to do so.
The market size: According to the latest data from the Moroccan Ministry of Industry,
Trade, and the Green and Digital Economy, there were over 1 million registered SMEs2 in
Morocco in 2020. This represents over 95% of all registered businesses in the country.
From this we can say that It is important to note that not all SMEs in Morocco may be
interested or able to sell their products and services online through platforms like Nexus.
This suggests that there is significant potential for NEXUS to tap into a sizable market.
Our competitors and us: We differentiate ourselves from our competitors (Jumia, Avito, by focusing on the unique needs and challenges of small businesses and
suppliers in Morocco. For example, we offer lower commission fees , more flexible
payment and delivery options to attract businesses that may not be able to afford or
navigate the requirements of larger e-commerce platforms. Additionally, we offer tools
and resources to help businesses improve their online presence and marketing, such as
tutorials on product photography or social media advertising. By offering a personalized
and supportive approach to small business growth, we can attract a loyal customer base.
Analyze trends: Here are some tends that makes our project trendy :
-Increased adoption of e-commerce: With the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an
acceleration in the adoption of e-commerce, with more consumers shopping online. This
trend is expected to continue, with e-commerce projected to grow significantly in the
coming years. We can adapt ourselves by further enhancing its online platform, investing
in digital marketing, and providing a seamless online shopping experience to customers.

SMEs stands for small and medium-sized enterprises

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

Mobile-first approach: Mobile devices are increasingly becoming the primary means for
consumers to access the internet and shop online. This is why we have an app .
Growing importance of sustainability: Consumers are becoming more environmentally
conscious, and sustainability is becoming an increasingly important factor in purchasing
decisions. That is why we are mostly promoting eco-friendly and sustainable products and
Advancements in technology: Technology is rapidly evolving, and new innovations such
as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and blockchain have the potential to disrupt the
market. Nexus will always have new updates to stay up-to-date with the latest
technological advancements and incorporating new technologies into its platform to
enhance the customer experience and improve operational efficiency.
1.9 Swot Plan/Pest Plan:

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Unique platform offering a Lack of brand Growing market Competition: If there
comprehensive online recognition: If our demand: If the demand are many competitors
solution for small brand is not well- for our service is offering similar
businesses and suppliers in known, it can make it increasing, it can create services, it can make it
Morocco difficult for us to opportunities for us to difficult for us to attract
attract customers, expand our customer and retain customers.
especially in a base and increase
competitive market. revenue.

A user-friendly and easily Dependence on Technological Economic downturns:

accessible website and technology and advancements: If there If there is an economic
application potential technical are new technologies downturn, it can reduce
issues that can improve our consumer spending,
service, adopting them which can lead to lower
can give us a revenue and
competitive edge and profitability.
attract more customers.

Good reputation: If we Need for continuous Potential for expansion Changes in regulations:
have a good reputation in innovation and into neighboring If there are changes in
the industry, it can help us development to remain countries and regions regulations that affect
gain more customers competitive. our service, it can
through referrals and increase our costs and
word-of-mouth. reduce your

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

Political Economical Sociological Technological
 E-commerce policies Interest rates and Demographic Advancements in e-
inflation rates trends and changes in commerce technology
the population and platforms

 Import restrictions Consumer spending Consumer habits Mobile device usage

habits and trends and values (for and penetration in
example, focusing on Morocco
product quality or
respect for the
 Trade policies Fiscal policies Access to high-speed
internet and digital

Consumer and
employee protections

1.10 Grantt Chart:

To do Start Date End Date Duration

Market analysis 01/03/2023 15/03/2023 2 weeks
Define project scope 16/03/2023 22/03/2023 1 week
Develop project plan 23/03/2023 29/03/2023 1 week
Identify key partners and resources 30/03/2023 05/04/2023 1 week
Develop wireframes 06/04/2023 19/04/2023 2 weeks
Develop prototype 20/04/2023 03/05/2023 2 weeks
Conduct user testing 04/05/2023 10/05/2023 1 week
Incorporate feedback and refine prototype 11/05/2023 24/05/2023 2 weeks
Develop final Product 25/05/2023 05/07/2023 6 weeks
Implement payment system 06/07/2023 19/07/2023 2 weeks
Conduct market testing 20/07/2023 02/08/2023 2 weeks
Launch website and app 03/08/2023 09/08/2023 1 week
Marketing and promotion strategy development 10/08/2023 16/08/2023 1 week
Partner outreach and collaborations 17/08/2023 30/08/2023 2 weeks
Social media advertising and search engine optimization 31/08/2023 13/09/2023 2 weeks
Influencer and content marketing 14/09/2023 27/09/2023 2 weeks
Marketing campaign analysis and adjustments 28/09/2023 30/09/2023 3 days

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

II. Marketing:

1.11 Marketing Mix:

The marketing mix of our project comprises four key elements: product, price, promotion,
and place. In terms of the product element, the project offers a website and application that
allow small businesses and suppliers to sell their products and services online. These
platforms provide a convenient and efficient way for customers to find the products they need,
while also enabling small businesses to reach a larger audience and grow their business. The
price element is also important, we will ensure that our platform is priced competitively in
order to attract customers and suppliers. This might involve offering lower fees or
commissions than other online platforms, or offering promotional deals to new users. The
promotion element involves the marketing and advertising efforts used to raise awareness of
the project and its benefits (explained with more details below). Finally, the place element
refers to the website and application. Our Nexus project will ensure that these platforms are
accessible and user-friendly, with features that make it easy for small businesses and suppliers
to create profiles, upload their products, and manage their sales. By carefully managing these
four elements, we can create a strong marketing mix that attracts customers and suppliers,
while also promoting economic growth in Morocco.
1.12 Marketing plan/Promotional plan:

The marketing plan for the Nexus project will focus on raising awareness of the platform
among potential customers and suppliers, while also establishing the project as a reliable for
buying and selling products and services online. To achieve this goal, the marketing plan will
depend on a variety of tactics and strategies, including social media marketing like
Facebook because we can reach an enormous audience of potential new users who are
already aware of the value of an online presence, Facebook has also access to a huge amount
of data that they can use to show their users ads that are more relevant to them. We will also
use Instagram to build a strong online presence, to get known new users and especially to
reach small businesses since the majority use Instagram to sell their product there. Without
forgetting the trendy Tiktok app. Our project will also partner with influencers and bloggers
to promote the platform and generate buzz around it. Additionally, the project will use email
marketing campaigns to reach out to potential users and keep them informed about new

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

features and updates. Search engine optimization (SEO3) will also be a key component of
the marketing plan, as it will help to ensure that our project website and application are easily
found in the search engines.

-Instagram Ads-This cost includes the fees

associated with running ads on Instagram,
Promotion Cost Age Range
which can vary based on the ad type,
Strategy (MAD) Estimated Reach
targeting, and bidding strategy. The
estimated cost of 2,000 MAD is based on
running ads targeting potential customers
Google Ads 5,000 20,000 impressions 18-50 based on their interests and behaviors on

-Email Marketing-Email marketing

-SEO-The cost of SEO depends on the level of
Facebook Ads 3,000 30,000 impressions 18-65 involves sending promotional emails to a list
optimization needed and the competition for the
of subscribers.. For this promotion strategy,
targeted keywords. In this case, we have allocated
we have allocated 3,000 MAD to send
2,000 MAD for SEO to target 50,000 search
TikTok Ads 2,000 50,000 impressions 16-30 promotional emails to 10,000 subscribers.

I. Financial Side:
1.3 Our expenses:
Instagram Ads 2,000 20,000 impressions 18-45

Expense Cost (MAD)

Influencers 10,000 100,000 followers 18-45
Website development 10,000

50,000 search
SEOApplication development
2,000 impressions 18-50 8,000

SEO means the process of improving your website to increase its visibility in Google and search engines
Domain registration
whenever andforhosting
people search the products you sell. 3,000

Email Marketing 3,000 10,000 subscribers 18-65

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

Office rent (6 months) 24,000

Expense Cost (MAD)


Salaries for developer and designer (6 months) Variable

Commission (2% of each transaction)

Furniture (5 desks, 5 chairs, 1 sofa, 1 table, 1

cabinet) 8,000

Google Ads 5,000

Facebook Ads 3,000

TikTok Ads 2,000

Instagram Ads 2,000

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

Expense Cost (MAD)

SEO 2,000

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

Category Commission Fees

Clothing 5%

Electronics 10%

Home goods 8%

Beauty 5%

Sports 10%

Toys 10%

Jewelry 8%

Food 5%

Books 8%

1.13 Commission Fees:

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

Books Handmade
400,000 8%
480,000 560,000 640,000 720,000 2,800,000 224,000 2,356,000

Handmade 400,000 480,000 560,000 640,000

Pets 10%

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total

Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Commission Profit
Category (MAD) (MAD) (MAD) (MAD) (MAD) (MAD) Fee (MAD) (MAD)

Clothing 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 1,800,000 7,000,000 350,000 4,650,000

Electronics 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 3,500,000 350,000 2,800,000

goods 400,000 480,000 560,000 640,000 720,000 2,800,000 224,000 2,356,000

Beauty 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000 1,750,000 87,500 1,162,500

Sports 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 3,500,000 350,000 2,800,000

Toys 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 3,500,000 350,000 2,800,000

Jewelry 400,000 480,000 560,000 640,000 720,000 2,800,000 224,000 2,356,000

Food 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000 1,750,000 87,500 1,162,500

The commission fee for each category ranges from 5% to 10%. Using this commission fee,
we can estimate the revenue for the next five years. Assuming an average transaction value of
500 MAD, the revenue and profit for the next five years are as follows:

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

VIII. Factors that could affect the success of our service:

The quality of our website: The quality of our website, including its usability and
functionality, will have a direct impact on user experience and visitor satisfaction.
The relevance of our offer: Our website corresponds to the needs and expectations of our
users. Our site offers significant benefits for small businesses and national vendors to
attract user attention and loyalty.
The competition: Our offer is unique and convincing. We have identified the strengths
and weaknesses of our competitors and we have ensured that our offer clearly stands out.
Communication: Communication is crucial to attract visitors and generate demand. We
have a clear and effective communication plan to promote our website and to
communicate with users.
Logistics management: Logistics management is essential to ensure the delivery of
products and services in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Our website offers
competitive delivery solutions and order management is well managed.
Security: the security of data and transactions is a key factor in user confidence in our
website. We have strong security measures in place to protect user data and transactions.
Funding: Funding is essential to ensure the development and growth of our website. We
have enough funding to cover the costs of developing, marketing and managing our
IX. Our Business Plan :

Business Model Canvas

Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments
Developing and maintaining Easy and convenient Personalized support Small businesses
Small businesses the website and application access to a global network and assistance for looking for suppliers
Suppliers Onboarding small businesses of suppliers and small customers Suppliers looking
Payment gateway and suppliers onto the businesses Regular for new customers
providers platform Lower transaction costs communication and Startups and
Logistics companies Establishing partnerships with and greater efficiency for updates on platform entrepreneurs
Marketing agencies payment gateway providers small businesses and developments and looking to expand
and logistics companies suppliers features their reach
Marketing the platform to Increased visibility and Active engagement Online retailers
potential customers access to new customers with customers on looking to diversify
Providing customer support for small businesses social media and their supplier base
and resolving any issues that Access to a reliable and through other channels

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

arise secure payment gateway Feedback collection
and logistics services and implementation to
Excellent customer support improve the platform
and service

Key Resources Channels

A team of experienced Website and mobile
developers and designers application
Access to funding for Social media platforms
development and marketing Facebook, Instagram,
Reliable web hosting and TikTok
server infrastructure Email marketing campaigns
Partnerships with payment Paid advertising Google
gateway providers and Ads, social media ads
logistics companies Referral marketing programs
Access to market research and Industry events and trade
data analytics tools shows

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

Website and application development costs Transaction fees (percentage of sales made through the platform)
Hosting and server infrastructure costs Subscription fees for premium features and services
Marketing and advertising costs Advertising revenue
Salaries and benefits for employees Referral commissions from payment gateway and logistics partners
Partnerships and integration costs with payment gateway Data base
providers and logistics companies
Designed by: The Business Model Foundry ( Word implementation by: Neos Chronos Limited (https://neoschronos.c
License: CC BY-SA 3.0

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc

Fulfill your dreams with Nexus

Campus de l’UIR, Parc Technopolis, Rocade de Rabat-Salé 11100 -Maroc


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