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(YouTube : MCPmasters)
1. Difference between Mineral and ore. (2)
2. Define Gangue and slag. (3)
3. What is gravity separation? (3)
4. Explain Froth flotation. (4)
5. Define cementation. (5)
6. Explain Magnetic separation. (6)
7. Difference between Roasting and calcination. (6)
8. Define Auto reduction. (10)
9. Write the limitations of Ellingham diagram. (13)
10. Explain Hall-Heroult process. (14)
11. Explain Electrolytic refining. (15)
12. Explain Zone refining process. (16)
13. Vapour phase refining – Monds process & Van-Arkel Method. (16, 17)
(B.B – 3, 7, 8)

1. Anomalous properties of the first elements. (29)*
2. Define Inert Pair effect. (30)*
3. How boron form hydrides? (32)
4. Give the uses of Borax. (34)*
5. Write the action of heat on boric acid. (34)
6. How will you convert Boric acid to Boron nitride. (34)*
7. Write about Ethyl Borate test. (35)*
8. Give the uses of Boric Acid. (35)*
9. Explain Hydroboration. (37)*
10. How will you prepare Inorganic Benzene? (37)
11. Explain the structure of diborane. (37)*
12. Define McAfee Process (39)*
13. Give the preparation and uses of Alums. (40)*
14. Define Catenation. What are the conditions? (41)*
15. Explain the structure of Diamond and Graphite. (41)
16. Write Fischer Tropsch synthesis. (44)*
17. Write the uses of Silicones. (48)*
18. Explain the types of silicates. (50)
19. Write a note on Zeolites. (50)
(B.B – 10, 12, 16)

1. How does Ammonia reacts with Chlorine and chlorides? (60)
2. Explain the structure of Ammonia. (60)
3. Explain Ostwald’s process for preparing Nitric acid. (61)
4. Structure of oxides and oxyacids of N, P, S (65, 72, 80)
5. Write about allotropes of Phosphorous. (67)
6. Write a note on Holmes signal. (70)
7. Structure of ozone & oxidising agent. (74, 75)
8. Write about allotropes of Sulphur. (75)
9. Oxidising and reducing property of SO2. (76, 77)
10. Bleaching action of SO2. (77)
11. Manufacture of Sulphuric acid by contact process. (77)
12. Dehydrating property of H2SO4. (78)
13. Write a note on Deacons process. (83)
14. Bleaching action of Chlorine & Preparation of Bleaching powder. (85)
15. What are interhalogen compounds? Give its properties. (89)
16. Uses of Noble Gases. (93)
(B.B- 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 21, 22, 23)

1. What is a transition metal? (101)
2. Why d- block elements exhibit variable oxidation state? (106)
3. Tabular – 110
4. Write a note on catalytic property of d block elements. + Eg : Pg- 111
5. What is an interstitial compounds? Give its properties. (111)
6. Explain the preparation of Potassium dichromate. (112)
7. Explain Chromyl chloride test. (114)
8. What is Bayer’s reagent? (117)
9. what are inner transition elements? (118)
10. Justify the position of Lanthanoids in periodic table. (118)
11. What is Lanthanoid contraction? Give its effects. (120)
12. Difference b/w Lanthanoids and actinoids. (123)
(B.B- 5, 10, 11, 13, 19, 22)

1. Difference b/w Coordination compounds and double salts. (131)
2. Explain Werners theory. (131)
3. Define Coordination number. (134)
4. IUPAC Nomenclature.(B.B- 1,2)
5. Linkage, Hydrate & Optical isomerism. (142, 143, 146)
6. Write the postulates of VBT. (147)
7. Limitations & Illustrations of VBT. (147)
8. Crystal Field theory. (153) & splitting diagram.
9. Explain the nature of bonding in Metal Carbonyl. (161)
10. (B.B – 4, 5, 7, 9, 18, 20, 23, 25)

1. Difference b/w Crystalline & Amorphous solids. (178)
2. Difference b/w Isotropy and Anisotropy. (178)
3. Write the characteristics of Ionic solids. (179)
4. Define Unit cell & Coordination number. (180)
5. What are primitive and non-primitive unit cells? (181)
6. Seven Primitive cells. (181)
7. No. of. Atoms in SC, BCC, FCC unit cell. (183, 184)
8. What is Braggs equation? (185)
9. Define Packing Efficiency. Calculate the Packing Efficiency in BCC, FCC unit cell. (187)
10. Define Radius ratio. (193)
11. Defects in solids. (193)
(B.B – 4, 6, 7, 8, 13)

1. Average and instantaneous rate. (207)
2. Rate law and Rate constant. (208)
3. Difference b/w Rate and Rate constant. (209)
4. Difference b/w Order and Molecularity. (210)
5. Derive Integrated rate law for Zero order & First order reaction. (212, 214)
6. Give Examples for first and Zero order reaction. (213, 215)
7. Explain Pseudo first order reaction. (214)
8. Define Half life. Derive for First order & Zero order reaction. (215)
9. Write and derive Arrhenius equation. (219)
(B.B- 8, 9, 10, 18, 21, 22)

1. Explain Arrhenius acid and base. (2)
2. What are Lowry Bronsted acid and bases? (3)
3. What is conjugate acid- base pair? (3)
4. Define Lewis acid and bases. (4)
5. Define Ionic Product of water. (7)
6. Define pH. Relation b/w pH and pOH. (9,10)
7. State and Derive Ostwalds process. (12, 13)
8. Explain Common ion effect. (15)
9. Define Buffer Solution. Types. (16)
10. Define Buffer action. (16)
11. Derive Henderson – Hasselbalch Equation. (18)
12. Define Solubility product. (25)
1. Basic definitions. (Conductivity, Resistivity, Molar and Eq. conductance) with units.
2. List the factors affecting Conductance. (37)
3. State Kohlraush’s law. Applications – (i) (41, 42)
4. Explain in detail about Daniel cell. (45)
5. Galvanic cell Notation. (46)
6. Define Standard Electrode Potential. (48)
7. Derive Nernst Equation. (51)
8. Electrolysis of NaCl. (53)
9. State Faraday first and second law. (54)
10. Write a note on Lithium- ion Battery. (59)
11. Explain H2 – O2 Fuel cell. (59)
12. How to protect metals from corrosion? (61)
(B.B- 2, 11, 14, 15, 25)

1. Difference b/w Chemical and Physical Adsorption. (72)
2. Explain the factors affecting Adsorption. (72)
3. Define Homogeneous and Heterogeneous catalysis. (77)
4. Write the characteristics of Catalysts. (78)
5. Define Auto Catalysis. (79)
6. Explain Intermediate compound formation & Adsorption theory. (80, 81)
7. Write a note on Zeolite catalysis. (84)
8. Difference b/w Lyophilic & Lyophobic Colloids. (87)
9. Tabular – 87
10. Tyndall effect & Brownian movement. (93)
11. Explain Helmholtz double layer. (94)
12. Write a note on Electro osmosis. (95)
13. Define Gold Number. (96)
(B.B – 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 19, 21)
1. IUPAC Nomenclature.
2. Preparation of Alcohols using Grignard Reagent. (108)
3. Preparation of Glycol & Glycerol. (110)
4. Explain Lucas & Victor Meyers test. (110, 111)
5. Explain Saytzeff’s rule. (116)
6. Convert Glycol to Ethene, dinitroglycol, Oxirane, Ethanal, 1,4- dioxane.
7. Convert Glycerol to Acrolein, TNG. (121)
8. How phenol is prepared from Cumene? (126)
9.How picric acid is prepared from phenol? (129)
10. Give the tests to differentiate Alcohol & Phenol. (131)

1. Swern Oxidation. (117) 2. Dows Process. (126) 3. Schotten- Baumann Reaction. (127)
4. Williamson ether synthesis. (127) 5. Kolbe’s reaction. (130) 6. Riemer- Tiemann Reaction. (130)
7. Phthalein Reaction. (131) 8. Coupling Reaction. (131)

1. Write the preparation, structure & uses of Urotropine. (158)
2. Convert Benzaldehyde to Hydrobenzamide. (159)
3. Write Haloform Reaction. (161)
4. Write the Mechanism of Aldol Condensation & Cannizaro Reaction. (161, 163)
5. Covert Benzaldehyde to Malachite Green Dye. (165)
6. Test for aldehydes. (16)
7. What is Formalin? Give its use. (167)
8. Write Esterification & Trans esterification reaction. (173, 185)
9. Explain the Reducing action of Formic acid. (177)
10. Write the tests for Carboxylic acid. (177)

1. Rosenmund reduction. (151) 2. Stephens reaction. (151) 3. Etard Reaction. (151)
4. Gattermann- Koch Reaction(152) 5.Friedel – Crafts acylation.(152)
6.Clemmensen reduction. (160) 7. Wolf Kishner Reduction. (161) 8. Claisen- Schmidt (163)
9. Benzoin Condensation. (164) 10. Perkins reaction. (165) 11. Knoevenagal reaction. (165)
12. Kolbes Decarboxylation. (175) 13. HVZ Reaction. (176) 14. Claisen condensation. (186)
15. Hoffmanns degradation. (188)

1. Nitro and aci form (199)
2. Reduction reactions of Nitroalkanes & Nitrobenzene. (202, 203)
3. How will you prepare chloropicrin? (203)
4. Difference b/w primary, secondary, tertiary amines.
5. Pg- 210 reactions.
6. Alkylation of Amines. (214)

1. Nef Carbonyl synthesis. (203) 2. Mendius reaction. (208)
3. Gabriel Pthalimide (209) 4. Hoffmann’s Ammonolysis. (209)
5. Sabatier Mailhe method. (210) 6. Schotten Baumann reaction. (214)
7. Libermann’s nitroso test. (215) 8. Carbylamine reaction. (216)
9. Mustard Oil reaction. (216) 10. Sandmeyer reaction. (220)
11. Gattermann reaction. (220) 12. Baltz- schiemann reaction. (221)
13. Gomberg reaction. (221) 14. Coupling reaction. (222)

1. Structure of Glucose. (241)
2. Structure of Fructose. (242)
3. Define epimers & Mutarotation. (244)
4. Classification of Proteins. (253)
(B.B – 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17)

(B.B – 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)
1. Food preservatives & Advantages. (283)
2. Preparation of Nylon- 6,6 & Nylon- 6. (289)
3. Preparation of Bakelite. (290)
4. Preparation of BUNA-N, BUNA-S. (292)
5. Preparation of Nylon-2- Nylon-6.(293)


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