Acu Verilog HDL Module1

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VERILOG HDL (18EC55) 2020-21

VERILOG HDL (18EC55) – Important Questions

Module 1
1. Explain typical design flow for designing VLSI IC circuit using the flow chart. (06/08/10

2. Explain the advantages of HDL’s over schematic-based design. (05)

3. Explain top-down design methodology and bottom-up design methodology. (10)

4. What do you mean by instantiation and instances? Write a Verilog code for 4 bit ripple
carry counter to show instantiation and instances. (05)

5. Write a note on: i) Registers ii) Nets iii) Arrays iv) Parameters v) Vectors vi) Memories
(10 Marks)

6. What are the basic components of a module? Explain all the components of a Verilog
module with a neat block diagram. (05 Marks)

7. What are the components of SR-Latch? Write Verilog HDL module of SR-Latch and also
Also write stimulus code. (10 Marks)

8. How to write comments in verilog HDL, explain with examples. (05 Marks)

9. Explain the trends in Hardware Description Languages (HDLs). (05)

Dec 2017/January 2018

10. Explain $ display, Smonitor, $finish and $ stop system tasks with examples. (10 Marks)
Dec 2019/January 2020


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