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Case Study: HRM Functions in Upwork

Introduction: Upwork is a highly reputable

online platform that connects freelancers with
clients seeking a wide range of services. The
organization has grown rapidly since its
inception, and in September 2021, it had over
18 million registered freelancers and 5 million registered clients. To continue its success, Upwork
must effectively manage its human resources, and this case study explores some of the challenges.
1. Diverse Workforce: Upwork employs a diverse workforce, including full-time employees and
freelancers from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds. Managing such diversity can be
2. Recruitment and Selection: Attracting and retaining top talent in a competitive market is a
significant challenge for Upwork.
3. Remote Work Culture: Upwork operates with a distributed workforce, and maintaining a
strong company culture and ensuring effective communication is essential.
4. Compliance and Legal Issues: Managing the compliance of freelancers and ensuring they meet
legal requirements in various countries can be complex.
5. Performance Management: Effectively evaluating the performance of freelancers and full-
time employees is challenging when they work remotely.

1. How can Upwork managing diversity?
2. Recruitment and selection create competitive edge and how can Upwork attain competitive
3. How can Upwork maintain strong culture?
4. For legal compliance, how Upwork can solve legal difficulties?
5. How can Upwork manage the performance appraisal of employee?

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