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A Delicious breakfast

I wake up and I think in What do you need to prepare a delicious


I get up of the bed and I go to the bathroom and I take a shower then I dressed, I take my wallet
and my shopping list and afther I go to supermarket don Rojas, I'm going to buy the ingredients
there for prepare a delicious break fast

My shopping list
1 eggs
2 fresh sausages
3 slices of English Black Pudding
4 Some mushrooms
5 tomato
6 A couple of potatoes
7 A few slices of smoked bacon
I walk two street to get to supermarket greeting to the cashier

- hello Ana

-hello Manuel

- how are you Ana?

-not bad Manuel and you

-I’m fine Ana

I go to the vegetable session for the tomatoes, Potatoes and mushrooms then I go to meat session
for the eggs, sausages , slices of English Black Pudding and smoked bacon afther I stand in line to
pay and remember to buy the oranges for the juice, I return to the line

Greetings again to Ana

- Hello Manuel, what are you going to buy?

- Hello Ana, I'm going to buy

2 eggs

2 fresh sausages

1 slices of English Black Pudding

Some mushrooms

2 tomatoes

4 potatoes

6 few slices of smoked bacon

-How much would everything be worth, Ana?

-It would be 1 thousand for the two eggs plus 3 thousand for the two sausages plus 5 thousand for
the English sausage plus 10 thousand for the mushrooms plus 1 thousand for the tomatoes plus 2
thousand for the potatoes plus 15 thousand for the smoked bacon

-The purchase value would be 39 thousand.

-Manuel cash or card?

- cash

-Do you want a bag?

- yes, Ana thank you so much

- sell you latter Ana

- sell you latter manuel

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