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The timeline of solar expansion in the human race traces a remarkable journey from our reliance on

traditional energy sources to the increasing embrace of solar power. Throughout much of human
history, our energy needs were met by harnessing natural resources like wood, coal, and oil.
However, as concerns about environmental sustainability and climate change intensified, a shift
towards renewable energy sources, particularly solar power, gained momentum.

In the latter half of the 20th century, technological advancements paved the way for the
development of efficient solar photovoltaic cells. The 1970s witnessed the first practical applications
of solar panels, primarily in space missions and remote locations. As the technology matured and
costs decreased, solar energy became more accessible for a broader population.

The 21st century marked a significant turning point in solar expansion. Governments and industries
globally started investing heavily in solar infrastructure, leading to a substantial increase in solar
capacity. The falling costs of solar panels, coupled with incentives for renewable energy adoption,
spurred the proliferation of solar farms, rooftop installations, and innovative solar technologies.

Today, the solar expansion continues to accelerate, with an increasing number of countries
committing to ambitious renewable energy targets. Technological innovations, energy storage
solutions, and a growing awareness of environmental stewardship collectively drive the solar
revolution. As the human race strives for a sustainable future, solar energy stands as a beacon of
hope, symbolizing our collective efforts to harness the power of the sun for a cleaner and more
sustainable world.

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