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Craig 1

Landon Craig

Mrs. Davis

Mask Project 9th Lit


The Value of Education

In society, I feel that the value of education is imposed on me. The need to go to

school is placed on kids and the value of lifelong learning is often told to us by our parents. If a

minor wants to skip school, they are usually told that they will get their parents put into jail if the

parents allow the child to stay home. Education is an overall good value to have, but it does feel

forced upon us by society. In my mask, I colored it with yellow, light blue, and gray. The yellow

paint in the mouth and in the blush represents how excited we can feel about learning new things,

which is why the face looks excited as well. The gray underneath the eye slots is to represent the

dark circles under our eyes, representing tiredness, sleepiness, and boredom. This is because

many people find learning difficult, tiring, and sometimes very boring. Finally, I chose to use the

color light blue as the main tone because it is the color of the sky, an area yet to be fully

discovered, and a color many people associate with education. Finally, there is a book in the

center to show how you must read books to learn.

Craig 2

The Value of Joy

A value I feel I have developed for myself is the value of joy. In my life, I often feel

overstressed or worried to the point of crying, and I find that just enjoying myself with a break

for gaming or something alike to that often helps me with that feeling. Joy through fun allows me

to be away from my troubles, even if it is only for a short time. My mask has the colors yellow,

orange, and blue. The mask has a blue gaming controller as blue represents freedom,

imagination, and community. The gaming controller is my way of having fun with my brother

who is my gaming community. The yellow all over the mask represents joy and hope which are

two things I always need if I am to get through my life. The orange on the mask’s hair represents

the enthusiasm and warmth that I get from having fun. My mask symbolizes me and how I find

joy in my free time.

Craig 3

Piggy’s Mask

Piggy is a character in Lord of the Flies that is very smart and intelligent but is fat and

needs glasses to see. He never wears a mask in the book, so I will make him one now. If I made a

mask for Piggy, I would make glasses around the eyes, to represent how he needs glasses, but I

would make a third eye above the eye slits to represent how smart he can be and how he can

notice things that the others don’t. I would make the mask red to represent the flush of

embarrassment that Piggy wears for most of the novel but would also put the color blue in there

for the representation of creativity. I would make the lenses of the glasses black because black

represents order to me and Piggy is a person who heavily values order.

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