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Revision Notes

The oem, 'A Thig ot Beauty', DortravVs that things are figurativeiy
endless soure of nectar that ours down to us from heavet
bringing eternal jov torthe soul's grandeur. They arelike amedicine of Key Terms
ute, a never diminishing soure of pleasure and delight, a boundlesS bower: shade of atree
NOuNe ot jov that seems to be a preious eift from Heaven. A beautrui
thing will give joy One's litetime. One can return to the
despondence: hopelessnes
pall: impact (here)
eautitul thing and never inish finding it as a source ot joy. EVen ale cooling COvert; a cool place
One dies, the thing of beautywill continue to ex0st and will give joyto dooms: ruins
Pople ot the nevt age group, When they in turn pass, it will give joy heaven'ss brink: edge of the
Tgroup attertheirs, and so on. Thus a beautiful thing may in
Sense e ajoy forever.
Theme: This poem, in many ways, signifies a romantic finale of Keats's firm belief in
beauty, and of its claim to legitimacy with reference to its permanence, and its ability to callthe
the truth. This forms the main theme of the poenm. The sartistic view of beauty as an obstinate
and joY omes in the face of a knowledge of the sharp problems of life, to which the essential
up, ornon-sourcedesconttraectxtuoajnks
of pleasur
thing ofnf beu
otter their own mode of struggle. Unlike the conmmon place objects of everyday certainty, the objects
are resistant to the perishability of time, and indeed of mortality. This interlaces the melancholic note ch
to manv of the pvet's odes with a classical, fleeting form of beauty. Their power rises with time. They are the sit
of a ontinuity that is reflected as historical truth, of a story that exceeds the limitations of specific insieht
incudes and decides the collective flow. The sun, the moon, the flora and the fauna in nature are protectors
ninity that can never be equated with the tenporariness and incontinency of human schemes.
Message: The poem"A Thing of Beauty" from John Keats'spoem 'Endymion, is usually read as astraighton t
assertion which gives the message that every beautiful thing gives unending pleasure. This idea can be interpretei
in several diverse senses, For the reason that human beings share the same basic natures and respond to the san:
motivations in the same basic ways, athing of beauty even if lost for a time, perhaps even for centurits d
still have the ability to give joy to future generations if it is experienced again later.
Title: The poet describes that anything which is beautiful imparts joy. Happiness is a natural emotion wht
evokes in a person's mind as and when he comes across anything beautiful. Thus, the title is quite appropnale.
Fornm, Style, and Literary Devices: The poem "A Thing of Beauty" received contemptuous criticism after its reax
and Keats himself noted its rambling and unpleasant style. On the other hand, he did not regret writing it, as k
equated the process to diving into the ocean to become more accustomed with his surroundings. Keats was never aftad
of failure: for he believed that he would sooner fail than not be among the greatest.
critics detested the work, Sorne of the poets said that the z h hndynisn taats thrr«Nit With a nobie
of allIthathis art means for him, What autonatsd dsfsts there afe in it gray re AVs tes aerslerate( r
theyouth and brightness of this vojre of aspiration.
Rhyme Scheme: aabbe
Aliteration: Use of consonant sound at the start of two words whicth are dse in eriss, Fen cratnple,
Sweet,'b in band bind, 'n' in noble nature, ' in cooing covert, 'h in have heard
Metaphor: " bower quiet (calmness of the bower is compared to the caiming cffet (h a taautifulthúng)
band (the beautiful things of our life bind us to the earth)
" wreathing a flowery
immortal drinks (beautiful objects of nature are forever like a never endiny purtion cá a drinky
Anaphora: " Useof same phrase in two consecutive lines (of noble natures- Of all th
Imagery: " creating a sensory effect of beautiful things lined upin a string (A flowery band to bind us)
"Trees giving shade (sprouting shady boon)
"growing process of daffodils (daffodils with the green world they ive in)
Keats "clean river streams (Clear rills)
"Bushes fulilof musk roses (sprinkling of fair musk rose blxrns)
"books describing valour of fighters (grandeur -mighty dead)
"God providing us with best things (pouring from the heaven's brink)
Inversion: normal order of words is reversed (Are we wreathing a flowery
band) Antithesis: opposite words placed together (old and young)

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Short Answer Type Questions (2 marka

(Answer the following questions in about 40-50 words each.)
Q1. What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?
R[CBSE Term II, Outside
Ans. Human beings lovelife in spite of troubles and sufferings because of the presence of natural and Delhi, Set1,
around them. These things of beauty give joy forever. They give happiness and optimism to
thus, help in overcoming or tolerating the troubles and sufferings.
RÊCBSE Term II, Outside
human an
Q.2. What are the things that cause suffering and pain?
Ans. There are many things that cause us suffering and pain. Malice and disappointment are the Delhi,
suffering. Another one is the lack of noble qualities. Our unhealthy and evil ways also give birth
troubles and sufferings. They dampen our spirits. They act as apall of sadness on our lives. to so ma ,
Q.3. What is the theme of the poem'A Thing of Beauty'? JCBSE Term II, Outside
Ans. 'A Thing of Beauty', in many ways, signifies a romantic finale of Keats's firnm beliefin the Delhi,
beauty, and of its claim to legitimacy with reference to its permanence, and its ability to call non-destructon
up, or contextualjs
the truth. This forms the main theme of the poem. The poet's artistic view of beauty as an obstinate
pleasure and joy comes in the face of a knowledge of the sharp problems of life, to which the essential
beauty offer their own mode of struggle. Unlike the common place objects of everyday certainty, the obiting,
beauty are resistant to the perishability of time, and indeed of mortality. The sun, the moon, the flora and
fauna in Nature are protectors of an infinity that can never be equated with the temporariness and incontine
of human schemes.
Q.4. If you were given an opportunity to share your perception of beauty, what would you say? Explain.
ACBSE QB, 2021
Ans. Beauty of nature is boundless and knows no limits. Heaven, which is known to be the most beautiful paradie
is the bounty of the earth. It is like an endless fountain that pours the beauty of nature over mankind. Tis
beauty is called the heaven's immortaldrink and is also eternal and washes away the malice from the soul and
refreshes it with love and kindness.
Q.5. 'Beauty is best left undefined'. Support your position on this statement with your rationale, coupled with
ideas in the poem. A[CBSE QB, 2431
Ans. Beautiful things are eternal sources of joy. Their beauty can never vanish, nor can it ever diminish. It makesa
permanent place in our mind and is a source of health and peace. The world has sufferings and noble peopk
earth. Things o
are few, but on account of things of beauty, we weave flowery bands to tie ourselves with this streams, and
beauty remove the curtain of darkness and gloom from our spirits. The Moon, the Sun, the clear
the thickets in the green forests sprinkled with musk roses, are all objects of beauty. The grand
stories, epics and ballads about the deeds and doom of our heroes are all sources of eternal joy.
Q.6. Artists, singers and musicians have a different perception of beauty as compared to people who are n|
professions. Comment.
Ans. Beauty is something that artists, singer and musicians perceive and respond to. It may experience" be a respo oran
awe and amazement, wonder and joy, or something else. It might resemble a "peak -thelistgoe
epiphany. It might happen while watching a sunset or taking in the view from a mountaintopqualities,whete
on. It is a kind of experience, an aesthetic response that isa response to the thing's representational
it is. UaUrCBSEForeign Set-I
Q.7. How does Keats define a thing of withtime
growing 2017
Ans. Value Points: As ajoy foreverfits loveliness never fades into nothingness/beauty keeps on Scheme,
(CBSE Marking

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