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Alan Cano

Dr. Scott

English 1301.184


The World of Music Performance

Music can be regarded as one of the biggest forms of entertainment. It is a community of

many dedicated individuals whose passion comes from a desire to grow as performers. Whether

it is for a small gig or a large orchestra, the way we support one another by attending or even

showing interest in one’s performance is our way of growing the industry. Around Texas A&M

International University (TAMIU), flyers announcing the Annual Faculty Opening Concert can

be found that include the event date and location, promise of free admissions with requests for

charitable donations to support the music program, sponsors and organizers for the event, and a

list of performers and guest stars.

Starting with the middle bottom of the flyer, various details are given as to when and

where the event will occur. The Faculty Concert has yet to take place, stating that the event will

be on, “Friday, September 22, 2023” at the “Center for the Fine and Performing Arts Recital

Hall . . . 7:30 PM” (Annual Faculty Opening Concert). The text in bold letters takes up a quarter

of the flyer, implying its relevance. It is important for other musicians to be aware of when other

events take place so as to not clash with other groups' and individuals’ performance times.

Further down under the date is an announcement that the Faculty Concert is, “[free

admission]” (Annual Faculty Opening Concert). Musicians wanting to support one another can

be made easier when it is apparent that no costs must be factored into attending. Stating the event

is free not only makes it convenient for those already attending, but it can also manage to
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convince other people who might not have initially wanted to go. Although the concert is free; it

is stated that “donations [are] gratefully accepted to support music programming” (Annual

Faculty Opening Concert). Donations work as a perfect way to still make an income from what

can be considered a charity event. They allow people to still go and enjoy the concert like

everyone else, but they can still show that little bit of extra support if they wish to donate.

Now at the very top of the flyer, sponsors for the concert can be found. TAMIU, but more

specifically the “College of Arts and Science,” are sponsors for the Faculty Concert (Annual

Faculty Opening Concert). Without their financial assistance, a concert of such a huge size could

never take place to begin with. This allows organizer Dr. Yu-Mei Huang to efficiently construct

an unforgettable program; showing off the talent of the performers. The more a concert goes out

of its way to stand out, the more eyes it will catch. That is what the music community does best

after all. The more people who attend, the better it is for the growth and image of the community.

This allows musicians to get their name out there and develop more connections. Without the

support of an audience, the number of musicians will slowly decline, it is for that reason an

organized event is necessary.

Lastly, a performer list can be located in the middle of the flyer. It is called the Annual

Faculty Opening Concert for a reason. The flyer uses its name and positioning to its advantage,

emphasizing that the performers are the main attraction of the concert. Many concerts will show

viewers a list of pieces to be performed; However, a list of performers works as an alternative

way to grab the attention of many. The same way other concerts with celebrity artists build

anticipation simply by using their name, the flyer uses this same technique to let people know of

all the professionals performing for them. Knowing that extraordinarily talented individuals such

as “Dr. Colin Campbell,” “Dr. James Moyer,” “Dr. Gilberto Soto,” and “Dr. Yu-Mei Huang”
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will be performing at the concert will elevate the expectations to such a standard that can excite

people to attend and even recommend to others.

The flyer does an excellent job of displaying relevant information. The date and location

grouped together make it hard to miss for those wondering. Its positioning was carefully chosen

to highlight its importance, but not take away from the rest of the information. However, what it

does an even better job at is convince those who may have had second thoughts to reconsider.

The free admission for those who were curious if they would be willing to spend money or not,

the sponsors and organizers need for an excellent program, and a list of professionals who will

bring the concert to life. All of which was excellently communicated to ensure that the Annual

Faculty Opening Concert is one the people shouldn’t miss.

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Dr. Yu-Mei Huang “Annual Faculty Opening Concert.” flyer September 2023

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