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Maharashtra Industrial Development Act, 1961

1. Abbreviation Name, Scope and Commencement

2. Explanation


Formation and Structure of the Corporation

3. Incorporation of Corporations and their incorporation by law

4. Structure

5. To become a member

6 Term and Centuries of Service of Members

7. Meetings of the Corporation

8. Cessation of membership

9. How to fill in the blanks

10. Temporary Absence of Members

11. Presuming the proceedings to be innocent and lawful

12. Officers and employees of the Corporation

13. The Corporation to absorb the restricted class of employees and to take upon itself the obligations of
the State Government in respect of matters to which this Act applies.

14. Works

Episode three

Functions and Powers of the Corporation

15. General powers of a corporation

16. Authentication of country and documents

17. Right to set service size

18. To be directed by the State Govt

Episode four

Finance, Accounting and Auditing

19. Resolution of the Corporation's vote

20. Funds of the Corporation

21. Grants, financial assistance, loans and advances to the Corporation

22. Power of corporation to raise debt

23. Deposit amount

24. Reserves and other funds

25. Expenditure of funds

26. Budget and work program sheet

27. accounts and audit

28. concurrent and special audit


Application of the Government Seats (Abolition) Act to Corporation Seats And the Rent Control Act does
not apply to them

29. For corporation seats, Bombay Government Seats (Abolition) Act, 1955 applies to be
30. Non- applicability of Rent Control Act to corporation premises.


Acquisition of land and its appropriation

31. The provisions of this Chapter shall apply.

32. Forced editing

33. Paying compensation

34. Appeal to court

35. Apportionment disputes

36. Indemnify

37. Investing money deposited in court

38. Paying interest

39. Appropriation of land by corporation

40. (Omitted)
49. (Omitted)

42. Delegation of powers to the State Government

Case Help

Surplus land not in use in industrial sector

42- A. Acquisition of unused surplus land in industrial sector and other industries their due allocation.


43-12 Government lands

42. of the Corporation in case of culpable misconduct by the owner of the land in the industrial area

Supplementary and Minor Provisions

44. Order regarding demolition of building 45. Right to stop construction work

46. Penalty for construction or use of land in violation of covenant to hold land.

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