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Teacher Induction Program

Pre/Observation/Post Cycle Form (POP)

Revised 4.20.23

Directions for Preparation for POP Cycle

1. New Teacher (NT) and Mentor (ME) identify date for lesson observation and set dates/times for pre- and post-observation conferences.
2. Minimum three days before lesson delivery, NT prepares POP Cycle Form.
3. NT completes Section 1: New Teacher Information, lesson plan, and Section 2, Part A NT Reflection.
4. NT emails POP Cycle Form and Lesson Plan to ME.
Directions for Pre-Observation
5. Minimum 48 hours before lesson delivery, ME reviews Lesson Plan and Section 2, Part A: New Teacher Reflection; completes Section
2, Part B: ME Feedback.
6. ME shares feedback with NT during pre-observation conference. Lesson plan is adjusted as needed and finalized for delivery.
Directions for Observation and Preparation for Post-Observation Conference
7. During lesson delivery, ME completes Section 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery, noting both Teacher Actions and Student
8. Prior to Post-Observation Conference, NT reflects on lesson outcomes and completes Part 3B: NT Reflection on Lesson Delivery.
Post Observation Conference Directions:
9. Within 48 hours, NT and ME share notes; discuss lesson observations and outcomes; complete Section 4. All parts should be
transcribed into one document and submitted to course instructor. Information is used for ILP.

Section 1: New Teacher Information

New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level

Maria Pineda Biology 9

Mentor Email School/District Date

Joy Kim Foothill HS, TUSD 10/22/24

Content Standard Lesson Objectives Unit Topic Lesson Title

HS-LS1-5: Use a model to Students should be able to Photosynthesis and Cellular Build-A-Lab Photosynthesis
illustrate how photosynthesis use a visual to describe the Respiration
transforms light energy into
movement of matter and
stored chemical energy.
energy in photosynthesis. In
the lab designed they will
try to optimize the rate of
CSTP Element(s) Focus for POP Cycle (In semesters 2, 3, 4, copy pertinent elements from ILP for POP Cycle focus.)

1 - Emerging 2 - Exploring 3 - Applying 4 - Integrating 5 – Innovating

NT pedagogical skills Skills are developing Skills are applied as Skills are refined as NT Skills are polished as
are newly formed and as NT investigates NT makes combines elements NT expands ability to
just coming into and examines increased relevant into a cohesive and add new methods and
prominence pedagogical and suitable use unified pedagogical strategies into
practices of pedagogical repertoire pedagogical repertoire

CSTP Element Initial Rating Rating Description (Identify both teacher and student rating for
CSTP 1 and 2.)
Exploring Integrates connections from subject matter to meaningful, real-life contexts,
CSTP Connecting subject matter to meaningful,
including those specific to students’ family and community.
1.3 real-life contexts
CSTP 2.3 Establishing and maintaining learning Applying
environments that are physically, intellectually, Anticipates and reduces risks to physical, intellectual, and emotional safety using multiple
and emotionally safe strategies that include examining biases in the learning environment and curriculum.

CSTP Planning instruction that Exploring Selects strategies for single lessons or sequence of lessons that respond to
4.4 incorporates appropriate students’ diverse learning needs.
strategies to meet the learning
needs of all students

Section 2: Pre-Observation Conference

Focus Students Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Summarize critical w/ILP/504
needs and how you
will address them KM, student is new arrival, very limited JP, currently requires additional time for NW, high performing student, tends to
during this lesson. mastery of language. Currently performing processing and in forming connections. quickly catch on to material. Will often
well when given translated material, Highly visual learner. Use of technology will finish early or have an easy time with the
allowed to use translation apps. I would provide student with additional resources, assignment. Challenge student to test
like to see the student engaged in the sample lab to base his lab design on. multiple variables to serve as an extension
critical thinking/skill process even if activity.
language development is secondary.

Part A: NT Reflection Part B: ME Feedback

Use questions to guide reflection on the lesson Provide feedback on lesson plan reflection.

Inquiry Focus/Special Focus on developing student skills or laboratory Mentor has done a similar lab in the past,
Emphasis development with the support of technology. provided me with a copy. Provided the
 What is your inquiry focus Students will use technology to do a trail run of
suggestion of narrowing down the options for
and/or special emphasis?  variables to be tested as to not overwhelm
their lab with lower stakes and be able to trouble students.
How will you incorporate the
inquiry focus and/or special shoot possible situations that could arise when
emphasis into the lesson? actually doing the lab.
 What specific feedback do you Is the project, design a photosynthesis lab,
want from your ME?

Inquiry Focus/Students Best way to approach a large project, in which I Worked together on pacing, front load students
 What specific feedback am asking students to do a task/skill that they with some of the information, provides students
regarding your focus students may not have practiced before? with visuals which they can use throughout the
do you want from your ME?
lab, as well as the equation to help visualize
possible outcomes.

Specific Feedback Timing wise, should there be any modifications Placement and variety of activities looked good,
 What additional specific or changes of the placement of the mini activities consider doing a quick recap/review of the
feedback do you want from involved? lesson from the day before to get students to
your ME regarding lesson
recall information and connect it to that day’s

Instructional Planning Begin with a warm-up question, then work on a Since this is a new skill, that we are trying to
 How is the lesson Google Drawing depending on how students did develop be patient, allow time for asking
structured (opening, body, on the activity from the day before, progress into questions/clarifying/reteaching, possibly add
and closing)?
designing the lab, end with an exit ticket. time for check-in/feedback prior to letting
 What varied teaching
students run their ecpeiment.
strategies and differentiated
instruction will help students
meet lesson goals?  What I tried to incorporate technology to make it easier
progress monitoring strategies to translate documents, virtual labs to help with
will be used? How will results visual learners, and chunking the lab design
inform instruction? process to help students not feel overwhelmed.
Exit ticket will provide formative feedback, to
adjust for the next day. Lab poster should on
students understanding of the content/skill

Lesson is connected to Eco-Column project;

Student Engagement/Learning Good idea with the use of warm-up Google
 How will you make the they want to be able to optimize the rate of Drawing it will serve as an additional resource to
lesson relevant to all the photosynthesis so their plants could grow more. them.
 How will students show The will be able to visualize and manipulate the
progress towards master of Not a bad idea to keep the equation or diagram
variable that affect the output of photosynthesis. project to esily refere back to it.
lesson objectives?

Classroom Management I currently have established classroom routines, Continue modeling appropriate behavior,
 How will you maintain a location for cell phones and model daily providing praise, and making mistakes learing
positive learning appropriate behavior. moments.
environment with a
welcoming climate of
caring, respect, and Greet students at the door daily, location for
fairness? cellphones, materials list written on the board,
goal for the day written on the board.
 Identify specific classroom
procedures and strategies for
challenging behaviors.

Closure Close with an exit ticket to review the information What is the timeline for analyzing the data? It
 How will you close your covered in class. Collect and analyze data should realistically inform your lesson for the
lesson? through a Google Form/exit ticket. next day.
 How will you assess
student learning and
prepare them for the next

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 3
Section 3: Observation of Lesson Delivery
Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Lesson Delivery
Teacher Actions Student Actions
Specific TEACHER SUGGESTION - while I think that I can easily include the
Feedback you are circulating during the warm-
you are circulating during the suggestions given by my mentor
 What up, also identify a student or two
warm-up, also identify a student or teacher, the las suggestion, time for
information who have the correct answer and let
two who have the correct answer debrief will have to be planned out
can you them know you are going to have
and let them know you are going to since it has happened that we run
provide the them share out to the class.
have them share out to the class. out of time in class t wrap up the
NT This should help build student day.
regarding NEXT STEP - Refer back to the
efficacy, motivate those that are too
requested Success Criteria (daily skill/goal) at
shy to share.
special the end of the lesson to utilize for
feedback? self-assessment/reflection (could be
a question on the exit ticket?)


did you find from the exit ticket
data? (Will discuss during POP
Ms. Pineda's lab design requires As I delivered the lesson I saw many
CSTP 1: Students are given choices
students to make decisions and think students engaged, when they were allowed
Engaging All throughout the process and to use their notes and talk to partners I did
critically about the decisions they
Students ownership over the lab. -The see engagement increase.
want to make based on the
 In what ways questions that Ms. Pineda asks
information they have learned.
were students throughout the period promote As students worked on the lab, they were
engaged? How problem solving and critical able to refer back to the digital lab, I did
were thinking. notice that they were able to use the
students not resources from before to help them as they
engaged? did the lab without much prompting.
 How did
students I had noticed that on occasion if I get a
contribute to question that we’ve discussed before I try to
their learning? connect it back to the lesson in which we
would have covered the topic, or try to
 How did
guide them with other examples as to not
teacher and/or directly give them the answers.
learning? 
How were the
students engaged
Ms. Pineda kindly lets students know Phones are collected as students enter Since our classroom is divided into a lab
CSTP 2: that laptops won't be needed at the and are greeted. Phone cart moved to area and desk area it is pretty simple to
Effective beginning of class so they can be closed. corner of classroom during class time. transition from activity to activity. The use
Learning She circulates during warmup to ensure of the phone cubby is new to me but I can
Environment class routines are followed - laptops see that it has improved student engagement
 How did closed, phones put away, earbuds out. and have had fewer behavioral issues.
students and
teacher Transitions in class are smooth and
contribute to an quick. Ms. Pineda's constant circulating
effective presence keeps students on task,
learning clarifies questions they have, and
environment? provides encouragement to students.

Opening "hypothesize" question is given in Students who need language support are I do have an easier time communicating and
English, Spanish, and Mandarin for access seated together so they can help one helping students that are Spanish speakers. I
Organizing for all students. During review of the another. As well as given translation have used a real-time translator app the
Subject Matter drawing, Ms. Pineda uses a mixture of materials. provides closed captioning in real time but
 What actions volunteer and called on students when have found that students do not like it much.
of the NT reviewing the drawing. Ms. Pineda uses her
contributed to knowledge of Spanish to help communicate
student with students who need it. She also
assimilation of provides a Spanish version of the visual
subject handout she is reviewing.
 How did
knowledge of
 What
ons did
have and
were they
addressed by
the teacher?
Goal/Skill clearly identified on screen at the Having students start the Google I know that some techniques that support
beginning of class. When Ms. Pineda Drawing without notes provides an students with IEPs and 504s tend to be
Learning notices that some boxes on the chart are opportunity for self-assessment and helpful in general to all, so I do try to
Experiences blank as she is circulating, she has them reflection. incorporate these throughout the day.
 How were turn and talk with a partner to share ideas
students before coming to the whole class to review.
through When circulating during lab
differentiated time, when Ms. Pineda realizes many
instruction? students have the same question, she
 How did brings the class together to clarify
 How did the
NT contribute
to student
Having students start the Google Drawing Students worked on a Google Drawing, I tried to provide a variety of activities
without notes provides an opportunity for draw and dropped labels into a figure. throughout the day and unit overall so that
Assessing self-assessment and reflection. students have the opportunity to feel
Student successful in at least one element.
Learning When circulating during lab time, when Students worked on a digital handout.
 How did Ms. Pineda realizes many students have the I can see achievement with accuracy of
students same question, she brings the class together assignment completion, rational in why they
demonstrate to clarify. selected to pick certain variables, and in the
achievement Students completed and exit ticket, with questions students ask that demonstrate
of lesson Ms. Pineda ends class with an exit ticket to multiple choice questions and a figure that higher level thinking skills.
objectives? check for understanding on the parts of the referred back to the Google Drawing from
 In what photosynthesis process the start of class.
ways did
struggle or
 What
contributed to

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 2 of 3
With the overall lesson students struggled a bit because this was a new task they were asked to do, develop a lab without much
To what degree
guidance. Once they were provided with the digital lab example and were able to connect it to their current experiment, the eco-
did students columns, they gained a bit more confidence and were able to be successful in their lab execution the following day.
achieve lesson

To what degree did Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your Choice
focus w/ILP/504
students achieve
KM was able to provide some very basic JR was able to provide some basic NW was able to provide some basic
responses in their pre-assessment, on their responses in the pre-assessment. He was responses in the pre-assessment. In the
lab and their poster they were able to absent a few days during the unit, so that lab design NW was able to quickly piece
provide specifics and when prompted put him behind a bit. It took some extra together what variables they wanted to
verbally was able to successfully explain time during directed studies to get him to test, and come up with ideas as to how
and provide rational for why certain understand the input and outputs. He was they could apply that knowledge to the
changes affected the rate of not able to fully complete his lab or poster, current experiment, eco-columns.
photosynthesis. Performed well on the unit extended time has been granted. Received Preformed very well on their unit test,
test, 85%, used a translated test. a 76% on unit test, was provided with a 98%
modified version that contained fewer
multiple choice options and more visuals.
Adjust/re-write the pre-assessment so that is gives more valuable data, the version used was too simple, the goal being that
What would you do
every students should be able to write something down and not feel discouraged if they were not able to provide an answer.
differently next
The variety in assignments, digital, hand written, drag and drop, and labs. The fact that students were able to feel like real-life
What were three
scientists by designing their own lab. Being able to push students beyond their comfort zone to think outside the box and
top Lesson
develop their critical thinking skills with such a hard topic.
Modifying the pre-assessment, making it so it provides more usable data. Using additional tools like “re-wordify” to help
What were three
students that a struggling readers, since thy understood the concept but struggled a bit with the wording of assignments, finding
top areas for
a better way of meeting the needs of my EL students that are not Spanish speakers.

What are next steps? Collaborating with EL and RSP educators to get some insight and possible suggestions of techniques/technology available to
fill the gaps I identified.

Other Comments/Notes
From mentor teacher: Ms. Pineda does a phenomenal job of engaging her students, connecting with them, and holding them accountable for high level work.
She has routines in her class that waste no instructional time, and the students respond quickly and positively to her expectations. She holds students to a
high level of critical thinking and problem solving, and gives them ownership over their learning in a variety of ways. She is very skilled at asking questions
of students, and her constant circulation aids in both classroom management and instructional support. Great work, Ms. Pineda!

All parts of this form should be transcribed (typed; not hand-written) into a single document and
submitted to course instructor. Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized on the
NT ILP as appropriate.

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project,
2017. Page 3 of 3

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