John Dillinger

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John Dillinger was one of the most dangerous American gangsters. He was born on June
22, 1903 and died on July 22, 1934. He was shot by FBI agents outside the cinema in
Chicago after he tried to use a gun during an arrest.

Already at the age of 20, he boarded a warship. After a few months, he escaped from the
ship and joined a criminal gang. Immediately after the first robbery of a grocery store, he
was arrested together with other members of the gang and sentenced to several years.

After nine years, he formed his own gang. With them, he robbed a total of six banks in four
months. The FBI formed a special "Dillinger Raid Squad" to catch Dillinger. They managed
to do that a few times, but he always ran away. In 1934, he created another new gang, but it
was very violent.

A reward of 10,000 dollars was placed on his head. Dillinger had plastic surgery and
attempted to change his identity. But that was in vain.

Anna Sage made an appointment with Dillinger for a joint visit to the cinema on July 22,
1933. That' s what she told the police. As they left the movie theater, Dillinger was shot and

John Dillinger byl jedním z nejnebezpečnějších Američtí gangsteři. Narodil se 22.6.1903 a

zemřel 22. července 1934. Byl zastřelen FBI agenti mimo kino v Chicagu po něm pokusili při
zatýkání použít zbraň.

Již ve 20 letech nastoupil na válečnou loď. Po několika měsících utekl loď a vstoupil do
zločineckého gangu. Ihned po první loupeži v obchodě s potravinami obchod, byl spolu s
dalšími členy gangu zatčen a odsouzen k několik let.

Po devíti letech založil vlastní gang. S jich vyloupil během čtyř měsíců celkem šest bank. FBI
vytvořila speciální „Dillinger Raid Squad“. chytit Dillingera. To se jim pár podařilo krát, ale
vždy utekl. V roce 1934 vytvořil další nový gang, ale byl velmi násilný.

Byla na něj vypsána odměna 10 000 dolarů hlava. Dillinger měl plastickou operaci a se
pokusil změnit svou identitu. Ale to bylo in marný.

Anna Sage si domluvila schůzku s Dillingerem společná návštěva kina 22. července 1933.
s čím řekla policii. Když odcházeli z kina, Dillinger byl zastřelen a zemřel.

He was a Czech businessman, born on March 7, 1956 in Prague and died on February 24 at
the age of 59.

After the Velvet Revolution, he founded Discoland Sylvie, which he owned together with his
wife Ludvika Pecharová and Helmut Huger from Germany, who financed everything.

Celebrities also visited Discoland. However, disputes began to arise over the enterprise.

Thanks to his success, he enjoyed the favor of women, so he broke up with his wife, who
opened a vegetable stand and wanted to sell her share in Discoland Sylvie with his partner.
Jonák didn't like that, so he had his wife murdered by hired killers on April 7, 1994.

Jonák was arrested for this crime for 18 years. On February 24, 2016, he died alone and

Byl to český podnikatel, narozený 7. března 1956 v Praze a zemřel 24. února ve věku 59 let.

Po sametové revoluci založil Discoland Sylvie, který vlastnil spolu s manželkou Ludvikou
Pecharovou a Helmutem Hugerem z Německa, který vše financoval.

Discoland navštívily i známé osobnosti. O podnik však začaly vznikat spory.

Díky svému úspěchu se těšil přízni žen, a tak se rozešel s manželkou, která si otevřela
stánek se zeleninou a chtěla se svou partnerkou prodat svůj podíl v Discolandu Sylvie. To se
Jonákovi nelíbilo, a tak nechal 7. dubna 1994 zavraždit svou manželku nájemnými vrahy.

Jonák byl za tento zločin zatčen na 18 let. 24. února 2016 zemřel sám a bez peněz.

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