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BODHa̅YANA bookPlace FYP

Module Code & Module Title

CS6P05NI Final Year Project
Assessment Weightage & Type
5% FYP Proposal
2023 Autumn
Student Name: Prakriti Poudel
London Met ID: 20048950
College ID: np01cp4s210305
Internal Supervisor: Aadesh Tandukar
External Supervisor: Abhishek Humagain
Assignment Due Date: 29th Nov 2023
Assignment Submission Date: 29th Nov 2023
Word Count (without reference and appendix):1916

I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via Google Classroom under the
relevant module page before the deadline in order for my assignment to be accepted and marked. I am
fully aware that late submissions will be treated as non-submission and a mark of zero will be awarded

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BODHa̅YANA bookPlace FYP

Project Topic: .................................................................................................................. 4
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4
Problem Domain: ......................................................................................................... 4
Difficulty in obtaining books and stationery .............................................................. 4
Communication gap between Schools and Parents ................................................. 4
Diversities in books: ................................................................................................. 5
Lack of management of inventory: ........................................................................... 5
Lack of comparison between reference books ......................................................... 5
Solution:....................................................................................................................... 5
Aims and Objectives........................................................................................................ 6
AIMS ............................................................................................................................ 6
OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................. 6
Expected Outcomes and Deliverable .............................................................................. 7
Scope .......................................................................................................................... 7
Project Risks, Threats and Contingency Plans ............................................................... 8
Methodology.................................................................................................................... 9
Considered Methodology ............................................................................................. 9
Waterfall Methodology ............................................................................................. 9
Spiral Model ........................................................................................................... 10
Extreme Programming ........................................................................................... 11
Selected Methodology ............................................................................................... 12
Scrum Methodology ............................................................................................... 12
Resources Requirement................................................................................................ 13
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ................................................................................ 14
Milestones ..................................................................................................................... 15
Project Gantt Chart........................................................................................................ 16
Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 17
Bibliography .................................................................................................................. 17
Appendix ....................................................................................................................... 19
Website used for Research ........................................................................................... 19
Eason School Books.................................................................................................. 19

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BODHa̅YANA bookPlace FYP

Shop4books ............................................................................................................... 20
Vidyarthikendra .......................................................................................................... 21
EkataBooks ............................................................................................................... 22

List of Figures

Figure 1: Waterfall Model Development Process (Digital Guide IONOS, 2019) .............. 9
Figure 2: Spiral Model (Tech Receptives, n.d.) ............................................................. 11
Figure 3: Extreme Programming Model......................................................................... 12
Figure 4: Scrum Methodology (Schwaber & Sutterland, 2017) ..................................... 13
Figure 5: Work Break Down Structure ........................................................................... 14
Figure 6: Milestone ........................................................................................................ 15
Figure 7: Gantt Chart..................................................................................................... 16
Figure 8: Eason School Books (Eason Website, n.d.) ................................................... 19
Figure 9: Shop4books (SHOP4BOOKS, n.d.) ............................................................... 20
Figure 10: Vidyarthikendra ............................................................................................ 21
Figure 11: EkataBooks (Ekata Publishing House, n.d.) ................................................. 22

List of Table

Table 1:Risk, threat and Contingency Table ................................................................... 8

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BODHa̅YANA bookPlace FYP

Project Topic:

Project Proposal: BODHa̅YANA bookPlace Website


The term "BODHa̅YANA," derived from Sanskrit, translates to a scholar or someone

who imparts knowledge. Reflecting this meaning, the "BODHa̅YANA bookPlace" project
aims to establish a space offering a variety of books, thoughtfully categorized. This
includes academic books recommended by schools in collaboration with specific
classes, reference materials, dictionaries, and storybooks organized by publication.
Additionally, the bookPlace will provide essential stationary items such as geometric
boxes and copy notebooks even sport dresses. This initiative serves as a precursor to a
broader school management project in the future. The overarching goal is to involve
parents in school management, ultimately assisting them in fulfilling their roles and
responsibilities related to their children's education. The "BODHa̅YANA bookPlace"
stands as an integral component of this initiative, with a primary focus on empowering
and supporting parents in their involvement with the school.

Problem Domain:
Difficulty in obtaining books and stationery
Buying books is not easy task, and in Nepal you will never be able to find all academic
book related to one’s class at once which makes it inconvenient for parents.

Communication gap between Schools and Parents

To buy academic book, publication is the most important thing to focus on as different
school has different publication books used. So, due to lack of proper communication
between schools and parents, parents have less idea on publication used and even if
their children know the publication, it will be hard for parents to remember different
publication name.

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BODHa̅YANA bookPlace FYP

Diversities in books:
There might not be a lot of options in physical stores. It's possible that students have
different learning preferences and styles, and there could not be enough diversified
resources to accommodate these variations.

Lack of management of inventory:

Accurate inventory management can be difficult for books.

Lack of comparison between reference books

There are many publications providing reference book one of popular is Asmita
Publication with every subject model question but if we want more harder content to
practice regarding specific subject, it is good to look for eg. Dr. Simkhada- Heritage
Publisher and Distributer Pvt. books for maths.

An extensive online platform to tackle the aforementioned issues is provided by the
Online School Stationery Marketplace. Crucial components consist of:

1. "BODHa̅YANA bookPlace" aims to offer a central hub where parents, teachers,

and students can access a wide variety of educational resources.
2. The objective of the project is to optimize the procurement process through the
organization and provision of various educational resources in a single, easily-
accessible area.
3. Beyond just providing books, the project aims to involve parents in school
administration tasks in order to create a cooperative and involved learning
4. "BODHa̅YANA bookPlace" provides a wide range of books and materials that
cater to interests, and academic levels with package-based system related to
5. Provide prover management inventory by tracking product, buy and sell.
6. "BODHa̅YANA bookPlace" provides option to compare with references books.

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BODHa̅YANA bookPlace FYP

Aims and Objectives

The primary goal of this project is to alleviate the burden on individuals, particularly
parents, in acquiring books for their children. It aims to establish a dedicated central hub
for books, offering a broad spectrum of educational resources, including academic
books, reference materials, and necessary stationery. This initiative seeks to provide a
convenient and comprehensive solution, making it effortless for people to get the
resources they need.

1. Create a dependable and effective online book shopping platform.

2. Put in place an inventory management system to monitor and adjust product

availability instantly.

3. Permit consumers to trace past order.

4. Design with aesthetic appeal and responsiveness in mind to accommodate

consumers on different devices from tab, laptop to phones.

5. Create an online store where customers can purchase school supplies and find an
all-in-one store for all stationary items.

6. Make UI user-friendly to facilitate effortless navigation and a pleasurable purchasing


7. Create a proper database for the product, user login, order.

8. Learn and use AWS for website deploy.

9. Increase programming knowledge in Django and react.

10. Help in proper selection of product with compare and packages.

11. Implementing and Research on Extreme Programming methodology.

12. Learn and create Work breakdown Structure and Gantt chart.

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Expected Outcomes and Deliverable

When the project is completed, it is expected it will provide wide varieties of books with
different categories and packages. It will make it easier to shop the different books and
other school related materials. Following features are expected after the project is

1. User friendly interface: easy navigation and access to different section and pages
of website.
2. Search and filter options: Search and filter function for easy finding of books and
3. Book Categories: Have different categories on academic books as classes,
references materials, dictionaries and storybooks as publication.
4. Different packages: Provide packages such as new books packages for new
printed school books and old book packages from the book brought from
5. Online catalog: List of all product of website with detailed description and images.
6. Stationary section: separate section for geometric boxes, notebooks.
7. Dress and shoes section: Section for sport dress and shoes of school
8. User Account: User accounts for parents, students and teachers with tracking
order history.
9. Accessibility features: support user with disabilities by incorporating these
10. Easy inventory management, with addition of any products or buy and sell of
11. Easy payment, and add to cart function.

The website will feature a variety of school stationery items and books, including but not
limited to:

- Notebooks

- Sport Dresses

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- Shoes

- Academic books

- Dictionaries

- Novel

- Rulers and geometry sets

- Reference books

Project Risks, Threats and Contingency Plans

Any project comes with risk with its threat, it is good to understand the risk of project, so
it can be handled well when it arose. So, it is very important for risk management of the

Table 1:Risk, threat and Contingency Table

S.N. Risk Description Threat Contingency

1. Scope Creep: Expanding the Increased time and cost. Project scope should
project scope beyond the define clearly and plan
mentioned initially. clearly before
changing scope.

2. OS System Crash: If there is Whole data deletion, and Back up data in

any failure to the system, increase development google drive.
deletion of whole project is time.
at risk.

3. Difficulties in Bugging: Due Slow completion of Proper research on

to new language, it will be project and delay project different platform
difficult if any problem timelines. online and seek help
arises. from supervisor.

4. Difficulties in Database: There Slow completion of back- Do proper research and

are many managements end system and increase seek help on every step

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system and authentication project deadline. while creating database.

system to be created which will
need database to work on
which makes it hard due to lack
of knowledge and practice.

5. Integration Issues: Challenge Interruption in function of Go through proper

in integrating esewa payment website and bad user testing after deploying
gateways. experience. the website.


Considered Methodology
Waterfall Methodology

Figure 1: Waterfall Model Development Process (Digital Guide IONOS, 2019)

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Sometimes the problem's requirements are clear, and the work proceeds pretty linearly
from communication to deployment. This is the time to implement the waterfall model or
approach. Also referred to as the classic life cycle, the waterfall model describes a
methodical, sequential approach to software development that starts with the
specification of requirements from the customer and moves through
communication(analysis), planning(designing) and modelling, construction (Coding or
Implementation), Testing and deployment (Maintenance) before ending with ongoing
support for the finished product. (Pressman, 2010)

Reason Why not Waterfall Model:

Biggest disadvantage of waterfall model is there will always be some requirement or

features which will be needed to be added on even after finishing the requirement
analysis. So, as development of waterfall model follow, after completing one step there
is no going back other phase, the development has to move on to next phase, if any
problem arises in maintenance phase, we cannot go back to coding phase.

Spiral Model
Boehm (1988) created the Spiral Model, a risk-driven software process framework.
Instead of being repeated as a series of steps, the software process is repeated as a
spiral. The definition of requirements is represented by one loop of the spiral, system
design by the next, and so forth. Each loop is separated into four sectors: planning,
development and validation, risk assessment, and objective setting. (Sommerville,

Reason why not Spiral Model

The spiral model differs from other software process models primarily in that it explicitly
recognizes risk which is it both advantage and disadvantage. As, it will causes poor time
management but risk management is important aspect of software development. But It
also has a very complex process.

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Figure 2: Spiral Model (Tech Receptives, n.d.)

Extreme Programming
Having research on different agile method, XP which means Extreme Programming
model is found to be very light weight, efficiency, low-risk, flexible, predictable, scientific,
and fun way to develop software. A software project benefits from Extreme
Programming in five key areas: respect, courage, feedback, communication, and
simplicity. The simplest guidelines of Extreme Programming are its most unexpected
feature: Planning, managing, creating, coding, and testing. (Wells, 2013)

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Figure 3: Extreme Programming Model

Reason Why Not Extreme Programming Model

Due to the iterative nature of web development and the need for frequent testing to
make sure the system satisfies requirements; it will increase the time in project which
will needed high effort as customer is included.

Selected Methodology
Scrum Methodology
For my project, the scrum methodology will be used for my project. Scrum is an agile
project management framework that encourages teams to learn from experiences, self-
organize while working on a problem, and reflect on their wins and losses to
continuously improve. It is based on a set of values, principles, and practices that help
teams structure and manage their work in preparation for the big game. (Schwaber &
Sutterland, 2017)

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Figure 4: Scrum Methodology (Schwaber & Sutterland, 2017)

Reason why Scrum:

There is scrum for one, which is for the project where there will be only one person.
Scrum created product backlog and different documentation which helps to clear project
goals and avoid scope creep.

Resources Requirement

For any successful project, there are different hardware and software resources need.

- Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, React

- Backend: Django

- Database: Oracle sql

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- Version Control: GitHub

- Designing: Figma

- Flowchart, WBS

-Team Gantt: Gantt Chart

- Laptop: Acer Aspire 3

- Backup: Goggle Drive

- Deploy: AWS

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Figure 5: Work Break Down Structure

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Developing a software goes through many complex processes so to make it easier to

complete the work and understand the process, they are breakdown into smaller
process same as above figure is work break down structure. There a project Bodhayana
bookPlace is then break down to seven process and they are furthered breakdown.


Chart Title


Front- end


Project Kickoff Project Closure




















Height Helper Column

Figure 6: Milestone

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Project Gantt Chart

As illustrated below, is the project schedule, the darker shade represent work done or
doing while lighter shade represent work not started which is in rectangle shape.
Milestone is represented by yellow colour diamond shape.

Figure 7: Gantt Chart

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The goal of this school stationery website is to make it easier for teachers, parents, and
students to buy school supplies. The website will enhance a seamless shopping
experience with its user-friendly layout, secure transactions, and varied product list and
packages with comparison.


Digital Guide IONOS, 2019. Waterfall methodology. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 26 November 2023].

Eason Website, n.d. School User Registration. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 24 November 2023].

Ekata Publishing House, n.d. Home. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 25 November 2023].

Fronczak, S., 2020. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC): Making Sense of the
Different Methodologies. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 25 November 2023].

Pressman, R. S., 2010. Software Engineering: A practitioner's approach. 7th ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill Companies.

Republica, 2023. Schools selling books and uniforms will be booked: KMC Mayor Shah.
Available at:

20048950 17
BODHa̅YANA bookPlace FYP

[Accessed 27 November 2023].

Schwaber, K. & Sutterland, J., 2017. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 21 November 2023].

SHOP4BOOKS, n.d. NCERT. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 25 November 2023].

Sommerville, I., 2011. Software Engineering. 9th ed. India: Manipal Press Limited.

Tech Receptives, n.d. Spiral Methodology. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 25 November 2023].

Wax, D., 2013. Scrum for One. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 26 November 2023].

Wells, D., 2013. Extreme Programming:. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 26 November 2023].

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BODHa̅YANA bookPlace FYP


Website used for Research

Eason School Books

As there will be categories with school, this option to registered school for the student
was helpful as it can be used as one of the feature to have different section for student
on BODHa̅YANA Bookplace Website.

Figure 8: Eason School Books (Eason Website, n.d.)

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Shop4books provided a promising shopping choice segment on this page.

Figure 9: Shop4books (SHOP4BOOKS, n.d.)

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These three schools were cooperated with vidyarthikendra website where, the books
are available as packages according to levels of these schools which was really nice
and helpful for parents.

Figure 10: Vidyarthikendra

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EkataBooks is the website of Ekata publication of Nepal. The UI designing and the
animation of this website is really beautiful and creative.

Figure 11: EkataBooks (Ekata Publishing House, n.d.)

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