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Positive and Negative Effects of Foster Care

Kassadee Apgood

Wilmington University

AHS 8100

November 26, 2023

Positive and Negative Effects of Foster Care


Foster care serves as a vital support system for children who, due to various reasons,

cannot live with their biological families for the time being. While foster care has its positives, it

also presents challenges that can impact the well-being of children. This paper explores both the

positive and negative effects of foster care, shedding light on the complex nature of this system.

Positive Effects

Foster care provides a safe and stable environment for children facing challenges in their

biological homes. It offers them the opportunity to thrive in a nurturing setting, potentially

breaking cycles of abuse or neglect. Foster families often play a crucial role in offering

emotional support, guidance, and a sense of belonging. Educational opportunities can improve

for foster children, as stability in living arrangements contributes to a more conducive learning

environment. Additionally, foster care can serve as a bridge to potential adoption; offering

children the possibility of a permanent loving family. “Social workers have discovered that

placement is more successful when several factors are taken into consideration. One of the most

important of these is an attempt to keep siblings together” (, n.d.). This shows us

that foster children will have better outcomes and more positive results when kept with their

siblings. I had the chance to speak to a foster parent from Utah Foster Care who shared some of

her insights into what she has seen with her foster children. She expressed that one of the most

positive things for these children is that they get to know something different and see that life

doesn’t always have to be like how they have been experiencing. She went on to say that these

foster children will also get to learn the essential daily life skills that they may have not ever

been taught, like wearing seatbelts, safety, brushing their teeth, and combing their hair. While
these are simple tasks for us, these foster children may have never had the opportunity to learn

these skills. This foster parent continues to share that “Foster care can ensure that the children

are physically safe, but as far as all the other needs go it can really be a hit or miss”

(Anonymous, Personal Communication, November 2023). This is because of the many different

challenges that these children are going through and have experienced.

Negative Effects

On the other hand, foster care can lead to emotional and psychological challenges for

children. The placement disruptions, where children move between different foster homes, can

create instability and impact their ability to form secure attachments. This can be challenging for

these children as that is all they have ever known and now they have to leave it all behind. The

loss of familial connections and identity issues may arise as children navigate the complexities of

multiple homes. It has been studied that, “Being in foster care can also have a profound impact

on a child’s sense of identity and self-worth” (FCCY, 20023). This is just one way that can help

us to see how much these children are affected by foster care. It has also been discovered that

“...children in foster care are at a higher risk for mental health problems, including depression,

anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder” (FCCY, 2023). These children may also experience

poorer physical health, getting behind in school, not graduating high school, struggling with

social or behavioral problems, and even homelessness (American SPCC, 2021). Additionally,

concerns have been raised about the quality of care in some foster homes, highlighting the need

for rigorous oversight to ensure the well-being of the children.

Suggestions for changes within foster care

When talking to the foster parent about foster care, it was asked if she had any

suggestions of what could change within foster care to be better help for these children. She
expressed that gatherings for foster children and their families would be very beneficial. This

would allow support for the foster parents and also for the foster children. She shared an

experience with a company that sponsored Utah Foster Care to go on a trip to California. This

allowed for all the children to get together and relate to each other. They were all coming from

similar situations and in that group gathering, that was what was considered normal.


In conclusion, foster care is a complex system with positive and negative effects. It serves

as a lifeline for many children in need, offering safety, stability, and the prospect of a better

future. However, challenges such as placement disruptions and potential emotional impacts

emphasize the importance of continually improving and refining the foster care system.

Policymakers, social workers, and foster families must work collaboratively to address these

challenges and enhance the overall well-being of children in foster care.


Fccy. (2023, April 21). The impact of foster care on children. Family Care For Children &


Grammarly. (2021, January 14).

Impact of foster care. American SPCC. (2021, September 10).


Positives and negatives within the foster care system. (n.d.).

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