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Applied Surface Science 388 (2016) 160–168

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Corrosion studies using potentiodynamic and EIS electrochemical

techniques of welded lean duplex stainless steel UNS S82441
Z. Brytan a,∗ , J. Niagaj b , Ł. Reiman a
Division of Materials Processing Technology, Management and Computer Techniques in Materials Science, Institute of Engineering Materials and
Biomaterials, Silesian University of Technology, ul. Konarskiego 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Institute of Welding, ul. Bł. Czesława 16/18, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The corrosion characterisation of lean duplex stainless steel (1.4662) UNS S82441 welded joints using the
Received 15 October 2015 potentiodynamic test and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in 1 M NaCl solution are discussed.
Received in revised form 27 January 2016 The influence of autogenous TIG welding parameters (amount of heat input and composition of shielding
Accepted 28 January 2016
gases like Ar and Ar–N2 and an Ar–He mixture), as well as A-TIG welding was studied. The influence of
Available online 1 February 2016
welding parameters on phase balance, microstructural changes and the protective properties of passive
oxide films formed at the open circuit potential or during the anodic polarisation were studied.
From the results of the potentiodynamic test and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of TIG
Lean duplex stainless steel
Potentiodynamic test
and A-TiG, welded joints show a lower corrosion resistance compared to non-welded parent metal, but
EIS introducing heat input properly during welding and applying shielding gases rich in nitrogen or helium
TIG can increase austenitic phase content, which is beneficial for corrosion resistance, and improves surface
A-TIG oxide layer resistance in 1 M NaCl solution.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction mechanical properties and corrosion resistance as standard duplex

grades, but replacing the expensive addition of Ni and Mn. They
Corrosion-resistant alloys consist of stainless steels, heat- also contain a high content of nitrogen. In duplex stainless steels
resistant steels and creep-resistant steels, where stainless steel has Ni, Mn and N stabilise austenite and maintain a balance between
the highest range of possible applications for various load-bearing austenite and ferrite at about 50% [3]. The use of manganese can
and non-load-bearing constructions. Stainless steel is the most ensure proper ferrite–austenite phase balance and overall material
popular material applied where high corrosion resistance, high sur- performance. It must be noted that manganese is not as effective as
face finish quality, elevated hygienic standards and moderate price nickel in stainless steel surface passivation, thus resulting in slightly
are required. The stainless steel family is composed of a single phase lower corrosion performance of grades enriched in manganese with
alloy: austenitic, ferritic, martensitic and precipitation hardening respect to standard Cr–Ni–Mo alloys [4]. The purpose of manganese
alloys, as well as double phase alloys: duplex stainless steels. The addition to lean duplex stainless steel is to increase the solubility
duplex stainless steels combine the properties and advantages of of nitrogen, which is a strong austenite former and has a proven
two single phase alloys (viz. ferritic and austenitic) and show better beneficial influence on the pitting corrosion resistance [3].
mechanical properties than the single phase alloys, as well as supe- Lean duplex stainless steel type S82441 [5] is recently developed
rior corrosion resistance. Duplex stainless steels, based on chemical and was only a few years ago introduced to the market. Compared
composition, can be sub-divided into standard duplex alloys, super- to the well-known and widely used standard duplex stainless steel
duplex, hyper-duplex and lean duplex stainless steel grades [1,2]. S32205/S31803, steel S82441 contains a higher amount of man-
Standard duplex grades contain 22% Cr, 5% Ni and 3% Mo, and the ganese, but a slightly lower amount of Ni and Mo. In turn, compared
addition of 0.2% N. The super-duplex group consists of grades with to the lean duplex steel S32101, new grade S82441 contains less
a higher alloy content i.e. 25% Cr, 7% Ni and 3–4% Mo. The lean manganese, but more chromium, nickel and molybdenum [6]. The
duplex stainless steel family was developed to obtain comparable lean duplex stainless steel with a composition containing approx-
imately 24% Cr and 3.5% Ni, 1.5% Mo and 3.0% Mn has strength and
corrosion resistance superior to that of Cr–Ni austenitic stainless
∗ Corresponding author. steel Type 304L and comparable to Cr–Ni–Mo grade Type 316L. The
E-mail address: (Z. Brytan). higher strength of lean duplex stainless steel family allows thinner
0169-4332/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Brytan et al. / Applied Surface Science 388 (2016) 160–168 161

sections of LDSS to replace components made with thicker sec- Table 1

Chemical composition of lean duplex stainless steel S82441.
tions of standard austenitic Cr–Ni and Cr–Ni–Mo stainless alloys.
The high strength, toughness, corrosion resistance, and weldabil- Chemical composition, wt.%
ity of the lean duplex stainless steel family makes them a good C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Cu N
choice for use in many industrial, load-bearing and domestic goods
0.025 0.36 3.00 0.022 0.001 23.92 3.66 1.61 0.39 0.279
applications [5,6].
Lean duplex stainless steels, like the duplex, show good weld-
ability [7–9]. During the welding of duplex stainless steels, one of
the main objectives is to maintain the corrosion resistance of the composition as presented in Table 1. The Pitting Resistance
welded joints at a level characteristic of the base material. This is Equivalent Number PREN calculated according to the formula:
not always easy to obtain because of the thermal cycle of welding. PREN = %Cr + 3.3×(%Mo) + 16×(%N) for a given melt is equal to
This should be short enough to prevent microstructural changes, PREN = 33.7. During TIG and A-TIG welding, the respective shiel-
which usually occur in welds that require multiple passes. For lean ding gases were applied: pure technical argon EN ISO 14175-I1-Ar,
duplex as well as duplex grades it is essential to ensure that an the mixes of argon and nitrogen (5, 10 and 15%) with designations
adequate amount of austenite and ferrite is formed in the weld according to standard: EN ISO 14175-N2-ArN-5, EN ISO 14175-N3-
metal and heat-affected zone, in order to ensure an adequate bal- ArN-10 and EN ISO 14175-N3-ArN-15, and also a mixture of argon
ance between phases [10,11]. The second important factor that and helium in the ratio 50:50 with designation EN ISO 14175-I3-
should be taken into consideration during welding of such alloys is ArHe-50.
to avoid the precipitation of secondary phases detrimental to the The welding joints were produced using sheet plates of dimen-
mechanical and corrosion properties [12,13]. Additionally, proper sions 100 mm × 50 mm × 6 mm on the TIG mechanised welding
post-weld cleaning should be performed to ensure good corrosion stand consisting of welding source power Lorch V40, a welding
properties [7]. This is because the duplex stainless steels intrinsi- trolley DC20 Promotech with a precisely adjustable travel speed
cally are very prone to inter-metallic phase precipitations (in the of torch and an attachment device to position the welded pieces.
range 325–950 ◦ C). Precipitations of ␴-phase, ␹-phase, chromium The welding speed of all samples was constant and the current
nitrides (Cr2 N, CrN), carbides M23 C6 , M7 C3 and decomposition of was changed in the range from 50 to 300 A (Table 2). A-TIG weld-
ferrite cause embrittlement and reduce the corrosion resistance of ing was performed using BC-31 flux. All the tests were performed
duplex stainless steels [10–17]. with a constant speed of 15 cm/min and the constant arc length of
The major difference between conventional TIG (Tungsten Inert 1.5 mm.
Gas) welding and increasingly popular laser welding is the much The sample surface after welding was cleaned and etched with
lower total heat input in the case of laser welding. This results a pickling agent Antox, appropriate for stainless steel cleaning. In
because the laser beam produces a narrow weld seam with fast most cases, after etching the sample surface was glossy. However, a
energy transfer from the beam into the base material. Comprehen- thin layer of slag was failed to be removed from the samples welded
sive studies of the influence of surface laser treatment of various at a current of 300 A using the A-TIG method, which was associated
highly alloyed steels grades have shown the improvement of their with an overheating of joints and application of activating flux. The
intergranular, pitting corrosion and cavitation erosion resistance use of a wire brush successfully removed all impurities from the
and also wear resistance after laser surface melting and surface surface of the samples.
alloying [18–20]. Microstructural characterisation was performed on the cross-
Despite the development of laser welding techniques, TIG weld- section of the welded samples. Microstructural observations and
ing is still one of the major welding processes used in industry for geometrical characteristics of the weld bead were carried out
high-quality joints made on stainless steels. In order to increase in the light and scanning electron microscope. Light microscope
welding penetration capability of the arc in TIG welding, the acti- observations involved etching using Aqua Regia reagent and were
vated TIG process referred to as A-TIG was developed. The A-TIG performed at 400× and 1000× magnifications using a LEICA MEF4A
process involves the application of a thin layer of activating flux microscope to evaluate phase content. The scanning electron
material onto the surface prior to welding, which influences the microscope (SEM) involved in the studies was a SUPRA 25 of Zeiss
welding arc constriction and results in higher penetration depth equipped with an EDS probe.
and reduced weld shrinkage and distortion. The main disadvan- The corrosion behaviours of the welded lean duplex stain-
tage of this process can be higher surface roughness, especially for less steels were evaluated by analysing the polarisation curves
mechanised welding operations, of the weld bead and the neces- and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The testing environ-
sity of weld cleaning (wire brushing), after welding due to adhering ment was 1 M NaCl at room temperature. The potentiodynamic
slug on the surface [21]. test was carried out on the Potentiostat Atlas 0531 according
The paper discusses the corrosion characteristic of lean duplex to PN-EN ISO 17475:2010 standard. Test samples prior corro-
stainless steel (1.4662) UNS S82441 welded joints using the poten- sion test were ground on abrasive papers to 1200 ␮m/mm2
tiodynamic test and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in grain size. The test surface area for corrosion test was 0.2 mm2
1 M NaCl solution. The influence of autogenous TIG welding param- in the centre of the welded zone. A silver chloride electrode
eters, i.e. the amount of heat input and the composition of shielding (Ag/AgCl of 0.197 V potential) was applied as the reference
gases like Ar and Ar–N2 and an Ar–He mixture, as well as A-TIG electrode; a steel electrode (a rod) was used as the auxiliary
welding, was studied. The influence of welding parameters on electrode.
phase balance, microstructural changes and protective properties Electrochemical studies of corrosion resistance were carried out
of passive oxide films formed at the open circuit potential or during in two steps. In the first step, the open circuit potential (Eocp ) after
the anodic polarisation was studied. 1 h of immersion in the test solution was determined. The second
stage involved the determination of anodic polarisation curves by
applying potential changes in the anodic and cathodic direction
2. Materials and methods at an increment of 1 mV/s. The reaction of the polarisation curves
was monitored in the range from Eocp −100 to +100 mV. The val-
The research was carried out using sheets of lean duplex stain- ues of corrosion potential (Ecorr ), polarisation resistance (Rp ) and
less steel grade UNS S82441 of thickness 6.0 mm, with the chemical corrosion current density (icorr ) were determined. The corrosion
162 Z. Brytan et al. / Applied Surface Science 388 (2016) 160–168

Table 2
Welding joints parameters of lean duplex stainless steel S82441.

Current, A Heat input, kJ/mm


Ar Ar + 5% N2 Ar + 10% N2 Ar + 15% N2 Ar + He

50 0.11 – – – – –
100 0.27 0.26 0.26 0.26 – 0.29
150 0.45 0.42 0.44 0.43 – 0.48
200 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.72 0.68
250 0.89 – – – – –
300 1.17 – – – – –

current density was calculated by applying the Stern–Geary structure of the HAZ is practically the same with a slight prevalence
equation: of austenite.
The austenite and ferrite content in the studied welds was mea-
ba · bk sured based on metallographic observations, according to the ASTM
icorr = (1)
2.3(ba + bk )Rp E562 standard by systematic manual point count, to determine the
volume of the observed phases. Phase measurement was performed
icorr = (2) on a cross section of the weld, near the weld surface (Table 3).
The influence of the heat input increase on the austenite content is
where: ba and bk – slope coefficients of the anodic Tafel’s line, Rp – evident on the TIG welding. The presence of nitrogen in the shiel-
polarisation resistance [ cm2 ]. ding gas hardly influenced the austenite content at low heat input
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was applied and low nitrogen content (5% N2 ), but its influence is evident for
to determine the electrical characteristics on the welded joints. high heat input and high nitrogen content. TIG welding in Ar + He
This was carried out by recording changes in the resistance and shielding gas mixture shows the same austenite content as for TIG
impedance at variable frequency range from 100 kHz to 0.01 Hz by welding for comparable heat input. The A-TIG weld compared to
the signal of 10 mV. Based on the results, the Bode and Nyquist the TIG weld shows a higher austenite content at the same heat
relationship, as well as the loss factor, was determined. input.

3. Results and discussion 3.2. Potentiodynamic test

3.1. Microstructural analysis In order to observe the corrosion resistance of TIG welded lean
duplex stainless steel UNS S82441 with Ar shielding gas at different
Microstructure analysis revealed (Fig. 1) that all welded joints heat inputs, potentiodynamic polarisation tests were conducted
showed a higher fraction of ferrite than austenite. It was notable in 1 M NaCl at 25 ◦ C; the electrochemical parameters are listed in
that with less heat input (0.27 kJ/mm), the austenite grains were Table 4.
smaller, more dispersed and more evenly distributed in the weld The open circuit potential Eocp of lean duplex stainless steel UNS
material, than for higher heat input welds. The microstructure of S82441 TIG welded in pure Ar shielding gas atmosphere is lower
the heat affected zone (HAZ) is practically the same with some than for non-welded parent metal (i.e. −184 mV). An increase of
slight prevalence of austenite with the increase of the heat input. heat input from 0.11 to 1.17 kJ/mm during welding in Ar shifted
The weld microstructures (Fig. 2) showed that the addition the Eocp potential to positive values. The highest Eocp potential was
of nitrogen of up to 15% (85% Ar + 15% N2 ) did not cause a obtained at the highest studied heat input 0.89 and 1.17 kJ/mm,
greater amount of austenite compared to the microstructure of the respectively Eocp was −112 mV and −128 mV. The corrosion poten-
weld metal welded with pure argon shielding gas (100% Ar). The tial Ecorr was also shifted to positive values with heat input during

Fig. 1. Microstructure of welds and HAZ of TIG welded lean duplex stainless steel with Ar shielding gas at different heat inputs.
Z. Brytan et al. / Applied Surface Science 388 (2016) 160–168 163

Fig. 2. Microstructure of the TIG welds and the HAZ metal made with different nitrogen additions to argon shielding gas.

Table 3
Austenite content in the weld of TIG and A-TIG welded lean duplex stainless steel S82441.

Current, A Austenite content, %/heat input, kJ/mm

Parent metal TIG A-TIG

Ar Ar + 5% N2 Ar + 10% N2 Ar + 15% N2 Ar + He

50 20–25/0.11 – – – – –
100 20–25/0.27 25–30/0.26 30–35/0.26 35–40/0.26 – 40–45/0.29
150 55/ 25–30/0.45 30–35/0.42 30–35/0.44 40–45/0.43 – 40–45/0.48
200 – 30–35/0.65 30–35/0.65 35–40/0.65 40–45/0.65 30–35/0.72 45–55/0.68
250 35–40/0.89 – – – – –
300 40–45/1.17 – – – – –

TIG welding; the overall increase of its value, with respect to non- was also tested by means of a potentiodynamic test for TIG welds
welded parent material, was about 60 mV. and compared to A-TIG welds of lean duplex stainless steel UNS
The corrosion current density icorr of TIG welds in pure Ar gener- S8244. The results of the potentiodynamic test are shown in
ally increased to 0.295–0.62 ␮A/cm2 when compared to the parent Table 5.
material where it was 0.331 ␮A/cm2 . The polarisation resistance The electrochemical parameters of welded lean duplex stainless
Rp is inversely proportional to the rate of corrosion described by steel where 5% N2 was present in shielding gas are better than for
the equivalent corrosion current density icorr and it predominantly a non-welded parent metal for low heat input (0.26 kJ/mm). The
decreased compared to a non-welded parent metal. The main con- introduction of 5% N2 to argon resulted in a decrease of corrosion
clusion from the electrochemical test is that an increase of heat current density icorr and an increase of the polarisation resistance Rp
input during TIG welding in the pure Ar atmosphere had signif- responsible for the lower corrosion rate. When the heat input was
icant effect on corrosion resistance, it was improved when high 0.65 kJ/mm, icorr was slightly higher than the non-welded parent
heat inputs of 0.65 and 0.98 kJ/mm are applied, while too low a metal.
heat input (0.11 kJ/mm) or an excessive input (1.17 kJ/mm) increase The presence of 10 and 15% N2 in the shielding gas
the corrosion current density and the corrosion rate. The higher atmosphere resulted in higher corrosion current density icorr
corrosion rate of low heat input welds can be attributed to higher (0.58–0.65 ␮A/cm2 ), compared to the parent metal (0.3 ␮A/cm2 ),
ferrite content in the duplex microstructure, while high heat input for both analysed heat inputs (0.26 and 0.65 kJ/mm), with the
welds can suffer nitrogen loss, resulting in high ferrite content and exception of the low heat input weld (0.26 kJ/mm) in the 15%
precipitations of chromium reaching nitrides in the ferrite. N2 + Ar atmosphere, where it was lower (0.25 ␮A/cm2 ). The
The influence of nitrogen addition (5, 10 and 15%) to the addition of nitrogen to shielding gas lowered the open cir-
argon shielding gas and application of the Ar + He gas mixture cuit potential Eocp of lean duplex stainless steel UNS S82441
TIG welded; this effect is more visible for a low heat input
(0.26 kJ/mm).
Table 4 The weld with Ar + He shielding gas, where the high heat input
Potentiodynamic test results of TIG welded lean duplex stainless steel UNS S82441
with Ar shielding gas at different heat inputs (kJ/mm).
of 0.72 kJ/mm was introduced during welding, does not have a pos-
itive effect on the electrochemical parameters in terms of lowering
Sample/heat input, Eocp , mV Rp , k/cm2 Ecorr , mV icorr , ␮A/cm2 corrosion current density, but a positive effect was evidenced in
shifting the Eocp to positive values.
Parent metal/ – −184 85 −214 0.331 The low and high heat inputs A-TIG weld show electrochemical
0.11 −185 50 −213 0.560
parameters (Rp and icorr ) very similar to those obtained for the non-
0.27 −157 59 −186 0.474
0.45 −142 46 −170 0.620 welded parent metal, which proves a beneficial rule of activated
0.65 −173 91 −200 0.295 flux on the phase stabilisation and composition homogenisation
0.89 −112 72 −149 0.345 without affecting the deterioration of corrosion resistance of the
1.17 −128 51 −159 0.521 welded surface.
164 Z. Brytan et al. / Applied Surface Science 388 (2016) 160–168

Table 5
Potentiodynamic test results of TIG and ATIG welded lean duplex stainless steel UNS S82441 with Ar + N2 , Ar + He shielding gas at different heat inputs (kJ/mm).

Shielding gas Heat input, kJ/mm Eocp , mV Rp , k/cm2 Ecorr , mV icorr , ␮A/cm2

Parent metal – −184 85 −214 0.331

Ar + 5% N2 0.26 −28 109 −76 0.199
Ar + 5% N2 0.65 −105 82 −140 0.346
Ar + 10% N2 0.26 −101 58 −133 0.587
Ar + 10% N2 0.65 −138 53 −163 0.636
Ar + 15% N2 0.26 −81 85 −122 0.252
Ar + 15% N2 0.65 −146 54 −171 0.652
Ar + He 0.72 −137 49 −169 0.538
A-TIG 0.29 −181 85 −201 0.373
A-TIG 0.68 −164 92 −190 0.349

Table 6
Impedance parameters of TIG welded lean duplex stainless steel S82441 with Ar shielding gas at different heat inputs (kJ/mm).

Sample/heat input, kJ/mm Rs ,  cm2 CPE1 , ␮F/cm2 n1 R1 , k cm2 CPE2 , ␮F/cm2 n2 R2 , k cm2

Parent metal/ – 0.1120 40.3 0.182 20.2 31.4 0.08 45.4

0.27 0.0678 1.37 0.005 1.4 1.08 0.03 17.2
0.45 0.0593 3.79 0.010 19.8 4.17 0.07 35.7
0.89 0.0499 2.38 0.008 4.52 1.21 0.03 50.6

3.3. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)

The results of impedance measurements carried out in a wide

frequency range from 100 kHz to 100 MHz, providing informa-
tion related to the tested corrosion system and electrochemical
processes occurring therein. The interpretation of electrochemical
impedance measurements involves the use of electrode-equivalent
circuits (EEC). The individual elements of EECs correspond to elec-
trochemical properties of the tested corrosion system and allow
one to determine the corrosion parameters, including charge trans-
fer impedance. Modelling the impedance of more complex real Fig. 3. Equivalent electrical circuit used to fit the impedance data.
systems requires the use of the complex EECs system with con-
stant phase elements (CPE). The CPE element has a fixed phase shift
angle and its impedance describes the expression: ZCpe = 1/Y0 (jω)n , TIG welded joints of lean duplex stainless steel UNS S82441 with
where Y0 and n are the parameters related to the shift phase angle. Ar shielding gas were studied by means of the EIS; the resulting
The value of the parameter n describes the corrosion process on the parameters are given in Table 6. The EIS Bode-phase angle plots
surface of the material, and the smaller the value of this parameter, (Fig. 4) shows high phase angles over a large frequency range, which
the more heterogeneous the process. The factor n is an adjustable is typical of passive materials, probably due to the presence of a
parameter of values from −1 to 1, where a value of −1 is character- passive layer on the stainless steel surface.
istic for an inductance, a value of 1 corresponds to a capacitor and The Nyquist plots (Fig. 4a) show a significant change in the
a value of 0 corresponds to a resistor [22]. slope of the curve of welded surfaces relative to non-welded parent
The EECs used to fit the experimental data are presented in Fig. 3. metal, which shows a slower corrosion process of welded sur-
Element Rs corresponds to the electrolyte resistance i.e. 1 M NaCl faces. The greatest difference in the changes of the corrosion rate
solution, while element R2 corresponds to charge transfer resis- and hence the slowest corrosion process was observed for samples
tance in phase interface and is inversely proportional to corrosion welded at heat input 0.89 kJ/mm. The Bode plot analysis (Fig. 4b and
rate and surface area undergoing corrosion. The constant phase ele- c) confirms the resistive nature of the studied surfaces, as evidenced
ments CPE2 , CPE1 were introduced to characterise a “capacitance by the phase angle value being close to 0 and the almost constant
dispersion” related to capacity of the material surface area of a com- value of log Z in the high-frequency range. Moreover, the Bode
plex surface roughness, inhomogeneous reaction rates on a surface phase angle plot (Fig. 4c) for non-welded parent metal is charac-
and non-uniform current distribution. Element R1 corresponds to terised by a well-defined phase angle maximum with its peak at
electrolyte resistance present in porosity in this material zone. approximately 100 Hz. However, for TIG welded samples the phase

Table 7
Impedance parameters of TIG and ATIG welded lean duplex stainless steel S82441 with Ar + N2 , Ar + He shielding gas at different heat inputs (kJ/mm).

Shielding gas Heat input, kJ/mm Rs ,  cm2 CPE1 , ␮F/cm2 n1 R1 , k cm2 CPE2 , ␮F/cm2 n2 R2 , k cm2

Parent metal – 0.1120 40.3 0.182 20.2 31.4 0.08 45.4

Ar + 5% N2 0.26 0.0419 0.569 0.00125 8.2 81.4 0.567 8.4
Ar + 5% N2 0.65 0.0193 0.605 0.0019 5.1 0.534 0.0264 114
Ar + 10% N2 0.26 0.0411 1.91 0.00291 7.1 14 0.117 17.8
Ar + 10% N2 0.65 0.0440 0.771 0.0035 0.4 0.668 0.00835 82.1
Ar + 15% N2 0.26 0.0421 1.42 0.00365 2.1 1.03 0.028 22.4
Ar + 15% N2 0.65 0.0327 1.29 0.00297 1.2 1.99 0.0291 17.6
Ar + He 0.72 0.0400 0.69 0.0030 0.5 0.575 0.009 71.9
A-TIG 0.29 0.0646 725 0.438 760 577 0.299 815
A-TIG 0.68 0.0235 1.18 0.00306 6.51 2.68 0.0569 688
Z. Brytan et al. / Applied Surface Science 388 (2016) 160–168 165

in the test system, they behave like a resistance element. The

resistance of the oxide layer on welded metal increased with weld-
ing heat input from 17.2 k cm2 to 50.6 k·cm2 , while the parent
metal resistance was 45.4 k cm2 . When summarising the R1 resis-
tance of an electrolyte present in porosity on steel surface and
the R2 resistance of charge transfer at the interface, the overall
resistance of parent metal in non-welded conditions is still higher
(65.6 k cm) than in welded conditions (18.6–55.5 k cm2 ). The
clear improvement of oxide layer resistance with the increase of
heat input from 0.27 to 0.89 kJ/mm must be associated with the
higher volume fraction of austenite. High heat input during weld-
ing influences the slower cooling after welding, so a greater amount
of austenite can precipitate in volume. The austenite content in
the welded zone increased from 20–25% at heat input 0.27 kJ/mm
to 35–40% at heat input 0.89 kJ/mm (Fig. 1 and Table 3). Higher
austenite content positively stabilised the passivation process of
ferritic-austenitic welded microstructure and formed on the sur-
face oxide layer that became more homogenous and resistant.
The influence of nitrogen addition (5, 10 and 15%) to the
argon shielding gas and Ar + He gas composition was studied
for variable heat input during welding of lean duplex stainless
steel UNS S82441. The EIS parameters are given in Table 7. The
impedance parameters of lean duplex stainless steel welded in the
argon–nitrogen shielding gas show a variable influence on the sur-
face oxide layer resistance with the increase of welding heat input
and the addition of the nitrogen to the shielding gas. When welding
with higher heat input of 0.65 kJ/mm, the surface oxide layer shows
lower resistance R1 than for a heat input of 0.26 kJ/mm associated
with the electrolyte resistance present in surface porosity, demon-
strating fewer surface defects and a more homogenous formation.
The dissolution of nitrogen in the weld results in an increased
austenite content that forms during cooling from a welding tem-
perature with the increase of welding heat input and the addition
of the nitrogen to the shielding gas (Table 3).
The impedance spectra of TIG welded lean duplex stainless
steel S82441 with heat input of 0.65 kJ/mm at different argon-
nitrogen shielding gas composition (5, 10 and 15% N2 ) is presented
in Fig. 5. When the increased addition of nitrogen is present in
the argon shielding atmosphere during welding, on the Nyquist
plot a clear change in the slope of the curve can be observed. The
most favourable change in the corrosion rate was observed for 15%
N2 addition. The Bode-phase angle plots also confirm the resistive
nature of the test samples, as evidenced by the phase angle value
of close to 0 and the almost constant value of log Z in the high-
frequency range. The Bode phase angle plot (Fig. 5c) for 15% N2
addition to argon shielding gas during welding shows the shift of
the phase angle maximum peak present at approximately 100 Hz
to higher frequency values, while at low frequencies the plot tends
to stabilise between  angle 50–60◦ .
The presence of 5% N2 in the argon-nitrogen shielding gas
increase the oxide layer resistance when high heat input was
applied to 114 k cm2 , which is double the resistance of the parent
metal in non-welded conditions (Table 7). Similarly, the addi-
Fig. 4. EIS of lean duplex stainless steel S82441 – the parent metal and TIG welds
at Ar shielding gas at different heat inputs (kJ/mm), (a) Nyquist plot, (b) Z modulus
tion of 10% N2 raises the surface oxide layer’s resistance to about
and (c) Bode phase-angle plot. 80 k cm2 . The presence of 15% N2 in argon–nitrogen shielding
gas shows a negative impact on the surface oxide layer resistance
(17.6–22.4 k cm2 ). The excessive addition of nitrogen during TIG
angle located in the 0.3–2.0 Hz range presents a slight upward cur- welding together with a fast cooling rate from the welding tem-
vature and the second peak starts to be visible. perature may lead to chromium-rich nitrides (Cr2 N) precipitation
The EIS results obtained for non-welded UNS S82441 parent within the ferrite grains due to supersaturation during cooling. The
metal (PM) compared to the welded metal at various heat inputs chromium nitrides precipitate particularly in the HAZ and weld
(0.27–0.89 kJ/mm) shows an increase in phase angles at low fre- metal subject to rapid cooling or nitrogen loss, resulting in high
quencies, indicating that the passive layer becomes increasingly ferrite content. The presence of chromium-rich nitrides has been
more protective, less porous and having a decreasing amount of widely reported to decrease the pitting corrosion resistance of
surface defects. Analysing EECs circuit element values of both n1 welded duplex stainless steels [23,24]. Precipitations of nitrides
and n2 elements and in both cases of CPE1 and CPE2 shows that, lead to local chromium and nitrogen depletion zones, which may
166 Z. Brytan et al. / Applied Surface Science 388 (2016) 160–168

Fig. 5. EIS of lean duplex stainless steel S82441 TIG welded with heat input of
0.65 kJ/mm at Ar + N2 shielding gas (5, 10 and 15% N2 ), (a) Nyquist plot, (b) Z modulus
and (c) Bode phase-angle plot. Fig. 6. EIS of lean duplex stainless steel S82441, TIG welded at Ar + He shielding gas
and A-TIG welded at different heat inputs (kJ/mm), (a) Nyquist plot, (b) Z modulus
and (c) Bode phase-angle plot.
meaningfully lower corrosion resistance in the surrounding ferrite
matrix, thus becoming preferential pitting sites.
Fig. 6 shows the impedance spectra of lean duplex stainless an Ar + He shielding gas atmosphere are similar to those obtained
steel S82441 weld by the TIG method at Ar + He shielding gas and at Ar + 15% N2 shielding gas. The Bode phase angle plot (Fig. 6c) for
A-TIG welded at different heat inputs (kJ/mm). The TIG welding Ar + He shielding gas composition during welding shows a similar
with a shielding gas composition of Ar + He and a high heat input shift of the phase angle maximum peak at approximately 100 Hz to
of 0.72 kJ/mm improved the resistance of the surface oxide layer higher frequency values and the angle stabilisation in the low fre-
(Table 7, R2 = 71.9 k cm2 ). The EIS plots of A-TIG welds show com- quency range. The helium addition to argon shielding gas produces
parisons to the parent metal characteristic, while the TIG welds in a hotter arc and conducts more heat to the base metal to increase
Z. Brytan et al. / Applied Surface Science 388 (2016) 160–168 167

weld penetration and improve the weld puddle fluidity. The result microstructure and the layer formed on the surface oxide, which
of helium addition is a higher amount of introduced heat and became more homogenous and resistant.
resulting slower cooling after welding. Improved fusion and slower - The nitrogen present in the argon atmosphere lowers corrosion
freezing times allowing any trapped gas more time to escape may rate at a content of 5%, but the presence of 10 and 15% N2 in the
be responsible for the lower level of porosity and fewer surface shielding gas atmosphere resulted in a higher corrosion current
defects. density icorr compared to the parent metal, for both analysed heat
The resistance of the oxide layer on the A-TIG welded surface inputs (0.26 and 0.65 kJ/mm) with the exception of the low heat
was one order of magnitude higher (688–815 k cm2 ) than for input weld (0.26 kJ/mm) at 15% N2 + Ar atmosphere, where it was
the surface of parent metal in non-welded conditions (Table 7). lower. The EIS analysis revealed that the addition of 10% N2 in an
Activated TIG welding shows a beneficial thermal cycle for duplex Ar atmosphere at a high heat input (0.65 kJ/mm) also improved
stainless steel, which introduces more heat than the conventional oxide layer resistance, but this was not confirmed by lower corro-
TIG welding, and thus a slower cooling and formation of a higher sion current density icorr in the electrochemical test. The excessive
amount of austenite. addition of nitrogen during TIG welding together with a fast
During the welding of lean duplex stainless steel, as reported in cooling rate from welding temperature may lead to chromium-
the literature [25]. A-TIG welds show a lower ferrite content than rich nitride (Cr2 N) precipitation within the ferrite grains due to
the TIG welds. These phenomena are explained by the nitrogen loss supersaturation during cooling. The chromium nitrides precip-
reduction taking place in A-TIG welding and consequently with a itate particularly in the HAZ and weld metal subject to rapid
higher amount of nitrogen, the stronger is the austenite formed. cooling or nitrogen loss, resulting in a high ferrite content. Gener-
Increased austenite content in A-TIG welded significantly increases ally speaking, to obtain an improvement of corrosion resistance
the passivity of the formed oxide layer, which may be related to the of TIG welds at N2 + Ar atmosphere, a proper balance between
protective effect of the activating flux from external atmosphere. nitrogen addition and heat input must be retained.
The activating fluxes based on oxides like SiO2 , TiO2 , Cr2 O3 , ZrO2 , - The weld with Ar + He shielding gas, where the high heat input of
Al2 O3 etc. enhance the penetration depth due to the amount of 0.72 kJ/mm was introduced during welding, did not have a posi-
molecular oxygen evolved in the boiling of oxides. For A-TIG weld- tive effect on the electrochemical parameters in terms of lowering
ing of stainless steels Cr2 O3 , TiO2 , and SiO2 oxides provide the corrosion current density, but a positive effect was evidenced in
best penetration depth [26]. Sandor et al. reported that for various the EIS analyses where the oxide layer resistance was roughly
single-phase austenitic and duplex stainless steel grades, the A-TIG doubled with respect to non-welded parent metal. The disagree-
welds show a higher critical pitting temperature (CPT) than the TIG ments of test results between both applied methods – (i.e. the
welds, but still lower than the parent metal [27]. A-TIG welding of potentiodynamic test and EIS) must be clarified in further studies.
lean duplex stainless steel has not been greatly discussed in the lit- - The A-TIG welds showed improved corrosion resistance, compa-
erature, but having in mind the characteristic of this process, the rable to the non-welded parent metal due to lower ferrite content
main materials’ behaviour can be transferred to such alloys and compared to the TIG welds, resulting from a much slower cooling
grade UNS S82441. rate after welding, when the diffusion process of austenite for-
mation and homogenisation of chemical composition take place.
A good agreement between the potentiodynamic test and ESI
4. Conclusions
analysis was obtained.
- Both electrochemical techniques applied to evaluate the corro-
The results of the potentiodynamic test and electrochemical
sion properties of the welded joint evidenced a strong influence
impedance spectroscopy of TIG and A-TiG welded joints of lean
of welding parameters – heat input and applied shielding gas
duplex stainless steel UNS S82441 can be summarised as follows: composition on the corrosion resistance. It must be remembered
that during the potentiodynamic test, the sample surface was
- The open circuit potential Eocp of TIG welds in pure Ar shielding altered, while the EIS introduced smaller perturbations to the
gas atmosphere is lower than for the non-welded parent metal. tested system. These perturbations can influence the steady-state
An increase of heat input from 0.11 to 1.17 kJ/mm during weld- conditions of the system and EIS with respect to the potentiody-
ing in Ar shifts the Eocp potential to positive values. The corrosion namic test having a reduced magnitude or severity of introduced
current density icorr of TIG welds in pure Ar generally was higher perturbations; thus, smaller deviations from the natural steady-
compared to the parent material. The increase of heat input dur- state conditions may be introduced.
ing TIG welding in the pure Ar atmosphere has no linear positive
effect on the corrosion resistance, but it was improved when high
heat inputs of 0.65 and 0.98 kJ/mm were applied, while low heat
inputs (0.11 kJ/mm) and excessive inputs (1.17 kJ/mm) increase
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from
corrosion current density and the corrosion rate. The main con-
the Polish National Science Centre: DEC-2011/01/B/ST8/06648.
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for TIG welds in Ar shielding gas is that there is good agree-
ment between these two techniques. The higher corrosion rate References
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