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Journal Article Review



Author: Dr. James Kimani



Journal of Leadership and Governance, 1(1), Article 1.


Dr. Kimani is currently perusing his Master at Egerton University, in Kenya. The

article that he wrote is base mainly with the influence of transformation leadership style.

The link between spiritual and transformational leadership styles and their effect on

followers' intention to remain was investigated by researchers, who discovered that

compared to transformational leadership, spiritual leadership has a more significant

impact on followers' intention to stay, according to an analysis of 357 questionnaires.

Transformational leadership seeks to revitalize businesses by transforming individuals

through its remarkable impact, emphasizing emotions, values, ethics, standards, and long-

term objectives, while also inspiring innovative problem-solving and turning aspirations

into reality through the persuasive power of ideas, thoughts, and actions.

Transformational leaders encourage competence, team spirit, and autonomy in followers.

They do this by offering challenges, mentoring, role modeling, recognizing uniqueness,

and highlighting the group's purpose. This promotes a sense of relatedness and

acceptance. Including individuals in the project and acting as a role model, offering

challenges, and recognizing their strengths and limitations, transformational leadership

enhances followers' motivation, morale, and performance.


Transformational leadership enhances motivation, morale, and performance

through involving, motivating, challenging, and understanding followers.

Transformation Theory

Using Maslow's fundamental needs theory and route goal theory as

complementary theories, this investigation examines the impacts of transformational

leadership on employee efficiency and performance. Rewards and penalties serve as the

cornerstone of transformational leadership, with managers and employees collaborating

to achieve goals. This is substantiated by the path goal theory, which enhances clarity,

eliminates obstacles, and amplifies rewards. The trust, integrity, and loyalty that a leader

instills in their followers are the central tenets of the Bass Transformational Leadership

Theory. Leaders may deviate from established protocols and employ transactional

leadership methods. Nonetheless, this notion rests upon a leader possessing a robust

ethical framework. Given that emerging leaders must be educated, intelligent, empathetic,

and possess a strong moral compass, transformational leadership may prove beneficial for

individuals who have not yet encountered democracy.

McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

The present study investigates individuals' perspectives on work, utilizing the

theoretical frameworks of McGregor, namely theories X and Y. Theory X posits that

individuals frequently lack motivation and exhibit lethargic behavior. Therefore, in order

to attain optimal performance, individuals must be subjected to strict control and

provided with external incentives. Leaders who prioritize performance and technical

competence are recommended to adopt this approach. Conversely, theory Y asserts that

individuals perceive work as a natural and essential aspect of life. Accordingly, this

hypothesis suggests that democratic and transformational leadership styles can enhance

student achievement by fostering heightened levels of group productivity.

Empirical Review

Ngure (2018) conducted an investigation that centered on senior managers within

the Co-operative Bank of Kenya with the objective of analyzing their leadership

philosophies. The findings revealed that both transformational and participatory

leadership styles possess considerable influence over the efficacy of plan implementation.

In light of these outcomes, the report provides recommendations for organizations to

adopt these implementation strategies in order to achieve successful plan execution.

Based on Wang's comprehensive assessment of research spanning a quarter of a century,

it is evident that transformational leadership demonstrates an amplifying effect in relation

to contingent reward when forecasting both contextual and team-level performance.

Furthermore, it proves advantageous in enhancing follower performance across various

levels of analysis, including the individual, team, and organizational domains.

The investigation reveals that transformative leadership has the ability to motivate

dedicated adherents to yield accomplishments. It is crucial to advocate for the

implementation of this managerial technique amongst leaders. The findings illustrate a

favorable correlation between the transformative leadership approach and efficacy.

Moreover, the practice of responsive leadership fosters positive advancement within

organizations. Furthermore, the impact of this leadership style is mediated by the

presence of organizational procedural justice and trust. Lastly, organizational loyalty,

dependability, and integrity are additional factors that contribute to this phenomenon.

From my point of view to achieve corporate objectives, administrators must

engage in revolutionary leadership. Performance. Corporations should embrace

revolutionary leadership methodologies and rational guidelines that will strengthen their

position as a vital industry generating human assets for the nation's as well as the

establishment of leadership education programs, developmental and economic necessities

for the administrators of these enterprises, revolutionary leadership capabilities and

proficiencies. Transformational leadership would augment the commitment of followers

and incite project teams, stimulate devotion that culminates in being pivotal for the

triumph of the team's long-term goals and long-term mindset. due to the potency of

Through a revolutionary leader's character and vision, followers are motivated to modify

expectations, motives, and perspectives in the pursuit of mutual objectives

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