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FULL NAME: Angely Hammurabi Angeles Ticona

EXTRACT: A4 “The Giver"
3-4 minutes
(Work on your own and complete the chart with your literary analysis of your extract) page. 101

1 Good morning, I´m going to talk about the extract from the literary work “The Giver” from chapter
BOOK’S BACKGROUND 19 written by Lois Lowry in 1993.
(Introduce the extract by mentioning
the book's title, chapter, author and
year of publication).

PRESENTATIO 2 This extract belongs to the CLIMAX of the story when Jonas discovers the crude reality of
N STAGE IN THE PLOT “liberation” by witness the murder of a newborn. A ‘painful memory related to the death of a soldier
1. State your story plot by allows him to understand this feeling.
(30 seconds ) indicating where this extract fits
into the text in the context of the
2. Indicate to which ACTION it
belongs within the whole story.

3 The extract, undoubtedly, evidences through the use of analepsis (flashback) Jonas´s discovery
THESIS about the true meaning of liberation in the society in which he lives. When evoking a painful
1. Identify the THEME of the extract. memory from the past,
Identify it by asking the following
What is the extract about?
A restricted lifestyle

2. Mention briefly, how the THEME is

evidenced throughout the extract.
4 Firstly, this f ragment shows a conf lict of an individual versus society, when the
CONFLICT protagonist, upon witnessing the death of a newborn at the hands of his f ather,
Identify the nature of the conflict or understands the true meaning of “liberation” in his society, a concept that until now has
conflicts within the extract:
ANALYSIS been what had seemed normal and respectable to him. This discovery changes his
-An individual versus nature
perception and leads him to question the norms and morals he had previously accepted.
-An individual versus society
(2’ 30 sec ) -An individual versus another Through a f lashback, Jonas manages to put together and identif y this f eeling, this is
individual evidenced in line 20 when he says: "he has killed Him! My f ather has killed him!"
- An individual versus self indicating his horror and conf usion at his f ather's action.
PEE = (Point + evidence (quotes) +
explanation) On the other hand, his f ather, who seems like a respected f igure in his society, has a
calm and methodical attitude, as he demonstrates when he "picks things up." ". the
blanket. Closing the closet" in lines 9 and 10, contrasting with Jonah's reaction.
Furthermore, the description of how Jonah's f ather handles the little twin's body, putting
it in a box and then a dumpster, suggests a lack of empathy and humanity. This is
especially evident when he says "Goodbye, little one" in line 24, demonstrating a
disconnection with Jonas.

Finally, this situation, f or Jonas, suggests a change in society's perception of him and
the people who make it up. This is a turning point in his lif e, because it f orces him to
question everything he has known and accepted until now.

5 In this excerpt you can also see the THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS of the characters.
CHARACTER Jonas and his f ather have very dif ferent perspectives on lif e and death. this is evident in
Point out the character(s)’ features
line 5: "With a f eeling of intense strangeness, Jonah recognized the gestures, the posture
proposed by the IB:
- Appearance
and the expression." This shows that Jonah is struggling to understand what is
- Personal space and possessions happening.
- Behaviour On the other hand, his f ather seems to be carrying out a routine task; his calm and
- Thoughts and feelings methodical attitude contrasts with Jonah's reaction, highlighting the disconnection
- Speech and ideas between the perceptions of both characters about the same situation.
- Reactions of others to the Additionally, Jonas's internal struggle over the truth of liberation is metaphorically
character mentioned, evident in line 10, "Once again, as in the Playground, he f elt that he was
PEE = (Point + evidence (quotes) + drowning." Forming a new perspective
6 Last but not least, this excerpt is related to the IB prescribed theme, ""IDENTITIES", and more
ENGLISH B THEME specifically, the sub-theme "HEALTH AND WELL-BEING". Jonas' physical and emotional health
Connect the extract with at least one of is affected by what is witnessing, as evidenced in line 5, when Jonas experiences “a feeling of
the English B prescribed themes: intense strangeness.” This feeling of bewilderment and confusion indicates that Jonah is struggling
- Identities (Lifestyles, Health, and emotionally to process what he is seeing.
wellbeing, Beliefs and values,
Subcultures, Language and Jonah's emotional health is also affected by his growing understanding of the reality of liberation,
identity) as shown in line 13, when he exclaims, "he has slain Him! My father has slain Him!" These words
- Experiences (Leisure activities, show his emotional anguish as he realizes the truth.
Holidays and travel, Life stories,
Rites of passage, Customs, and
traditions, Migration)
- Human ingenuity (Entertainment,
Artistic expressions,
Communication and media,
Technology, Scientific
- Sharing the planet (The
environment, Human rights,
Peace and conflict, Equality,
Globalization, Ethics; Urban and
rural environment)
- Social organization (Social
relationships, Community,
Social engagement, Education,
The working world, Law and

PEE = (Point + evidence (quotes) +


CONCLUSION 1. Restate your thesis. In conclusion, this extract marks a turning point in Jonas's life, forcing him to question the norms
(30 seconds) 2. Synthesize what you mentioned in and morals of his society. The dissonance between his reaction and his father's attitude underlines
4, 5, and 6. the complexity of the topics addressed, while the elements of thoughts and feelings reveal the
Optional: state your point of view. profound impact on the protagonist's health, both physical and emotional. This pivotal moment
aligns with the broader exploration of individual identities and health in the context of the plot,
adding layers of meaning to the story's development.

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