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My Diary

1. 5. 2020
It was Sunday morning and I was preparing for another competition in orienteering.
Fortunately, the weather was sunny, so I was in a good mood but feeling a little
nervous because it was my first competition in category D21K. However, the
nervousness fell from me after I started running. I think the result of this competition
wasn’t bad, I came to finish on fourth place. Anyway, on my way to start was a
meadow with a lot of dandelions. I picked up some of them for my dandelion drink.

2. 5. 2020
Another day of school. Unfortunately, we had to write a test from English but I think
it was not that bad. (P.S. – I got mark 1.) P.E. was fun, we were playing softball. Still,
I had to go home and started doing my home responsibilities. And of course, I must
end up my day with my daily exercise.

5. 5. 2020
This Thursday was interesting. We were only 5 hours in school, so I had a lot of time
for my afternoon activity. Similar to Sunday, I had an orienteering competition again.
But this was a little different. Instead of running, you are supposed to ride a bike
with a map on the handlebars. To be honest, it was very difficult. My bike was
broken, so I had to ride with my mum‘s bike which is very old and not designated
for forest riding. Nevertheless, I’m glad that I tried this version of orienteering with
my three good friends.

6. 5. 2020
This day was very crazy because of my many activities after school. Firstly, I had
dance practice and then I went to my very good friend’s birthday party. And
tomorrow I will go on a forest trip!

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