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CH 1 Relations and Functions

Objective of the Activity
To verify that the relation R in set L of all lines in plane defined as is symmetric but
neither reflexive nor transitive.
Materials Required : A piece of card board of suitable size, cotton thread, White chart paper,
Glue and Scale
Logical Steps of the Activity
1. Take a card board of suitable
size and paste a white chart
paper on it.
2. Draw two straight lines on
white chart paper with the help
of wires and glue in such a way
that some of them are parallel
some are perpendicular to the
first drawn parallel lines and
some are inclined to the given
drawn lines as shown in the
given figure.
3. Name these lines as l1, l2, l3, l4, l5,
l6 as shown in the given figure.

CH 1 Relations and Functions

Objective of the Activity

To verify that the relation R in the set L of all the lines in a plane defined by
R = {(l ,m): l || m and l, m L} is an equivalence relation.

Materials Required
A piece of card board of suitable size, cotton thread, White chart paper, Glue and Scale
CH 1 Relations and Functions


Objective of the Activity

To demonstrate a function is not one-one but is on to.
Pre-requisite Knowledge
❖❖ Basic knowledge of relations, functions and type of relations and type of function such that one-one
functions and on to functions.

Materials Required
Coloured chart papers (orange, green), A card board , Scissors, Glue sticks, bindhi and cotton
Logical Steps of the Activity
1. Take a orange chart paper and
cut out a elliptical strip length 10
cm and width 5 cm as shown in
the figure.
2. Take a green chart paper and
cut a elliptical strip of length 8
cm and width of 3 cm as shown
in figure.
3. Paste these two strips on the
card board and mark X and Y
on them respectively as shown
in the figure.
4. Fix 5 paper pins on the orange strip and
mark as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Similarly fix 4 paper
pins on the green strips and mark them a,
b, c and d as shown in the figure.
5. Now join the pins on the given strips with
the help of threads as shown in the figure.
1. Now we can see that image of the element 1 of x in y is a.
2. The image of the element 2 of x in y is c.
3. The image of the element 3 of x in y is d.
4. The image of the element 4 of x in y is b.
5. The image of the element 5 of x in y is d.
6. The pre image of the element a of y in x is 1.
7. The pre image of the element b of y in x is 4.
8. The pre image of the element c of y in x is 2.
9. The pre image of the element d of y in x is 3 and 5.
10. Since the elements 3 and 5 in x have the common image as d in y, so the given function is
many-one not one-one.
11. Also we can see that every element of y is image of some element of x so function is on to.
Thus from the observation 10 and 11 we can say that the given function is shown in the
figure is on-to but not one-one.
From the above activity we have demonstrated a function which is not one-one but on-to.


CH 1 Relations and Functions


Objective of the Activity

To demonstrate a function which is one-one but not onto.
Pre-requisite Knowledge
❖❖ Basic knowledge of relations, functions and type of relations and type of function such that
one-one functions and on to functions.
Materials Required
✧✧Coloured chart papers (orange, green)
✧✧A card board
✧✧Glue sticks

Logical Steps of the Activity

1. Take a orange chart paper and cut out a
elliptical strip length 10 cm and width 5 cm
as shown in the figure.
2. Take a green chart paper and cut a elliptical
strip of length 8 cm and width of 3 cm as
shown in figure.
3. Paste these two strips on the card board
and mark X and Y on them respectively as
shown in the figure.
4. Fix four paper pins on the orange strips and
mark the pins as 1, 2, 3 and 4. Similarly fix
5 paper pins on the green strips and mark
them a, b, c, d and e as shown in figure.
5. Now join the pins on the orange strips to the pins on the green strips with the help of
threads as shown in the figure.

Here we observe that
1. The image of the element 1 of x in y is b.
2. The image of the element 2 of x in y is c.
3. The image of the element 3 of x in y is a.
4. The image of the element 4 of x in y is e.
5. The pre image of the element d of y in x does not exist.
7. From the above mapping we can say that the images of distinct element of x are distinct so
the function is one-one.
8. We also see that there is an element d in y which has no pre image. So the function is not
9. Thus from the above observations 7 and 8 we can say that the function or mapping shown
in figure is one-one but not onto.
From the above activity we have demonstrated that a function which is one-one but not onto.

CH 6 .Application of Derivative

Objective of the Activity

To understand the concept of local maxima and local minima and point of inflexion for a given

Materials Required A drawing board , A white paper sheet , bindhi , cotton thread ,Glue, Pencil and

Logical Steps of the Activity

1. Take a drawing board of convenient size and paste a white paper on it.
2. Take two pieces of wires of convenient lengths and fix them on the drawing board which
are bisected at point o. One is horizontal (Xo𝑿′ ) is called x-axis and one is vertical (Yo𝒀′ ) is
called y-axis.
3. Take another wire of suitable length and bend it in the shape of curve. (The curve should be
make at least four points). Fix this curved wire on the white paper pasted on the drawing
sheet as shown in the figure.
4. Take four more wire of suitable lengths and fix them at the points A, B, C, D and P. Which
are represents the tangents of the curves at points A, B, C, D which are parallel to the x-axis.
5. The slope of tangents at these points are zero i.e., the value of first derivative of a function
is zero at all these points and the tangent at point P intersect the curve.

1. We see from the given figure the sign of the slope of the tangent 𝒅𝒙 first derivative at
a point on the given curve to the immediate left of A is negative and sign of the slope of tangent 𝒅𝒙
first derivative at a point on the curve to the immediate right of A is positive. That means at the
point A sign of the first derivative is changes from negative to positive. So the point A is the point of
local minima.
2. Now similarly we observe that the slope of tangent 𝒅𝒙 (first derivative) at point B. When we move
from just left to just right is changes from negative to +ve. Therefore we can say the point B is also a
point of local minima.
3. The slope of tangent 𝒅𝒙 (first derivative) at point on the curve the immediate left of c
is +ve and the sign of the slope the tangent 𝒅𝒙 first derivative at a point on the curve is immediate
right of c is –ve. That means the sign of the first derivative of a given function is changes from +ve to
–ve. Thus the point c is the point of local maxima.
4. Similarly the sign of first derivative is also changes from the +ve to –ve thus the point D is also
point of local maxima.
5. But when we move from just left to just right at point P there is no change in the sign of the
first derivative 𝒅𝒙 of the given function. Thus the point P is the point of inflexion.

Hence from the above discussion we conclude that point A and B are the points of local minima
and the points C and D are the points of local maxima and the point P is neither minima nor maxima
it is a point of inflexion.
CH 6 .Application of Derivative

Objective of the Activity

To understand the concepts of absolute maximum and minimum values of a function in a given
closed interval through its graph.

Materials Required
✧✧A drawing board required size
✧✧White paper sheet
✧✧cotton thread

Logical Steps of the Activity

1. Take a drawing board of convenient size and paste a white paper on it.
2. Take two pieces of wires of convenient lengths and fix them on the drawing board which
are bisected at point o. One is horizontal (Xo 𝑿; ) is called x-axis and one is vertical (Yo𝒀′ ) is
called y-axis.
3. Take another wire of suitable length and bend it in the shape of curve. Fix this curved wire
on the white paper pasted on the drawing sheet as shown in the figure..
4. Let the given function f(x) = 𝟒𝒙𝟒 − 𝟑𝟐𝒙𝟐 + 𝟗 in the interval [−𝟐, 𝟐]
5. We take different values of x in the given interval [−𝟐, 𝟐].and find the value of f(x) and form
the ordered pair (x, f(x)).
6. Plot the graph of the given function (with the help of ordered pair) by free hand curve.
x 0 −𝟏 1 −𝟐 2
f(x) 9 −𝟏𝟗 −𝟏𝟗 −𝟓𝟓 −𝟓𝟓
1. Now through the graph we observe or find the maximum value of given function f(x) on the given
interval [–2, 2]
2. The absolute maximum value of the given function f(x) is 9 at 𝒙 = 𝟎.
The absolute minimum value of the function f(x) = −𝟓𝟓 at 𝒙 = ±𝟐.


CH 6 .Application of Derivative

Objective of the Activity

To construct an open box of maximum volume from a given rectangular sheet by
cutting squares from each corner.
Materials Required
✧✧Chart papers
✧✧Cello tape
Logical Steps of the Activity
1. Take a rectangular chart paper of size 26 cm × 18 cm and name it as rectangle PQRS.
2. Cut out four equal square pieces of size 2 cm × 2 cm from each corner. Now fold up the
flaps from all the sides and form a open top rectangular box (like lid) with the help of cello
tape. Now after measuring the length, breadth and height with the help of scale calculate
the volume of the box with the help of the formula V = (length (l) × breadth (b) × height

1. When x = 2cm, 𝒍 = (26 –42) = 22 cm , b = (18 – 4) = 14 cm and height = 2 cm.
Volume V1 = (22 × 14 × 2) cm3 = 616 𝒄𝒎𝟑
2. . When x = 2.5cm, 𝒍 = 21 cm , b = 13 cm and height = 2.5 cm.
Volume 𝑽𝟐 = 682.5 𝒄𝒎𝟑
3. . When x = 4cm, 𝒍 = 18 cm , b =10cm and height = 4cm.
Volume V3 = 720𝒄𝒎𝟑

From the above discussion we can conclude that volume is maximum = 720𝒄𝒎𝟑
when size of the square to be removed from each corner 4 cm × 4 cm.
CH 6 .Application of Derivative

Objective of the Activity

To verify that amongst all the rectangles of the same perimeter the square has the maximum area.
Pre-requisite Knowledge
Knowledge of perimeter and area of rectangle and square, knowledge of differentiation and its
Materials Required
✧✧A chart of suitable size
✧✧ 𝑨𝟒 sheet colour paper
✧✧Glue Sticks
Logical Steps of the Activity
1. Take a cardboard of suitable size and paste a white sheet on it.
2. Make rectangles of the perimeter (say 40 cm) each on chart paper. We have some rectangles
of different dimensions each having perimeter of 40 cm.

(i)R1 = 14 cm × 6 cm, (ii)R2 = 13 cm × 7 cm, (iii) R3 = 10 cm × 10 cm

3.Cut out those rectangles and paste them on the white sheet on the card board.
4. We can form more rectangles of different dimensions each having the perimeter 40 cm.
5. Paste these rectangles on the card board.

1. Area of rectangle R1 = 14 cm × 6 cm = 84 𝒄𝒎𝟐
Area of rectangle R2 = 13 cm × 7 cm = 91 𝒄𝒎𝟐
Area of rectangle R3 = 10 cm × 10 cm = 100 𝒄𝒎𝟐
2. We observe that perimeter of each rectangle is 40 cm. But the areas of these rectangles are
3. The area of R3 is maximum = 100 𝒄𝒎𝟐 but it is a square since its length = breadth.
4. We can verify the above result using differentiation perimeter of the rectangle
P = 2(x + y) = 40 cm where x represents its length and y represents its width/breadth.
⇒2(x + y) = 40
(x + y) = 20⇒ y = (20 – x) or x = (20 – y)
Now the area of rectangle A = xy
A = (20 – y)y
A(y) = 20y – 𝒚𝟐
On differentiating both sides w.r. to y we get
From the above activity we conclude that the amongst all the rectangles of the same perimeter
the square has the maximum area.

Ch 11 Three-Dimensional Geometry

Objective of the Activity

To measure the shortest distance between two skew lines and verify by analytically.
Pre-requisite Knowledge
❖❖ Knowledge about various forms of equation of lines, skew lines. Knowledge about the
formula of distance (shortest) between two skew lines.
Materials Required
✧✧Thick card board sheets
✧✧White chart paper
✧✧Four wooden blocks of suitable dimensions
✧✧Glue sticks etc.

Logical Steps of the Activity

1. Take a card board sheet of suitable size and paste a white sheet on it and after that paste a
graph paper on it.
2. Draw two lines XOX‘ and YOY‘ which is bisected perpendicularly at point O. The point O
represent the origin and XOX‘ is called x-axis and YOY‘ is called y-axis. On these axis take
1 cm = 1 unit and label them as shown in the figure.
3. Mark the points P(3, 3), Q(11, 3), R(6, 11), S(14, 13) on the graph paper.
4. Label the four wooden blocks as a, b, c and d.
5. Now fix the wooden blocks labeled a, b, c and d at point P(3, 3), Q(11, 3), R(6, 11) and S(14,
13) respectively such that their base centers fall exactly at these points.
6. Using adhesive/glue sticks fix a piece of thread joining points A and D where A and D are
the contents of the tops of blocks a and d respectively.
7. Similarly fix a piece of thread joining points B and C where B and C are the centers of the
blocks b and c respectively.
8. Take a thread and join it perpendicularly with the lines AD and BC and measure the actual
9. Place a set square such that its side forming the right angle is along the thread BC.
10. Move the set square along AD till its other side forming the right angle touches the other
piece of thread.
11. Measure the distance between the two threads in this position to get the required shortest
distance between AD and BC.
5. On actual measurement the shortest distance between two skew lines = 0.6 cm
6. From point (4) & (5) we observe that the shortest distance between Skew lines AD and
BC by actual measurement is approximately equal to the shortest distance obtained by
analytical method.
From the above activity we conclude that the shortest distance between two Skew lines obtained
by actual measurement and obtained by analytical method is coming equal.

CH -13 Probability

Objective of the Activity

To explain the computation of conditional probabilities of a given event A when event
B has already occurred through an example of throwing a pair of dice.
Pre-requisite Knowledge
❖❖ Knowledge about probability, knowledge about random experiment, sample space, event,
equally likely events etc., conditional probability.
Materials Required
✧✧Card board sheet
✧✧Squared sheet
✧✧White chart
✧✧Glue sticks etc.

Logical Steps of the Activity

1. Take a card board of suitable size and paste a white sheet on it and paste a squared paper
on it which has 36 square as shown in the figure.
2. Write all possible out comes obtained by throwing two dice on the squared paper i.e. and write all
the following outcomes on the squared paper as shown in the figure.
(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6),
(2,1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6),
(3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6),
(4, 1), (4,2), (4, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5), (4, 6),
(5, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3), (5, 4), (5, 5), (5, 6),
(6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3), (6, 4), (6, 5), (6, 6)
Case I: To find the conditional probability of an event E when F has already occurred where E is
the event a number 3 appears on both the dice and F is the event 3 has already appeared on one
of the dice. Here we have to find the conditional probability 𝑷 (𝑭)
1. From the above figure
Favourable out comes of E is (3, 3)
E = {3, 3} i.e, n(E) = 1
Favourable outcomes of F are
F = {(1, 3) (2, 3) (3, 3) (4, 3) (5, 3) (6, 3) (3, 1) (3, 2) (3, 4) (3, 5) (3, 6)}
No. of favourable outcomes of F i.e., n(B) = 11
Now the common outcomes of E and F is {3, 3}
Now no. of favourable outcomes of (E_F) = n(1)
Conditional probability

Case II: To find the conditional probability of an event E when F has already occurred, where
E be the event getting the sum 8 and F is the event a doublet has already occured. Here also we
have to find . 𝑷 (𝑭)

2. From the figure

Favourable outcomes of E are (3, 5) (4, 4) (5, 3) _ {(3, 5) (4, 4)(5, 3)}
No. of outcomes of (E) = n(E) = 3
Favourable outcomes of F are (1, 1) (2, 2) (3, 3) (4, 4) (5, 5) (6, 6)
F = {(1, 1) (2, 2) (3, 3) (4, 4) (5, 5) (6, 6)}
No. of outcomes in F i.e. n(F) = 6
Common outcomes of E and F is {4, 4}
No. of outcomes in (E_F) i.e. n(E_F) = 1

From the above activity we conclude that this activity explains how to calculate the conditional
probability of an event when another event has already occurred.

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