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Vishen Lakhiani (born January 14, 1976) is a Malaysian
entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker, of Indian
descent. Entrepreneur and founder of Mindvalley, a movement
with over ten million students around the world. He is the author
of The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, which is translated into
over 25 languages.

He is the creator of A-Fest and Mindvalley University, two of

the most influential global events for personal transformation.
Education, work, politics, parenting, and spirituality are all
critical elements of shaping our future.

Lakhiani was named the "Most Strategic Entrepreneur."

Lakhiani says You see, I believe the human species is capable
of extraordinary things.

More than any other known species, we have a breathtaking

ability to grow, create, explore, love, and solve challenges.

The key to awakening this potential is UNITY. We need to come

together - which is in fact our natural state.

Yet instead of uniting us, many of the systems, institutions, and

beliefs governing the world today are dividing us.
VISHEN LAKHIANI was born and raised in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. The Malaysian schooling system itself
made me uncreative and unable to think outside the box. I
was not a gifted kid with poor vision, bad skin, and

Throughout my youth, this experience made an indelible

impression on my core mission today: to improve education
by moving beyond the obsolete models of the past, and
envisioning a new system that allows people to become
the best versions of themselves.

As soon as I graduated high school, I moved to the United

States to study computer engineering at the University of
Michigan. In my final year of school, I realized that
schooling wasn't for me.

My first internship at Microsoft was offered to me just

after I graduated from university in 1999. With hindsight, I
realize I chose computer engineering because I thought it
was the "safe" and "responsible" path to take. The job,
however, made me miserable so I quit after 11 weeks,
realizing that "jobs" are much like education-in that they
don't suit me.
At 24, broke from working for a non-profit, I decided to
move to Silicon Valley and try my hand at being an
entrepreneur. My timing, in a word, sucked. The dot-com
bubble burst soon after and I lost everything.

I was renting a couch from a college kid for $100 a month

and driving a car with faulty brakes. Finally, due to some
luck, I got a job. It was a sink-or-swim job with no basic
pay; I had to earn commissions if I was going to eat, pay
my bills, and survive.

Well, I barely survived. One night, depressed and feeling

like a failure, I got on Google and searched for hope. I
discovered a class on meditation.

As I became more invested in meditation, something

amazing happened: I became the top performer at work,
and my sales figures skyrocketed. I got promoted three
times in four months, eventually becoming Director of
Sales. I was using my mind in a unique and different way.

"Why didn't schooling teach me this?” I wondered.

I was blown away at how meditation was changing my

life. So I decided to take it to the next level and become a
meditation instructor.
In 2004 I registered a little website to sell meditation CDs. It
was called Mindvalley.

I believe that a person can only realize their fullest potential

when they’re in a constant state of growth. And through my
work with Mindvalley, the transformation has become the
primary driver of my life.

Mindvalley was barely successful - just a tiny company

building websites for various authors in personal
transformation. In my spare time, I worked on several other
startups with “more promise” than a tiny little meditation site.
Most of these were in technology. One even went public.
But I never gained much fulfilment from this.
Always. Persistently. Personal growth would tug at my heels.

But I kept ignoring this calling. You can’t change the world
teaching personal growth I told myself.

The Universe has a funny way of slapping you back onto your
path when you ignore your destiny. And this happened to me.
Between 2010 and 2013 everything I was working on started

Except that is - anything to do with transformation.

One night, depressed and feeling like a failure, I got on Google
and searched for hope. I discovered a class on meditation.

As I became more invested in meditation, something amazing

happened: I became the top performer at work, and my sales
figures skyrocketed.

I got promoted three times in four months, eventually

becoming Director of Sales. I was using my mind in a unique
and different way.

When I started his company there were only 21 members and

the company was not gaining any profit.

On the initial day, they earned just 350 dollars.. and they
decided to drop as well but vishen Lakhani mindset and
positivity they grew really well and now they have become the
world's number one personal growth company.

Since he spent more time in Incipient York, he has found

Malaysia to be an easier country, he explained.

He has edified himself in three important ways: "I learned how

to appreciate diversity and thrive in it,

I learned how to question the traditional rules of my family

and community, and I learned how to discard frivolous cultural
and religious dogmas that restricted me,"

he said.

He is reluctant to cut back on a peregrinate lifestyle despite

the challenges of operating between two cities.

In Lakhiani's opinion, he would not do this if it wasn't

exhilarating and enjoyable.

“I profoundly relish the fact that I get to be in a different

country every six weeks.”

He learnt about empathy, visualisation and setting intentions

for his new job as a software sales personnel, he doubled his
sales in one week, before doubling it again in a month, and
again the following month.

“In 4 months, I was promoted 3 times,” he regales. “The

company made me the director of sales even though I was a
26-year-old Malaysian kid and sent me to New York to launch
their New York branch.

I was there leading a team of men who were decades older

than me. I was able to do this because of these superpowers I
had unlocked through a personal growth practice.”

Thus began an unstoppable mission for Vishen to create a

company that will not only hone the best in an individual but
show that one can be as great as one dares envision if only
one knows the way to unlock these abilities.

And that was how Mindvalley came about, a global company

on transformational education headquartered in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mindvalley was barely successful - just a tiny company

building websites for various authors in personal
In my spare time, I worked on several other startups
with “more promise” than a tiny little meditation site.
Most of these were in technology. One even went public.
But I never gained much fulfilment from this.

Always. Persistently. Personal growth would tug at my

But I kept ignoring this calling. You can’t change the
world teaching personal growth I told myself.

The Universe has a funny way of slapping you back onto

your path when you ignore your destiny. And this
happened to me. Between 2010 and 2013 everything I
was working on started collapsing.

Except that is - anything to do with transformation.



This book teaches you to think like some of the greatest

non-conformist minds of our era, to question, challenge,
hack and create new rules for YOUR life so you can
define success on your own terms.
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind is a blueprint of
laws to break us free from the shackles of ordinary life.
It makes a case that everything we know about the
world is mostly decided not by rational choice – but
instead by conditioning and habit. And thus, most people
live their lives based on limiting rules and outdated
beliefs about pretty much everything – love, work,
money, parenting, sex, health and more—which they
inherit and pass on from generation to generation.


Once you integrate the skill sets of both archetypes, you
will experience life at a different level from most people.
You will operate from a space of bliss, ease, inspiration,
and abundance. The Buddha and the Badass: The Secret
Spiritual Art of Succeeding at Work will show you how.
Author of the New York Times bestseller The Code of
the Extraordinary Mind and founder of Mindvalley,
Vishen Lakhiani has turned his own life and company
into his research lab. He's codified everything he's
learned into the how-to steps in this book. The Buddha
and the Badass teaches you how to master your work
and your life.

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