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For your next Summative Task in Spanish 2,, you’re going to create a social

media post speaking about your Daily Routine (La Rutina Diaria) in the target
language. First write the script in Spanish, practice reading and pronouncing
the sentences and then record yourself on Canva’s Tik Tok Videomaker. (NB:
We will not be posting on TikTok, just creating the content)

Checklist for the “Rutina Diaria” video project

The video should be around 1 minute long per person.

Include different times of the day when you/your family do daily activities
eg) Normalmente me ducho a las 7 en punto, Suelo salir para la escuela a las
7:30. Siempre almorzamos a las 12 menos cuarto….

Use at least 5 reflexive verbs!

Be sure to conjugate your verbs correctly eg) me ducho, nos despertamos,

Mis padres se acuestan, etc

A range of sentence starters and linking words eg) Primero, por lo general,
normalmente, sin embargo, luego, pero, por fin

Include several adverbs of frequency eg) a veces, nunca, casi siempre, todos
los días, una vez por semana

The narrative will probably mostly be in the present tense but can also
include past tense

The video should demonstrate: creativity, effort and your own work. Please
don’t let someone/something else do all the thinking for you.

Insufficient Developing Approaching Meeting Excelling

Incomplete Attempts task but Student meets Fulfills nearly all Fulfills all
work / Work meets few some requirements of requirements of
is correct but requirements or requirements of the task. topic, grammar
does not does not follow the task. Grammar and and sentence
appear to be instructions. There Grammar, syntax is structure is sound
student’s may be significant syntax and/or sometimes and mainly
own effort errors with pronunciation accurate. accurate.
pronunciation and contain notable Pronunciation is Pronunciation is
syntax rules. errors that understandable accurate and
sometimes and does not facilitates
cause impede comprehension.
confusion. communication.

Nothing Student uses very Student Student includes Student offers

submitted / few connecting includes a few some examples detailed recount of
Work is words or connecting of connecting daily routines
correct but expressions words, times of words, times and including several
does not related to time or day and adverbs of examples of
appear to be uses them frequency frequency connecting words,
student’s incorrectly. expressions times of day and
own effort adverbs of

Work mainly The student relies Presentation Presentation is Presentation is

produced by heavily on a appears to be mainly the polished, creative
a translator, translator or some of the student's own and nearly entirely
AI or other outside sources to students' own effort and work. the student’s own
work with support
outside create and write Some level of words. The
from other
source the presentation. sources. Project
creativity and student(s) made
has been effort is present. good use of class
completed, effort time, A high level
and creativity of effort was put
may be limited. forth.

Nothing Presentation is not Student does Student submits Student submits

submitted completed by not complete project by project by deadline
deadline and submit by deadline

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