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ROLL NO – 216302014
ASSIGNMENT DATE – 24/04/2023
SUBMISSION DATE – 25/05/2023

For a fluid to be flowing in a steady state, the fluid's
properties like velocity, pressure, and temperature at any given location within
the system must remain constant over time. Now, the fluid density of the
compressible fluids changes when subjected to high-pressure gradients. On
the other hand, incompressible fluid is one whose volume or density does not
change under pressure.

We can also consider an example of a tap filling a bucket with an open tap as shown
in the figure below.

Here the water level remains constant as the rate of the pour is equal to the
rate of discharge of water. Many machines, including turbines, compressors,
and nozzles, work in much the same way for extended periods, allowing them
to be categorised as steady-flow devices . Any device that will experience a
ROLL NO – 216302014
ASSIGNMENT DATE – 24/04/2023
SUBMISSION DATE – 25/05/2023

constant flow of material through it is referred to as a steady-flow device.

Pumps, pipes, nozzles, diffusers, and other similar equipment are examples
of steady-flow devices.
In Mechanical engineering, a steady state flow system is a system in which
the flow of mass and energy within or across the boundary of the system is
constant at any point in time.
Applications of Steady State Flow :-
Considering the knowledge of the
concept of Steady state flow, we all have a common thought about their applications.
Let us learn more about the uses of this concept practically.

1) In the fields of economics, electronics, electrical and mechanical engineering,

physiology, fibre optics, and pharmacy, there are many different kinds of steady
states. Each one of these states indicates that some kind of equilibrium has been

2) The concept of steady state flow is unique to fields of mechanical engineering

such as thermodynamics, in which all variables remain constant independent of the
operations that are currently taking place.

3) The flow of water through a pipe, the extraction of oil from a vertical well, the
operation of turbines on an aeroplane, and the operation of any form of hydraulic
system are all examples of processes that observe and make use of steady-state

4) Many engineering devices that go through thermodynamic processes can have

their performance evaluated using the steady flow energy equation. These include
boilers, nozzles, diffusers, mixing chambers, heat exchangers, and turbines.

Principle of Steady State Flow : -

The principle of steady state flow in

thermodynamics and fluid mechanics states that the properties of a fluid, such as
density, pressure, and velocity, remain constant at any given point in a system over
time, as long as there is no change in the overall energy or mass of the system.
ROLL NO – 216302014
ASSIGNMENT DATE – 24/04/2023
SUBMISSION DATE – 25/05/2023

This principle applies to both incompressible and compressible fluids but is more
commonly used in the analysis of incompressible fluids.

Unsteady flow is a fundamental concept in the field of
hydraulics engineering that refers to the flow of fluid in a non-uniform and time-
varying manner. Unlike steady flow, where the fluid properties and flow
characteristics remain constant over time, unsteady flow involves changes in
velocity, pressure, and other parameters with respect to time and space. It occurs in
various hydraulic systems and plays a crucial role in understanding and analyzing
the behavior of fluid dynamics.

The causes of unsteady flow can be categorized into two main types: external and
Types of unsteady flow :-
I. Transient flow: Occurs when there is an abrupt change in flow conditions,
causing temporary deviations from steady-state conditions.

II. Oscillatory flow: Involves periodic fluctuations in flow variables, typically

characterized by sinusoidal or wave-like behavior.

III. Surge flow: Refers to the rapid and temporary changes in flow caused by
sudden valve operations or pump start-ups or shutdowns.

IV. Water hammer: A specific type of surge flow characterized by pressure

waves that occur due to rapid changes in flow velocity, often caused by valve

V. Backflow: Occurs when the direction of flow reverses due to changes in

boundary conditions or system configurations.
ROLL NO – 216302014
ASSIGNMENT DATE – 24/04/2023
SUBMISSION DATE – 25/05/2023

VI. Wave propagation: Describes the transmission of pressure or flow waves

through a fluid system, leading to changes in flow characteristics.

VII. Hydraulic jumps: Sudden changes in water flow from supercritical to

subcritical, resulting in energy dissipation and wave formation.

VIII. Flood flows: Unsteady flow conditions that occur during flood events, where
the flow rate and water level change rapidly due to excessive rainfall or other
external factors.

REYNOLDS NUMBER :- Reynolds number is a dimensionless quantity

that is used to determine the type of flow pattern as laminar or turbulent while
flowing through a pipe. Reynolds number is defined by the ratio of inertial
forces to that of viscous forces.
Formula below -


Re is the Reynolds number

ρ is the density of the fluid

V is the velocity of flow

D is the pipe diameter

μ is the viscosity of the fluid

Depending on Reynolds number, the type of flow can be categorized into

either laminar, turbulent, or transient (critical) flow. The range of Reynolds
ROLL NO – 216302014
ASSIGNMENT DATE – 24/04/2023
SUBMISSION DATE – 25/05/2023

numbers indicates whether the flow is laminar, turbulent, or in transition between

the two flow types.

 Calculate Reynolds number, if a fluid having viscosity of 0.4 Ns/m2 an relative
density of 900 Kg/m3 through a pipe of 20 mm with a velocity of 2.5 m.

Solution 1 – Given that,

Viscosity of fluid μ

Density of fluid ρ

Diameter of the fluid


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