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Bexhill Hastings Link Road

Traffic Survey Report

Bexhill Hastings Link

Traffic Survey Report

East Sussex County Council

County Hall
St Anne's Crescent
East Sussex
Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report
Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

Bexhill Hastings Link

Traffic Survey Report

Issue and Revision Record

Rev Date Originator Checker Approver Description

A May 2006 N Walker I Johnston I Johnston For review

January N Walker I Johnston I Johnston

B Comments incorporated
Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report
Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

List of Contents Page

Chapters and Appendices

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1

2 Manual Classified Counts .......................................................................................... 2

3 Automatic Traffic Count Data ..................................................................................... 5

4 Roadside Interview Surveys....................................................................................... 8

5 Journey Time Surveys ............................................................................................. 11

6 Bus Surveys ............................................................................................................. 16

6.1 Electronic Ticket Machine Data................................................................................ 16
6.2 Passenger Number Surveys .................................................................................... 16

7 Rail Data .................................................................................................................. 19

7.1 LENNON data .......................................................................................................... 19
7.2 Station Counts.......................................................................................................... 20

List of Figures

Figure 2-1: Location of Count Sites.......................................................................................... 4

Figure 3-1: Glyne Gap ATC Daily Flow Profile September 2004 ............................................. 5
Figure 3-2: Glyne Gap ATC Weekday Flow Profile September 2004 ...................................... 7
Figure 3-3: Glyne Gap ATC Monthly Flow Profile for 2004 and 2005...................................... 7
Figure 4-1: Roadside Interview Survey Sites ........................................................................ 10
Figure 5-1: Journey Time Survey Routes .............................................................................. 15
Figure 6-1: Local Bus Routes................................................................................................. 18

List of Tables
Table 2-1: Count Data Summary ............................................................................................. 2
Table 4-1: A271 RSI Sample Rates ......................................................................................... 8
Table 5-1: Journey Time Survey Accuracy ............................................................................ 12
Table 5-2: Yellow Route Journey Time Comparison.............................................................. 13
Table 5-3: Combined Yellow Route Journey Time Accuracy................................................. 14
Table 6-1: Bus Passenger Number Survey at Glyne Gap ..................................................... 16
Table 7-1: Number of rail passengers.................................................................................... 20

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

1 Introduction
1.1.1 This Traffic Survey Report describes the survey data assembled and
used in the building of the Bexhill Hastings Link Road highway and public
transport models.

1.1.2 A previous SATURN highway model for the Scheme was built and
validated in 2004. This highway model has been updated in line with the
VaDMA guidance issued in September 2005 This Traffic Survey Report
describes the data used to update the SATURN model and build the VISUM
public transport model.

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

2 Manual Classified Counts

2.1.1 East Sussex County Council provided data for junction and link
counts across the modelled area for surveys that had been carried out from
2002 onwards. Count data used to build and validate the previous SATURN
model was also retained for sites where more recent counts had not been
undertaken. Counts undertaken at the A21/A28/A2100 Baldslow junction in
October 2005 were supplied by Hyder.

2.1.2 Table 2.1 below shows the number of classified link and junction
counts, and ATC data was used by year. There were a total of 74 junction
counts, 16 link counts and 41 ATC used in the model building and validation
process. Of these, 18 junctions were retained for validation.

2.1.3 Appendix A contains a list of all the count data and details the
location of the counts, the date and type of survey, which time periods the
count covered and whether it was used for calibration or validation.

Table 2-1: Count Data Summary

2000 or 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005


Link 1 7 4 4

Junction 8 3 22 24 10 5

ATC 8 7 12 5 9

Figure 2.1 shows the location and year of the count sites.

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

Reproduced from or based upon 2005 Ordnance Survey mapping with permission
of the Controller of HMSO (c) Crown Copyright reserved. Unauthorised
reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil
proceedings East Sussex County Council Licence No. 100019601 2006

Key 2000
before 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
MCC Junction
MCC Link
ATC Link
Continuous ATC Data

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the Carolyn Dwyer BEng (Hons), DipTrans, DMS,
permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Figure : 2.1 Scale NTS MIHT MILT
Majesty's Stationary Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised Assistant Director, Transport & Waste
Transport &
reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or County Hall, St. Anne's Cresent
civil proceedings. 100019601. (2007).
Sheet Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1UE
BEXHILL TO HASTINGS LINK ROAD 1 of 1 Telephone: 01273 481000
Location of Count Sites
Revision 0 April 2007
Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

3 Automatic Traffic Count Data

3.1.1 Permanent Automatic Traffic Counter (ATC) sites are located on the
A259 at Glyne Gap and Bexhill De La Warr Road. Data from these sites were
used to convert all the junction and link counts to a common base of Sept
2004 for use in matrix building and validation. September 2004 was chosen as
it was the only neutral month in 2004 for which full data was available.

3.1.2 There are also permanent ATCs located on the A259 at Bachelors
Bump east of Hastings and at Barnhorn west of Bexhill. Figure 2.1 shows the
location of the four A259 ATCs.

3.1.3 Data from the ATC site at Glyne Gap was also used to confirm the
modelled hours. Figure 3.1 shows the daily profile of flows at this location. As
with the 2004 model, the am peak is represented by the hour between 0800
and 0900. Similarly the interpeak model is for an average hour between 1000
and 1600. The PM peak model has been revised to assess an average hour
between 1600 and 1800 as the ATC revealed little difference in flow levels of
the two hours.

Figure 3-1: Glyne Gap ATC Daily Flow Profile September 2004

Flow (vehs)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Hour Ending

3.1.4 Figure 3.2 shows how flows vary across weekdays in September
2004. Comparison of the average daily flow during the week show Friday had
the highest flow of the week while Monday is the lowest with approximately
3% (800) difference between the two days. Figure 3.3 shows the monthly
variation in flows using data from 2004 and 2005. The ATC counters did not
collect data for a number of complete months over the last two years so these
months have not been included. The analysis suggested that the flow starts off
low at the beginning of the year then gradually builds up during the year and

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

reach the peak at around September then reduces again when approaching
November and December.

3.1.5 The ATC data at Glyne Gap in 2005 shows that the highest
eastbound hourly flow occurred on a Wednesday in July between 1700 and
1800. The highest westbound flow occurred on a Wednesday in September
between 0800 and 0900. 12 hour flows in August 2005 are an average of
24,269 on a Saturday and 21,132 on a Sunday which are both lower than the
average 12 hour flows on weekdays in September 2004.

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

Figure 3-2: Glyne Gap ATC Weekday Flow Profile September 2004


Average 12 Hours Flow





Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri
Day of week

Figure 3-3: Glyne Gap ATC Monthly Flow Profile for 2004 and 2005





12 Hour Weekday Flow









Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

4 Roadside Interview Surveys

4.1.1 Five Roadside Interview Surveys (RSI’s) were used to build the
matrices for the updated SATURN model. These created a north-south
screenline between Bexhill and Hastings through Glyne Gap. Three of the sites
were London Area Transport Survey (LATS) data, and the remaining two
undertaken by East Sussex County Council. Figure 4.1 shows the location of
each of the sites.

4.1.2 Surveys at the three LATS sites were undertaken in May 2002. The
A271 site was surveyed in the eastbound direction and the B2096 and A259
Glyne Gap sites were surveyed in the westbound direction. The A271 and B2096
sites were surveyed using postcards whereas the Glyne Gap surveys were
interview surveys. The surveys were undertaken between 06:00 and 22:00.

4.1.3 East Sussex undertook an additional RSI at Glyne Gap in April 2004 in
the eastbound direction and also surveyed Crowhurst Road in June 2005 in the
westbound direction. Both of these surveys were interview surveys. The surveys
were undertaken between 07:00 and 19:00.

4.1.4 Table 4.1 below shows a comparison of the sample rate achieved at
each site and the rate required for the sample to be accurate to 5% within a 95%
confidence interval. The Glyne Gap westbound survey is just outside the required
sample rate but all other survey locations achieved the required sample rate.

Table 4-1: A271 RSI Sample Rates

Survey Sample Required

Rate Sample Rate

A271 21% 19%

B2096 33% 32%

A259 Glyne Gap 9% 10%


A259 Glyne Gap 18% 11%


Crowhurst Road 84% 54%

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

5 Journey Time Surveys

5.1.1 For the previous SATURN highway model, journey time surveys had
been carried out along one east-west route through Glyne Gap between
Bexhill and Hastings in April 2004. Three additional east-west journey time
survey routes were carried out for the updated model and the original Glyne
Gap route was resurveyed in December 2005.

5.1.2 Figure 5.1 shows the surveyed routes. The yellow route through
Glyne Gap was surveyed in both April 2004 and December 2005. The green
route covers the main roads into and around Bexhill, the purple route picks up
the east-west route along the A271 and the blue route travels east-west along
the B2096 as well as extending down into Hastings.

5.1.3 Roadworks were taking place on the A2100 south of Battle during
the 2005 surveys. This affected two of the surveyed routes, namely the blue
and purple routes. Timings were recorded as the vehicles reached the queues
south of the roadworks. North of the roadworks, queues extended back along
the A2100 north of Battle. As a result vehicles on the blue and purple routes
travelling eastbound were sometimes held up turning onto the A2100 and
sometimes let into the queues by drivers on the A2100.

5.1.4 An analysis had been carried out to make sure the journey times
collected for each route are within the acceptability requirement stated in
DMRB Volume 13 Part 5. The journey time surveys are required to have an
accuracy of 10% or less. Table 5.1 shows the number of runs carried out to
collect the journey time information and the journey time accuracy for each
route respectively.

5.1.5 The purple route surveys meet the required accuracy limits except
for the pm peak in the eastbound direction. This was due to heavy delays on
the last leg of the route created by the roadworks. The blue route surveys
meet the required accuracy limits in the interpeak period but the peak periods
were again affected by the roadworks.

5.1.6 The green route surveys meet the required accuracy limits in both
directions an all time periods.

5.1.7 The yellow route surveys meet the required accuracy limits for
approximately half the required time periods and directions. The interpeak
surveys in both directions and both survey months are suitably accurate, as
are the pm clockwise surveys. This route passes along the most congested
route between Bexhill and Hastings leading to the range of journey times
observed. Table 5.2 compares the range and mean of observed journey times
on the yellow route.

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

Table 5-1: Journey Time Survey Accuracy

AM (07:30-09:30) IP (10:00-16:00) PM (16:00-18:00)

No of No of No of
runs Accuracy runs Accuracy runs Accuracy

Purple Route -
westbound 10 3.5 % 8 6.5 % 9 5.7 %

Purple Route -
eastbound 10 9.2 % 8 7.2 % 9 14.7 %

Blue Route -
eastbound 9 11.6 % 8 2.7 % 8 4.2 %

Blue Route -
westbound 9 21.3 % 8 6.1 % 8 12.6 %

Green route -
anticlockwise 8 3.8 % 8 4.5 % 8 2.6 %

Green Route –
clockwise 8 6.2 % 8 3.4 % 8 4.9 %

Yellow Route
Dec 2005 -
clockwise 8 11.7 % 8 8.4 % 8 7.2 %

Yellow Route
Dec 2005 –
anti-clockwise 8 16.7 % 8 5.1 % 8 14.5 %

Yellow Route
April 2004 -
clockwise 5 14.6 % 12 4.2 % 5 9.4 %

Yellow Route
April 2004 –
anti-clockwise 5 10.5 % 12 4.5 % 5 12.3 %

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

Table 5-2: Yellow Route Journey Time Comparison

Time Direction April 2004 December 2005

Range Mean Range Mean

AM Peak Eastbound via 928 - 1700 1199 697 - 1375 998

Harleyshute Rd

Westbound via 830 - 1144 1001 745 - 1551 999

Harleyshute Rd

Eastbound via A259 1063 - 1732 1434 944 - 1766 1354

Westbound via A259 1295 - 1789 1507 906 - 1524 1193

Interpeak Eastbound via 671 - 1025 765 602 - 789 670

Harleyshute Rd

Westbound via 658 - 1136 773 584 - 738 671

Harleyshute Rd

Eastbound via A259 881 - 1083 974 854 - 1057 960

Westbound via A259 980 - 1157 1083 917 - 1548 1078

PM Peak Eastbound via 861 - 949 910 781 - 1435 1014

Harleyshute Rd

Westbound via 798 - 1048 928 772 - 1880 1281

Harleyshute Rd

Eastbound via A259 984 - 1489 1227 1059 – 2299 1451

Westbound via A259 917 - 1452 1136 1255 - 1725 1459

5.1.8 In the am peak, the April surveys show longer journey times for the
eastbound section via Harleyshute Road. This is due to one surveyed run
where large delays occurred in the Gillsmans Hill area. The April journey times
are also longer for the westbound route via the A259. The surveys show that
there were more delays through Glyne Gap in April than December. The
remaining sections of the route show similar average journey times in both
April and December.

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

5.1.9 In the interpeak the routes via Harleyshute Road show increased
delays through Gilsmans Hill and Glyne Gap in April. The other routes via the
A259 show very similar average journey times in April and December.

5.1.10 The pm peak routes show the largest differences between April and
December journey times. For all routes the increase in journey times are
through the A259/Harleyshute Road junction and along Glyne Gap.

5.1.11 Both sets of yellow route journey time surveys have been combined
to create data against which the traffic model has been validated to improve
the accuracy limits of the surveys and to ensure the appropriate travel times
through Glyne Gap are modelled. Table 5.3 below shows the accuracy of the
April and December surveys combined. The am peak runs and pm peak run in
the clockwise direction are now only just outside the required accuracy limits.

Table 5-3: Combined Yellow Route Journey Time Accuracy

AM (07:30-09:30) IP (10:00-16:00) PM (16:00-18:00)

No of No of No of
runs Accuracy runs Accuracy runs Accuracy

Yellow Route –
anti-clockwise 13 10.6 % 20 4.2 % 13 7.2 %

Yellow Route -
clockwise 13 10.6 % 20 3.9 % 13 11.4 %

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

6 Bus Surveys

6.1 Electronic Ticket Machine Data

6.1.1 Ticket data was requested from Stagecoach for the two bus routes
which run between Bexhill and Hastings, services 98 and 710. Ticket data was
received for the 14th and 15th September 2004 for 0800-0900, 1000-1600 and
1600-1800 showing trip numbers between stops on the two routes.

6.1.2 Figure 6.1 shows the bus routes for which data was received.

6.2 Passenger Number Surveys

6.2.1 A passenger number survey had been carried out by ESCC at Glyne
Gap which recorded how many people were travelling on the bus either
towards Hasting or Bexhill. The survey covered three time periods (07:00-
10:00, 12:00-14:00 and 16:00-19:00) on Tuesday, 22 November 2005.

Table 6-1: Bus Passenger Number Survey at Glyne Gap

Time Period Passengers Passengers

travelling to travelling to Bexhill

0700-1000 108 156

1200-1400 115 123

1600-1900 119 127

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

7 Rail Data

7.1 LENNON data

7.1.1 LENNON (Latest Earnings Networked Nationally OverNight) sales

data is the replacement of 18 years old CAPRI (Computer Analysis of
Passenger Revenue Information) system which provides railway ticket data at
an annual average daily level.

7.1.2 LENNON sales data by appropriate station origin and destination

points was obtained. The data included all sales independent of where they
were issued. The origins and destinations requested were:

• Bexhill
• Collington
• Cooden Beach
• Crowhurst
• Hastings
• Ore
• St Leonards Warrior Square
• West St Leonards
• Polegate
• Robertsbridge & Etchingham
• Battle
• Winchelsea to Ham Street
• Eastbourne & Hampden Park
• Pevensey (including Pevensey Bay and Pevensey & Westham)

7.1.3 In addition, the above stations were requested as origins or

destinations to the following stations or groups of stations:

• Brighton to Fishersgate
• London
• Surrey
• West Kent
• Kent
• Crowborough and East Grinstead
• E & W Sussex
• Haywards Heath and Burgess Hill
• Crawley to Horley (including Gatwick Airport)

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

• Rest of UK

7.2 Station Counts

Steer Davies Gleave had carried out station counts at Bexhill, Hasting, St
Leonards Warrior Square and West St Leonards in January 2000 between
06:00 and 20:00. The counts show how many passengers enter the station
every 10mins between 0700 and 0900, and every 30mins for the rest of the
day. ESCC carried out a similar count at Battle station in Thursday 17th
November 2005 between 05:30 and 20:30 counting the number of passengers
boarding and alighting from platforms at the station. Table 7.1 shows the
passenger numbers recorded during the modelled time periods of 0800-0900,
1000-1600 and 1600-1800.

Table 7-1: Number of rail passengers

Passengers entering the station Boarding Alighting

Time Bexhill- Hastings St West St Battle Battle

Period on-Sea Leonards Leonards

0800- 128 151 186 9 93 43


1000- 82 71 59 9 24 20

1600- 114 138 108 20 44 92


Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

Appendix A Count Data

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

Site Location Date Type AM IP PM Cal / Val

B2092 / Gillsman's Hill Roundabout 19/10/2005 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Crowhurst Road 22/06/2005 Link Yes Yes Yes C
A21 / Marley Lane 18/05/2005 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
A271 / B2096 17/05/2005 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
A2100 north of Battle 27/01/2005 Link Yes Yes Yes C
A271 west of Battle 27/01/2005 Link Yes Yes Yes C
Upper Lake / Lower Lake 27/01/2005 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
A2100 south of Battle 27/01/2005 Link Yes Yes Yes C
A259 / Albert Road 21/09/2004 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
A21 Bohemia Road 21/09/2004 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
A259 / Winchelsea Road 14/09/2004 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
A259 St Anthony's Avenue (Eastbourne) 14/09/2004 Link No Yes No C
A21 / A2101 07/09/2004 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
A2100 south of Battle Sep-04 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
A259 King Offa Way Sep-04 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
A259 Hastings Warrior Square Sep-04 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
A269 London Road Sep-04 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
B2093 The Ridge Sep-04 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
C93 Crowhurst North Sep-04 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
C923 Cowhurst South Sep-04 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
A21 Bohemia Road Sep-04 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
A21 / B2159 07/07/2004 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
A259 / Filsham Road 01/07/2004 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
Glyne Gap Roundabout 09/06/2004 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
A2102 London Road / A259 Grand Par 08/06/2004 Junction Yes Yes No C
Schwerte Way / A259 08/06/2004 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Cooden Sea Road 19/05/2004 Link Yes Yes Yes C
A259 / Fairlight Road 13/05/2004 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Western Road / Devonshire Road 20/04/2004 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Devonshire Road / Parkhurst Road 20/04/2004 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
A28 Main Road 26/02/2004 Link Yes Yes Yes C
Bethune Way 03/02/2004 Link Yes Yes Yes C
Frederick Road / The Ridge 03/02/2004 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
B2244 north of Seddlescombe Church Hill Farm 27/10/2003 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Hillside Road / The Ridge 08/10/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
Parkstone Road / Grange Road 08/10/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Ashford Road / Thanet Way 08/10/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Parker Road / Malvern Way 07/10/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Mount Pleasant Road / Hughenden Road 23/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
Mount Pleasant Road / Priory Road 23/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Malvern Way / The Ridge 23/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
The Ridge / Clifton Road 23/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Cambridge Road / Cambridge Garden 17/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Cornwallis Terrace / Station Approach 17/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
White Rock / A259 17/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Cornwallis Terrace / Cambridge Road 17/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Middle Street / Devonshire Road 17/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Priory Street / Car Park 17/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Queens Road / South Terrace 16/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Priory Avenue / Braybrooke Road 16/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Devonshire Road / South Terrace 16/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Albert Road / Castle Hill Road 16/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
Harold Place / Pelham Street 16/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Pelham Place / Car Park 16/09/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
A269 / A259 Belle Hill 20/05/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
A269 / Watermill Lane 20/05/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
A259 / Harley Shute Road 15/05/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Eight Acre Lane Three Oaks 17/03/2003 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Sedlescombe Road / Springfield Road 13/03/2003 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Marley Lane 10/03/2003 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
A21 Sedlescombe Road south of Seven Acre Close 14/01/2003 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
A259 Rye Road 13/01/2003 ATC Yes Yes Yes C

Bexhill Hastings Link Road
Traffic Survey Report

Site Location Date Type AM IP PM Cal / Val

Pebsham Lane / A2036 Hasting Road 04/12/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
A2036 Hasting Road (Bexhill) 04/12/2002 Link Yes Yes Yes C
Glyne Drive / A2036 04/12/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Marina (Bexhill) 27/11/2002 Link Yes Yes Yes C
Birk Dale 21/11/2002 Link Yes Yes Yes C
Collington Avenue 21/11/2002 Link Yes Yes Yes C
London Road south of Belle Hill 19/11/2002 Link Yes Yes Yes C
Terminus Road / Beeching Road 19/11/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
The Ridge / Battle Road Roundabout 03/10/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
C346 Whydown Road 03/10/2002 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
B2159 / Blackman Avenue 02/10/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
B2092 / Napier Road 01/10/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
A2100 Lower Lake Battle near Picardy Close 30/09/2002 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
A2100 Hasting Road south of Battle 26/09/2002 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
A259 / Harold Place 24/09/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Pelham Street / Harold Place 24/09/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
A259 east of West Hill Road 30/08/2002 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Filsham Road opposite St Saviours Road 28/08/2002 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Castle Hill Road 09/08/2002 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Schwerte Way 09/08/2002 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
A2036 / A269 16/05/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
A269 Dorset Road / De La Warr Road 15/05/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
B2204 15/05/2002 Link Yes Yes Yes C
Bexhill Road (Glyne Gap) 15/05/2002 Link Yes Yes Yes C
Baldslow Junction 13/10/2005 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Station Road West of Cranfield Road 25/04/2002 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Devonshire Road / Endwell Road 16/04/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Devonshire Road / Marina 16/04/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
St Leonards Road / Eversley Road 16/04/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
St Leonards Road / Wilton Road 16/04/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
St Leonards Road / Sea Road 16/04/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Sea Road / Marina 16/04/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
Upper Sea Road / Buckhurst Road 09/04/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
Station Road / Magdalen Road 09/04/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Sackville Road / Buckhurst Place 09/04/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Sea Road / Endwell Road 09/04/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
Sackville Road / Western Road 09/04/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
Sackville Road / Parkhurst Road 09/04/2002 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
A259 Old London Road (Sacred Heart RC Primary Sc 05/04/2002 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
A259 MARINA HASTINGS (East of Camera Car Par 05/04/2002 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
A259 MARINA HASTINGS (West of Camera Lamp 7 05/04/2002 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Pebsham Lane 09/01/2002 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Battle Road / Old Church Road 09/10/2001 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Harrow Lane / Sedlescombe Road North (A21) 04/10/2001 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Blackman Avenue 27/09/2001 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
old London Road, Hasting 27/09/2001 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Marine Parade (Hastings) 06/08/2001 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Ironlatch Avenue 20/06/2001 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Sackville Road Roudabout 19/04/2001 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
De La Warr Parade 09/04/2001 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
West Parade (East of Park Road) 09/04/2001 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Peartree Lane 07/03/2001 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Breeds Place Roundabout 12/10/2000 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
London Road Hasting North of Clyed Road 17/05/2000 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Whydown Bridge 24/06/1999 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Upper Park Road 22/06/1999 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
A21/A2100 27/04/1999 Junction Yes Yes No C
A21/B2244 27/04/1999 Junction Yes Yes No C
Gillsman Hill / Hollington Park Road 22/04/1999 Junction Yes Yes Yes V
A259 The Green / B2204 20/04/1999 Junction No Yes Yes C
Amherst Road 13/04/1999 ATC Yes Yes Yes C
Bohemia Road 13/04/1999 ATC Yes Yes No C
Hasting Road (Bexhill) 01/03/1999 ATC Yes No No C
Fairlight Road 01/03/1999 ATC No Yes No C
A2101 St Helen's Road 01/02/1999 ATC Yes Yes No C
B2093 The Ridge / A259 Rye Road 24/06/1998 Junction Yes Yes No C
Clifton Road / Fredrick Road 13/05/1998 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
A259 (Old London Road) / Priory Road 25/11/1997 Junction Yes Yes Yes C
Ironlatch Ave 26/06/1997 Link Yes Yes Yes C


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