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2.1 Introduction

This chapter briefly describes the review on existing technique related with “online admission

system” that will be developed, the system offer a great and flexible approach than the manual

system. Review of related work, online admission system, distributed admission control, effect

of online admission process on student and colleges, student admission system.

2.2 online college admission systems

Information system is useful in accessing student’s data from anywhere and anytime. It is one of the

userfriendly ways of accessing information. Many organizations spend a lot of cost in developing such

information systems for the reliability in their organization. This project develops student information

system which focusses on recording, storing and updating the student details. The new system uses the

Rapid Application Development model for the software development. The database will be storing all

the student records. This system provide ease to the users as well as professor for arranging the lectures

( Negandhi et al 2017).

2.2.1 Improving Admission Control Policies in Database Management Systems, Using Data
Mining Techniques

In DBMS admission control done in two tier. In the first tier, simple policy in dispatcher process
determines that the client communication can't be more than a threshold. This action avoids
resource wasting like overconsumption of network communication. Many of DBMSs don’t have
this layer, because these systems believe that this feature can be done by upper layer like
application server or web server in multi-tier system. The second layer of admission control must
build in query processor component. This control is done after receiving query, parsing an
optimizing it. This control determine that a process execution have rejected, delay, execute with
this limited resource, or execute without any problem ( Nejad et al 2008).
2.2.2 A distributed Admission Control Model for CoS Networks using QoS and SLS
Both in flow-based and class-based QoS architectures controlling the admission of traffic
entering the network allows to:

(i) avoid over-allocation of existing network resources;

(ii) avoid new flows from impairing flows already accepted;
(iii) (iii)fulfill service level agreements and specifications (SLA/SLS); and
(iv) (iv) prevent instability and assure QoS. Despite its need, the complexity introduced by
AC in the network control plane has to be carefully assessed as Internet traffic is highly
dynamic and not every application has strict QoS requirements.
Achieving an admission control strategy for CoS networks covering both intra-domain and end-to-end
operation is still an open issue (Lima et al 2019).
2.3 Online Experts for Admission Control in SDN
Admission control can be formulated as an online packing problem as the goal is to maximize the
number of accepted requests (subject to feasibility constraints). The challenge in this context comes
from the online nature of the optimization problem, since new variables and additional constraints are
revealed only when new arrival or departure of demands occurs (Paris et al 2016).
Admission control can be formulated as an online packing problem as the goal is to maximize the
number of accepted requests ( Leguay et al 2016).
2.3.1 Using a Programming MOOC as an Admission Mechanism for CS
The University of Helsinki was one of the first known universities that used a programming MOOC as an
entrance exam for the CS curriculum. In their study, they compared the learning outcomes of MOOC-
admitted students and traditional intake students. They found that MOOC students failed fewer courses
and gained more credit points than traditional intake students. In addition, they concluded that the
MOOC intake matched better to the CS field of study. Another study, about selection for a medical
school via an e-course, reported that students who passed the online course performed well at the
university ( Sade et al 2020).
In addition, MOOC students do not have to participate in the first half of the introductory programming
course, because they have already acquired the necessary knowledge of programming from the MOOC.
This helps to reduce the teaching workload for lecturers as these students do not participate in the
respective study sessions. This can also be beneficial for the university from a financial perspective. In
future research, it might be useful to analyze CS students’ study outcomes after the second and third
year to understand the effect of the programming MOOC over a longer period ( Suviste et al 2020).

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