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Grammar EXTRA! Worksheet 2

Tag questions with be

1 Choose the correct phrase, a, b or c, to complete the sentences.

1 Mr. King is a teacher,
a isn’t he? b isn’t it? c aren’t they?
2 You’re an expert on movies,
a isn’t he? b aren’t they? c aren’t you?
3 Adam is American,
a isn’t he? b aren’t they? c aren’t you?
4 It was very hot,
a wasn’t it? b isn’t it? c weren’t they?
5 They were in New York,
a wasn’t he? b aren’t they? c weren’t they?
6 You’re tired,
a weren’t you? b aren’t you? c isn’t she?

2 Complete the dialogue with these words.

isn’t he? weren’t they? wasn’t it? aren’t they? wasn’t he? isn’t it?

marisa It’s almost time to go home, (1)

jake Yes. I’m going to be sad. I really enjoyed myself.
marisa Yeah! It was fun. I’ll remember so many things.
jake What are your best memories?
marisa When we visited Ellis Island. It was fun, (2)
jake Yes, it was amazing. But Ricardo was angry with Adam, (3)
emma Yes, I’ll miss Adam and Ricardo.
jake They are really great, (4)
marisa Mr. King was great, too.
jake And he was really helpful, (5)
marisa Yes, he was. He’s really smart, (6)
jake Well, he knows a lot about New York City.

3 Are these sentences correct (✔) or incorrect (✘)? Rewrite the incorrect sentences.
1 It was fun, isn’t it? 
2 They’re great, aren’t they? 
3 Katya is leaving, isn’t she? 
4 So is Marisa, wasn’t she? 
5 They were on a ferry, wasn’t it? 
6 Ellis Island was great, aren’t they? 

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