History of English Literature II - Revised Syllabus - Nodeh

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History of English Literature II

Instructor: Marzieh Nodeh
Email: marzieh.nodeh@gmail.com
Cell phone: 09119736246

The Norton Anthology of English Literature, M. H. Abrams, ed.
Course Objectives:
This course introduces students to the excellence and variety of English literature. The historical–biographical
critical approach to literature is one of the oldest, based on this assumption that the particular time and place
influence the style, form and content of literary works. The present course focuses upon the Middle Ages, 16 th,
17th in History I, and 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries in History II.
Classroom Procedures:
Since the students' major field of study is literature rather than history, the literary elements will be emphasized.
History or biography will be a means to broaden and deepen the students' understanding of literature, not an end
in themselves. Hence, the students will be required to study the historical and biographical explanations
beforehand and be prepared for the analysis of literary samples.
Every session the students are supposed to prepare a report or a summary of what they have been assigned the
previous session. The writings are required to be written in A4 papers, with good handwriting. Write your name
and date on the top of the page and number the pages, for assignments with more than one page. Please prepare
the homework in pdf files that include pictures of your handwritten assignments; entitle every pdf file with the
title of the homework and then send it to me before the class starts in telegram only and only through your own
Note 1: No late homework is accepted; better incomplete than late.
Note 2: Throughout the semester you might receive some occasional unannounced tests to check your progress.
Grading System:
Quiz I …………………………………………...2.5
Quiz II …………………………………………..2.5
Class participation and assignments ………..…..5
Final Exam …………………………………… .10
A few essential points to remember: Please…
1. Be prepared before attending the classes.
2. Be on time.
3. Don't leave the class earlier than it ends.
4. Turn your cell phones off during the class.
I will be available for consultation, advice, discussion, encouragement, etc. Please come see me for suggestions,
problems, questions, alternatives at times we can arrange. Further, you can do that via email; I frequently check
my email. So, feel free to ask any questions regarding the topic.
Topics to Be Covered:
1. The Restoration and 18th Century
2. John Dryden
Criticism: An Essay of Dramatic Poesy
Shakespeare and Ben Jonson Compared
3. Jonathan Swift
A Modest Proposal
4. Alexander Pope
An Essay on Criticism, Parts 1-3
5. Samuel Johnson
Preface to Shakespeare
6. The Romantic Period
7. William Blake
Songs of Innocence
Introduction, The Lamb, The Chimney Sweeper
Songs of Experience
Introduction, The Chimney Sweeper, The Sick Rose, The Tyger,
The Poison Tree
8. William Wordsworth
Preface to Lyrical Ballads
What Is a Poet? & Emotion Recollected in Tranquility
The Subject and Language of Poetry
Ode: Intimations of Immortality
9. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Kubla Khan
10. George Gordon, Lord Byron
Don Juan: Canto 1: Juan and Donna Julia
11. Percy Bysshe Shelley
Ode to the West Wind
12. John Keats
Ode to the Nightingale
Ode on a Grecian Urn
13. The Victorian Age
14. Alfred, Lord Tennyson
The Lady of Shalott
15.Robert Browning
Fra Lippo Lippi
My Last Duchess
16. Matthew Arnold
Dover Beach
The Study of Poetry
17. The Twentieth Century
18. Thomas Hardy
The Darkling Thrush
The Ruined Maid
19. William Butler Yeats
Sailing to Byzantium
Leda and the Swan
Second Coming
The Lake Isle of Innisfree
20. T. S. Eliot
The Waste Land
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
21. W. H. Auden
The Shield of Achilles
Musee des Beaux Art
22. Dylan Thomas: There Was a Savior, Do not Go Gentle into That Good Night, The Hunchback in the Park

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