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Class: XII Max.Marks:70

Subject: PHYSICS Time allowed: 3 hrs

General Instructions:

(1.) There are 35 questions in all. All questions are compulsory

(2) This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section E. All
the sections are compulsory.
(3) Section A contains eighteen MCQ of 1 mark each, Section B contains seven questions of two marks
each, Section C contains five questions of three marks each, section D contains three long questions of
five marks each and Section E contains two case study based questions of 4 marks each.
(4) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in section B, C, D and E
You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
(5) Use of calculators is not allowed.

1. Two point charges A and B having charges +Q and –Q respectively, are placed at a
certain distance apart and force acting between them is ‘F’. If 25% of charge on A is
transferred to B, then force between charges becomes
(a) 4F/3 (b) 9F/16 (c) 16F/9 (d) F

2. Three capacitors connected in series have an effective capacitance of 2uF. If one of the
capacitors is removed, the effective capacitance becomes 3uF. The capacitance of the
capacitor that is removed is
(a) 1uF (b) 3/2uF (c) 2/3uF (d) 6uF

3. The current – voltage (I-V) graphs for a given metallic wire at two different
temperatures T1 and T2 are shown in fig. It follows from the graphs that

(a) T1 < T2
(b) T1 > T2
(c) T1 = T2
(d) Can’t say

4. A wire of length 2m carries a current of 10A. What is the force experienced by the wire
when it is placed at an angle of 300 in a uniform magnetic field of 0.2T
(a) zero (b) 4N (c) 1N (d) 2N

5. A wire is bent into a circular loop of radius R and carries a current I. the magnetic field
at the centre of the loop is B. the same wire is now bent into a double loop. If both loops
carry the same current I in the same direction, the magnetic field at the centre of the
double loop will be
(a) 4B (b) 2B (c) B (d) zero

6. The magnetic permeability of a paramagnetic substance is
(a) small and negative (b) large and negative (C) small and positive
(d) large and positive

7. Transformers are used in

(a) DC circuits alone (b) AC circuits alone
(c) both AC and Dc circuits (d) None

8. A plane EM wave is propagating in vacuum along the Z direction.At a particular point

in space and time, The electric field is given by 15i Vm-1. The corresponding Electric
field is…
(a) B = 5 x 10-8j (b) 5 x 10-8i (c) 5x 10-8k (d)zero

9. A rectangular coil of 100 turns and area 5 x 10-3m2 is placed perpendicular to a

magnetic field of 0.1T. The induced emf when the field drops to 0.05T in 0.05s is
(a) 1.5V (b) 1.0V (c) 0.5V (d) zero

10. Red light is used in a single slit diffraction experiment with a slit width of 0.6mm. If red
light is replaced by green light, then the observed pattern will reveal
(a) that the central maximum is narrower (b) more number of fringes
(c) less number of fringes (d) no diffraction pattern

11. What is the stopping Potential for Photoelectrons ejected from a photosensitive material
of work function 1.6eV when it is irradiated by photons of energy 2.4eV.
(a) 2.0V (b) 4.0V (c) 0.8eV (d) None of these

12. According to Bohr’s theory, of the Hydrogen atom, the radii rn of stationary electron
orbits are related to orbit number ‘n’ as
(a) rn is proportional to 1/n2 (b) rn is proportional to 1/n
(c) rn is proportional to n2 (d) rn is proportional to n

13. Which of the following statements about nuclear forces is not True?
(a) The Nuclear force between nucleons falls rapidly to zero as the distance is more
than a few femtometer.
(b) The Nuclear force is weaker than Gravitational force
(c) The Nuclear force becomes repulsive if the distance between nucleons is less than 0.8
(d) Nuclear forces are saturated forces

14. An AC source of variable frequency f is connected to an LCR circuit. Which one of the
following graphs represents the variation of current I in the circuit with frequency?

(a.) I (b) I (c) I (d) I

f f f f

15. What happens to the brightness of the bulb if a dielectric slab is introduced in between
the parallel plates of the capacitor? (see figure)

(a) Bulb will not glow (b) brightness decreases

(c) Brightness increases (d) No change in the brightness

16. Two statements are given-one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R).
Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true and R is NOT the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false and R is also false
At very low temperatures (near absolute zero), all semiconductors become insulators.
Near absolute zero, the valence band is completely filled and there are no free electrons
in the conduction band.

17. Two statements are given-one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R).
Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true and R is NOT the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false and R is also false
In Young’s double slit experiment, if the width of the source slit is increased, the fringe
pattern becomes indistinct.
The angular width of interference maxima increases if the width the source slit is
18. Two statements are given-one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R).
Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true and R is NOT the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false and R is also false
For incident frequency ν > ν0 (threshold frequency), the kinetic energy of photoelectrons
increase with increase in frequency of incident radiation
Increase in frequency also increases photo electric current even if intensity remains


19. Identify the type of EM radiation in the following.

(a) A radiation is used in study of crystal structure
(b) A radiation is used in solar appliances
(c) A radiation is absorbed by Ozone
(d) A radiation is used in defence applications

20. A Dia Magnetic material and Ferro Magnetic material are placed in a region of Uniform
Magnetic field. Draw the pattern of modified field lines in both materials.

21. It is estimated that the atomic bomb exploded in Hiroshima released total energy of
7.6 x1013J. if on an average 200MeV energy is released per fission of one 92U235 atom,
Calculate the
(1) number of Uranium atoms fissioned [1]
(2)The mass of Uranium used in the bomb [1]
The value of ground state energy of Hydrogen atom is -13.6eV.
(1) What does the negative sign signify [1]
(2) How much energy is required to take an electron in this atom from the ground
state to the second excited state? [1]

22. Draw a ray diagram to show how a right angled prism can be used
(1) to deviate a light ray by 900 [1]
(2) to produce an inverted image without any deviation [1]
Write the conditions for total internal reflection and Write any two applications of this

23. The figure shows a piece of pure semiconductor S in series with a variable resistor R
and a source of constant voltage V. Should the value of R be increased or decreased to
keep the reading of ammeter constant when the semiconductor is cooled. Justify tour


24. In a single slit experiment, how is the angular width of central bright maximum
changes, when
(1) the slit width is decreased? [1]
(2) light of smaller wavelength is used? [1]
25. Two large thin metal plates are parallel and close to each other and on their inner faces
the plates have surface charge densities of same signs and of magnitude 3.34 x10 -21C/m2

What is Electric field intensity E
(1) in between the plates? [1]
(2) in the outer region of the second plate? [1]

26. State Ampere’s circuital law. Derive expression for magnetic field in the interior of a
solenoid. [3]

27. An AC source generating a voltage E = E0 Sin wt is connected in series with an inductor,

Resistor and Capacitor. Derive expression for impedance of the circuit. [3]
What do you understand by Average value, Peak value and virtual value of current in
an AC circuit. Give relation among them. [3]

28. How is mutual inductance of a pair of coils affected when

(1) separation between the coils is increased? [1]
(2) number of turns in each coil is increased [1]
(3) a thin iron sheet is placed between two coils, other factors remaining same [1]

29. Work function of a certain metal is 2eV. When light of frequency 5 x 10 15Hz is incident
on a metal surface, photoelectrons are emitted. Find
(1) maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons. [1 ½]
(2) Stopping Potential and [1 ½]

Explain De Broglie’s idea of matter waves. Compare the De Broglie wave length of
electron and proton when they are accelerated through same Potential. [3]

30. Using Bohr’s postulates derive expression for radius of orbit of Hydrogen atom and
explain hydrogen spectrum. [3]


31. (a) Derive expression for work done in rotating an Electric dipole in a uniform Electric
field. [2]
-7 -7
(b) two charges qA = 2.5 x 10 C and qB= -2.5 x 10 C are located at points (0,0,-15) and
(0,0,+15)cm respectively. Calculate the dipole moment of the electric dipole. [1]
(c) calculate the work done in rotating the above dipole from stable equilibrium position
to Unstable equilibrium position. [2]
(a) Deduce an expression for energy stored in between the plates of
a parallel pate capacitor. [2]

(b) Two capacitors C1 and C2 are connected to a battery as shown in fig. Find charge on each
capacitor [3]


32. (a) Derive expression R = ml/ne2At (where the terms have their usual meaning). [3]
(b) using the above expression explain what happens to resistance with increase in
temperature and when a thick wire is replaced with a thin wire keeping other parameters
constant. [2]

(a) State and explain Kirchhoff’s laws to electric circuit [2]

(b) Derive expression for effective resistance when ‘n’ identical cells each having internal
resistance ‘r’ are connected in series and parallel [2]
(c) Explain what combination of cells do you prefer to increase the current in the circuit if
the resistance of external resistor ’R’ is far far greater than effective resistance of the
series combination of cells.

33. (a) State and explain Huygens’s wave theory of light and prove laws of Reflection [3]
(b) Draw the diagrams showing the emerging wavefront when a plane wavefront passes
through a Convex lens and through an equilateral prism. [2]
(a) Write two points of difference between interference and Diffraction pattern [2]

(b) What happens to the interference fringes

(i) if the whole apparatus showing interference pattern is immersed in a liquid

having more refractive index [1 ½]

(ii) if the distance between the slits is doubled and distance between screen and

slits is also doubled [1 ½]

34. Case study.

Read the following paragraph and answer the following questions.


The instruments like Microscope and Telescope are used to assist the eye in
viewing an object are called optical Instruments. Microscope is used to see very small
objects. It gives magnified image of tiny objects. There two types: Simple microscope
and Compound Microscope. Simple microscope consists of a single convex lens of very

small focal length. When object is placed between optic centre and Focus, the lens gives
a magnified erect and virtual image.

On the other hand, Compound Microscope uses two convex lenses coaxially
separated by some distance. The lens nearer to the object is Objective and the other one
is called eyepiece through which the final image is viewed.

(a) Write the expression for magnification for both microscopes in near point vision. [1]

(b) What is nature of the image formed by the Objective in Compound Microscope [1]
(c) Draw a neat labelled diagram showing image formation in compound microscope.[2]

35. The resistance of semi-conductors viz. Silicon and Germanium are not as high as that of
Insulators and not as low as that of conductors. The conductivity of semiconductors
decrease with decrease in temperature and vice versa. Doping is process in which
pentavalent or trivalent atoms are added to intrinsic semi conductors to increase their
conductivity. At room temperature, semi conductors will have free charge carriers due
to thermal agitation. These doped semiconductors are called extrinsic semiconductors
and are used fabrication of diodes, transistors, Integrated Chips etc.

(a) In Intrinsic semiconductors, what are the charge carriers [1]

(b) Name the majority and minority carriers in the semiconductor after doping it with
trivalent atoms. [1]

(c) The extrinsic semiconductor is neutral in nature. Explain. [2]


Explain why semiconductors are termed as non ohmic materials

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