Convenio Fuera de Juicio Terminacion Laboral Trad MVP Eng 061708

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(NAME OF THE REPRESENTATIVE., acting in his duly evidenced

capacity in representation of (NAME OF THE COMPANY), and (WORKER’S NAME),
who expressly acknowledges Mr. ____________( COMPANY’S REPRESENTATIVE)
in his capacity, we have come before you with all due respect to present this agreement
that we have celebrated pursuant to the following::


FIRST.- The worker (WORKER’S NAME) has rendered his services to

(COMPANY’S NAME) from _______ of _______ of________________, having been
his last position that as __________________________ with a daily salary of $_______.

SECOND.- Having decided not to continue rendering his services,

(WORKER’S NAME) presented his resignation to (COMPANY’S NAME). Therefore
both parties acknowledge the termination of the Individual Labor Contract between them,
the termination of the labor relationship and of all the joint responsibilities derived from
said relation, thus releasing (COMPANY’S NAME) of any responsibility.

THIRD.- Even though the worker (WORKER’S NAME) voluntarily resigned

his position at (COMPANY’S NAME), shall this H. Labor Board authorize the present
agreement, the company will deliver the amount of $________________ as payment of
the following: $____________________ as a proportional part of the end of the year
Bonus, $______________________ as a proportional part of vacations;
$_________________ as a proportional part of a vacations bonus and

$________________ as final payment of any benefit that the worker could have had the
right to receive during the time he rendered his services or due to the termination of his
individual labor contract. From the above mentioned amounts, $_______ will be
deducted as labor tax, $_______________ for pending costs and $__________ as debt to
the company, making a total net amount of $_____________________ (ADD AMOUNT

FOURTH.- The worker (NAME OF THE WORKER) agrees to receive the

before mentioned amount in payment for all the mentioned concepts and as final and
duly payment and termination of any benefit he could have had the right to receive from
(MEXICAN COMPANY’S NAME) during the time he rendered his services or due to
the voluntary termination of his labor relation and declares hereby that (MEXICAN
COMPANY’S NAME) does not owe him any amount derived from the labor relation
with them, from the termination of said labor relation or from any other matter foreseen
in the Mexican Federal Labor Law or any other applicable provision; as well as from any
ordinary or extraordinary salaries, vacations, extraordinary time, vacations bonuses, end
of the year bonuses, observed resting days or any other benefit derived from his labor
contract or the Law. Therefore he holds the company harmless of any responsibility and
liability; and waives any and all right to act against (MEXICAN COMPANY’S NAME).

FIFTH.- Mr. (worker’s name) states that the same release of all responsibility
should be given to (COMPANY’S NAME) and to any other branch or affiliated
company in Mexico or in any other country, with which there has not existed any labor
relation whatsoever. In case there could have been any labor relation with any of them,
by this act _________ expressly recognizes his free and willingly termination of them
and accepts the amounts mentioned in the third recital as full and final payment of any
benefit derived from any relation he could have had with any of these companies.
Therefore, he releases any and all of these companies from any liability and waives any
and all right to act against any of them.

SIXTH.- (Worker’s name) states that during the time that the labor relation
lasted he was never discriminated, abused or insulted due to his ethnic origin, nationality,
gender, age, disabilities, social or economical status, health conditions, pregnancy, mother

tongue, religion, personal opinions, believes, marital status and sexual preferences by
(COMPANY’S NAME) or by any of its executives or employees or any other who may
represent their legal interests, and that he always enjoyed equal opportunities.

SEVENTH.- Finally, states that he will keep indefinitely under the most strict
confidentiality all confidential or non confidential information directly or indirectly
related to and/or property of (COMPANY’S NAME) which he could have had access to
in, any direct or indirect way. He also declares that he will keep under the most strict
confidentiality every amount of money he received as of this termination. In case of a
breach of this agreement, the worker acknowledges that he will be hold responsible for it
and can be accused under the provisions of the Criminal Code for the Federal District and
its correlatives in the Mexican Republic, as well as the Federal Criminal Law and the
current Industrial Property Law.

EIGTH.- Both parties agree to comply with all the before stated recitals and
respectfully ask the Board its approval of this agreement in accordance with articles 33,
53 section I, 982, 983, 987 and all relative provisions foreseen in the Mexican Federal
Labor Law obliging the parties to be under and by it at all times and places, as if it were
an executed sentence of a matter that has already been judged.

By all the before stated,

TO THAT H. BOARD, we respectfully ask:

FIRST.- To have us as appeared before this authority to present the terms and
conditions of this agreement.

SECOND.- To address the present agreement to the attention of the proper

authority for its ratification and approval

THIRD.- To have, in its timely fashion and in accordance with all legal
provisions, this agreement approved as we respectfully request.

Mexico, Federal District ______________________________

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