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X College first caught my eye with its extensive (major) coursework and groundbreaking

research. The works of Dr. (insert professor and research topics) inspire me deeply. I would
really look forward to learning from her and other brilliant professors like Dr. (add another
professor and class that professor teaches) Additionally, having a broad range of intellectual
experiences is important to me, and X College’s vigorous (core or major) curriculum aligns with
that need. I am most interested in (find a class you’re interested in) which will provide me with a
(give a summarized answer to what the class will offer) Additionally, getting the opportunity to
participate in the (activity specific to your major) in front of faculty, family, and friends, will
further my knowledge—practical and theoretical—of the subject. The more I expand my
knowledge, the more certain I am that (major) is the field that not only do I want to pursue, but
that I need to pursue.
Beyond academics, engaging in a healthy social experience with a close-knit community
is important to me. For a long time, X College has had a (talks about something that is not
rankings but something the campus itself offers (NOT LOCATION)) Additionally, I’m eager to
live in the (pick a residential hall) which is a residential space dedicated to (find more info on
the dorms) and this speaks to me. Furthermore, I am excited at the opportunity to join clubs
such as X and the X once on campus in order to expand my interest in feeling the sense of
community X college has to offer.

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