Lia Aftanty - 21202241042 - Business Presentation

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Name : Lia Aftanty

NIM : 21202241042

Speaking 3J

Learning Activities 1

Task 1

Answer the questions.

1. Are you familiar with Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, or other forms of social media?

Answer : Yes, These platforms help me connect with friends, family, and brands.

2. Do you think companies can benefit from them?

Answer : Yes, the benefits are innumerable. The number one (1) benefit is JOBS. Mainly,
because businesses employ people which gives many opportunities to be productive, self
sufficient citizens in a society. Plus to be able to support oneself and through taxation support

Task 2

Read an article in this website

disadvantages-facebook-business and briefly mention the benefits and challenges of using
Facebook for business in your own words.

Task 3

Then, watch a video clip about a short presentation on the role of Facebook in business
context. This is the link for the video <>.
As you are watching,answer the questions.

Based on the video you have watched, determine whether the statements are TRUE/FALSE
by giving a tick on the appropriate column or write T or F on your answer sheet.
Watch the video again, then answer these questions:

1. How do the speakers open the presentation?

Answer : The speakers open the presentation by Welcoming and greeting the
audience, Introducing yourself (name, position, responsibilities), Saying what your
topic/title/subject is, and Stating the purpose/objective. As he spoke, start off with
a natural pace—not too fast and not too slow. Then, good eye contact with audience

2. What is the primary objective of the talk?

Answer : to see how we can communicate with our clients effectively through social

3. Take notes of the content of the presentation.

Answer :

Primary objective ; to see how we can communicate with our clients effectively
through social media

Purpose ; whether or not we can utilize the social media to communicate

Content ; today to improve and increase communications through many aspects such
as online chatting and photo Sharing. But before we can get into deeper and more
specific details into our strategy let's first explore the world of social media. There are
five pretty self-explanatory aspects regarding the social media

1) information is delivered or obtained by the public permits describing how fixed

that information is access describing how readily available it is for the public to
actually get in to the other

2) information is obtained and delivered usability how convenient the source actually
flexibility is what the social media provides for us or more specifically in our case
what Facebook provides for us it's also exactly what we want in terms of vast

3) a few statistics regarding Facebook itself 1) 500 million users worldwide 2) 50% of
users begin my given day 3) 130 friends per over (overange) 4) 700 spent mounthly

4) how we're going to apply facebook, we have 2 The strategy 1) the hook 2) use

5) Facebook has an average population of 500 million users as compared to Flickr

Friendster and Facebook's closest competition up here Twitter itself having only about
100 million users Facebook outnumbers Twitter users even even Twitter at a ratio of
about five.

6) Facebook has its own privacy issues 1) it’s the new frontier for frauds. Tom Clare
(head of blue cloat) 2) look at the video i found of you! 3) the downside to facebook
openess are security issues

7) In the end 1) this openness that makes Facebook such a powerful social media
weapon 2) as our presentation has explained we have the statistics 3) and the any
doats to support its effectiveness

4. What visuals do the speakers use in the presentation?

Answer : Diagram, video, graphs, demonstration

5. Do the speakers use statistics? Why?\

Answer : Using statistics in a speech or presentation can enhance the speaker

credibility and give the message impact and it can to extract meaning and patterns
from data in a way that your audience can understand.

6. How do the speakers close the presentation?

Answer : the speaker end with an ask question to audience and say thank you.

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