Chapter 2 Feelings

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Chapter 2 “Gossiping with her friend”

Narrador: Monic almost always runs in the park with her friend Laura. She has
recovered, but her heart is sad and happy at the same time.
Laura: What's happening with you? Can you tell me everything? You look Confused
and Excited at the same time.
Monic: To tell you the truth I am Exhausted, Frustrated, and Furious.
Laura: WOW! What a mix of feelings this is.
Monic: I'll tell you everything: I broke up with Cristian, he's very annoying, childish,
Impatient, Jealous and almost never he's affectionate and attentive. I'm done!
Laura: I often saw him nervous, you did well, but tell me about the guy who saved you.
Monic: Yes! Not to mention that every month I tried to surprise him to please him, but
he never cared. There is! At first, I was Scared and Shocked by the situation which was
tense as I was Lonely in that car. But then he arrived from calm, and confident and
always helped me.He didn't leave my side for even a second, he helped me with the
meals, he told me jokes, even if they were bad, he told me about his life, and he finally
left me More Relieved.
Laura: Guess! You're In love, say that when you haven't seen him Get butterflies in your
Monic: No, I mean, a little bit, but I'm not in love, he was just nice to me.
Laura: At first, I felt blue because of the breakup, but after thinking about it, it was
better. I didn't tell you, he invited me to dinner, I think I'm feeling On top of the world

Chapter 2,1 No hard feelings

. Naridor: Christian was waiting for her girlfriend at a pizzeria they usually meet
monthly. He was walking from one side to the other side. Angry
Christian. She's never late. I'll call to find out what's going on.
Narrator. The phone rings, but no one answers. He tries again and again with no
response. Christian starts to get anxious and worried. What's going on? She seldom
doesn't answer her phone. I already know I'm going to call Laura. They speak to each
other daily.
Narrator. When Laura answered, she was crying. Christian was tense.
Christian: what's going on?
Laura: calm down. Take a breath and tell me what's going on.
Laura: Monica is in the hospital. She had a car accident.
Narrator in the hospital. When Christian arrived, he saw Monica in the hospital bed and
a man beside her. He looks suspiciously at the boy and then ignores him.
Christian: are you OK? I want to know everything that happened, mainly. Who is this
Narrator Monica tells the whole story without hiding anything from her boyfriend, but
he is upset and uncomfortable with the situation. After Monica's story, they started to
Monica: several times you fight me for being silly. I'm very tired. Another time we talk.
Narrator Christian stayed, pissed off, and left slamming the hospital doors.
Nerador. The next day, Monic leaves the hospital and arrives home a little sore from
her injuries.
Monic was depressed, disappointed, and embarrassed. These were her feelings when
remembering the shame that her boyfriend made her go through in front of Eduardo.
She hardly ever broke up with a boyfriend, but with the situation of yesterday, she was
determined to end all those years with Christian.

Chapter 2.2 have fun with Friends

Eduardo and Monica were sitting in their living room, trying to decide what to do on a
lazy Saturday afternoon. "I'm so BORED," Eduardo groaned. "I don't want to just sit
here all day."

"I know what you mean," Monica replied. "But I'm feeling pretty RELAXED right now.
Maybe we could just watch a movie or something?"

Eduardo shrugged. "I guess that could work. But we've been watching so many movies
lately. I'm feeling a little OVERWHELMED by all the screen time."

Just then, their friend Lili called. "Hey guys, what are you up to?" she asked.

"Not much, just trying to figure out what to do with ourselves," Eduardo replied.

"Well, I'm heading to the park to play some basketball with Joel and Amanda. You
should come to join us!" Lili suggested.

Eduardo and Monica looked at each other, then back at the phone. "That sounds like
fun!" Monica said.

Eduardo hesitated. "I'm not much of a basketball player, to be honest. I always feel kind
of INFERIOR when I try to play with people who are good at it."

Lili laughed. "Don't worry about that! We're just playing for fun. Plus, Antonio is
coming too, and he's not very good either. We'll have a good time no matter what."

Eduardo still felt a little GUILTY for not being more enthusiastic about the idea at first.
"Okay, let's do it," he said. "I'm just feeling a little ASHAMED of my lack of
motivation today."

Monica gave him a reassuring smile. "It's okay. We all have those days. Let's get
changed and head out!"
walking back home. Eduardo was feeling more than just RELAXED - he was
SATISFIED with how the afternoon had turned out. "Thanks for convincing us to come
out here, Lili," he said. "I was feeling pretty BORED earlier, but this was a lot of fun."

Lili smiled. "I knew you guys would have a good time. I try to come to the park at least
ONCE a week to play some basketball. It's a good way to stay active and social."

Eduardo nodded in agreement. "I think we should make this a YEARLY tradition. We
could come here every year on Saturdays or Sundays, depending on what works for

Monica chimed in, "Or maybe we could come here more often than that. Like, every
WEEKEND, or even ON WEEKDAYS if we have the time."

"I'm ALL EARS for that," Lili said. "I usually come here once or twice a week

As they walked, Joel mentioned that he was feeling a bit TIRED from all the running
around. "Yeah, me too," Antonio agreed. "But it was worth it. I'm really glad we came
out here today."

Just then, Amanda spoke up. "You know what? I've been feeling a little ON EDGE
lately. I think it's because of work. I feel like I'm working EVERY HOUR of the day,
even when I'm not technically at work."

Eduardo nodded sympathetically. "I know what you mean. Sometimes I feel like I'm
working EVERY DAY, even on weekends."

Monica added, "But we should try to make time for things like this. It's important to
take a break from the daily grind and do something fun. It can help when you're feeling
down or blue."

Everyone agreed, and they continued walking back to Eduardo and Monica's house. As
they approached, Eduardo suddenly exclaimed, "Hey, I just realized - we could do a
basketball game night! Maybe FORTNIGHTLY or something. We could invite more
people and make it a fun little tournament."

Everyone was ON BOARD with the idea, and they spent the rest of the evening
planning and chatting about it. By the time they said goodbye, they were all OVER
THE MOON with excitement. They couldn't wait to do it all again.
Chapter 2.3 feel good which friends

As they made their way to the park, Eduardo started to feel a little more excited. "This is
going to be fun," he said.

When they arrived, they found Joel, Amanda, and Antonio already shooting hoops.
They waved and joined in, and Eduardo was surprised to find that he was having a good
time. He wasn't very good, but he didn't feel INFERIOR to the others. They were all
just there to have fun.
After a while, Eduardo took a break and sat on the sidelines. He watched as the others
played, feeling RELAXED and content. He was glad they had come to the park. He no
longer felt GUILTY or ASHAMED for being lazy earlier. He was just happy to be
enjoying the simple pleasures of life with good friends.
Over the next few weeks, the group started meeting up at the park SEVERAL TIMES a
week to play basketball. They all agreed that it was a great way to stay active and have
fun at the same time. Eduardo and Monica started tracking their progress, logging how
OFTEN they played, how LONG they played, and how many points they scored.

"I think we should start playing HOURLY," Amanda joked one day as they took a
break. "Just kidding. But we should keep doing this REGULARLY."

Lili nodded. "I USUALLY come here a few times a week anyway, so it's no problem
for me."

Antonio added, "I GENERALLY try to get some exercise in every day. Even if it's just
a quick run or a walk around the block."

As they played, they noticed that the park was USUALLY pretty busy. "I'm surprised
there are so many people here NORMALLY," Joel said. "I thought we were the only
ones who liked to come here."

Lili laughed. "No way. This park is a popular spot for people to come and exercise. I bet
we'll see a lot more people here during the summer."

As the weeks went on, they started to get to know some of the other regulars at the park.
They would SOMETIMES join in on their games, and they would OCCASIONALLY
chat and catch up with each other. "It's nice to see some familiar faces," Eduardo said. "I
feel like we're becoming a part of the community here."

They continued to play basketball and have fun together, and their skills improved
ALMOST NEVER. "I guess we're not exactly pros," Monica said one day as they all
laughed at a particularly bad shot. "But that's okay. We're here to have fun, not win

"ALWAYS remember that," Lili said. "It's not about how good you are, it's about how
much you enjoy what you're doing." They all nodded in agreement and went back to

Before they knew it, months had passed and they were still playing basketball at the
park. They had become nearly ALWAYS present there, and they couldn't imagine
giving up this fun and healthy habit.

Always sempre

almost Always quase sempre

nearly Always quase sempre

regularly regularmente

usually geralmente

generally geralmente

normally normalmente

frequently frequentemente

often frequentemente

sometimes as vezes

occasionally ocasialmente

rarely raramenete

seldom raramente

almost never quase nunca

hardly ever quase nunca

never nunca

once uma vez

twice duas vezes

three times três vezes

several times muitas vezes

hourly hora em hora

daily diariamente

fortnightly quinzenalmente

Monthly mensal


every hour

every day

every week

every month

every year

on Saturdays

on Sundays

on weekdays
on weekends

affectionate ?
















In love


















No hard feelings
On top of the world
All ears
Over the moon
Feel blue
Get or have butterflies in your stomach
On edge

Phrasal verbs
Piss off
broke up

find out

go through

sounds like




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