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The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA)

 is the lead anti-drug law enforcement agency in the Philippines, responsible for
implementing and coordinating all anti-drug efforts in the country. They work to combat
the production, trafficking, and abuse of illegal drugs.
History and Founding
 The history of PDEA is a narrative of evolution, from its inception as a specialized
agency to its current status as a dynamic force in the global fight against illegal drugs.
Each milestone underscores its dedication to securing a drug-free future for the
 Creation of PDEA: The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) was established
on February 2, 2002, under Republic Act 9165, also known as the Comprehensive
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. This marks a significant step in centralizing and
intensifying the country’s efforts against the illegal drug trade.
 Formative Years: PDEA consolidates its structure and operations, laying down the
foundation for a specialized agency dedicated to drug enforcement. During this period,
key personnel are trained, and strategic partnerships with local and international
counterparts are initiated.
 International Cooperation: PDEA gains recognition for its efforts in international
collaboration by becoming a member of the International Criminal Police Organization
(INTERPOL). This milestone underscores PDEA’s commitment to a global approach in
combating drug trafficking.
 National Academy: PDEA establishes its National Academy, enhancing the training and
education of its personnel. The academy becomes instrumental in developing a skilled
and knowledgeable workforce capable of addressing the evolving challenges of drug
 Drug Enforcement Summit: PDEA hosts the First National Anti-Illegal Drugs Summit,
bringing together various stakeholders, government agencies, and organizations to
formulate comprehensive strategies in the fight against illegal drugs. This event
showcases PDEA’s commitment to a united front against the drug menace.
 Innovative Solutions: PDEA embraces technology and innovation, implementing data-
driven approaches to enhance intelligence gathering and operations. This shift represents
a pivotal moment in adapting to the modern complexities of drug-related activities.
 Impactful Operations: PDEA celebrates a series of successful operations resulting in
significant drug seizures and the dismantling of major drug trafficking networks. These
operations highlight PDEA’s effectiveness in disrupting and dismantling illicit drug


Our Mandate

The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) is responsible for efficient law enforcement
of all provisions on any dangerous drugs and/or precursors and essential chemicals.

Our Functions

As the lead agency in the fight against illegal drugs, the law confers PDEA with the following
functions to attain its mission:

1. Implement or cause the efficient and effective implementation of the national drug
control strategy formulated by the Dangerous Drugs Board;
2. Undertake the enforcement of the provisions of Article II of RA 9165 relative to the
unlawful acts and penalties involving any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and
essential chemicals;
3. Administer oath and issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum relative to the conduct of
investigation involving the violations of RA 9165;
4. Arrest and apprehend as well as search all violators and seize or confiscate the effects or
proceeds of the crimes as provided by law;
5. Take charge and have custody of all dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and
essential chemicals seized, confiscated or surrendered to any national, provincial or local
law enforcement agency;
6. Establish a forensic laboratory in each PNP office in every province and city in order to
facilitate action on seized or confiscated drugs, thereby hastening their destruction
without delay;
7. Recommend to the DOJ the forfeiture of properties and other assets of persons and/or
corporations found to be violating the provisions of RA 9165 and in accordance with the
pertinent provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001;
8. Prepare for prosecution or cause the filing of appropriate criminal and civil cases for
violation of all laws on dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and essential chemicals,
and other similar controlled substances;
9. Monitor and if warranted by circumstances, in coordination with the Philippine Postal
Office and the Bureau of Customs, inspect all air cargo packages, parcels and mails in the
central post office;
10. Conduct eradication programs to destroy wild or illegally grown plants from which
dangerous drugs may be extracted;
11. Initiate and undertake the formation of a nationwide organization which shall coordinate
and supervise all activities against drug abuse in every province, city, municipality and
12. Establish and maintain a national drug intelligence system in cooperation with law
enforcement agencies, other government agencies/offices and local government units that
will assist in the apprehension of big-time drug lords;
13. Establish and maintain close coordination, cooperation and linkages with international
drug control and administration agencies and organizations;
14. Create and maintain an efficient special enforcement unit to conduct an investigation, file
charges and transmit evidence to the proper court;
15. Require all government and private hospitals, clinics, doctors, dentists and other
practitioners to submit a report to it;
16. Coordinate with the DDB for the facilitation of the issuance of necessary guidelines, rules
and regulations for the proper implementation of RA 9165;
17. Initiate and undertake a national campaign for drug prevention and control programs,
where it may enlist the assistance of any department, bureau, office, agency or
instrumentality of the government, including government-owned and/or controlled
corporations; and
18. Submit annual and periodic reports to the DDB as may be required from time to time, and
perform such other functions as may be authorized or required under existing laws and as
directed by the President

C. Operational Plans Against the Drug Problem are:

1. Oplan Double Barrel and Double Barrel Alpha: These are anti-illegal drug campaigns
launched by the Philippine National Police (PNP). Oplan Double Barrel focuses on
targeting high-value drug personalities involved in the drug trade, while Double Barrel
Alpha focuses on street-level drug peddlers.
2. Oplan Tokhang: This police operation involves knocking on the doors of suspected drug
users or pushers to convince them to stop their involvement in the drug trade voluntarily.
It aims to provide rehabilitation and reintegration opportunities to drug dependents.
3. Oplan HVT- aims to arrest and neutralize individuals which the police allege to be
involved in the country's illegal drug trade.
4. Oplan Thunderbolt I – NARCOM’S operation to create impact to the underworld.
NARCOM’S-Narcotics Command of the Philippine Constabulary
5. Oplan Thunderbolt II- NARCOM’S operation to neutralized suspected illegal drug
6. Oplan Thunderbolt III- Operations for the neuralizations of big-time drug pushers and
drug lord. 4. Oplan Iceberg-Special operations team in selected drug prone areas in order
to get rid of illegal drug activities in the area.
7. Oplan hunter- NARCOM’S operation against suspected military and police personnel
who are engaged in illegal drug activities
8. Oplan Mercurio-Operations against drugs stores, which are violating existing regulations
on the scale of regulations on the scale of regulated drugs in coordination with the
9. Oplan Greengold- NARCOM’S nationwide MJ eradication operation in coordination
with the local governments and NGO’s.
10. Oplan Sagip-Yagit-A civic program intended by NGO’s and local government offices to
help eradicate drug syndicates involving street children as drug conduits.
11. Oplan Banat- The newest operational plan against drug abuse, focused in the barangay
level in cooperation with barangay officials. 10.Oplan Tornado-Operations in drug
notorious and high-profile places.
12. Oplan Athena- Operations conducted to neutralized the 14k, the bamboo gang and other
local organized crime groups involved in illegal drug trafficking.
13. Oplan cyclops-Operation against Chinese triad member involved in illegal drug operation
particularly Methamphetamine and Hydrochloride.

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