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OVCMT – Apr 2021

Pathology 2B; Graduation Nov 2021 Name: ____Justice Barker___________

Instructor: Dr. kEvIN LeCO Total: __________ / 75

Pathology 2-B - In Class Assignment #1 - Value 5%

Skin Disorders
• State the medical term for:

• itching: _Pruritis___________________________________________.

• rash ___exanthema____________________________________________.

• port wine stain ____nevus flammeus______________________________.

• mole/brown birth mark ____melanocytic nevus_____________________.

• Identify ten signs of aging of the skin starting in puberty through adulthood to old age:

• __Puberty; increase in ssweat production and body odor_________.

• __Puberty; stimulating pigmentation ie. moles and freckles___.

• __Adulthood to old age; Greying hair____________________________.

• __Adulthood to oldage; Decreased sweating/dryskin

• __Adulthood to old age; Decreased blood supply due to changes to vessel walls__.

• __Adulthood to old age; Decreased thickness of stratum corneum____.

• __Adulthood to old age; decreased number of langerhan's cells____.

• __Adulthood to old age; Decreased number of melanocytes_______.

• __Adulthood to old age; Wrinkles due to loss of elastin and weakened collagin in

• __Adulthood to old age;__Longer time for wound healing______.

• List the two most common bacteria to cause skin infections:

• _Staphylococcus aureus_.

• _Streptococcus pyogenes_.

Marking Guide: ____/16

• List the skin disorders that are a contraindication to massage therapy (no need to describe):

Not infectious:
-Mechanical traumas
-Burns of a certain degree


• Bacterial:

-Necrotizing fasciitis

• Viral:
-Herpes Zoster

• Fungal:

• Parasitic:

Marking Guide: ____/5

• Identify the signs and symptoms of:

• scabies:____Intensely itchy, maculopapular rash commonly between fingers, toes and

dorsum of wrist as well as genitals and belt-line. Characteristic scaly, red lines.______.

• pediculosis capitis:___ Dermatitis, nits observable on roots of hair_________.

• In regards to burns, what percentage of the body surface being burned is serious?

• What happens inside the skin in frostbite?

• __ice crystals form in extracellular fluid, ice takes up more room that liquid water and
crushes cells and ruptures their plasma membranes. cell activities in the damaged
tissue cease_________.

• What happens inside the skin in trenchfoot?

• ___Weakened circulation with gradual cooling of the tissues, skin develops blistering
and ulceration___.

• Briefly describe signs and symptoms of the following bacterial disorders:

• cellulitis: ___Acute suppurative inflammation of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, skin
is hot red and edematous causing pain_____

• erysipelas: __Patches of skin that are erythematous, edematous, tender and nodular with
well demarcated boarders, more superficial and margins more clearly demarcted than

• impetigo: __P:ea-sized vesicle pustules that rupture leaving typical honey-coloured crusts

• folliculitis: __Common inflammation and infection of hair follicles, found mostly on

necks of males, furuncle or boils develop and if more than one follicle is infected than it
is refered to as a carbuncle__________

• carbuncles:__Group of interconnecting boils which arise from hair follicles_________

Marking Guide: ____/10

• Describe briefly the pathology and signs and symptoms of psoriasis:

• _Life-span of keratinoctyes is reduced from 28 days to 7-10 days, cells do not have
time to mature and produce keratin and lamellar granules______

• _reoccurring disorder characterized by well defined red patches covered by silvery

scales, lesions appear on the extensor surfaces, knees and elbows especially, most
lesions are not itchy but may be itchy in some cases_______

• What pathogens cause warts?

• __Caused by a variety of Human Papilloma Viruses_________.

• What causes decubitus ulcers/bedsores?

• ___People with compromised mobility___________

• ___Poor nutrirional status - no fat layer to reduce likelihood of ischemia__.

• Compare the signs and symptoms of acute and chronic dermatitis:

• acute:___tiny clear serum-filled vesicles, bright red swollen plaques, background skin
is red and there is intense itching and scratching__________.

• chronic:__Thickened skin chapped in appearance, scaly skin, moderate to intense itch

with habitual scratching, nodules fibrotic papules__________.

• List three types of dermatitis that are related to an allergic reaction.

• _Phtotoxic/Photoallergic dermatitis__.

• _Allergic Contact Dermatitis_______.

• _Atopic Dermatitis_________.

• Name the three most common skin cancers, describe their appearance and pre-cancerous
stages and changes from benign to malignant:

• _Basal Cell Carcinoma: flesh-coloured, red or black round bump with a pearly
border, develops a central ulcerating sore that will not heal.slow growing and rarely

• _Squamous cell Carcinoma: Thickened red scaly growth, wart-like growth, develop
into raised crusted sores. Less than 2% are metastatic__________.

• __Malignant Melanoma: superficial spreading melanoma is the most common form,

irregularly pigmented macules with irregular borders, initially grow radically in
epidermis and eventually progresses to nodular melanoma and invades the dermis__.

Marking Guide: ____/8

Topic (2) – Hormones

What stimulates/triggers the secretion/release of the listed hormone; and what is the effect of the
released hormone on the tissue/organ/system?

Example (not in notes): low testosterone when sleeping → GnRH → LH → testosterone →

effect: increased male secondary sexual characteristics throughout puberty

• ___Studying for a final____ → cortisol → effect:__Increase in metabolism, increase in

blood pressure by the release of glucose into the blood__

• __Eating a very large lunch → insulin → effect:_Decreases blood pressure by

causing cells to intake glucose from the blood_____

• _Low levels of calcium in blood_ → PTH → effect:_Increase in osteoclasts, increase

absorption of calcium by the kidneys and promotes calcium absorption from the GI

• __Lack of water intake overnight___ → renin → effect:_Giving the sensation of thrist,

telling the body to intake water____

• __Going for a jog________________ → T3/T4 → effect:__Increase in heart rate,

tells your cells to increase their metabolism________________
What hormone? Please fill in the name of the hormone (molecule) that is missing.

• GnRH → __luteinizing hormone____ → Estrogen

• GHRH → __human Growth Hormone_ → stimulation of insulin-like

growth factors in tissues

• nerve impulses → __Oxytonin_________→ uterine contraction, milk

letdown reflex

• ___Renin____________ → Angiotensin II → Aldosterone

• low blood glucose → __Glucagon________ → glycogenolysis &


Marking Guide: ____/15

Endocrine Disorders

Please list the name of the disorder(s) that is (are) caused by hypersecretion or hyposecretion of
the hormone that is listed.

1. hypersecretion of cortisol - __Cushing's disease____________________

2. hyposecretion of cortisol & aldosterone - __Addison's disease_________

3. hypersecretion of thyroxine - __Grave's disease____________________

4. hyposecretion of thyroxine – A) _Hashimoto's disease________________

B) _Cretinism__________________________

C) _Iodine Deficiency Goiter___________

5. hypersecretion of hGH – before growth plates close __Giantism________

after growth plates close ____Acromegaly____

6. hyposecretion of hGH in childhood - __short stature, delayed growth, delayed puberty and

7. hyposecretion of ADH - ___Diabetes Insipidus_____________________

Marking Guide: ____/8


Please summarize in point form:

1. What is the cause of type I diabetes? __due to pancreatic islet destruction by an autoimmune

2. What are the three cardinal signs and symptoms of type I diabetes?
___Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia____________________
3. What are the causes of type II diabetes? (from lecture, not in notes)
____lack of exercise, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle___________


4. What are the two cardinal signs and symptoms of type II diabetes?
____polyuria and polydipsia_____________________________
5. Why do we not refer to type II diabetes as adult onset diabetes now?
(from lecture, not in notes)
___Because of the age at which it is starting to occur, which is now at a younger
and younger age___

6. The majority of complications of diabetes (both type I & II) result from
what kind of damage to which system?
___Damage to the cardiovascular system from high blood sugar.
7. Briefly summarize the 5 systems that are affected as a result of the
answer to #6.
-renal system: hardening and thickening of the glomerular basement membrane
causes glomerula to become non functional
-Visual system: increased permeability of the retinal capillaries lead to aneurysms
and hemorrhages
-Nervous system: stocking-glove distribution, sensory polyneuropathy
-Musculoskeletal system: decrease mobility in distal joints, increase chance of
fractures, adhesive capsulitis
-cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis in large arteires

Marking Guide: ____/13

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