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Name: ………………………………….. Date: ………… Grade: ………
1. Fill in the present simple or the present progressive.

1. Mr. Cooper always …………………………………… a pound of sugar. (buy)

2. The shop assistant …………………………………… the door now. (close)

3. Kevin and Alan never …………………………… away glass bottles. (throw)

4. Look! Freddy …………………………………… two baskets. (carry)

5. Now Mrs. Caveman ……………………………… out of the window. (look)

6. Mrs. Bingham ……………………………… shopping every Saturday. (go)

7. I …………………………………… the money at the moment. (count)

8. Mr. Root always ………………… a box of eggs before buying them. (open)

9. Mum often …………………………………… her change. (forget)

10. Listen! The manager …………………………………… to a customer. (talk)

11. My friends often ……………………………… to the computer shop. (go)

12. We always …………………………………… our things in a basket. (put)

13. The shop …………………………………… at the moment. (close)

14. They …………………………………… tennis every Sunday. (play)

15. She …………………………………… a shower now. (take)

LEVEL: …………
Name: ………………………………….. Date: ………… Grade: ………
1. Write correctly.
good - ………………………. fast - ……………………….
sad – ………………………. quiet - ……………………….
hungry – ………………………. bad – ……………………….
quick – ………………………. happy – ……………………….
late – ………………………. careful - ……………………….
early – ………………………. slow - ……………………….
loud – ………………………. sleep - ……………………….
2. Put in the personal pronoun in brackets in its subject or object
1. ………………. lives in Liverpool. (he)
2. I met ………………. in the office. (he)
3. They sing with ………………. in the choir. (I)
4. Lisa likes ………………. . (it)
5. Excuse ………………. , is this the way to the station? (I)
6. ………………. worked in the garden. (we)
7. Where are the cupcakes? Did you eat ………………. ? (they)
8. Is ………………. your sister? (she)
9. Where are ………………. from? (you)
saw Jack in the office. (we)
3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the past simple.
1) We …………………………………. the bus to the city centre. (take)
2) He …………………………………. his birthday presents. (open)
3) I …………………………………. my brother with his homework. (help)
4) She …………………………………. me an email three days ago. (write)
5) They …………………………………. to Sweden for their holidays. (go)

LEVEL: …………
Name: ………………………………….. Date: ………… Grade: ………
1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the text.
I got home yesterday and I noticed (something / nothing) was wrong.
The door was open but I couldn’t see (nothing / anything) because it
was very dark. I didn’t know if I should call (nowhere / somebody) or if
I should go inside. I decided to call the police. I tried to find my cell
phone but it wasn’t (anything / anywhere) in my bag, then I
remembered it was in the car. When I opened the car’s door (somebody
/ somewhere) turned a light on in the living room. When I got my cell
phone to call the police, it rang. I answered and it was my husband. I
said: “I think (nobody / somebody) is robbing our home!”. And he told
me: “That’s impossible. There isn’t (anybody / anywhere) robbing our
home!” and I ask: “How do you know that?” He answered: “Because I’m
here in the living room calling you. There is (anything / nothing)
wrong here. By the way, why are you so late?” Well, I didn’t answer
that question but he had to explain why he had left the door open.
2. Use the past simple or past progressive to complete the
1. George ……………. (fall) off the ladder while he ………………… (paint)
the ceiling.
2. Last night I …………………… (read) in the bed when I
suddenly ……………………. (hear) a scream.
3. ……….. you ………….. (you watch) TV when I ……………….(call) you?
4. Ann ………………….. (wait) for me when I ……………………… (arrive).
5. I ………………. (not drive) very fast when the accident ………………….
6. I …………………… (break) a plate last night. I …………………….(wash)

the dishes when it …………………………… (slip) out of my hand.

7. Tom ………………………. (take) some photos when I ……………….(play)
in the garden.
8. We ………………………. (not go) out because it …………………….(rain).
9. What ……………………………(you do) last week?
10. I …………………….(see) Carol at the party. She …………………..(wear)
a new dress.
11. The cell phone …………………..(ring) when I ………………….(take) a
12. It ……………………. (begin) to rain when I …………………….(walk)
13. We ……………………….. (see) an accident when we ………………(wait)
for the bus.
14. The children ……………………………….(sleep) all night.
15. The car ……………………………..(make) strange noises all the way

LEVEL: …………
Name: ………………………………….. Date: ………… Grade: ………
1. Use one of the modal verbs in brackets to fill each gap.
1) They (can/might)........................... be away for the weekend but I'm not
2) You (may/might)........................... leave now if you wish.
3) (Could/May)........................... you open the window a bit, please?
4) He (can/could)........................... be French, judging by his accent.
5) (May/Can)........................... you play the piano?
2. Put the adjectives between brackets in the correct form.
1. My brother has a (tidy) …………………….. room that me.
2. Australia is (big) ……………………….. than England.
3. I’m (good) ……………………. now than yesterday.
4. She’s got (little) ……………………… money than you, but she doesn’t
5. He thinks Chinese is (difficult) ………………………….. language in the
6. Valencia played (bad) ………………….than Real Madrid yesterday.
7. Cats are not (intelligent) ……………………. as dogs.
8. Show me (good) ………………………… restaurant downtown.
9. (hot) ………………. Desert of all is the Sahara and it’s in Africa.
10. Who is (talkative) ………………… person in your family?

LEVEL: …………
Name: ………………………………….. Date: ………… Grade: ………
1. Fill in the GOING TO future.
1. I …………………………….. the rabbits. (feed)
2. My father ……………………………… his car. (wash)
3. Tom ………………………………… you with the homework. (help)
4. There ……………………………………. a meeting at our school. (be)
5. Winter holidays …………………………. in the first week of February. (be)
6. I …………………………………………. it for you. (repair)
7. They …………………………………………..Japanese. (study)
2. Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I) by putting the verbs
into the correct form.
1) If you (send) …………………………. this letter now, she (receive)
…………………………. it tomorrow.
2) If I (do) …………………………. this test, I (improve) …………………………. my
3) If I (find) …………………………. your ring, I (give) …………………………. it back
to you.
4) Peggy (go) …………………………. shopping if she (have) ………………………….
time in the afternoon.
5) Simon (go) ……………………. to London next week if he (get) …………………
a cheap flight.
6) If her boyfriend (phone / not) …………………………. today, she (leave)

…………………………. him.

7) If they (study / not) …………………………. harder, they (pass / not)

…………………………. the exam.

8) If it (rain) ……………………. tomorrow, I (have to / not) …………………….

water the plants.
9) You (be able/ not) ……………………. to sleep if you (watch) ………………….
this scary film.
10) Susan (can / move / not) …………………………. into the new house
if it (be / not) …………………………. ready on time.

LEVEL: …………
Name: ………………………………….. Date: ………… Grade: ………
1. Fill in the blanks with much, many and a lot of.
1) John hasn’t ………………………. money.
2) There is ……………………….. gold in the bag.
3) I haven’t got …………………….. birds in the sky.
4) There aren’t …………………… cars in the street.
5) Are there ………………………. apples on the tree?
6) Jane spends ……………………… money at the shops.
7) Have you got …………………… bread in the cupboard?
8) Are there ……………………….. children on the beach?
9) We are early. We have ………………. time.
2. Choose the right forms of modal verb should or shouldn't.
1) You …………………………….. smoke in bed.
2) You …………………………….. go to the opera in London. It’s great.
3) You …………………………….. tell her about it. It’s too depressing.
4) You …………………………….. cross the street at red traffic lights.
5) The doctor told him that he …………………………….. eat less. He’s too fat.
6) I think you …………………………….. spend less money on clothes.
They’re too expensive.
7) That’s a fantastic book. You …………………………….. read it.
8) He is often late to work. You …………………………….. get up earlier.
9) She …………………………….. tell lies.
10) He’s fifteen. He …………………………….. drive a car.

LEVEL: …………
Name: ………………………………….. Date: ………… Grade: ………

1. Fill in the present perfect simple or the past simple.

1. I …………………………………. a great film yesterday. (see)

2. …………………………………. a cheap laptop? (you ever buy)

3. Sue …………………………………. the flu last winter. (have)

4. A few days ago, we …………………………………. to his uncle. (drive)

5. They …………………………………. bingo on Wednesday afternoon. (play)

6. He …………………………………. the bus to get there. (already take)

7. Last week my rabbit …………………………………. away. (run)

8. We …………………………………. a lot last Sunday. (do)

9. …………………………………. in India? (she ever be)

10. I …………………………………. him last Monday. (meet)

11. She …………………………………. yet. (not wake up)

12. I …………………………………. her since last Thursday. (not meet)

13. Bob …………………………………. well last night. (sleep)

14. I …………………………………. a letter from her two days ago. (get)

15. They …………………………………. in Germany. (already arrive)

2.Write one or ones.

1) The black suit is nicer than the brown …………………………….. .

2) There are lots of books here – which …………………………….. are yours?

3) These are the new machines. What happened to the old ……………… ?

4) I lost my iPad and bought a new …………………………….. .

5) We have American cars – they have Japanese ……………………………..?

6) Which cookies would you like? – The chocolate …………………………… ,


7) Can I have the red apples, please? I don't like the green ………………… .

8) Which is your suitcase, Madam? This …………………………….., or that

over there?

9) Dad bought five pens yesterday – three black …………………………….. and

two green …………………………….. .

10) I like these hoodies – which …………………………….. is cheaper?

LEVEL: …………
Name: ………………………………….. Date: ………… Grade: ………

1. Make these active present simple sentences passive. You don't

need to repeat 'somebody'.

1) Somebody sends emails. …………………………………………………………….. .

2) Somebody cuts the grass. …………………………………………………………….. .

3) Somebody prefers chocolate. ……………………………………………………….. .

4) Somebody often steals cars. ………………………………………..……………….. .

5) Somebody plays loud music. ……………………………………………………….. .

2. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

Example: She sang a song. - A song was sung by her.

1) Somebody hit me. - …………………………………………………………………………

2) We stopped the bus. - ……………………………………………………………………..

3) A thief stole my car. - ……………………………………………………………………..

4) They didn't let him go. - …………………………………………………………………

5) She didn't win the prize. - ……………………………………………………………

1. Complete the sentences with the present or past simple passive
of the verb in brackets. Use contractions where possible.
1. How many newspapers ………………………….. (print) in Britain every


2. Who ………………………….. (this play / write) by?

3. German ………………………….. (speak) in Germany, Austria, and part

of Switzerland.

4. The royal wedding ………………………….. (watch) by millions of

people in 2011.

5. Nowadays, a lot of computers ………………………….. (make) in Korea.

6. The Harry Potter films ………………………….. (not direct) by Steven


7. How much ………………………….. (paper / recycle) in Poland

each year?

8. In the UK, alcohol………………………….. (not sell)to anyone under 18.

It's against the law.

LEVEL: …………

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