23 09 Writing

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23 09 Writing

Agree/Disagree và Positive/Negative

Sept 2017 Some people say that the Internet is the greatest invention in human history.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

August 2020 These days, online shopping has become more and more popular.
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

2019 International tourism has become more popular these days.

Does this trend have a positive or negative impact on the environment and local people?

2021 Many people say that “responsible tourism” can have positive impacts on both people and
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

- Sept 2017 Some people say that the Internet is the greatest invention in human history.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Cách 1: Totally agree (Bài viết 1 hướng) W 6.5, S 6.5, R 8.0, L 8.5 => overall 7.5
Body 1: telecommunication
Send and receive information – rapidly, conveniently
Examples: personal story
Internet > Telephone
Body 2: economy and education
Businesses – online commerce/ e-commerce
Distant learning, online classroom
Conclusion: wonderful benefits – the best invention in human history
=> Điểm yếu: chưa đủ thuyết phục: rất nhiều những cái great inventions khác
Cách 2: Disagree 7.0 – 7.5
Body 1: Thừa nhận: benefits – undeniable: telecommunication, economy, education,
Vấn đề đã quá rõ ràng, chỉ giải thích ngắn gọn, ko lấy ví dụ
Body 2: Phản biện: DISAGREE bởi vì Electricity – more important
- Household devices + smart electronic devices in order to access the internet: NOT
FUNTIONAL without electricity (smart phones, computers)
- Economy: factories – backbone of the economy – not functional without electricity
Conclusion: life without the internet is still better/ is not as scary as life without electricity
- Paraphrase sự việc/ quan điểm mà đề bài đã cho
- Thesis statement: Nêu dc ý kiến của mình/trả lời cho main question + TÓM TẮT ngay main
ideas của 2 đoạn body
Ngay từ câu thesis người đọc đã biết 2 đoạn body sẽ viết ntn/ viết về topics gì !!!
Viết 2 đoạn body trước => quay lại viết thesis sau !

- August 2020 These days, online shopping has become more and more popular.
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
- Individual customers: Time-saving, convenient, not need for travelling; compare prices on
different websites/ from different sellers – quickly => find products with affordable prices
- The entire economy/ from the perspectives of sellers/producers: sell more products to
more customers, foreign customers/ foreign markets => make more profits => economic
- Creates more jobs: shippers, delivery man, transporter (n: nhân viên giao hàng/ vận chuyển)
demand => economic boost/ lower the unemployment rate
- Product quality: offline shopping – see/touch, online shopping – risks: low quality products.
- Environmental damage: packaging for delivery – cardboard (n: bìa các ton), plastic and nylon,
duct tape (n: băng dính), Styrofoam (n: xốp) => non-biodegradable waste (n: rác thải ko phân
hủy sinh học) => environmental pollution
- Delivery: parcel – transported to the client’s address – trucks/lorries/ships/motorbikes =>
exhaust fume/gas (n: khí thải động cơ) => air pollution
Luận điểm mà bản thân mình thích/ có nhiều từ vựng/ có sự hiểu biết thực tế !

2019 International tourism has become more popular these days.

Does this trend have a positive or negative impact on the environment and local people?

2021 Many people say that “responsible tourism” can have positive impacts on both people and
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
15 minutes:
Pros and Cons of international tourism
- On people:
Local residents
- On the environment
-offer a big deal in indigenous people’s income - live from tourism (restaurants, hotels, travel
agencies, transportation services (whether by flight, taxi, boat, coach)
-appealing experience - develop tolerance towards other people - discover foreign traditions,
learn about values of different nations, communicate, and exchange experience
- Tourist hotspots are plagued by problems such as crimes and social vices/evils
- Cause natural harm with things like contamination and deforestation

2019 International tourism has become more popular these days.

Does this trend have a positive or negative impact on the environment and local people?
Local people:
Offer a big deal in indigenous people’s income - live from tourism (restaurants, hotels, travel
agencies, transportation services (whether by flight, taxi, boat, coach)
- Contamination: littering, poor waste management
- Deforestation: constructing hotels, restaurants, and resorts => cut down trees => loss of
natural habitat for animals, risks of flooding or erosion
Positive impact on local people, particularly higher income.
Negative impacts on the environment, which include pollution and deforestation.
=> Mở bài:
More and more people these days enjoy travelling to distant regions in other countries. In my
opinion, although this trend has a positive impact on local residents, particularly higher income
it also brings some drawbacks to the natural environment, which include pollution and

HW: chọn 1 trong các đề/dàn ý trên lớp, viết thành bài hoàn chỉnh

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