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Introduction to IELTS Speaking Dạng 1: So sánh prefer Dạng 7: How would you improve...?

I. 3 yếu tố cần thiết Dạng 2: Routine + How often Dạng 8: Future plans
- Kiến thức nền tảng: ngữ pháp, từ vựng, phát âm, tư duy ngôn
Dạng 3: Like most + Dislike Dạng 9: How important is.../ Is it
- Kiến thức cơ bản: cấu trúc bài thi, các dạng câu hỏi, các dạng Dạng 4: Is ... popular + why some important to …
đề, từng phần trong bài thi, tiêu chí chấm điểm. people like…? Dạng 10: Is it difficult to?
- Bộ đề dự đoán: 1 năm/3 bộ đề dự đoán (4 tháng 1 bộ)
Dạng 5: When was the first/last Dạng 11: Is ... suitable for?
II. Cấu trúc bài Ielts speaking:
time...? Dạng 12: Is there/Do you have any…?
- Part 1: 1 chủ đề về bản thân (personal information: family,
work and study, place of living, hometown, hobbies v.v) + 2 chủ Dạng 6: How has/is smt
đề về đời sống xã hội. changed/changing?
- Part 2: 1 phút chuẩn bị, 2 phút trình bày, 1 câu hỏi dài, có gợi ý
- Part 3: các câu hỏi further discussion về topic của part 2, không - Pronunciation (Phát âm): Vowels, Consonants, Word stress,
được suy nghĩ, trả lời theo phản xạ như part 1 Ending sound, Intonation.
III. Các tiêu chí chấm điểm: Lưu ý: Speaking part 1 - Personal information: Phải tự học
trước ở nhà (trôi chảy nhất, tự tin nhất; dựa trên thông tin của
- Fluency and Coherence (Mức độ trôi chảy và dễ hiểu): thể mình, ko cần câu hỏi)
hiện qua thời gian và khả năng phát triển ý một cách rõ ràng, dễ
hiểu, sử dụng linking words chính xác và hợp lý. Mỗi câu hỏi và Speaking part 3 - ĐỀ BÀI Writing task 2 và Speaking part 3 có
trả lời khoảng 30s => độ dài của câu trả lời: 3-5 sentences => thể trao đổi cho nhau. TỪ VỰNG BAND CAO/ IDIOM có thì
Cần có phương pháp mở rộng câu trả lời!!! tốt nhưng không phải là bắt buộc. NẾU KHÔNG BIẾT CÁCH
- Grammatical Range and Accuracy (Ngữ pháp đa dạng và ĐƯỢC; không nhất thiết trả lời kiểu hỏi cung/ có thể tác động
chính xác): Mỗi câu hỏi là 1 bài test về khả năng NHẬN BIẾT ngược lại/ định hướng cuộc discussion.
NGỮ CẢNH và VẬN DỤNG các cấu trúc ngữ pháp tương ứng.
- Lexical Resource (Vốn từ): các từ vựng về các chủ đề được
hỏi, các collocation và idioms, chưa quá quan trọng trong part 1, Dạng 1: DO YOU PREFER...?
các phần part 2 và 3 sẽ đòi hỏi cao hơn. ● Ngữ pháp: Present Simple và cấu trúc so sánh hơn

● Vocabulary: danh từ/ động từ thể hiện sự lựa chọn: 3. Do you prefer to take public transport or use your own

choice/choose, option, would rather V than V v.v

● Mẹo: Chọn ngay 1 trong 2 sự vật, giải thích bằng cách so vehicle?

sánh 2 sự vật được nói đến

Transport (n mass): sự giao thông/hệ thống giao thông ><

1. Do you prefer to eat at home or at restaurants?

vehicle (n đđ): phương tiện (cái xe máy, cái xe bus, cái xe đạp,
Eating at home is always my choice. I prefer home-cooked food
because it’s much safer. I cook my own meal most of the time,
so I’m always sure that the ingredients are fresh and healthy. In
contrast, I can never know if the food in the restaurants is fresh
Private: Faster,
or not.
2. Do you prefer to study at home or at a public place, such
reach destination, a shorter amount of time

as a library?
On the contrary, public vehicles – bus – more time-consuming.

Home – more convenient – travel/stay at home

4. Do you prefer to live by yourself or with roommates?

I can concentrate completely at home; in contrast, I will be


distracted by other people at public places.

Talkative, share thoughts => happier I would prefer to watch movies at home rather than in the cinema

>< more boring/bored because it is more affordable and comfortable. I don’t have to

5. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? travel to the cinema and buy tickets and food and beverage. In

Warm –more comfortable - play sport contrast, going to the cinema costs much more money

winter – stay at home –harder to go out 8. Do you prefer to send emails or write letters?

6. Do you prefer to talk on the phone or chat online? 9. Would you rather live in an apartment or in a house?

Talk – more information – quicker Detached house (n): nhà biệt lập >< terraced house (n): nhà liền

Chat: type messages – time-consuming kề

7. Do you prefer to go to the cinema or watch movies at 10.Do you prefer to travel by yourself or with a guided tour?


Safer, a tour guide, will not get lost; more informative/ However, I sometimes hangout in the supermarket with my mom,

too. I love going shopping with her whenever I have free time.
educational: share stories/knowledge
2. What is a typical day at school for you like?

============================ A typical day at school for me starts at 8 am. We usually have 5

Dạng 2: ROUTINE + HOW OFTEN classes in the morning, have a lunch break, then finish school at

● Ngữ pháp: Present Simple 3pm.

A typical day at work for me starts at 8 a.m. My daily tasks

● Vocabulary: trạng từ chỉ tần suất: often, usually, typically,
involve administrative duties with much paperwork and
working in a laboratory. I work for about 4 hours, and then I
● Mẹo: mở rộng bằng các wh- questions: when, where,
have a lunch break, then continue working till 4 p.m.
who/with whom, what, how long/often, đưa ra con số
3. What do you usually do when it rains?
cụ thể (tần suất, thời gian v.v); sometimes làm việc này,

usually làm việc khác Stay home – games, films – my room – best friends – weekend –

1. What do you usually do when you have a day off?

all day
When I have a day off, I often stay at home and relax. I like

watching a movie or playing video games with my friends. On rainy days – on my bed, watch movies, sleep
4. What do you often do when the weather is nice outside? When I come back to my hometown, the first thing I do is paying

5. What do you typically do in the weekend? a visit to my relatives. After that, I go to the market with my mom

6. What do you usually do when you are waiting for to buy some fresh food and cook a meal for the family.

someone? 9. What do you do when the Internet is not working?

Play with my dog, sing fav songs, read some short stories online. Whenever the Internet is not working, I can go out to play sports.

7. What do you usually do when you are sick? Sometimes, I will walk with my dog in a park near my house.

Whenever I am sick, I will stay at home, but I will feel bored. If I 10.What do you do to relieve stress?

have fever, I will need to go to the hospital, so that doctors can To reduce tension, I will spend time play board games with my

help me to become healthier. family. Sometimes, I go to the supermarket with my friends to

8. What do you usually do when you visit your hometown? buy snacks or toys, or I will sleep in my private bedroom.

11.How often do you go out for dinner? I interact with children who are my cousins every week because I

12.How often do you go to the cinema? love kids and they always make me laugh. For that reason, I can

13.How often do you watch TV? play with them all day long.

14.How often does it rain in your city? 19.How often do you go out of town?

15.How often do you do exercise? ============================


16.How often do you encounter traffic congestion in your ● Ngữ pháp: present simple

● Vocabulary: V thể hiện mức độ ghét:

really/especially/particularly + hate/dislike / cannot
stand/detest/despise; V thể hiện mức độ yêu thích:
17.How often do you get a haircut?
especially / particularly / really + (be) fond of / love /
enjoy / (be) keen on / be a big fan of
18.How often do you interact with children?
● Dạng Explain. Trả lời + giải thích why + cái ngược lại mà
mình thích, lấy ví dụ về cái mình thích

1. What do you dislike about going to parties?

What I cannot stand about parties is that they are too loud. It is 4. What do you dislike about the rain?
because they always play dance music at full volume. I would
prefer quiet places like a library. 5. What do you dislike about eating in restaurants?
2. What do you hate about taking public transport?
I really hate how crowded it can get on buses, especially during 6. What do you dislike about student life?
rush hours. It is because I don’t like having other people’s
bodies pressed against me. I always want to have my own 7. What do you dislike about your city?
private space.
3. What do you dislike about your country's education 8. What do you dislike most about your school / workplace?

system? 9. Is there anything you dislike about playing sports?

Well, to be honest, education in Vietnam has too many theories 10.What do you dislike about singing? – hit a high note (v:

but don’t have enough practical experience for students. As a hát lên 1 nốt cao); pitch (n: âm vực/ quãng giọng); forget

consequence, many Vietnamese students graduated but can’t lyrics (n: lời bài hát), fail to catch the rhythm/beat (lệch

find a job. nhịp)

11.What do you enjoy most about being a student? Watch new movies, great auditory and visual quality

15.What do you like most about your hometown?

Being a student, I especially love that have so much free time. I
only spend 10 hours a week at school, and the rest I can do
16.What do you like most about the Internet?
whatever I like. For example, right now I’m doing volunteer
work and taking part in a football club.
17.What is your favourite tourist attraction in your
12.What do you like most about your job?

13.What is your favourite type of weather? (rainy, sunny,

Tourist attraction: địa danh du lịch,

cloudy, windy) – Windy of weather of autumn, especially

Historical site: di tích lịch sử

in late afternoon. I love hanging out near a lake at that

The Old Quarter, Hoan Kiem lake, West Lake, HCM

time, and feel the cool temperature.

14.What is your favourite place to hang out?

Cinema, weekends, with friends, recharge my battery

Activity: shopping, eating, sightseeing, learning about history ● Mẹo: nói rõ sụ vật đó popular/ được ưa chuộng bởi nhóm
người nào. Dựa theo đặc điểm nghề nghiệp, cuộc sống, sở
and culture thích của nhóm người đó để phân tích.

18.What do you enjoy most about studying English? 1. Is Western food popular in your country?
I would say that Western food is loved by so many young people
19.What is your favourite website? in my country now. Fast food, such as burger, pizza, or hot
dogs, is served in many large shopping centers where young
20.What do you enjoy most about being young? people often hang out.
2. Is watching team sports popular where you are from?
============================ Everyone: loved by both genders, people of all ages, city –
Dạng 4: IS …. POPULAR + WHY DO SOME PEOPLE countryside
LIKE The national team => national pride (n: tự hào dân tộc)/
● Ngữ pháp: Present simple patriotism (n: chủ nghĩa yêu nước)

● Vocabulary: popular = được nhiều người yêu thích/ loved 3. Is studying abroad popular in your country?

by many people, cụ thể các nhóm người: teenagers / young

people / young adults / middle-aged people/ the elderly / 4. Is eating out popular in your hometown?

families / office workers / businessmen v.v

5. Is online shopping popular in your country?

6. Is drinking coffee popular in your country? worker, they want to be a [founder] of a company. And that’s

7. Is it popular for people to wear glasses in your country? another reason why they establish their own business.

8. Is it popular in your country to use public transport? 10.Are iPhones popular in your country?

9. Is it popular in your country for people to have their own Young people, high income, technophile (n): người đam mê công

business? nghệ - utilities/functions/features: các công dụng/tính năng, cost

In fact, the Vietnamese government has many [incentives] to an arm and a leg => people with a deep pocket and a passion

[facilitate] the [private sector of the economy]. Therefore, I ============================

suppose [young people with innovative ideas] can start up
● Ngữ pháp: past simple
easily. Moreover, many of them don’t want to be an office
● Vocabulary: MỐC THỜI GIAN CỤ THỂ (... ago,
● Mẹo: mở rộng bằng các wh- questions

1. When was the first time you rode a bicycle? 5. ……………………………….learnt to use chopsticks?
If my memory serves me right, it was when I was around 7 or 8
years old. My father taught me in a small park near our house, 6. When was the last time you went to the cinema?
and honestly it was quite difficult at the beginning. It took me 3
days before I could ride without falling. 7. ……………………………….ate out?
2. ……………………………….went abroad?
8. ……………………………….had visitors come to your
Thì HTHT: I’ve never been abroad in my life because I had no
chance, but in the future I’d like to go to Manchester, a city in
9. ………………………………. spoke to a foreign person?
England, with my friends to watch a football in Old Trafford
10.……………………………….used public transport?
stadium because Manchester United is my favorite football club.
11.……………………………….listened to music?
Where, when, who/with whom, why, how long
3. ……………………………….used a computer? Dạng 6: HOW HAS SMT CHANGED? / IS SMT
4. ……………………………….started learning English?

● Ngữ pháp: quá khứ đơn/ used to V; hiện tại đơn; tương lai personal trainer. It’s up to their choice if they can afford it. And

đơn, hiện tại hoàn thành in the future, I think that things will stay the same. So I don’t

● Vocab: TRẠNG NGỮ CHỈ THỜI GIAN: nêu rõ các thời really see any changes.
3. How has the way people do shopping in your country
● Mẹo: nói KHÔNG THAY ĐỔI => tối ưu hóa fluency, mọi
changed in the last 10 years?
thứ giữ nguyên; nói CÓ THAY ĐỔI => tối ưu hóa lexical
resource, phải mô tả sự thay đổi. Mô tả trước, kết luận sau
10 years ago – went to the stores/shops + paid in cash

1. How have schools in your country changed since you were Now – order online, pay by credit/ cheaper – many sales => more enjoyable
Well, when I was younger, we used to have only a blackboard 4. How have restaurants in your hometown changed since
and chalks for teachers. Nowadays, almost every classroom has
a projector and a TV. So I think that the teaching facilities you were young?
have been improved a lot.
2. How is the way people do physical exercise in your 5. How have cinemas in your hometown changed since you

country changing? were young?

Right now, I see that many people are going to the gym to keep
fit. They can do it alone or some rich people work out with a
6. How has your taste in music changed since you were 11.How has the way people access the Internet in your

younger? country changed in the past 5 years?

7. How has the COVID-19 changed your life? ============================

8. How has the way people study English in your country ● Grammar: câu điều kiện loại 2 (if I could… I would)

● Vocab: president, minister, millionaire, billionaire,

changed in the last 10 years?
member of the city council
● Mẹo: mô tả hiện tại có ĐIỂM GÌ CHƯA TỐT => sau
9. How has the way people commute (v, n) in your city
đó nói đến cách IMPROVE; phân biệt VẤN ĐỀ NHỎ (tự
bản thân mình có thể làm, dùng cđk loại 1) và VẤN ĐỀ
changed since you were young?
LỚN (tự bản thân mình không thể làm, dùng cđk loại 2,
nếu mình là tổng thống, bộ trưởng, tỉ phú v.v)
10.Has the way people celebrate holidays in your country
1. How would you make your room better?
Currently my room is very dark because the window is small. So
changed since you were young?
if I have the money to, I will install a larger window to allow
more natural light in my room.
2. How would you improve the way you study English?

Careless, grammatical errors => be more careful while writing, - Management board/School council/ School leadership (n: ban

do more grammar exercises. lãnh đạo) => carry out a survey on students/school staffs/parents

3. …………………………...your dietary habits? => plant more trees

4. …………………………...your daily routine? Small / separated rooms => hard for communication between the

5. …………………………...traffic congestion in your city? staffs => company owner/manager … => another location – hire

Currently traffic congestion in my city is just terrible, but as an a big office, enough - everyone - work together - one room
ordinary person, there’s nothing I can do about it. If I were the
city president, I would propose a plan to upgrade the public 7. …………………………...the education system in your
transport system and then ban all private vehicles in the city
center. If everyone was using the bus or the subway instead of country?
private cars, I think there would be less congestion.
6. …………………………...your university/workplace? 8. …………………………...the way you spend your free

- Lack trees => scorching/ baking hot on sunny days time?

9. ………………….make your phone more useful? 3. What do you plan to do after university?

Intention: take the ielts test => if – high score => study abroad
● Grammar: câu điều kiện + tương lai đơn (will + V; be Low score => apply for a job, make some money => take the test

going to V, be Ving)
again => study abroad
Will: đưa ra các dự đoán chưa có căn cứ; 1 quyết định nhất thời,
ko hề có sự chuẩn bị/ suy tính trước (có lẽ probably, maybe v,v)
4. Where do you plan to go for your next holiday?
Be going to: đưa ra dự đoán có căn cứ; 1 quyết định đã có suy
nghĩ trước, dự định trong tương lai (intend, intention)
5. Do you plan to move to another city in the future?
Be Ving (thì HTTD): 1 KẾ HOẠCH: đã đc xây dựng cụ thể, rõ
ràng (have a plan to V, plan (v, n)
6. When do you plan to change to a new phone?
● Vocab: plan to, hope to, probably will, intend to/
probably, maybe, perhaphs v,v
7. When will the next public holiday be in your country?
● Mẹo: mở rộng bằng các wh- questions

1. Do you hope to do the same job in the future? 8. Do you plan to study something new in the future?
Well I enjoy my current job a lot, so I think I will keep doing it
for at least the next 3 years. After that, if I get bored of it, I hope ============================
to find a more exciting job. DẠNG 9: HOW IMPORTANT IS…..?
2. What is your plan after taking the IELTS test?
● Grammar: present simple, Câu đk loại 2 - If we don’t read books often, we would lag behind in terms

● Vocab: crucial, critical, role in, cannot live without,...

of awareness of social problems or scientific development.
● Mẹo: quan trọng hay không, MẤT ĐI THÌ MỚI BIẾT.
Đặt giải thuyết (cđk loại 2) nếu ĐỐI TƯỢNG ĐÓ MẤT - We need to read books often unless (trừ khi) we want to lag
ĐI, cuộc sống/con người/ hậu quả sẽ như thế nào
1. How important is art in life? behind. / We will lag behind unless (trừ khi) we read books
I think art is extremely important in life. If art didn’t exist, our
life would be boring. We wouldn’t have the opportunity to feel often.
many emotions like sadness or excitement through songs or
movies. - We need to read books often. Otherwise, (nếu không thì) we
2. How important is it to stay healthy?

will lag behind. (Bắt buộc phải làm 1 việc – V, nếu không sẽ
3. ………………… travelling?

có hậu quả)
4. …………………..reading books in our life?

5.………………… to stay warm during the winter?

Reading plays an important role in our lives.

6.…………………..the Internet in our life?

7.………………… to be on time? ============================
8.………………… to stay updated with current events? ● Grammar: present simple

● Vocab: very simple, a piece of cake, a big challenge

We need to stay updated with current events. Otherwise, don’t’
● Mẹo: đối tượng người cụ thể, khó với người này, dễ với

know about important news: our health – example / income – người khác
1. Is it difficult to learn a new language?

example/ unable to make right decisions at the right time => I believe learning a new language as an adult is especially
challenging because a language takes so much time and effort

later – regret. Example (Covid; gold/dollar/share/stock to master and most adults only have limited time to study. So, it
might take years of hard work to learn a new language.

market) 2. ……………….learn to play a musical instrument?

9.………………… to keep an interest in politics? I am not very interested in music. Neither do I have any natural

Laws – allowed/forbidden to do. Otherwise, violate the laws talents, so I think it is a big challenge. On the other hand, if

10. Do you think farming is important? people have natural talents, passion, and early practice, they can

easily master (v: thành tạo, làm chủ, tinh thông) musical Koreans – managers in industrial zones, factories of Samsung,

instruments. Vietnamese engineers, workers => meet them [on a daily

3. ……………….meet new people in the first year of basis.]

university? 6. ……………….find public transport in your city?

4. ……………….find spaces for outdoor activities in your 7. ……………….travel between different regions in your

city? country?

Finding places/venues/locations for outdoor activities … piece of 8. ……………….enter university in your country?

cake … do exercise 9. ……………….find a job in your hometown?

5. ……………….meet foreigners in your city? ============================

● Grammar: present simple

● Vocab: perfect, ideal for, sb should be encouraged to V

● Mẹo: Chỉ rõ đối tượng người: teenagers / young people / 4. Are sports suitable for everyone?

adults / middle-aged people/ the elderly / families / office

workers / businessmen => ý tưởng để giải thích + ví dụ 5. Is solo travelling suitable for women?

1. Is bicycling suitable for old people?

I don’t think so, old people should not ride a bike. Old people 6. Is reading books suitable for children?

are slow, so they cannot react well on the road. They can crash
their bikes easily and have bad injuries. controversial (adj) comic books, funny stories which have

2. Are computers suitable for children?

illustration (n): sự minh họa bằng hình ảnh. In contrast, children

3. Should students wear uniforms?

should not be encouraged to read books which are too technical,

Yes, create a sense of equality, especially in countries where

such as scientific books, or too long without pictures, such as

there is a big gap between the … and the poor. Otherwise, rich

kids will dress in luxurious clothes => poorer children may feel
7. Is dieting suitable for teenagers?

embarrassed/ disappointed/ shy/ withdrawn => not good for the

8. Are smartphones suitable for children?

education of children.

I think … shouldn’t be encouraged DẠNG 12: IS/ARE THERE/ DO YOU HAVE ANY/ DO
It is because having less screentime (n) results in/leads to better ● Grammar: present simple

● Vocab: tùy thuộc vào chủ đề từ vựng được hỏi đến

learning and memory. Otherwise, when children have too
● Mẹo: đây là câu hỏi CÓ hay KHÔNG về SỞ THÍCH,

much screentime, they will have less sleep. Using electronic THÓI QUEN của bản thân, nói CÓ khi mình nhiều từ
vựng về chủ đề đó; nói KHÔNG khi mình không có nhiều

devices too much can cause a lot of health problems. từ vựng, với lý do là BUSY/NOT MY CUP OF TEA và
chủ động lái sang một chủ đề từ vựng khác mà mình tự tin.

9. Is it okay for children to use social media? 1. Do you have any friends who are interested in technology?

No, my friends and I are not into technology because it’s not
10.Is it okay for teenagers to swear?
our cup of tea. We prefer learning about environmental
No, I think teenagers should not be encouraged to swear. It is problems. In our free time, we often watch some documentaries
because adolescence (n: độ tuổi vị thành niên) is an essential
about the environment on Youtube such as programs of National
period for the shaping of their personality. As such, bad
behaviours such as using swear words are likely to become their Geographics and also a series called Our planet on Netflix.
daily habit. Therefore, they can easily become uncultured
2. Are there any museums you would like to visist?

No, I’m not really interested in history, so I never think about 9. Do you often play sports?
going to any museums. As a teenager, I prefer hanging out with
my friends in places like the cinema or shopping malls, or I can
go to a café and have a drink. In PART 2, the most important things are:

 Fluency and Coherence: Bài nói phải được chia thành

I really want to visit the Natural History Museum in London as các đoạn văn, mỗi đoạn tập trung nói về 1 ý chính rõ ràng.
I’m a big fan of biology and natural science. I really want to
 Nói chậm, phát âm rõ ràng các âm cuối và trọng âm bởi vì
learn more about the evolution of animals and the history of
giám khảo sẽ ghi âm bài nói và chấm lại dựa theo băng ghi
the Earth. It would be a dream come true for me, I think.
3. Do you often watch cookery programs?  1 câu trả lời thỏa mãn nhiều câu hỏi: học thuộc 70-
80% 1 bài mẫu, rồi tự ứng biến và thay đổi 20-30%
4. Are there any hobbies you would like to take up in the
còn lại dựa theo đề bài cụ thể.
future?  Luôn luôn phải check thời gian và word count trong
khi luyện tập.
5. Are the any films you would like to watch in the future?
6. Are there any famous people you would like to meet?
+ Someone who wears strange clothes.
7. Do you still keep any childhood hobbies?
+ A polite person.
8. Can you cook well? + A famous person you are interested in

+ A person who helps protect the environment + A luxury item you want to own in the future.

+ A person who shares his/her feelings openly + Something that you own and you want to replace

+ One of your best friends (from childhood) IV/ AN ABSTRACT OBJECT

+ An elderly person who is still fit and active + A good law in your country

+ A person who is talkative + A piece of international news that you read/heard recently

+ An energetic person + A song that means something special to you

II/ A PLACE + A useful website that you often visit

+ A part of your city/town that you enjoy the most. + A TV program or film that made you laugh

+ A tourist attraction of your town/city/country. + A skill that took you a long time to learn

+ A private home you visited and like, but don’t want to live in. + An interesting talk or lecture that you heard recently

+ Your favorite kind of weather + An area of science that you would like to know more about

+ A place you want to visit in the near future V/ A STORY

III/ A REAL ITEM + A time saw a wild animal

+ An important thing your family have had for a long time. + A time you gave someone some advice

+ Something you bought an felt pleased about. + A time you got lost

+ A time you ate something for the first time + Something you do to keep fit

+ A time when you encouraged other people

+ A time you saw children behave badly in public

+ An important decision that you made with the help of other


+ A time when your computer or phone was broken

+ A time when you felt bored

+ An occasion when you lost something important

+ An occasion when you wore special clothes

+ A trip you went on recently.


+ Your ideal job in the future

+ A regular that trip that you dislike

+ One of your plans for the near future (not working or studying)

+ An activity your friend has done, but you haven’t and you want
to try


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