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AY 2021-2022

LANOY, Francess Marie V.
MILLA, John Gabriel C.
MILLAR, Rae Marvin V


JUNE 8, 2022


I. Problem and Context……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

II. Vision Mission Statement…………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

III. Objectives………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………. 7

IV. The Organization ……………………………………………………………………………………..…………..7

V. SWOT Analysis.……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

VI. APP Proposal Matrix…………………………………………………………………………………………….10

VII. Stakeholder Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………..13

VIII. Proposal for Sustainability with Financial Analysis……………………………………………16

IX. Appendix……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….17

X. References……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19

I. Problem and Context

The lack of information and awareness combined with misconceptions & outdated
beliefs about HIV/AIDS lead people to fear of getting the disease. Another concern is the
lack of easy access to up-to-date patient information & HIV/AIDS medical care services in
the Philippines.


The Philippines is considered as one of the countries globally that has the fastest
growing HIV epidemic. HIV which stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus
that attacks and weakens a person’s body immune system by destroying cells particularly
the CD4 cells (also known as T cells) which help the immune system fight off the disease
and infections. If left untreated, the virus will reduce the number of CD4 cells, making the
body unable to fight off infections and diseases. Once opportunistic infections take
advantage of a very weak immune system, this might be an indicator that a person might
have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS. AIDS is the most severe phase of HIV
infection, but not all HIV infections progress to AIDS. The transmission of the disease is
through the contact of certain bodily fluids of a person with HIV, most commonly during
unprotected sex, sharing injection drug equipment, blood transfusion, or through
mother-to-child(vertical) transmission.

According to statistics provided by the HIV/AIDS & ART Registry of the Philippines
(HARP), which is a passive form of reporting/surveillance system in the Philippines, it was
reported that last October 2021 there were 1,136 new confirmed HIV (+) individuals in
the Philippines and were added to the total count of 92,096 reported cases since January
1984. 12% (133) of the HIV-population last October 2021 had exhibited clinical
manifestations of advanced HIV infection at the time of testing.

1) Geographic Distribution
The following are the top regions in the Philippines with the most number of new cases
which comprised 76% of the total count last October 2021:
● NCR (N=352; 31%)
● CALABARZON 4A (N=221; 20%)
● Central Luzon 3 (N=134; 12%)
● Central Visayas 7 (N=95; 8%)
● Western Visayas 6 (N=56; 5%)

2) Mode of Transmission
● Sexual contact (N=1,122; 99%)
● Sharing of needles (N=13; 1%)
● Mother-to-child transmission (N=1; <1%)

3) Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)

899 HIV patients were newly enrolled & initiated on ART last October 2021. Their median
CD4 at the time of enrollment was 223 cells/mm3.
● Patient in the 1st-line regimen: 896
● 2nd-line regimen: 2
● 3rd-line regimen: 1

As of October 2021, a total of 54,890 HIV patients were receiving ART.

● Male patients: (N= 52,807; 96%)
● Female patient: (N=2,083; 4%)
● Age range: 1-81 y/o (Median-32 y/o)
● Total of patients in 1st-line regimen (96%)
● 2nd-line regimen (4%)
● 3rd-line regimen (<1%)

4) Specific Population
A. Pregnant Women
There were 12 HIV (+) pregnant women reported last October 2021 with an age range of
19-33 y/o (Median age: 25 y/o)
● Patients in NCR: 6
● Central Visayas: 2
● Central Luzon: 1
● Bicol: 1

B. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW)

53 (5%) OFW who worked overseas within the past five years whether on land/sea were
tested positive for HIV last October 2021.
● Male: (N=52; 98%)
● Infected via sexual contact: (53)
❖ male-female sex (5)
❖ male-male sex (26)

❖ sex with both males & females (22)
● Age ranged from 23-57 y/o ( Median age: 33 y/o)

C. Transactional Sex
117(10%) of newly reported cases last October 2021 were engaged in
transactional sex.
● Male: (N= 116; 99%)
● Male age ranged: 16-63 y/o(median age:28 y/o)
● Male-paying for sex only: (N=53; 46%)
● Male-accepting payment for sex only: (N=43;37%)
● Male engaged in both:(N=20;17%)
● Female-accepting payment & paying for sex: (N=1; 1%)
● Female age:33 y/o

D. Youth (15-24 y/o)

349 (31%) of newly reported cases last October 2021 were among the youth 15-24 y/o.
● Male: (N=336; 96%)
● Have advanced HIV infection: (N=26; 7%)
● Infected via sexual contact: (349)
❖ male-female sex (24)
❖ male-male sex (247)
❖ sex with both males & females (78)

E. Children (<10) & Adolescent (10-19)

48 newly reported cases last October 2021 were among the adolescents
● 15-27 y/o: (N=10; 21%)
● 18-19 y/o: (N=38; 79%)
● Infected via sexual contact: (48)
❖ male-female sex (4)
❖ male-male sex (32)
❖ sex with both males & females (12)
● Mother-to-child transmission (1)

5) Mortality
There were 113 reported deaths last October 2021.
● Males: (N=112; 99%)
● <15 y/o: (N=1; 1%)

● 15-24 y/o: (N=15; 13%)
● 25-34 y/o: (N=47; 42%)
● 35-49 y/o: (N=35; 31%)
● >50 y/o: (N=15;13%)

Top 3 regions with most number of reported deaths:

● NCR: (N=53; 47%)
● CALABARZON 4A: (N=20; 18%)
● Central Luzon: (N=14;12%)
● The rest of the country: (N=22; 25%)
● No reported region of residence: (N=1; 1%)

From January 1984- October 2021, there were a total of 5,264 reported deaths of HIV
● <15 y/o: (N=35; 1%)
● 15-24 y/o: (N=753; 14%)
● 25-34 y/o: (N=2,609;50%)
● 35-49 y/o: (N=1,527;29%)
● >50 y/o: (N=337;6%)
● No reported age at time of death: (N=3; <1%)

A lot of people still lack information and awareness about HIV/ AIDs disease, its
mode of transmission, its prevention, and treatment. With that, it leads people to become
more vulnerable to the virus. There are many misconceptions & myths about HIV that are
circulating, which further adds to the stigma about HIV and to the persons living with it.
Another concern is the lack of easy access to up-to-date patients information & HIV/AIDS
medical care services in the Philippines.

Given all the gaps & barriers towards achieving the goal of a responsive, easy, and
equal access to healthcare system here in the Philippines, our organization is aiming to
create a mobile app that could provide resolution to such problems.

The Hi, V mobile app will be designed to have an up-to-date record of patient
informations, provides facts about the HIV/AIDs disease, provide terminologies and their
respective definitions related to the disease (both in English & Tagalog) which can help
individuals easily understand HIV, real-time experience where patients can locate
treatment centers and/or pharmacies with the available HIV medications & different
health specialist where they can seek for health advices, laboratory tests, prescriptions of

their medicines for the management of their disease. This also has a unique feature where
an alarm will be installed. This feature can help patients to compliantly take their
medicines in order to achieve a well-managed HIV disease. This will be convenient &
accessible to every individual since nowadays, technology is so advanced that it is just one
click away. This mobile app will solely focus on the Philippine setting.

II.Vision Mission Statement

To be at the forefront of providing health allied services through mobile applications

To provide a platform that can facilitate initiation and continuity of healthcare provision and
education between healthcare centers and HIV patients through a mobile application

III. Objectives
● To give access to people in need of information on HIV and assist in medical and lifestyle
management of individuals
● To promote the app in hospitals and other forms of healthcare institutions in giving
access to information, treatment and support groups for HIV
● To ensure security and privacy of individuals under the Data Privacy Security Act

IV. The Organization

Hi, V is an advanced mobile app that is developed by devoted healthcare
practitioners whose primary goal is to address the increasing trend of HIV cases
particularly in the Philippine setting. This mobile app will proactively assist & adapt to the
needs of each individual, particularly patients with HIV/AIDs. This can be easily accessed
in mobile app stores, and patients can download it in just one click away. This will be
individualized in every patient which contains their personal data, HIV status, their
treatment plan, can provide real-time experience to locate available nearby healthcare
providers, and they can add their own integrations, such as reminders, alarms etc. This
mobile app will be made possible together with the development team who will work
together to achieve the company/organizational goal. The following are the people who
will be involved in this business project:

Hi, V Organizational Structure

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

It is the highest-ranking individual in the company/organization. The Ceo directly
communicates & reports to the Board of Directors for the overall performance of the

They are responsible for the overall success of the business entity; the ones who
formulate, plan, implement, integrate the strategic direction, and have the power to
make top-level managerial decisions for the company/organization.

Project Manager
They are also known as Visionaries. They are in charge of supervising & leading
the entire project of application development, distributing the tasks among the
development team, setting deadlines, ensuring a quality standard for the mobile app,
establishing a communication between clients and the developers; responsible for
budget, risk & issues management.

Mobile App Developer

They are the ones who are responsible for creating high-quality software for the
mobile app, continually oversee the performance and maintain the mobile app to ensure
they’re working properly.

Other responsibilities include coding, designing, application management,
troubleshooting, monitoring updates and possible security threats, providing end user
support, and collaborating with other team members to make sure that the mobile app
is in line with the organization’s goals, as well as customer needs.

Mobile App Designer

They are responsible for bringing about a satisfying experience to the end-users
by providing a concise, intuitive, interesting, and engaging mobile app. They basically
contribute to the entire design process from design planning & strategy to design

QA specialist
They are responsible for planning, executing, and overseeing the inspection and
testing of the mobile app to guarantee its high-quality and its accordance with the
specifications and deliverables. They also evaluate, investigate product complaints or any
reported quality issues of the mobile app, and secure an immediate solution to the
problem in accordance with company guidelines and external regulatory requirements.

Sales & Marketing Specialist

They are the ones who are responsible for analyzing the effectiveness of
marketing campaigns and promotional strategies, evaluating market data trends to
identify business opportunities for revenue resources and profitability. The sales and
marketing experts will make the mobile app into profit and consolidate the success of a
large team work.

V. SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis of the Mobile App Proposal


● Provides an innovative approach to ● Limited business funding

healthcare delivery being the first HIV ● Requires internet connectivity
dedicated mobile app to facilitate
interaction with patient and
healthcare provider
(According to recent app search in
Apple App Store and Google Play

● Allows immediate and remote access
of patient information by patients and
healthcare providers alike
● Ease of use through a user friendly
and intuitive app interface


● Growing use of smartphones and ● Strong competition by other app

mobile applications developers
● Modernization/digitization of health ● Internet connectivity issues
records ● Government regulations (Data Privacy
● Existence of NGOs and agencies Act/ RA10173)
dedicated to for HIV cases
● Implementation of Universal
Healthcare in the Philippines
● Increasing use of telemedicine locally
● Network and affiliations of SBU-COM
and its faculties and studentry

SWOT Analysis of the Proponents


● Exposure of the proponents to the ● Limited knowledge on app

local healthcare situation in regards to development by proponents
the conduct of telemedicine and HIV ● Proponents may not meet time
knowledge demands of the business


● Network and affiliations of SBU-COM ● Developers with a more advanced skill

and its faculties and studentry set and exposure in the app market

VI. APP Proposal Matrix

Total Budget: 6,500,000 pesos
● Forming the Company and Research on App development
○ Activities
■ Looking for stakeholders to support the project
■ Study on what resources are needed

■ During company meetings we can meet via online such as Zoom, Google
Meet or any platform. We can also have face to face meetings by renting
■ Discuss on the meeting on company mission and vision and goals
■ Rent an office that costs around 20,000 maximum per month
○ Obstacles
■ Few investors that would support the project
■ Conflicting goals
■ Internet connection problems
■ Unable to look for an office
○ Contingency
■ Hire or invite experts to get their advice
■ Apply for a bank loan
■ Create a roadmap for the company on the goals needed to achieve
○ Budget Allocated: 1,000,000 pesos
○ Time: 6 months- 1 year
○ Group/ Person Responsible: Stakeholders

● Create a team for app development and marketing plan

○ Activities
■ Hire developers and designers for the app
■ Hire a sales and marketing specialist
■ Create a timeline that involves the development and function of the app
■ Create a sales and marketing plan about advertising and launch when the
app is ready
○ Obstacles
■ Lack of personnel
■ Inability to hire personnel
■ Conflict of schedule between departments
■ Skills and competence of app developers
○ Contingency
■ Hire IT experts to help address issues from other departments
■ Have regular meetings about the progress of development of the app for
different department to be updated of their situations
○ Budget Allocated: 1,500,000 pesos
○ Time: 1 year
○ Group/ Person Responsible:CEO, Project manager, QA specialist, Sales and
marketing specialist

● Find partner hospitals or LGUs to support the project

○ Activities
■ Coordinate with public and private hospitals to any city region
■ Find support from willing LGUs
○ Obstacles
■ Lack of interest on all concerned parties
○ Contingency
■ Provide a more detailed explanation on the project plan
■ Narrow down to private hospitals willing to support the project
○ Budget Allocated: 1,000,000 pesos
○ Time: 1 year
○ Group/Person Responsible: CEO, Sales and Marketing Specialists, Medical
Directors, LGUs such as Mayor and barangay workers

● Soft Launch and Evaluation

○ Activities
■ Go through quality assessment to check for system bugs and
■ Get their suggestions on the on user experience on patients and doctors
○ Obstacles
■ Lack of knowledge
■ System bugs
■ Lack of user experience
■ Technologically challenged individuals
■ Lack of suggestions from stakeholders
○ Contingency
■ Consult with IT specialists,
■ Make a tutorial on how to use the app for patients and doctors
■ Make a survey form about the mobile application and
■ Discuss with medical directors in hospitals, barangay chairmen on the
people’s experience on using the app
○ Budget Allocated: 1,000,000 pesos
○ Time: 6 months
○ Group/Person Responsible: CEO, QA specialist, Sales and Marketing Specialist

● Advertisement of the App

○ Activities
■ Looking for stakeholders to support the project
■ Study on what resources are needed
■ During company meeting we can meet via online such as Zoom, Google
Meet or any platform

○ Obstacles
■ Ineffective marketing plan
■ Lack of interest from users
○ Contingency
■ Create alternate advertising strategy such as demonstration, freebies
■ Focus on discussing the benefits on using the app
○ Budget Allocated: 1,500,000 pesos
○ Time: 3-6 months
○ Group/Person Responsible: CEO, Sales and Marketing Specialist

● Launch
○ Activities
■ Launch to participating hospitals or provinces and possibly expand
■ Continue system maintenance and fix bugs
■ Improve the application
■ Get evaluation from users to improve the app
■ Give out food and pamphlets about HIV
○ Obstacles
■ System bugs
■ Unresponsiveness of mobile app
■ Customers not interested in using the app
○ Contingency
■ App development team must address system bugs
■ Engage with customers in discussing the use of the app
■ Review on how to improve the app based on functionality and everyday
○ Budget Allocated: 500,000 pesos
○ Time: 4-6 months
○ Group/Person Responsible: CEO, Project Manager, Sales and Marketing
specialist, Mobile app designer

VII. Stakeholder Analysis

Internal Stakeholders: They are people, groups/teams within the company/organizations that
have a direct and great impact on the success of the business project. They have the best interests
that guarantee high performance and the best decisions for the business project.

● Executive members & Board of Directors of the company

○ They have a vital role in the overall success of the business project that without
their support it will not succeed. Their primary interest is to have efficient business

operations, maximize the profit of the business project , and achieve a return from
their investors.

● Company Shareholders
○ These are the investors in the company. They are primarily focused on strong
performance of the business project to maximise the returns of their investments.

● Development Team/Company employees

○ They are stakeholders that collaboratively work under the company towards
achieving the company/organizational goal.

External Stakeholders: They have an indirect relationship/ engagement with the mobile app
development process or the company, however they can indirectly affect the decision-making
& the reputation of the business project.

● Clients/ Customers
○ They are the ones who specify the main requirements and scope of this business
project. They will be the one who will sign contracts, coordinate and interact with
the project team to approve or supplement the plan with new implementation

● Patients/End-Users
○ These are the target audience of the business project, especially the HIV patients.
The design & functionality of the mobile app greatly depends on their needs. They
are the one who use, evaluate the mobile app, and provide immediate feedback
with regards to its features & if they are greatly satisfied with the service or not.

● Government
○ They are the regulatory bodies that would require the company to follow laws,
recruit more people, control the regulatory framework which defines how the
company will operate which is critical to long term success, and uphold good
financial practices to support the economy of the Philippines.

● Media Industry
○ These are firms that specialize in broadcast content and delivery, including print,
Internet, television, radio, and direct mail. In addition, the media can be a
powerful brand advocate through user-generated content & helps shape end-
users attitude towards the use of the mobile app.

(Meet their needs) (Key Players)
● Government
● Media Industry ● Executive members & Board of
● Shareholders
● Company Employees

(Least Important) (Show Consideration)

● Patients/End-Users ● Clients/Customers


Stakeholder Prioritization
Stakeholders should be grouped & prioritized according to the level of their
influence and interest. Prioritizing is important in a business entity because it helps
determine & understand who the key decision-makers are as well as where to invest the
resources. This table is divided into four quadrants based on their vertical and horizontal
axis position, representing influence and interest.

I. Stakeholders with high influence and high interest

They should be managed closely. If they are positive and supportive, you
can provide information and maintain their support. If they are negative, be
careful and put effort into dealing with them.

II. Stakeholders with low influence and high interest

They should be kept informed. If they are positive, use them to lobby other
stakeholder groups and maintain their interests. If they are negative, don’t spend
too much time with them.

III. Stakeholders with high influence and low interest

They should be kept satisfied. Because they have power. If their interests
change over time, they may have positive or negative effects on the project’s

IV. Stakeholders with low influence and low interest
They should be monitored. If they are positive, provide them information
because their position may change over time. If they are negative, don’t spend too
much time with them.

VIII. Proposal for Sustainability with Financial Analysis

Sustainability plans for this app will focus on periodic app updates and necessary
troubleshooting to ensure maintenance and continuous operation and usability. Sustainability of
the app also puts into calculation periodic break even analysis to keep track of target profit and
sales annually.

Example Return of Investment (ROI) Computation

Assuming 5 healthcare institutions employed the app:

HCI will pay 500,000 annually
(500,000) x (5) = 2,500,000

ROI = Net Profit/Cost of Investment x 100

ROI= 2,500,000/4,000,000 x 100
ROI= 62.5%

Example Break Even Analysis

Annual Fixed Operating Cost = 2,500,000

Additional Operating Cost/Variable Cost = 350,000

Break Even Point
Annual Fixed Operating Cost
Additional Operating Cost/Variable Cost

IX. Appendix

Brand Logo with tagline

Sample App Interface

X. References
Department of Health Epidemiology Bureau. (October 2021). Summary of newly
diagnosed cases. Retrieved from

Yaskevich, A. (July 2017). What makes a great mobile app development team. Retrieved

Pro, B. G. G. M. (2020, September 15). How much does it cost to develop a mobile app in
the Philippines? GooGler Media Pro Digital Marketing Agency. Retrieved June 8,
2022, from

Valdez, D. A. (2020, February 18). Occupancy cost in Manila Premium offices among the
world’s lowest, says ... Occupancy cost in Manila premium offices among the world’s
lowest, says JLL report. Retrieved June 8, 2022, from


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