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You may select one answer per question

1. Man has no choice but to seek truth, he is made comfortable and

frustrated without truth-- thus the quest for truth is part of what makes us
________ ?
1. noble
2. different
3. human
4. intelligent
5. aggressive
2. If m is an even integer, then the following is the sum of the next two even
integers ?
1. 2m + 4
2. 2m + 6
3. 2m + 8
4. 2m + 10
5. 2m + 12
3. Car X traveled from A to B in 30 minutes. The first half of the trip was
covered at 50 mph, and the second half at 60 mph. What was the average
speed ?
1. 200/11
2. 400/11
3. 500/11
4. 600/11
5. 700/11
4. If x is an integer, then which of the following is the product of the next
two integers greater than 2(x + 1) ?
1. 4x2 + 14x + 12
2. 4x2 + 12
3. x2 + 14x + 12
4. x2 + x+ 12
5. 4x2 + 14x
5. If 4 percent of (p + q) is 8 and p is a positive integer, what is the greatest
possible value of q ?
1. 196
2. 197
3. 198
4. 199
5. 200
6. A jet uses 80 gallons of fuel to fly 320 miles. At this rate, how many
gallons of fuel are needed for a 700 mile flight ?
1. 150
2. 155
3. 160
4. 170
5. 175
7. The sum of two digits of a two digit number is 12 and the ten's digit is
one-third the unit's digit. What is the number ?
1. 93
2. 54
3. 48
4. 39
5. 31
8. What is the next number in the following sequence 1 2 3 5 8 13 ?
1. 15
2. 17
3. 18
4. 19
5. 21
9. This argues well that Erikson exercised less free will than Warner; for
even though Erikson was aware that he was misdirected, he was still
unable to _______ free will ?
1. defer
2. facilitate
3. proscribe
4. prevent
5. exert
10. Existentialism can be used to rationalize evil; if one does not like the rules
of society and has no conscience, he may use existentialism as a means of
__________ a set of beliefs that are advantageous to him but injurious to
others ?
1. thwarting
2. proving
3. promoting
4. justifying
5. impugning
11. Select the answer-pair that expresses a relationship most similar to that
expressed in the capitalized pair. CALLOUS - SYMPATHY ?
1. flawless ; excellence
2. histrionic ; theatrics
3. outgoing ; inhibition
4. indiscreet ; platitude
5. categorical ; truism
12. Select the answer-pair that expresses a relationship most similar to that
expressed in the capitalized pair. DEMAGOGUE ; MANIPULATOR ?
1. champion ; defender
2. lawyer ; mediator
3. mentor ; oppressor
4. soldier ; landowner
5. capitalist ; socialist
13. Select the answer-pair that expresses a relationship most similar to that
expressed in the capitalized pair. INTEREST ; OBSESSION ?
1. faith ; caprice
2. nonchalance ; insouciance
3. diligence ; assiduity
4. decimation ; annihilation
5. alacrity ; procrastination
14. Select the answer-pair that expresses a relationship most similar to that
expressed in the capitalized pair. PERSPICACIOUS ; INSIGHT ?
1. ardent ; quickness
2. warm ; temperature
3. wealthy ; scarcity
4. rapacious ; magnanimity
5. churlish ; enmity
15. Six items-H, I, J, K, L, and M-are being packed in a cylindrical carton.
The order in which the items are placed in the carton must conform to the
following rules; Both items M and L must be placed in the carton
before item H. Item I must be placed in the carton after items H and
K. Item K cannot be placed in the carton next to item J. Any red item
must be placed in the carton before any non-red item, provided that
none of the preceding rules are violated. If H and L are the only red
items, then the items can be placed in the carton in which of the following
sequences ?
1. L, H, M, K, I, J
2. L, M, K, H, I, J
3. L, M, H, K, I, J
4. L, M, H, J, I, K
5. L, J, M, H, K, I
16. A cupboard has five shelves numbered 1 through 5, from bottom to top;
each shelf has two compartments. There are eight items-A, B, C, D, E, F,
G, H-in the cupboard, no two of which are in the same compartment.
Items D and E are on the same shelf. B is on the shelf directly below
G. If a shelf contains only one item, it cannot be directly above or
directly below another shelf that contains only one item. C is the only
item on one of the shelves. There is only one item on the fourth shelf.
Which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the items
anyone of which could be on the top shelf ?
1. D
2. D, E, G, C
3. D, E, G, B
4. D, E, G, C, F
5. D, E, G, H, F, A
17. Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word.
1. alleviate
2. preclude
3. worsen
4. subdue
5. justify
18. Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word.
1. absorb
2. disperse
3. intensify
4. reflect
5. halt
19. Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word.
1. concentrated
2. languid
3. rash
4. caustic
5. voracious
20. Melinda can earn a Ph.D. unless she does poorly on the GRE or does not
get a scholarship. Which one of the following statements cannot be
validly drawn from the above statements ?
1. Melinda received a Ph.D. So she must have both done well on
the GRE and gotten a scholarship.
2. Melinda received a Ph.D. and she did well on the GRE. So
she must have gotten a scholarship.
3. Melinda did poorly on the GRE. So she will not earn a Ph.D.
4. If Melinda does not earn a Ph.D., then she did poorly on the
GRE or could not get a scholarship.
5. If Melinda does poorly on the GRE and does not get a
scholarship, then she will not earn a Ph.D.

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