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Potential Difference (EMF) & Voltage Exam

1. When an atom loses an electron, it creates an excess in protons and the atom becomes:
a. Neutrally Charged
b. Negatively Charged
c. Positively Charged
d. Somewhat Charged

2. An atom that gains an extra electron becomes:

a. Neutrally Charged
b. Negatively Charged
c. Positively Charged
d. Somewhat Charged

3. Electrons travel from:

a. Negative atoms to positive atoms
b. Positive atoms to negative atoms
c. Negative to Neutral atoms
d. Mexico to the U.S.A.

4. The Law of Charges says that

a. Charges that are the same attract
b. Charges that are opposite attract
c. Charges are required for late payments
d. Charges that are neutral attract
5. Atoms with too many electron built up are attracted to:
a. Atoms that are a 10 but…
b. Atoms lacking electrons
c. Atoms also with too many electrons
d. Atoms that are neutral

6. An atom imbalance of electrons is called a:

a. Potential difference
b. Mentally unstable atom
c. Potential similarity
d. Neutral Difference
7. EMF is where too many electrons have built up and are waiting for:
a. A chance to reconnect with atoms that are neutrally charged
b. A chance to reconnect with atoms that are negatively charged
c. A chance to reconnect with atoms that are their long-lost relatives
d. A chance to reconnect with atoms that are positively charged
8. The unit of measurement to show the strength of the EMF is the:
a. Volt
b. Ohm
c. Amp
d. Watt
9. The unit of measurement to show the strength of the EMF is expressed as:
a. V
b. Ω
c. A
d. W
10. In a residential HVAC system the EMF between two points commonly are:
a. High and low
b. High and Higher
c. Low and lower
d. Mid and Low
11. Another name for EMF is:
a. Voltage
b. Amperage
c. Resistance
d. Power

12. Another name for EMF is

a. Potential difference
b. Capacitive Reactance
c. Continuity
d. Impedance
13. The abbreviation used for EMF in mathematical equations is:
a. M
b. E
c. F
d. ¥
14. The following is a way to create a EMF:
a. Chemical
b. Friction
c. Magnetic
d. All of the above
15. The instrument used to measure the difference in potential between two points is:
a. Ammeter
b. Voltmeter
c. Ohmmeter
d. Maneater (Watch out boy she’ll chew you up…)

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