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the Statue of Liberty is like the

official welcome sign to the United

States of America

situated near New York City this Tower

whose top is 305 feet tall was built as

a gift by the French people to the

United States and has become an American

icon ever since let's take a look at one

of the most famed American landmarks the

Statue of Liberty in closer detail

the Statue of Liberty is a copper statue

that was first built in France from 1875

to 1886 and unveiled at Liberty Island

in New York City later that year now

this statue is 151 feet tall by itself

but when combined with the height of the

pedestal below it it reaches the

impressive height of 305 feet like

seriously that's really impressive for

1886 and yet it was done

the structure is a statue of libertas

the Roman goddess of Liberty and Freedom

the statue carries a torch in one hand

symbolizing the enlightenment to the

world in democracy and a book in the

other symbolizing the power of the law

on which is inscribed July 4th 1776 the

date of the Declaration of Independence

after all the official name of the

Statue of Liberty is Liberty

enlightening the world that's why

there's a torch there now you can

actually see a broken chain which is

located at the bottom of the statue

which commemorates the end of American

slavery but it was partially hidden

because at the time of construction the

American Civil War was still a very

controversial topic across the USA so

making that chain any more visible would

spark outrage among those who still

supported slavery so that's why they had

to do that this statue is also known for

its famed greenish bluish color because

that is the color of copper after it has

been exposed to oxygen in other words

that is the color of copper rust also

known as Verdigris

now the concept of the Statue of Liberty

was the idea of eduard Renee de la

boulet who was a prominent French

activist who stated that any Monument to

U.S Independence should be built by both

France and the US in honor of France's

major contribution to the American war

of independence that contribution was

spearheaded by Marquis De Lafayette now

you know what although this concept may

sound a little bit different nowadays it

made total sense back then because

France and the USA were best friends I

mean they've always been and they

definitely still are now so la bule saw

the construction of the statue as a way

to strengthen the relations of both

countries so in 1875 the French war with

Prussia at that time Prussia now it's

called Germany had just concluded and

now that means that France had time to

focus on other things so that's when

laboulay found the perfect opportunity

to start building a memorial to the

American war of independence as a symbol

of Enlightenment so that's when laboulay

pitched the idea that French workers

would build the Statue itself well the

USA would build the base on which the

statue would be placed it was a deal and

soon the statue began Construction

the finalized design was made by French

sculptor Frederick Auguste bartol D who

decided to start work on the most

important parts of this the head topped

with its famous crown and the torch

whose flame is colored in Gold

differently from the rest of the

sculpture so you know what bertolady

decides to look at this and go I'm

building these parts first and

separately from the rest of the

structure we're gonna build the whole

rest layer so that's what he did and in

the meanwhile while the rest of the

building was being made the head and

torch were displayed at expositions

Across America and it was at these

expositions with the name of Liberty

enlightening the world was made and

eventually the symbol of the Statue of

Liberty now eventually we had to come to

the metal framework which would hold

everything together and this was

completed by Gustav Eiffel the man who

you probably know were leading the

construction of the Eiffel Tower and you

can see my video on the Eiffel Tower in

the link at the top right publisher

Joseph Pulitzer whose name you may know

for the Pulitzer prizes today started a

fundraiser mission to get as much money

as possible to complete this structure

this Statue of Liberty and and so with

laboule Bartoli Eiffel and Pulitzer all

doing their parts the team completed the

structure delivered the parts to the USA

assembled it on the pedestal that

American workers had built and held a

grand dedication ceremony with the

president of the United States at that

time Grover Cleveland ever since then

that statue the Statue of Liberty has

become the utmost symbol of freedom for

America and as immigrants began coming

to the New World in droves became the

internationally recognized welcome sign

for immigrants to America

here are some cool facts about the

Statue of Liberty many people believe

that the Statue of Liberty is located on

Ellis Island when in reality it was

actually on the nearby Liberty Island

this misconception was partially because

Alice Island was where the majority of

American immigrants were processed for

over 60 years the Statue of Liberty was

very clearly seen from Ellis Island

that's why immigrants coming to the

States from abroad saw that Tower as a

grand welcome to the USA it's for that

reason that many people correlate the

Statue of Liberty with Alice Island and

immigration even though it is actually

on Liberty Island nowadays Alice island

is in an Immigration Center anymore so

it's since beencome part of the Statue

of Liberty National Monument along with

Liberty Island

and the next one is that Gustav Eiffel

the designer of the framework holding

the statue together decided to build the

Statue with two staircases inside in

order to get access to an observation

deck in the crown of the statue that is

still accessible today meaning that yes

you can actually get a ticket to go to

the top although they are pretty much

booked and the waiting list is quite

long and you know what another thing is

that there was originally going to be a

plan to have a staircase to the torch

but that didn't work out because in 1916

there was an act of sabotage by Germany

which affected the Statue of Liberty and

caused them to close that Avenue so now

all you can do is go up to the crown

access to the Statue of Liberty is

currently only done by ferry which pays

a small fee although to be fair the

actual access to the Statue of Liberty

National Monument is completely free

that is all you need to know about the

Statue of Liberty one of America's most

famed landmarks thanks so much for

watching if you like my videos then make

sure to subscribe and don't forget to

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once again thanks so much for watching

Love You Akash


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