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Software Installation and Setup Acquisition Software Installation

OS/2 window
7. Wait until the installation process has completed. The installation
will end with the message Installation Completed O.K.
8. Close the OS/2 Window by typing the command: exit, then press
9. Remove the diskette from the floppy drive

6.5.9 Loading the Motion Software into the Gantry

To load the HVG software to the Gantry:
1. If you are installing from scratch, verify that the ODL/CDL rotation axis
value is correct by performing the following:
a. Open a CLW and type GANTRYH <Enter>.
b. Select Initialize.
c. Select Gantry Calibration (LINDEF).
d. The value for the rotation axis should be:
 Between 108 and 111.2 for system with ODL
If the value is not within these limits, type in 109.8
 Between 78 and 82 for system with CDL
If the value is not within these limits, type in 80.4
e. Click [OK].
f. Close Gantry Handler (GANTRYH).
2. In the CLW type GSL <Enter>.
This is followed by a window with a list of available languages.
3. Choose the desired Language and press <Enter>.
4. After about seven minutes, the message FLASH PROGRAMMING
will appear on the Gantry Display, and immediately after that, the
Gantry will perform system start-up.
5. Follow the instructions on the GDU (Gantry Display Unit).
6. Upon system request to Restore via Host the Gantry Calibration,
type GANTRYH <Enter> in a CLW.
7. Drop down the Initialize menu and select LINDEF. Click [OK].
8. Upon system request to Restore Home Positions, drop down the
Initialize menu and select Home Positions. Click [Restore].
9. Click [Exit] in the Home Position window.

Millennium VG3 / VG5 Service Manual 6–72 Rev. 1

GE Medical Systems Direction 2368211-100
Software Installation and Setup Acquisition Software Installation

10. Verify that the Gantry Motion is updated by performing the following:
a. Open a CLW and type GANTRYH.
b. Select Get.
c. Select Gantry Configuration.
d. Click all 4 check boxes so that a check mark appears in each box.
e. Click [OK].
f. The version number appears under Host and Gantry.
The motion software version will be 6.00H

Millennium VG3 / VG5 Service Manual 6–73 Rev. 1

GE Medical Systems Direction 2368211-100

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